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Sony doubles forecast of annual loss to $6.4bn

Outside of a couple of IP's what does the PS3 bring to the table that the 360 doesn't have?

The most exciting thing for me lately on the PS3 is when I discovered there was a "Netflix for kids" after I had not turned it on in a month.

I'm being more harsh with them than I probably should be but I can't figure out how they went from Walkman/Trinatron/Playstation behemoth to the rudderless company without an identity it is today.

Kind of agree. Honestly I was looking forward to so many different PS3 games but have pretty much given up hoping on ever seeing FFV13, Agent, The Last Guardian, and some other exclusives. The only game in the foreseeable future I'm anxiously awaiting that is PS3 exclusive now is the last of us. TBH, this year (for me) will be all about PC...Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 will keep me busy for quite some time.


Unconfirmed Member
Outside of a couple of IP's what does the PS3 bring to the table that the 360 doesn't have?

It's not just a couple: Uncharted, God of War, Killzone, GT, Motorstorm, R&C, Sly, Infamous, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Flower, Journey, Fat Princess, Ico/Sotc, etc, etc.

PS3 also has blu-ray.


That's not why they did it. They did it because TV prices had become commoditized and they were hoping this could inject some premium pricing back into the market.

Too bad no one gives a shit about 3D, having to wear those dorky ass glasses.

Glasses-free might do well. But IMO the features that will move these TV's are the Smart interactions/interfaces seen on Samsung TV's. Thin thickness and bezel are great features for those that want their TV's to blend in nicely in their homes. Sony bet the farm on 3D and lost.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
It's not just a couple: Uncharted, God of War, Killzone, GT, Motorstorm, R&C, Sly, Infamous, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, Flower, Journey, Fat Princess, Ico/Sotc, etc, etc.

PS3 also has blu-ray.

Gears of War, Halo, Forza, Banjo-Kazooie, Kameo, Crackdown, Fable, whatever is on XBLA etc.

Personally I don't really care much for Microsoft's exclusives, but acting like they don't offer experiences similar to what can be found on PS3 is a bit disingenious IMO.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Outside of a couple of IP's what does the PS3 bring to the table that the 360 doesn't have?

GUST games!
That's not why they did it. They did it because TV prices had become commoditized and they were hoping this could inject some premium pricing back into the market.

So Sony pictures doesn't make 3D movies they need to sell?

They already have quite a few of those coming out on XBLA. You do know that that is also part of the Xbox 360 portfolio right?

Many have to ignore XBLA since it invalidates their arguement.


I think he has a valid point or maybe you misinterpreted but I basically thinks he meant to say "non-FPS games". PS3 has much more variety IMO. But then again there is XLBA which has some awesome titles.

No he doesn't have a valid point. There are more games than one person could play on every platform currently out . This is a thread about business and at this moment in time I do not think MS has anything to learn from Sony about profitability. Do I want Sony to fold? Of course not.
No he doesn't have a valid point. There are more games than one person could play on every platform currently out . This is a thread about business and at this moment in time I do not think MS has anything to learn from Sony about profitability. Do I want Sony to fold? Of course not.

Profitability well of course not but I'm referring to game variety. PS3 has lots of interesting titles such as Heavy Rain, Journey, Flower, etc. MS mainly has shooters. I mean cmon even one of the Xbox suits said they are the shooter box.

Funnier because my kid clicked on it the other day, I had totally forgotten that Home existed

Yeah, I think most people have forgotten about it. The one thing I REALLY miss is 1vs100 on 360. I sold my 360 a while back but if they ever brought that thing back I'd buy a 360 in a heartbeat! There should be a petition to bring it back lol.


Profitability well of course not but I'm referring to game variety. PS3 has lots of interesting titles such as Heavy Rain, Journey, Flower, etc. MS mainly has shooters. I mean cmon even one of the Xbox suits said they are the shooter box.

Have we jumped back to 2007? Sony has just as many shooters.

The 360 has lots of interesting titles as well. You obviously don't know much about Xbox 360 games if that's your impression.

Special J

Have we jumped back to 2007? Sony has just as many shooters.

The 360 has lots of interesting titles as well. You obviously don't know much about Xbox 360 games if that's your impression.

its pretty common for people to completely ignore xbla and kinect when it comes to pointing out that 360 is somehow deficient.


Profitability well of course not but I'm referring to game variety. PS3 has lots of interesting titles such as Heavy Rain, Journey, Flower, etc. MS mainly has shooters. I mean cmon even one of the Xbox suits said they are the shooter box.

I really, really hate list wars... but for the record, I'd quickly take 360 JRPGs like Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon over those titles you listed.

Both consoles offer unique and interesting exclusive titles. To pretend that one is radically different than the other is strictly personal bias, IMO. It's certainly not an objective perspective when you genuinely take both libraries into account.
This is all that I think needs to be said. You guys are all smart. Especially when it comes to TV's.

People keep saying this. Are Sony really charging a premium for their TV's? I don't really follow them, but they seem to compete in the same exact price brackets as everyone else. They have products for the low end wal-mart guy all the way up to high end magnolia stuff. Problem is that consumers would rather buy a Samsung or a Panasonic. So it's a quality issue, not a price issue.


its pretty common for people to completely ignore xbla and kinect when it comes to pointing out that 360 is somehow deficient.

Even if you ignore XBLA and Kinect, Xbox 360's game library is still very varied. 99% of multiplat is the same across XBox 360 and PS3 (tons of non-shooter titles). Xbox gets a bad rep cause shooters have been the most successful types of games on the platform.


Profitability well of course not but I'm referring to game variety. PS3 has lots of interesting titles such as Heavy Rain, Journey, Flower, etc. MS mainly has shooters. I mean cmon even one of the Xbox suits said they are the shooter box.

Interesting because they are exclusives? Really doubt that some of you putted so much attention into Indigo Prophecy in the past. Or if the next Thatgamecompany titles will get the same attention since they are going multiplatform now.

For the god sake. Multiplatform games still games. People can enjoy 3rd party games as much as exclusives. Why playstation fans need to be soooo sick about exclusives?


Unconfirmed Member
Interesting because they are exclusives? Really doubt that some of you putted so much attention into Indigo Prophecy in the past. Or if the next Thatgamecompany titles will get the same attention since they are going multiplatform now.

For the god sake. Multiplatform games still games. People can enjoy 3rd party games as much as exclusives. Why playstation fans need to be soooo sick about exclusives?

The point is that Sony has a wide range of talented first-party studios and are a little more willing to take creative risks than Microsoft is.


People keep saying this. Are Sony really charging a premium for their TV's?

Yes, and the Bravia line is the worst offender.

In 2011, the top-rated HDTV's (outside of the videophile Sharp Elite) were the Panasonic VT30, Samsung D8000 plasma and Sony HX929.

Of those 3, the general consensus was that each set excelled in different aspects, but all were comparable in picture quality. However, Sony charged much more for it's HDTV than the others. Not only that, but the screen size was smaller.

Case in point - the Samsung 64 inch D8000 plasma is generally considered a half notch better in picture quality than Sony's flagship HX929, yet is almost $500 less than the 55 inch HX929.

That's the problem Sony is facing, and a clear indicator why loyal fans (such as myself) are jumping ship to Samsung and Panasonic. It simply doesn't make sense to pay an exorbitant premium for an inferior product.


People keep saying this. Are Sony really charging a premium for their TV's? I don't really follow them, but they seem to compete in the same exact price brackets as everyone else. They have products for the low end wal-mart guy all the way up to high end magnolia stuff. Problem is that consumers would rather buy a Samsung or a Panasonic. So it's a quality issue, not a price issue.

Regardless if it's true or not, this is consumer's impression when buying Sony's stuff these days - it's more expensive than its competitor while not offering significant better quality. It used to be I'll a buy a Sony because its top quality and I'm willing to pay a premium for that quality. It is no longer the case. (and that mindset seems to apply to Apple now)
Sony needs to focus on a few key CE areas (CLED, PS, Xperia, NEX and Vaio). Cut even more jobs from the from under performing divisions and take some risks. They cut 10,000 jobs which is only 5% of their workforce...
The point is that Sony has a wide range of talented first-party studios and are a little more willing to take creative risks than Microsoft is.

Look at a game like Little Big Planet. Mm shopped it around to all three publishers. Sony just put the money down first. There is nothing to suggest that no one else would have, they were just first. And a game like Journey was under contract to make three games. Journey would have been made for any system and any publisher they had a contract with.

Again, there was a game industry before Sony and there will be one after Sony. Many forget that Sony started off making shitty Sega CD games based on their movies. The vast majority of Sony's first party studios were purchased by them and could easily be sold off if need be. These studios made good games when they were independent, and they made good games when they were purchased.

Lots of folks are looking forward to Bungie's new game even though they are not exclusive. A good dev is a good dev regardless of who owns them.


These figures are simply staggering! Where do you even begin in recovering this kind of loss? Knowing Sony's way of dealing with crises, can we expect various knee jerk company-wide cuts in the near future? And since this is a gaming forum, how do Sony justify releasing the Ps4 at anything but a profit per unit sold?

On a more personal note, I find myself often buying lesser known electronic brands, as they appear to do exactly the same thing as the so-called market leaders while coming in at far lower price points. Perhaps there are small points of contention in terms of the actual technology used, but even as a bit of a technophile, the end results appear to me to be largely negligible. So why spend more? Brands are a thing of the past, in my opinion. Whoever gets the job done to the point of satisfying my expectations will get my bucks.


Sony needs to focus on a few key CE areas (CLED, PS, Xperia, NEX and Vaio). Cut even more jobs from the from under performing divisions and take some risks. They cut 10,000 jobs which is only 5% of their workforce...

Yes. Sony is spread way too thin. They have their hands in too many pots. People's been saying for years Sony needs to scale back massively and focus only on their most promising properties. We'll see in 12 hours, when Kaz have his press conference outlining Sony's future strategy, whether they finally get it.


The point is that Sony has a wide range of talented first-party studios and are a little more willing to take creative risks than Microsoft is.

The OP just got emotional and responded "XBOX COD and Shooters LOL." There's no reason for you to defend him or his viewpoint.


These figures are simply staggering! Where do you even begin in recovering this kind of loss? Knowing Sony's way of dealing with crises, can we expect various knee jerk company-wide cuts in the near future? And since this is a gaming forum, how do Sony justify releasing the Ps4 at anything but a profit per unit sold?
The Vita's a good indication of the PS4's direction: lots of commodity parts that will get cheaper quickly and a willingness to throw the previous generation under the bus in order to move forward.

Of course, the Vita isn't selling all that well either. But I'm sure we'll never see anything quite like the PS3 again. It's like Sony's version of the Sega Saturn.
Of course, the Vita isn't selling all that well either. But I'm sure we'll never see anything quite like the PS3 again. It's like Sony's version of the Sega Saturn.

Don't speak too soon. Vita may end up being just that, a niche platform for barely any Westerners and a somewhat popular platform for the hardcore in Japan. That thing has gotta sell loads of software and accessories to make up for the loss they're taking on each one...bigger when they finally relent to pressure to drop the price and include more. Still, better than being a Virtual Boy, anyway.


Not only the Vita, but the PSP and Ps3 didn't sell as good as expected as well. Their last 3 systems.

I honestly can't see Sony be succesful against MS and Nintendo. I am supporting them since 1996 and I want them to be succesful again, but things have changed and Sony cannot do things MS and Nintendoes. They were succesful at a time where a graphical upgrade was all that was needed for consoles (pretty much up until this generation when online gaming, features and motion controls kicked in). They didn't come up with the Wii-mote, and not with Live. And not with Kinect as well. If this gen proved anything, its that BR and Cell weren't really all that essential and not in demand at all.

But anyway, Playstation should be safe regardless. Its one of their best divisions. They might make a profit from the get go but does that warrant a weak system? That should depend on creativity and timing. I don't expect much from Sony when it comes to creativity, I don't see them shaking the gaming world like Nintendo did with the Wii. Nothings impossible... but I dunno.

What I'm wondering is; what should exactly Sony do with the Ps4? Or what direction should they take.


because they haven't been until now?

Depends on how you look at it. For gamers and developers...did it justify the launch price tag?

Comments such as "get a second job" strike me as comments from a company that didn't have it's priorities straight.

I bet PS4 will be a system much more focused on the user.


I really, really hate list wars... but for the record, I'd quickly take 360 JRPGs like Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon over those titles you listed.

Both consoles offer unique and interesting exclusive titles. To pretend that one is radically different than the other is strictly personal bias, IMO. It's certainly not an objective perspective when you genuinely take both libraries into account.

I'm sorry but I moved to ps3 and the amount of experiences you get if you are strictly 360 only is pretty staggering!

Only games i have on 360 now is Tales of Vesperia, Halo 3/Reach, and Dantes Inferno since I sold the rest for ps3 stuffs. Also you listed games from 2008, 2007. Valkyria > all them cept tales. I luv tales.

On sidenote, sony :'( .


As weird as it sounds, 'get a second job' was a rather logical statement to make at the time.

Sony had like 80% of the market in hands, they thought they were in a position where they could get away with such things. The consumer would surely go to them, instead of the other way around. Its no different from what Apple does, but Apple can make it. They managed to place their products in such a way that they hold some sort of status symbol. And with their own OS etc they offer something that others don't.

Sony tried that with the Vaio for example... but its still just a Windows notebook.

Making the Ps3 a status symbol like that was Sony's only possibility to get away with a 600 USD pricetag for a console, but it didn't work out as planned.


An blind dancing ho
I honestly don't think Sony (the company) will survive this decade.

going like this I give them 5 years at best.

but More if they shut down their HDTV division and sold PlayStation/SCE to some other company (like Samsung), the rest of the company should just focus only on DSLR and laptops if they want to survive.


Look at a game like Little Big Planet. Mm shopped it around to all three publishers. Sony just put the money down first. There is nothing to suggest that no one else would have, they were just first. And a game like Journey was under contract to make three games. Journey would have been made for any system and any publisher they had a contract with.


Kinect, mass effect 1, gears all fall under the same argument.
They need to put all the efforts and resources of the TV division into making the HMZ-T1 line the next big thing. Make those feather light, comfortable, high quality and they will have the TV equivalent of the walkman back in the day. The HMZ-T1 is the only mildly intriguing product they have released in years.

If the HMZ-T2 made all the revisions the T1 proved need to be made and cost $300, they wouldn't be able to keep them on shelves.


I really hope Sony can turn things around for the better as I think they produce some superb stuff but I do know they make many mistakes and need to sort themselves out in many areas.

But I find so many opinions on here about how Samsung run rings around Sony, how Sony have lost it and how Sony TV's are overpriced (although with some models I do agree) but I think many people just seem to have jumped onto the bandwagon of bashing the company these days.

In the past year, Sony have launched some superb digital cameras that are packed with features and many models offer superb or even best in class image quality. Also the compact DSLR style NEX-7 camera is an absolutely superb piece of equipment proving that Sony can still produce some of the old magic.

The walkman range continues to produce superb sound quality and comes with a better set of headphones than anything that comes with the equivalent i-pods out there.

I also think their first tablet was very impressive and has a great number of features and software that, along with the design, offers a very compelling entry into the market. Be interesting to see what they come up with the second time around.

The PS3 continues to impress me to this day and Sony have updated it through firmware to implement many superb features that I would never have expected to have emerged. The Vita is also an impressive piece of hardware.

It's the constant bashing on their TV range that I don't understand. Over here in the UK the consensus is that the Samsung D8000 puts anything in the Sony range to shame. I have always owned Sony TV's and was set on buying the new HX923 (929) as I thought it would be the one to beat. But then the reviews etc of the Samsung came in so I thought I would check it out for myself and even for the first time, maybe walk away from the Sony brand.

I was lucky enough to be able to try the D8000 and the 923 side by side and also test them in very low light. The 923 had better black levels, performed much better in low light (the Samsung had worse blacks and some distracting light bleed), and motion and colour was also handled better on the Sony. The Sony also very easily had the better build quality of the two TV's.

The weird thing is that this Samsung consistently reviews better than the Sony every time but reviewers seem to miss all these issues despite me seeing them? I know I have a very fussy eye but I find this all very strange. You just even need to check the online forums over here to see that most people agree with me regarding these two models. The D8000 is obviously a nice TV with a very appealing design but in no way was it better than the HX923. I think Samsung seem to be attracting a very similar fan base to the likes of the hardcore Apple fan that can see no wrong in any of the products.


Exactly, if the Xbox 360 never released Mass Effect 1 and Gears of War still would have been made and released... just on other systems. Thanks for proving my point.

I think the one difference I would consider is that you hear sony devs say they get creative freedom. MS locks things down and wants it only one way. Some games may have been better on the ps3 if not for ms's lock down and if not for the want to make games equal on both consoles.

Before everyone throws bricks at me..

Imagine if you will Gears of War series with PC to Console Mod support like Epic added to the PS3's version of Unreal Tournament for instance. Or other freedoms allowed to a developer.
Eh, the 360 moved me away from the PS line. I was never a big console supporter to begin with, but I see myself going with MS again next gen. I think the fact that it launched first took the wind out of Sonys sails to be honest.
I think the one difference I would consider is that you hear sony devs say they get creative freedom. MS locks things down and wants it only one way. Some games may have been better on the ps3 if not for ms's lock down and if not for the want to make games equal on both consoles.

Before everyone throws bricks at me..

Imagine if you will Gears of War series with PC to Console Mod support like Epic added to the PS3's version of Unreal Tournament for instance. Or other freedoms allowed to a developer.

Not sure I agree as most first party MS games are huge sellers. I mean Gears of War 1 sold to 1/3 of all owners of the system! 33% of all people bought that title and Halos constantly push over 3 million units in just their first months of sales so whatever MS is doing with their first party titles obviously is working since customers are buying the games in droves.

The PS3 version of Unreal Tournament was a horrible seller and getting the mods into the game were a pain in the ass. You couldn't even use the web browser of the PS3 to do it, you were forced to have a computer. It was a huge pain in the ass and never took off because of how complicated it was to the end user.

Point still stands that if Sony left the gaming industry, we would still see these games being made if not by MS than another company. Look at Bungie, made great games as a first party and now will make great games as a third party.
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