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So...who 'won' E3 2007?

They all 3 sucked equally.

MS = nothing new
Sony = nothing new on PS3 and Home boring to death
Nintendo = too much focus on WiiMii-Generation and Why the hell didnt they show, what they gave away afterwards >_<

Where´s the good old E³ times, where you got hundreds of new games :-(


Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4... and ****ing Killzone 2.

This E3 is "won" by Sony by a mile. Microsoft comes in at a respectable 2nd place with Nintendo distant 3rd.
None of them were THAT great, but Sony definitely won. Microsoft had a decent conference, but I feel the underwhelming Halo 3 trailer to end it didn't help. The Killzone 2 trailer shit all over it. The gameplay might be a different story, but we're talking about conferences, and they're supposed to make you piss your pants.

Nintendo...well...there are no words.


1. Sony - Easily the best conference. Great showing of games and trailers.

2. Nintendo - Wii fit was pretty dull but at least they announced release dates for their biggest games.

3. Microsoft - The worst of the 3. No announcements, terrible demos (COD4), and just overall really boring. They definately have the best fall lineup but Im worried about what they have coming in 2008.


To you all that are saying there is still stuff to be seen...has there ever been an E3 where a major player's press conference was crowned 'winnar' only to lose the best of E3 title from stuff at the event after the press conference? I can't think of a time where that has happened.


Too early to say, we'll have to wait for hands-on plus any other announcements coming out.

Nothing was shown by anyone that'll change the status quo (except for Wii Fit).
Sony impressed me the most, though I wouldn't say they "won" since we really don't know how things will shake down. Killzone 2 looks great, but I want to play it before proclaiming it "God's Gift to Gaming" -- I was really disappointed in Killzone and Killzone: Liberation so I have my doubts.

Really excited about Uncharted and Ratchet though...

I like what Microsoft showed, but I think a lot of my perceptions were due to the terrible coverage G4 gave it. Compared to the Nintendo and Sony ones, we saw next to nothing of the M$ conference with inappropriatley-timed commercial breaks.

Of everything shown I think I'm most excited about Wii Fit.


fernoca said:
Considering the simple fact that..
E3 starts tomorrow...
I think it's a little hard to say right now. :lol
Last two E3's, the conferences pretty much set the tone for the event -- what else even afterwards happened that changed your opinion of "who won"?
no FFXIII in the Sony conference, even if it had just been the 'extended' TGS '06 footage that none of us have seen, was a real letdown.

I'm guessing Square is just waiting for TGS in two months to bring the house down (and inspire the Japanese to buy PS3)... but the most important question is: Closed Theater... AGAIN?

It was Sony's to win after MS' strategically safe show and Nintendo's phoned-in show... and Sony won based on bulk of content alone- oh... and Killzone actually delivering in a big way should cement it as GOTS.

If Silent Hill 5 shows up @ Konami's show in a few hours *GameInformer... you bastards better be onto something!* that will be all I need to grab my special sock and leave for the night. :D


Distinguished Air Superiority
Im gonna go with Sony because they focused most on games, and chewie!


Sony - 8.5

MS - 5.5

Nintendo - 5

Sony really took the show, they showed the most, and Killzone2 was fantastic! That Infamous game from Sucker Punch was really cool to. And getting timed exclusives of Haze & UT3 is great as well.

Not to mention MGS4 is exclusive still to the PS3. With Kojima saying it again live on stage!
Ravager61 said:
1. Sony - Easily the best conference. Great showing of games and trailers.

2. Nintendo - Wii fit was pretty dull but at least they announced release dates for their biggest games.

3. Microsoft - The worst of the 3. No announcements, terrible demos (COD4), and just overall really boring. They definately have the best fall lineup but Im worried about what they have coming in 2008.
You have to be kidding me. COD4 was arguably the most impressive game shown. It looked amazing.


NekoFever said:
To be honest I was disappointed with all of them. Some more than others. Bring back the old E3 plz.
They dont have better or worse games to show just because E3 is different


Crowza said:
1. The companies who pay to advertise on G4 TV.
Man, I learned my lesson last night during the Halo trailer. I heard that G4 went to commercial on the Heavenly Sword trailer as well.


Sony of course, but it would have been better if Kaz and Phil had done the whole thing instead of Jack. They could have also shown more KZ2, shown new stuff from AC, and show off Warhawk more. M$ was just boring, nothing new just a hype fest. Nintendo was pretty pointless, show off a couple games and release dates.


Is it possible to win what was essentially a series of holiday business briefings?

"E3: Where Business Gets...Business."

But to answer the question, of the three lackluster, boring conferences, I'd say Sony delivered the most to get excited about. Microsoft did nothing but prove they have a solid holiday lineup (which they do) and Nintendo unveiled Wii Pilates, or whatever, which I'm excited about, but seriously...that's their big unveiling?

So, to sum up: Sony was better than Microsoft who was barely better than Nintendo, but they were all boring as hell.


Chris Michael said:
1st by a LANDSLIDE x5,000,000: KING SONY!

5th: Microsoft

522nd: Lametendo, oh shit I mean Nintendo.

I'm sorry to tell you that the pain never goes away. It doesn't even get better.



The gods at Capcom

You too Bungie
As far as the conferences go:


I scored Nintendo higher because they at least announced new shit. Microsoft's new announcements were ho-hum.

Sony came out swinging and just showed game after gamer after game, and that made them the clear winner.


Ravager61 said:
1. Sony - Easily the best conference. Great showing of games and trailers.

2. Nintendo - Wii fit was pretty dull but at least they announced release dates for their biggest games.

3. Microsoft - The worst of the 3. No announcements, terrible demos (COD4), and just overall really boring. They definately have the best fall lineup but Im worried about what they have coming in 2008.

COD4 a terrible demo? :lol :lol :lol :lol WOW.


Crisis said:
Sony. And it wasn't even a contest.
No, it was a contest. It was a very close race to see who could put the smallest crapfest on stage. I don't know if you can really call what Sony did "winning" but I guest they sucked the least. Way to go, Sony.
MS (It's actually the letter "S", Cicatriz) - 8.5 out of 10. Splashless conference that cemented their awesome holiday gets a 7. Blue Dragon demo available immediately after gives them an extra 1.5 points. They lose the conference war but easily win the Consumer e3 Content one. As a Consumer, that's what I based my score on.

Sony - 8 out of 10. Definitely the best conference by far. Started off with a delightful Tretonian comedy of errors, and then brought the ruckus with great looking HOME Game spaces (I can only imagine the Wipeout one), unique and dazzling looking first party exclusives, and also Wipeout. However, though their conference was far more entertaining, it cemented N'gai's fear that it would be more about the longterm and not about what you'll be playing as soon as next month or even this evening (a la Blue Dragon).

Nintendo - 7 out of 10. As much as we might bristle at the thought, Nintendo showed us exactly why they'll be running the table this gen. They understand what's driving their success and they continue to build upon it. I know I'll be getting all three of those new Peripherals, even the balance board just because that Soccer game looks great. Also, Check Mii Out is what I've been waiting for since I copped the system. And Super Mario Galaxy co-op sounded like the perfect couch/loved one gaming experience.


Ok...I'll divide this into 3 ratings because really I think they all won in there way. Every conference had good things.

For the GAMER:

1.Microsoft...simply just a battalion of games coming this fall and they displayed that wallets will cry of starvation.

2. Nintendo... Prime, Galaxy, Smash ALL IN THE FALL.

3. Sony... was a great conference but the big hitters fall into 2008.

For the worldwide sales win:

1.Nintendo... I'm sorry gaf as much as you may hate it WiiFit will sell in the millions guaranteed. It doesn't take a fool to realize this will do amazingly well for the ongoing sell-outs of the Wii.

2. Microsoft still looks like it will be second place only because with out a price drop it wont catch much of that casual crowd

3. Sony, again cool stuff but NEXT YEAR. PSP was introduced at 199.99, bad move.

New Info:

1.Sony...Hands down they win for actually showing some really cool future endeavors and integrations, though I hated the whole "let's refer to every Sony Product in this conference" but it was professionally done. It really helped redeem some past mistakes, Tretton needs to never speak in public again though. Oh and where the hell was Kutaragi:D

2. Nintendo...Mario kart, WiiFit.

3. Microsoft...all they did was further ingrain the awesome stuff thats coming out this year...whic was Ok I guess.

All in all the conferences were good in their own ways, They each had a different aim and they were interesting to watch.

BTW the whole Nintendo nongame thing is getting ridiculous from some people...maybe Im the only person happy that gaming wont be looked on as being so niche any more by the general public.
I think all 3 "won." Nintendo continued there newfound focus of the casual, mass market, and is leading the way in broadening the market(to the horrors of the hardcore :lol). MS showed why they are number one in software sales and will continue to do so this year with a shit ton of AAA games(seriously, I've never seen soo many potential AAA's in such a short time frame). And Sony won by refocusing on what made them the number one video game company of the past two generations- games. They showed what needed to be showed, and realized that numbers, graphs, and brand recognisation don't matter if you don't have the software titles to show for it.


Scary Euro Man
1. Sony - 6/10
2. Microsoft - 3/10

These threads were more fun back in the days when three gaming companies had pre-E3 conferences. :(


MaX_PL said:
COD4 a terrible demo? :lol :lol :lol :lol WOW.

All they did was sneak around in the grass in a re-skinned version of STALKER. Mind telling me what you thought was so great about it?


Yeah wait until E3 is over to decide who wins.

Anways for the Press Conferences, which too many of you think best conference = instant win.

Sony has the best new stuff nobody has seen. I'm getting Killzone 2, MGS4, GT5 absolutely and Wipeout HD but these are all 2008 titles. So my PS3 will be getting some use then.

Microsoft has the best immediate stuff coming out in the next 5 months no question. Personally I'm getting Bioshock, GTA4, Mass Effect, Assassins Creed, Call of Duty 4 and Blue Dragon.

and Nintendo is gonna rake in the big bucks with the casuals. I dunno bout the hardcore gamers, don't think they care about them that much anyways. But I will pick up Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy and Wiifit probably.

Now lets see what the next 2 days have in store.


AniHawk said:
I'm sorry to tell you that the pain never goes away. It doesn't even get better.
The funny thing about meltdowns is that the ones experiencing them are usually banned shortly after so they can cool down for a bit.

iapetus said:
Microsoft - 3/10
way too harsh and you forgot Nintendo.
So far, Sony. They had exactly what the hardcore gamer segment was looking for.

Microsoft showed too little.

Nintendo didn't show anything until after the conference. Mario Galaxy is hot though!
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