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Sony's Gamescom Media Briefing On "Release Plans for PlayStation 4"

B-b-but I'm not even wearing socks...

Wait. That's gonna make it worse, wont it?




A new console gen is a clean slate for these companies. People vastly overestimate brand loyalty. Remember all the people who thought PS3 was a guaranteed success just because the PS2 dominated? Hell I was one of them. But Sony had to work quite hard for second place...

Hell, you don't have to tell me that; I've been preaching the same thought process to plenty of others who spout "Xbone will win NA no matter what, it's MS' best territory!" Yet even so, the thought of them getting slapped around that hard is absolutely crazy to me. It's like (if it's true), how do you manage to fuck up that hard, MS? I'd figure there'd be enough fans of Halo, Forza, Gears, etc in NA that there'd still be healthy demand for the Xbone at least at the outset.


Can someone summarise what's happened in this thread the last however many pages? Have insiders spilled any beans or offered any hints?


Crystal Bearer
I think I'm just frazzled because we haven't heard much from of anything from Namco and even Konami hasn't mentioned anything beyond a crossgen MGSV port.

A lot of Japanese stuff is being saved for TGS. On Namco, they specifically said they're going to ease into the generation - that is, they're waiting for a userbase to be built up - to really commit a lot of resources. For example, you'll probably see the next mainline Tales game on PS3 but the one after will be PS4.


Can someone summarise what's happened in this thread the last however many pages? Have insiders spilled any beans or offered any hints?

Mortimer's word is that, since Sony's in such a strong position (4-1 in NA, potentially, according to internal Sony metrics?), there's little incentive to blow the gates wide open and show their entire hand. So folks expecting a blowout at Gamescom are likely to be disappointed. Though that's not to mean there certainly wont be anything new announced, but not as many titles as one might hope.

Verendus points out that he's been told he should expect to be excited by Gamescom.

So it's all kinda wait-and-see, but keep expectations firmly grounded.


I think I'm just frazzled because we haven't heard much from of anything from Namco and even Konami hasn't mentioned anything beyond a crossgen MGSV port.

Konami pretty much just makes MGS, Castlevania, and PES when it comes to consoles these days and their handheld output isn't really any better.
Guys there will be new game announcements at Gamescom, there will be more at TGS, then VGAs, then some spring event, then E3. Rinse. Repeat.

I really can't tell if the people worried about announcements are being for real or not.


2 JRPG exclusives from Worldwide studios. Been telling friends in order to sell more PS4's that one of them is Legend of Dragoon 2. I feel terrible.


Unconfirmed Member
2 JRPG exclusives from Worldwide studios. Been telling friends in order to sell more PS4's that one of them is Legend of Dragoon 2. I feel terrible.
Tell'em Chrono Break is finally being released, too.


Mortimer's word is that, since Sony's in such a strong position (4-1 in NA, potentially, according to internal Sony metrics?), there's little incentive to blow the gates wide open and show their entire hand. So folks expecting a blowout at Gamescom are likely to be disappointed. Though that's not to mean there certainly wont be anything new announced, but not as many titles as one might hope.

Verendus points out that he's been told he should expect to be excited by Gamescom.

So it's all kinda wait-and-see, but keep expectations firmly grounded.

Just because you're ahead, don't hold back is my personal advice. Microsoft has already shown a lot of games, and a few people are already comparing exclusive announcements and assuming Sony is thin on that front. To avoid the "has no games" meme being attached to the console, I really think Sony ought to come out and announce a bunch of stuff. Not an avalanches worth, but enough to silence doubters.


Guys there will be new game announcements at Gamescom, there will be more at TGS, then VGAs, then some spring event, then E3. Rinse. Repeat.

I really can't tell if the people worried about announcements are being for real or not.

People know they're coming but they want a blowout event like Microsoft had at E3
Other people just latch onto it as a reason to troll


Unconfirmed Member
Just because you're ahead, don't hold back is my personal advice. Microsoft has already shown a lot of games, and a few people are already comparing exclusive announcements and assuming Sony is thin on that front. To avoid the "has no games" meme being attached to the console, I really think Sony ought to come out and announce a bunch of stuff. Not an avalanches worth, but enough to silence doubters.
I think I agree. Even just two or three heavy hitters would make a big difference. First party, third party, whatever. As long as it's exclusive.


Just because you're ahead, don't hold back is my personal advice. Microsoft has already shown a lot of games, and a few people are already comparing exclusive announcements and assuming Sony is thin on that front. To avoid the "has no games" meme being attached to the console, I really think Sony ought to come out and announce a bunch of stuff. Not an avalanches worth, but enough to silence doubters.

Strike while the iron is always on.


2 JRPG exclusives from Worldwide studios. Been telling friends in order to sell more PS4's that one of them is Legend of Dragoon 2. I feel terrible.

I would love for that to happen. Lost Odyssey actually reminded me of Legend of Dragoon a lot, so I could imagine them doing it if they could.


Just because you're ahead, don't hold back is my personal advice. Microsoft has already shown a lot of games, and a few people are already comparing exclusive announcements and assuming Sony is thin on that front. To avoid the "has no games" meme being attached to the console, I really think Sony ought to come out and announce a bunch of stuff. Not an avalanches worth, but enough to silence doubters.

This is what I support.


Unconfirmed Member
I have converted all my friends to PS4 by telling them Call of Duty will look better on it. lol
Just tell'em the PS4 is outselling the XB1 several times over and should have a more robust player base (at launch, at least). I feel like that's a fairly major selling point to fans of online FPSs.
Just because you're ahead, don't hold back is my personal advice. Microsoft has already shown a lot of games, and a few people are already comparing exclusive announcements and assuming Sony is thin on that front. To avoid the "has no games" meme being attached to the console, I really think Sony ought to come out and announce a bunch of stuff. Not an avalanches worth, but enough to silence doubters.

The doubters see what they want to see in the first place they don't talk about the F2P games Sony getting or indies ones .
A new stardust to me is worth more than most launch games .
Mortimer's word is that, since Sony's in such a strong position (4-1 in NA, potentially, according to internal Sony metrics?), there's little incentive to blow the gates wide open and show their entire hand. So folks expecting a blowout at Gamescom are likely to be disappointed. Though that's not to mean there certainly wont be anything new announced, but not as many titles as one might hope.

Verendus points out that he's been told he should expect to be excited by Gamescom.

So it's all kinda wait-and-see, but keep expectations firmly grounded.

Nailed it.
IMO, going to Gamescom, the least Sony should do is at least validate all the non-1st party studio PS4 works-in-progress, like the Stardust HD spiritual sequel, and all the other devs who has publicly came out and said they're working with Sony on a PS4 title. (launching in 2014, of course)

It's understandable that Sony will want to hold back on the big-guns from their AAA-teams, but at least give a name and presence to the 'more-than-indie' titles that they're publishing. Similar to MS's highlight reel of games they showed for mere seconds. Those are the kind of titles that will go under the radar anyway midst the noises of the AAA-titles from 3rd-party and 1st-party, even if announced later rather than sooner.
It'd be nice. Japan certainly has an easier tool set to deal with this time around... the fear now of course is that SE, Capcom and Konami have all fallen into mismanaged messes over the past few years. Let's hope the smaller Japanese devs can pick up the slack.

Lest hope Platinum stay solvent post Nintendo. I really think their "Demon/Dark souls" Is just around the corner. There is way too many talented people at that studio for it not to happen.

Its just a matter of when.


Sony 180s confirmed at Gamescom:

1. Announces DRM initiatives
2. Announces used games restrictions
3. Brings out tub of water on stage, empties it into the first row
4. VitaPets rebranded as PS4 Pets, animals voiced by Nolan North and Troy Baker
5. Tub thrown into the crowd by Kaz,kills 3, injures 7
6. Mark Cerny slips and falls on his own tears, drops the Mic in the process

Ok,there's the lowest bar possible, what actually happens can only be better than that. You're welcome.


I'm curious, internally what is Sony's reaction towards the games Microsoft has announced so far? I'd be interested to know what they think about Sunset Overdrive.

Ugh salt in the wound, love Insomniac, buy all their games and then they kick me to the curb. I'll buy the next Ratchet but thanks for excluding your fans from your next big project
Was last years Gamescom a big deal? What happened then?

New title announcements:
- Tearaway
- Puppeteer
- Until Dawn
- Rain
- Killzone : Mercenary ( technically not new, but official name )

There were also the usual trailers of already announced titles (TLoU, GoW, etc ) and a few other hardware/service related stuff, but last year was pretty good.

Lest hope Platinum stay solvent post Nintendo. I really think their "Demon/Dark souls" Is just around the corner. There is way too many talented people at that studio for it not to happen.

I wanted Infinite Space on consoles. T_T


One of the reasons why The Order 1886 has not gotten much hype, even though it is being developed by a top studio is that we havent seen any gameplay. Look how much hype Infamous has gotten because people saw the gameplay videos.

Granted Infamous is closer to release than The Order 1886, but i do hope we see even a 10 second gameplay video, they must have something ready for show. I want to be excited for the game considering the pedigree of that studio, but its hard when you have seen nothing bar the intro.

So here is to The Order 1886 at Gamescom +


Sony 180s confirmed at Gamescom:

1. Announces DRM initiatives
2. Announces used games restrictions
3. Brings out tub of water on stage, empties it into the first row
4. VitaPets rebranded as PS4 Pets, animals voiced by Nolan North and Troy Baker
5. Tub thrown into the crowd by Kaz,kills 3, injures 7
6. Mark Cerny slips and falls on his own tears, drops the Mic in the process

Ok,there's the lowest bar possible, what actually happens can only be better than that. You're welcome.

7. Sony announces that the barge carrying all the PS4's to the US and Europe sink in a once in a century tidal wave.


Ugh salt in the wound, love Insomniac, buy all their games and then they kick me to the curb. I'll buy the next Ratchet but thanks for excluding your fans from your next big project

It makes me wonder, if the end-sales actually being anything like these supposed internal Sony metrics, my god what the guys providing 3rd-party exclusives to MS would have to feel like after totally missing that bet.

Anyway, the Gamescom cometh. #hype

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