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South Park - Season 18 - Begins September 24th @ 10PM ET

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Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Such a great episode.
I'm wondering how they'll follow up on it if this is going for a season-wide arc.
Fantastic episode! Loved the continuity. An unexpected yet awesome surprise. It was also fucking hilarious. Laughed so many times. This is the best season of South Park in years. So excited for future episodes. Three amazing episodes in a row. Matt and Trey are killing it.


Bish loves my games!
The continuity is such a simple thing yet makes such a difference to the season.

I can't believe they've never done it before.
I love how Randy couldn't be bothered to shave his legs at all.

I was hoping those poop sounds would get auto tuned into something in the song
Good episode. I actually watched it till then end, which I haven't done lately because it drags on

I like the episodes where it's about the kids and they do a good topic like transgenderism in which assholes like Eric exploits something.

Continuity is awesome.
Pretty good episode. Not hilarious. Similar to the episode of Wendy and photoshop, it just felt like it wanted to (maybe) tell a message over making it funny.

I also have a bit of an issue that Stan seemed genuinely confused and he was immediately outcast by Cartman and Butters who pretend they're on the high horse lol. Shame they didn't even have a scene with Stan and Wendy to clarify his confusion.

Having watched this I'm a bit confused as to what will transfer to the next episode if they plan to keep the continuity all of the season. All I can really see going to the next episode is Wendy as Wendell, but I doubt that because they already covered the issue with gender identity in this episode. They could also go with Stan being labeled a hater, but he wasn't really and they also already had the topic of being outcast.

So yeah. Chances are the next episode will just start fresh again and if they want to keep continuity they'll just make it from something that happens in the next episode.

Wow. The entire lorde subplot was based on this stupid spin article:


It's crazy to think this great episode was done in just six days.

Did you ever watch the South Park documentary? It's pretty great. But being on point, it shows that most (if not all) episodes are done throughout the week before. Including the writing.

Is that a new voice actress for Sharon? Just sounded a little off.

Don't quote me on this but a lot of the voices in the show are Matt and Trey with some voice modifier. Including some of the women. Pretty sure Eric's mom is one of them. So unlikely it was a new VA.
Does Sharon sound really off, or have we just never heard her talk so much at once?
Is that a new voice actress for Sharon? Just sounded a little off.

Glad it wasn't just me, sounded like it just wasn't mixed very well, perhaps something done at the very last minute? April Stewart has been the voice of Sharon since 2004, I think either the alter Matt or Trey's voice for Cartman's mom now as shown in the documentary or they did it as a place holder. Looking at IMDB Eliza Schneider took over for Eric's mom after Mary Kay Bergman committed suicide but she hasn't been involved since 2003 and there's no one else credited... Of course then I check April Stewart's page and she's credited for doing Liane Cartman's voice too.

why are they making fun of Lorde?

Don't think they were making fun of her but just spoofing the age "conspiracy".

Wow. The entire lorde subplot was based on this stupid spin article:


It's crazy to think this great episode was done in just six days.

I was expecting it was a take on the comments on her age, stuff like this http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/546491/20140403/lorde-new-birth-certificate-russian-33-year.htm and Lorde's response to it, I wonder if they planned to keep going with this or if that stupid Spin article just gave them more fuel for the subplot or was totally responsible it.
As another poster above stated I think they were just making fun of the Lorde age conspiracy. Reading around, the rumours and noise about it have become quite loud and you all know Matt and Trey love to poke fun at anything they come across that they find absurd and ridiculous. They've done that with so many South Park episodes. I honestly don't see where the conspiratorial speculation is coming from. You look at photos of Lorde and she's clearly a young teenager.

The conspiracy seems to come down to "well she's more mature and intelligently spoken than her contemporaries and something of a music prodigy so therefore she must be thirty!" which is just the most ridiculous and unsound logic. Also while we're on the subject; the final track that Randy releases as a new single that everyone loves and dances to towards the end. Is that a real Lorde song? I honestly have no idea since she kind of slipped my radar.

Does anyone know the name of the track?


Another fun episode and loving the continuity between the episodes so far.
Love ya Butters "Just hold it...that is what I do now"

Real Hero

"Do you know why young people like Lorde so much? It's because she's something different. Kids have had pop music artists flash tits and crotch in their face and most kids are actually smart enough to be sick of it. Lorde represents something in all of us: the truth that wants to be heard. If I could talk to Lorde right now, you know what I'd tell her? I'd tell her not to let people change who she is. I'd tell her that if people are making fun of her, it's probably because they've lost touch with being human. I'd tell her to keep on doing what she does, because when someone isn't allowed to express who they are inside, then we all lose. That's what I would say to Lorde."

Fantastic episode, South Park is on a new roll.


So, I might be mistaken but at the end, it really sounded like Lorde was singing.

I looked it up but I can't find any mention of her being a guest star... Still though.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Stan fainting was great. Never seen Stan so confused in all of South Park's entirety before.

I am lorde yah yah yah lorde lorde lorde yah yah yah

ps. did they get the actual singer to do the vocals at the end ? never heard any lorde songs before but the vocals at the end were alright (probably autotuned to hell).


The fake Lorde song at the end was actually pretty damn good. They nailed all the elements of Lorde's songs. I want a full version.


Best episode so far this season for me. Randy messing around with drum loops and auto tune on his song was funny as hell


you can't put a price on sparks
good episode. second one is still better, but that was one of the best "one-off" episodes i'd seen for a very long time.

this continuity is killing me, though. "it's gluten-free beer" -- holy shit lol.

also that lorde song was just about pooping. so ridiculous. i am lorde ya ya ya

i wonder how long they're gonna stick with this continuity and if they will reset it at the beginning of the next season or whatever


This season has been brilliant so far, any Randy/Cartman centric episode is always good so having both was just ace. Loving the continuity too.


Really? I remember that Cartman's mom has had a female VA before, but in the documentary I remember them doing the VA work for her. I think it was during the centiPad episode.


I think they just do all the conversations as placeholder and rerecord them later with all the voice actors.
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