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So...who 'won' E3 2007?


McHuj said:
Is no one an answer?

I give the edge to Sony because of Killzone, but with out Killzone, it all would have been a wash.

Nothing of interest to me has happened (so far).

I really wanted to see something like NG2 for X360, some sort of teaser for GoW3 for PS3, or a new real game from Nintendo.

Mario Kart...? It's not much but it is an announcement.


Cathcart said:
No, it was a contest. It was a very close race to see who could put the smallest crapfest on stage. I don't know if you can really call what Sony did "winning" but I guest they sucked the least. Way to go, Sony.

You have got to be high.
This year's E3 reminded me of the political convention where the two major competitors used it to fire up their "Base" and give people within the organization face time in front of the camera to promote their pet projects. Both sides claim great difference but essentially do the same thing (MS has a HALO 3 trailer, Sony has a KZ2 trailer; both side lay claim to dubious exclusives, etc etc)

And outside of the hardcore fanboys its pretty boring and dry experience.

You can put Sony 1 and Microsoft 2, or Microsoft 1 or Sony 2. I don't think it really matters. Both press conferences had highlights, both were pretty boring. MS gets props for showing off games that you can actually buy this year, Sony gets props for showing that the PS3 can run with the 360 in terms of graphics (at least on stage) and 1st party titles. But they basically both did the exact same thing.

Then you had Nintendo which was from the What the Hell Files? As in What Are You Doing?

Honestly these things are kind of best evaluated on a pass / fail scale. And for what they wanted to accomplish, Sony and MS passed. Nintendo completely failed because they didn't seem to know what they were trying to accomplish or why they were even there.


Sony easily won with a score of say, 6/10. No FF13, no WKS and basically no RPGs at all hurts them a lot in my estimation.
Microsoft gets a 4/10.

I guess that covers all gaming console manufacturers. In other news, Lifestyle products are up 10%.


1. Sony. Sony had to do two things to get back in there - drop the price, and show off games. They did both, so they really hit the two things they needed to do.

I think they did a very good job of glossing over that a LOT of the stuff shown will not be hitting in 07. Sony's showing was typical of a past E3 - a good mix of the immediate with the promising for the future.

I consider the absence of FF13 to be a sign that development is having issues on that title. I really, really wonder whether we'll see it in 08. It's just a gut feeling I get, but from the various comments from Square about how hard it is to develop for Next-Gen, to the rumored issues with the White Engine, to FF13 being a no show, it just seems to add up to a studio that doesn't have its engine or tools ready for mass RPG production just yet.

2. Microsoft. They focused on everything we'll be playing this Christmas, which makes sense because they have the strongest lineup for it. Sorry, but the live segments don't work. COD 4 devs were nervous, the PGR4 devs were nervous, the Assassins Creed devs were nervous, and the Harmonix devs were nervous (and couldn't sing). If they had more pre-recorded trailers and less improvisation, it would have had a much more polished feel. It feels like a failure of execution more than that of content.

3. Nintendo. It just seems they are turning their back on their hardcore fans. 3 Nintendo titles coming in the next 6 months? How many more will actually hit next year? No third party presence whatsoever? Not a single exclusive? I was more impressed by the third party offerings last year (I'm talking Red Steel here folks) than I was by what I saw this year.


Ravager61 said:
All they did was sneak around in the grass in a re-skinned version of STALKER. Mind telling me what you thought was so great about it?

yeh except it looked a million times better than Stalker. the lighting, animations, and team AI are all great.

tell me which game you think was better than COD4.


This is the first time were I can honestly say each comapny didn't try to one up the other.

1. Sony B+
It's about fcking time Sony shows the games.

2. Microsoft C
Not good or bad, it just felt very standard. I would have made this a B if they had shown games beyond 2007.

3. Nintendo D
Do they even care about the core gamer anymore =S?


maynerd said:
To you all that are saying there is still stuff to be seen...has there ever been an E3 where a major player's press conference was crowned 'winnar' only to lose the best of E3 title from stuff at the event after the press conference? I can't think of a time where that has happened.

E3 2006: Super Smash Bros. Brawl
I think these are changing from "Here's new stuff" events to "Here's our latest stuff, you want to buy it."

Nintendo are very aware they've got eyes on them, and so push products they can't easily get buzz for by just sending out a press release. Microsoft want to push the high number of quality titles they have coming out this year. And Sony, while showing some new stuff, still played it safe and focused on what was now, rather than what was coming.

The big three aren't as interested in abstract promises when their consoles are out and people will call them on their bullshit. This isn't E305, Sony can't just get some awesome CG, Nintendo can't promise their stuff will rock. They have to make you want a console NOW, not later.
For games you will be playing this year:

Microsoft won by a country mile

For games you will be playing next year:

Sony won by a mile

Did Nintendo have a conference?


Sony 8/10 - Great showing especially when you consider how poorly they did in 06. Some really interesting games coming out in the next year. Just wish they where coming sooner.

MS 7/10 - Lots of great games coming in the second half of this year but absolutely no exciting new games shown - WTF! Boring.

Nintendo 4/10 - nothing was said or shown that makes me want to buy a Wii
I don't think anyone really "won" it.

But, I do think MS "lost" it because they didn't announce a price cut. Everything else was pretty much what was expected. No big surprises that'll end up making a difference in the market the rest of the year.

Also, I am convinced some companies really need to rethink their release dates on the 360. Games like Splinter Cell Conviction and Lost Odyssey are gonna get completely trounced if they don't get pushed back to Feb/Mar 2008.
Rakthar said:
2. Microsoft. They focused on everything we'll be playing this Christmas, which makes sense because they have the strongest lineup for it. Sorry, but the live segments don't work. COD 4 devs were nervous, the PGR4 devs were nervous, the Assassins Creed devs were nervous, and the Harmonix devs were nervous (and couldn't sing). If they had more pre-recorded trailers and less improvisation, it would have had a much more polished feel. It feels like a failure of execution more than that of content.

One of the best observations yet on what was wrong with Microsoft's presentation. Even though it was more authentic than Sony's because they were trying to show real gameplay to just wasn't slick because, well, video game developers really don't belong on camera.

Nice work, Junior


Sony won, at least the conference part. And since the rest of E3 has been so downsized that probably means they'll "win" the whole thing.


OldJadedGamer said:
For games you will be playing this year:

Microsoft won by a country mile

For games you will be playing next year:

Sony won by a mile

Did Nintendo have a conference?

Thank you, somebody on this board has common sense.


TheJollyCorner said:

saving some good stuff for TGS?

just give a wink if that's true, a blink if it's not true. :D
Well if were doing it now:

1) Sony-they showed a lot of games but no release dates makes me go "meh"

2) Microsoft/Games-Showed games but Microsoft came off as really creepy and "wow, wtf is that" and Nintendo just praised themselves to much. Almost nothing for the hardcore and online even though they hinted at it, it was a flop.


From a GAMER point of view Sony won, flawless victory. No ****ing question about it. MS blew it repeatedly, Wii has their old franchises, but Sony, wow, just wow.

PS3 = worth spending $500 by the end of the year.


crazyscreenwriter said:
One of the best observations yet on what was wrong with Microsoft's presentation. Even though it was more authentic than Sony's because they were trying to show real gameplay to just wasn't slick because, well, video game developers really don't belong on camera.

Nice work, Junior

yeh seriously. i'd much rather see PGR4 gameplay then some cutscene trailer.
OldJadedGamer said:
For games you will be playing this year:

Microsoft won by a country mile

For games you will be playing next year:
Sony won by a mile

Did Nintendo have a conference?
I'd have to go with that. In general I'd say:

Sony: 7 / 10 (Needed more new hotness and rumbleaxis, but good)
MS: 5 / 10 (Solid, but boring for those that know all the releases anyway)
Nintendo: 3 / 10 (Gamer perspective), 6 / 10 (Casual perspective). Far too much self love.
Sony won hands down, esp. with announcements of UT & Haze exclusivity, MGS4 demo, pickup of Guild Wars devs, reveal of Infamous & Killzone gameplay.

MS should have popped out something, anything new for 2008 to get excited about... the Rock Band segment was painful. But Halo 3 will still be a great game as will Mass Effect coming this year.

I don't know what's happened with my beloved Nintendo. I don't want another Mario Kart with that kiddie fake wheel and online play, MK's already been perfected with Mario Kart DS. I want more than rehashes of core games (SSBB this means you), and Wii Fit pad should have definitely been demonstrated for snowboarding. Nintendo may be raking in the $ targeting my grandma, but I yearn for the Ninty glory days.


Sony's been humbled and I like their more gracious approach - not to mention their focus on GAMES as opposed to PowerPoints.

Sony had the best conference.

Microsoft's felt a little disjointed thanks to the Rock-Band fiasco and that slick sales guy who did the dumb scripted Madden presentation. But they brought the steak and I can forgive them if they lacked a little superficial sizzle.

Microsoft's show placed second.

Nintendo... They lost me a while back and they continue off in their own direction... toward the soccer moms. Then again, I suppose a lot of us would like our wiis waggled by the MILF crowd, so I can't really blame them.

Nintendo's show was the least interesting for me.


Sony wins

Sony: 7
Microsoft: 6
Nintendo: 4

Nintendo would have done better I think if they actually showed off some of their new DS games (Advance Wars 2, Tingle, etc) at the conference. I don't know why they didn't do that.

Microsoft showed off a lot of fantastic games, but we knew all about them. Nothing really new.

Only Sony really showed off brand new exciting stuff.


So, what prize does a company get for "winning" E3? Basically a bunch of internet nerds getting excited about it? I gathered that Nintendo was most interested in having the mainstream media report about WiiFit to keep their mainstream momentum. "Hardcore" gamers will read about/watch video of the games they want online (i.e. the new Mario Galaxy trailer), but I guess it would be hard to think about things from Nintendo's perspective. They should, after all, be trying to impress the internet gamer with their E3 conference.


I don't know if we're going to talk just in terms of conferences, but as far as E3 goes I think this is the first year in a long time that everyone just did a good job.

You may call it boring (NO MEGATON LOL) but I think that each 'camp' they showed something exciting and interesting. For the system you have, you have reasons to be excited.

I think for anyone who is a multiplatform owner, or just an objective gamer overall, there is a LOT to be happy about.

What's left are the scraps for the fanboys to argue over. (NUH UH MY TEAM WON)
SONY 8/10
MS 7/10
Nintendo 4/10

Sony showed games and made exclusive announcements. The Home setting was embarrassing but after the first 20mins they rocked it.

Microsoft showed the games that I needed to see. Halo montage was a bit underwhelming.

Nintendo didn't even give me much for the DS. =( The wii showing was old news and release dates.


No ones "Won" E3 since technically its just starting.

As far as the Pre E3 Conferences go. Sony had to win. They had no choice. They are in last place they had to come in and have a big E3 or theyd just screw themselves more.

Microsoft did what it does best. Ithypes a few titles to Epic Proportions so the Xbox Community swallows them up enmasse.

Nintendo. Well they just did what youd expect from a Company that sees itself as the Leader. They bragged and showed some stuff here and there. Sony did the same stuff in its days.

All 3 went to their conferences with very different COMPANY expectations. Gamers expect the same thing from everyone at all times from all companies.

They all skimped on the long term view settling to show the obvious titles we all were expecting so I dont know how it can be said anyone was partocularly superior to the other.

Like we werent expecting MGS4,KZ2 etc for Sony.
Like we werent expecting Halo3 etc for Microsoft
and Nintendo Showed all the titles we expected of them

They all sucked in showing the unexpected.


All three sucked. Sony had the best presentation, but none of the games looked any good aside from LittleBigPlanet. PSP redesign is crap. The main thing I wanted was a new nub and clamshell design. We got neither.

Microsoft had absolutely no surprises and relied on their solid holiday lineup of games.

Nintendo proved that the Wii is possibly the worst console of all time. With the exception of Super Mario Galaxy, there is nothing to look forward to aside from another Metroid Prime, Smash Bros, and Mario Kart game. *sarcastic yay* Thankfully after the conference, they announced dates for some cool DS titles I'm looking forward to.
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