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Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler discussion thread: THERE WILL BE UNMARKED SPOILERS!


Went to see it yesterday and I have actually no idea wether I liked it or not. It felt like it was very different from other SW movies. Comedy was fun, but at the same time it felt overdone.

Ah well, I'm just going to read some (older) posts in this thread now that I've seen it.


Just watched the movie yesterday, and liked it a lot. Best episode since Empire. The most important things is you didn't know how everything would turn out, who will join whom, who will die,... (I honestly thought Finn was going to buy the farm). It's a movie where not all hot-headed, heroic moves succeed, where all-powerful emperor and master jedi wannabes aren't infallible.

After all the justified criticism about Ep7 being "more of the same", I'm quite happy with the turn of events. It was so engaging that I didn't keep track of the time, and I kept fearing that the movie would end on a cliffhanger without developing some parts of the plot. But I'm very happy with what they manage to tell, and think it's a good send-off of the old guard, to have the end of the trilogy focus on the new generation.
I really hope Rey will keep being a nobody, and not another descendant of Jedi lineage or "child of the prophecy". It's quite deep that she wants to know her place in all of this, and that in the end nothing is written for her and she has to build it for herself. Very existentialist. Also interesting considering she doesn't seem stuck in the light/dark model of the Force (she was quite comfortable with the dark side without turning it into some emo drama).
Just watched the movie yesterday, and liked it a lot. Best episode since Empire.



Bring stabbed in the guts by his own son?
It fit the story and it fit his character. Han's son lost his way, Han tried until the end to bring him back. There is no shame in his death. Han was not a quitter (unlike Luke in TLJ) and he fought for himself and his son until the end.

Yes, he got stabbed. That doesn't seem like a problem at all. Would I rather Han Solo had not died and retired and lived his days peacefully on some paradise planet? Sure.

At the very least JJ did not throw Han's entire history in the toilet for the sake of some ridiculous forced plot twist.


Han got to be Han again and got to go out in a manner befitting of his character and importance to this franchise.

Being a total sap for his homicidal son? Seems to me Han trying to take Kylo out for the good of the republic would have been more fitting.

Never mind that we're supposed to believe Han is still living the crazy pirate life at 60+ years old.

Conversely, I really liked how they wrote Luke in this one.


I actually liked any time Rey, Kylo, and Luke were on screen. That's about it. Every time they cut away from those characters, they cut to something worse.

I think Lukes, "I sensed darkness so I decided I might just go ahead and kill my nephew" bit was really ridiculous, but I liked the way he went out. I thought it was kinda cool and creative.

I know they have to sell toys and keep people shoveling popcorn down their gullets, but I could have gone for more screentime of the only 3 characters that mattered in the entire movie and what they were up to.


The impression i get from those that like these films is that they see more potential in the characters, whether they actually develop or not. Same with the themes in the movies.
They want to see that shit explored, even though right now they aren't.

For those that criticize the movies, we've gone through 2 movies now (two thirds of the way done) and there's still little to nothing to make these characters worthwhile. There is very little growth in the characters (and what growth is shown, it's not real growth but "just is" like Rey becoming a jedi master) and ones like Finn basically goes from co-star to side-character. He's not doing anything important anymore in the story.
And for those who like the movie, they don't care about these details, and just accept everything for what it is.

So to not like it, to them, you're hating on the potential that could come out of this new trilogy... and i don't think they realize that it's already 2/3rds over. They really like the ideas behind everything without caring of what's actually going on.

This is exactly how I feel. The best thing about TFA was the introduction of Rey and Finn (Poe not so much) and although I was somewhat disappointed by how much it borrowed from ANH the film provided enough new content for me to be intrigued for what was to come in the future and be excited for the potential.

In my opinion the second film in the trilogy should really be a focused character piece that really fleshes out both the characters and the world around them and I think this is where TLJ failed. Despite its long run time I feel that, rather than further exploring the characters and the questions that we were presented with in TFA, TLJ gave us a film that wants to destroy the past and present a new world - which is great, but please do that in the FIRST film of the trilogy, not slap bang in the middle of the story. Now the audience is just left feeling empty.

Basically you had one film that provided loads of potential and then another film directly afterwards that destroyed much of that potential because the new director wanted to introduce his own ideas instead.

Maybe TFA and TLJ should have been condensed into one film. The first hour setting up new characters and providing that Star Wars nostalgia and then the second hour providing something completely new and shocking for further development in episodes VIII and IX.

I definitely want to see the Last Jedi one or two more times before commenting in here, anyone else in the same boat?

I came out of the cinema disappointed but definitely wanting to see the film again but now that I've thought about it some more I really don't think I can face sitting through 2.5 hours of this again at the cinema because of how much the film drags in the middle.

I know I will get more enjoyment out of the movie when I can skip through all of the nonsense and shitty scenes in the movie so I'm going to wait until it's available to view at home instead.


On the contrary I think TLJ managed to give more depth to three out of the four main characters.
Rey is released from the "Luke Skywalker" template. She has no family to avenge/fight for, she's not tied to the Jedi or Dark Force order, she just has to choose her own path. Same goes for Kylo Ren actually, even if he seems more likely to try and fill Snoke's shoes (although it would be interesting to see what kind of Supreme Leader he will become).
Poe was almost a background character before, now he's in charge, while showing that his hot-headedness comes with dire consequences, and not only heroic achievements. He's actually responsible for most of the victims among the resistance.
It feels like Finn isn't much more developed. He's an interesting character, originally a non idealistic one. Until now he's been mostly fleeing combat and danger. I guess he now officially turned into a rebel, and his charge of the cannon is a sign of that (also his "rebel scum" moment), but he still has to prove he's more than a random grunt. Or maybe that's just the point, having the point of view of a random foot soldier next to the ones of heroes and generals.


On the contrary I think TLJ managed to give more depth to three out of the four main characters.
Rey is released from the "Luke Skywalker" template. She has no family to avenge/fight for, she's not tied to the Jedi or Dark Force order, she just has to choose her own path. Same goes for Kylo Ren actually, even if he seems more likely to try and fill Snoke's shoes (although it would be interesting to see what kind of Supreme Leader he will become).
Poe was almost a background character before, now he's in charge, while showing that his hot-headedness comes with dire consequences, and not only heroic achievements. He's actually responsible for most of the victims among the resistance.
It feels like Finn isn't much more developed. He's an interesting character, originally a non idealistic one. Until now he's been mostly fleeing combat and danger. I guess he now officially turned into a rebel, and his charge of the cannon is a sign of that (also his "rebel scum" moment), but he still has to prove he's more than a random grunt. Or maybe that's just the point, having the point of view of a random foot soldier next to the ones of heroes and generals.

I completely disagree about Rey and Kylo. How is Rey 'released from the Skywalker template'? Her path seems like a complete mirror of Luke's path? The only difference is that with Rey we have seen it all before with Luke already so it's just boring now. Her path doesn't feel earned or interesting at all. They had the chance to explore something different when Kylo offered her his hand but instead we got the same old 'I'll never join you!' that we saw in ESB.

Kylo is easily the best and most developed character in the series so far but what do we learn about him in this film that we didn't know in the first film? I really don't see how his character is substantially developed. Is the Kylo Ren that we see in TLJ dramatically different or developed over the character that we see in TFA? The only thing that he offers up that's new is his desire to destroy the past and start something new... But then he goes literally straight back into First Order/Sith Lord mode a few minutes later (I know he's not technically a Sith Lord but he's certainly playing that part).

The handling of Finn is pretty offensive. He feels completely relegated to 'side bitch' in the storyline now and I suppose the only character development is that he now cares about more than just Rey.

Poe def got the most development in this story and I am please because he was severely under utilised in the first movie and was basically entirely a background character. It's nice to see him further developed, it's just a shame that it seemed to be at the expense of Finn.


I completely disagree about Rey and Kylo. How is Rey 'released from the Skywalker template'? Her path seems like a complete mirror of Luke's path?

She has no master. She's not fighting for the light side and is actually strong with the dark side. She's not avenging a father, nor trying to save friends. Her path is her own to decide, unlike Luke who was just following what others told him to do (go see Kenobi... go save the princess... go destroy the Death Star... go see Yoda... etc).
Also her interaction with Kylo Ren is deeper than what happened (or didn't) between Luke and Vader. As a matter of fact, if Kylo Ren doesn't go full dark side either, their dynamics in the next episode could be very interesting. Everything is open at this point.


She has no master. She's not fighting for the light side and is actually strong with the dark side. She's not avenging a father, nor trying to save friends. Her path is her own to decide, unlike Luke who was just following what others told him to do (go see Kenobi... go save the princess... go destroy the Death Star... go see Yoda... etc).
Also her interaction with Kylo Ren is deeper than what happened (or didn't) between Luke and Vader. As a matter of fact, if Kylo Ren doesn't go full dark side either, their dynamics in the next episode could be very interesting. Everything is open at this point.

So she has no master - just like Luke who was a lone Jedi. Obi Wan and Yoda both died leaving him completely alone on his path? Rey also still has Leia as a mentor figure (a Leia that clearly knows the Force and has abilities herself).

Rey's not fighting for the light and saving her friends? The last thing we see her do is lift a bunch of rocks to save her friends and then hop into the Falcon with them all to try and re-ignite the Resistance?

Rey is almost a complete clone of Luke. How is Rey strong with the dark side? Is this because she had a vision in a cave? Exactly the same as Luke when he saw himself in Vader? How have they ever explored Rey's dark side? I don't think I've even seen her get angry. She's a typical nobel heroic hero.

I do agree that there could be some interesting interaction between Rey and Kylo in episode IX but TLJ didn't really do a good job of setting that up. At the end of the film we have a Kylo that is 100% villain and a Rey that literally closes the door on him and tells him that she will never join him while rescuing her friends... Sounds awfully familiar to me.


Gold Member
She has no master. She's not fighting for the light side and is actually strong with the dark side. She's not avenging a father, nor trying to save friends. Her path is her own to decide, unlike Luke who was just following what others told him to do (go see Kenobi... go save the princess... go destroy the Death Star... go see Yoda... etc).
Also her interaction with Kylo Ren is deeper than what happened (or didn't) between Luke and Vader. As a matter of fact, if Kylo Ren doesn't go full dark side either, their dynamics in the next episode could be very interesting. Everything is open at this point.

This is what i dont like - everythings open. Theres no direction yet after 2 movies. There is too much jumping around to different motives without substance. No reason to it all. No substance. Everything is just coincidental, random, and instant

It seems the swapped finn and poe roles in this one,

There just doesnt seem to be a cohesive goal for any character.

It comes across as disney just wanting these movies to be able to feel individual rather than tied together so they can draw in viewers without being lost who havent seen or followed the lore of the past 7


So she has no master - just like Luke who was a lone Jedi. Obi Wan and Yoda both died leaving him completely alone on his path? Rey also still has Leia as a mentor figure (a Leia that clearly knows the Force and has abilities herself).

I was talking ep4-6 Luke, who is modeled by Obiwan and Yoda. You don't see him learn anything new or change character after Yoda died.
Also Leia is out of the picture now, the movie is obviously meant to pass the torch to the new generation : everybody from the OT dies but Leia, and even she concludes with "why are you looking at me ? I'm not the boss any more".

Rey's not fighting for the light and saving her friends? The last thing we see her do is lift a bunch of rocks to save her friends and then hop into the Falcon with them all to try and re-ignite the Resistance?

That's her own choice though. Until then her purpose was to find her place in the jedi/force stuff, once she learns that there is no such purpose, she realizes she needs to define her own usefulness.

Rey is almost a complete clone of Luke. How is Rey strong with the dark side? Is this because she had a vision in a cave? Exactly the same as Luke when he saw himself in Vader? How have they ever explored Rey's dark side? I don't think I've even seen her get angry. She's a typical nobel heroic hero.

Luke himself was surprised to see her stare straight into the dark side, and fully embrace it without any resistance. And he saw her as a danger for that. When Luke went into "the cave", he saw his fears and weaknesses. When Rey went, she quickly understood how it "worked" and found her answers. While Kylo Ren is still fighting between light and dark urges, Rey is perfectly comfortable with both (probably because she's a natural who has never been taught).

One of the interesting things in the new take on the Force, is what Yoda himself explains : all those old beliefs are outdated rubbish when you think about them.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
She has no master. She's not fighting for the light side and is actually strong with the dark side. She's not avenging a father, nor trying to save friends. Her path is her own to decide, unlike Luke who was just following what others told him to do (go see Kenobi... go save the princess... go destroy the Death Star... go see Yoda... etc).
Also her interaction with Kylo Ren is deeper than what happened (or didn't) between Luke and Vader. As a matter of fact, if Kylo Ren doesn't go full dark side either, their dynamics in the next episode could be very interesting. Everything is open at this point.
She can be strong with the force, she can't be strong in the darkside and not be on the darkside.
It makes no sense that she didn't even resist the darkside and not even be tempted.
It contradicts itself


She can be strong with the force, she can't be strong in the darkside and not be on the darkside.
It makes no sense that she didn't even resist the darkside and not even be tempted.
It contradicts itself

There's only temptation if there is resistance. That's kind of the point of the transition in the movie : all this "light vs dark" model is just wrong. Luke basically says "Jedi was a mistake", and Yoda "all that old-school stuff is so boring" (btw the fact that his ghost can trigger lightning could be seen as him being comfortable with the dark side too).
The Jedi were all about repressing their emotions, the Sith were about fueling themselves with anger and ambition, and both were afraid of turning to the other side and were fighting their own selves internally. Kylo Ren does, too. For all we know Rey is all "fuck your sides, I'm going in" because she doesn't feel the need of fighting her emotions or anything.


I was talking ep4-6 Luke, who is modeled by Obiwan and Yoda. You don't see him learn anything new or change character after Yoda died.
Also Leia is out of the picture now, the movie is obviously meant to pass the torch to the new generation : everybody from the OT dies but Leia, and even she concludes with "why are you looking at me ? I'm not the boss any more".

That's her own choice though. Until then her purpose was to find her place in the jedi/force stuff, once she learns that there is no such purpose, she realizes she needs to define her own usefulness.

Luke himself was surprised to see her stare straight into the dark side, and fully embrace it without any resistance. And he saw her as a danger for that. When Luke went into "the cave", he saw his fears and weaknesses. When Rey went, she quickly understood how it "worked" and found her answers. While Kylo Ren is still fighting between light and dark urges, Rey is perfectly comfortable with both (probably because she's a natural who has never been taught).

One of the interesting things in the new take on the Force, is what Yoda himself explains : all those old beliefs are outdated rubbish when you think about them.

Passing the torch to the new generation and updating the audiences understanding of The Force are all good things. Im definitely in the camp that is happy to see a different kind of Stars Wars.

My original point was that the character development in this movie is poor. I don't think Rey, Finn or Kylo developed much as characters and I also don't see Rey's development being much different from Luke's at all (to the point where I'm finding her journey boring to watch).

TFA gave me characters to care about and set the trilogy up nicely with a safe but entertaining entry filled with just enough mystery to keep audiences intrigued. Johnson came along and decided that he didn't really like any of that and wanted to do something different and unique but in doing that he neglected to progress or really develop his main characters.

Wanting to set up a new era of Star Wars is great...but maybe do that at the start of your trilogy rather than right in the middle of an existing trilogy. It lacks cohesion and isn't the best way to tell a satisfying story in my opinion.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
There's only temptation if there is resistance. That's kind of the point of the transition in the movie : all this "light vs dark" model is just wrong. Luke basically says "Jedi was a mistake", and Yoda "all that old-school stuff is so boring" (btw the fact that his ghost can trigger lightning could be seen as him being comfortable with the dark side too).
The Jedi were all about repressing their emotions, the Sith were about fueling themselves with anger and ambition, and both were afraid of turning to the other side and were fighting their own selves internally. Kylo Ren does, too. For all we know Rey is all "fuck your sides, I'm going in" because she doesn't feel the need of fighting her emotions or anything.
Well that's if you see it as literally two sides
Someone said to me who teaches Kylo the force choke as if it was a Sith only skill, it's not
It's just a Jedi wouldn't use the force in that manner.
It's using the force for self or for bad, that's the dark side
That's what defines light and dark.
The whole anyone can be a Jedi is nonsense too Fin can't be a Jedi and neither can Poe.
The Force has to be there the only problem is not many Jedi remain to teach the ways of the force to those that do have the Force.
But Rey stands out because she don't need anybody to teach her because it comes to her naturally and that's the problem.


It's just a feeling, but Luke Skywalker is not dead. The finale scene of him looking at the Suns, is Luke realizing he is still has that thirst to help out and go on another adventure.

Episode ix will have Luke showing up in his x- wing. It's happening. All will be alright with the world.

Luke is the Star Wars legacy character. Mark Hamill is still alive. Disney is not going to pass up the the chance to keep using him in the films.


There's only temptation if there is resistance. That's kind of the point of the transition in the movie : all this "light vs dark" model is just wrong. Luke basically says "Jedi was a mistake", and Yoda "all that old-school stuff is so boring" (btw the fact that his ghost can trigger lightning could be seen as him being comfortable with the dark side too).
The Jedi were all about repressing their emotions, the Sith were about fueling themselves with anger and ambition, and both were afraid of turning to the other side and were fighting their own selves internally. Kylo Ren does, too. For all we know Rey is all "fuck your sides, I'm going in" because she doesn't feel the need of fighting her emotions or anything.

Except Luke was already in that middle ground though. He found strength in his emotions and attachments and refused to kill Vader despite Obi-Wan or Palpatine's demands. Luke already found the way forward for the force Rian just chose to have Luke ignore it. Rey isnt really breaking any new ground.


Well that's if you see it as literally two sides
Someone said to me who teaches Kylo the force choke as if it was a Sith only skill, it's not
It's just a Jedi wouldn't use the force in that manner.
It's using the force for self or for bad, that's the dark side
That's what defines light and dark.

I'm not sure that's exactly true. The universe always described the Force as having different aspects that are in its nature, and not only defined by what you do with it. Stuff like throwing lightning is definitely a "dark side" move, that regular "light side" users cannot do. There are also places that are strong with "dark Force", like the caves on Dagoba or Jedi island.
If the Force was water, the Jedi would see it as a lake, and the Sith as a torrent. The thing is that "torrent" is more powerful, but according to the old Jedi/Sith theory, you need to dig into anger and other negative emotions to channel it. And because the Jedi think it's dangerous, they choose calm and meditation + lake and stay as far from the torrents as possible.
But with the recent events one could think "it's all water anyway, and there are other ways to channel its power than act like a monk or a psycho", which is what Rey seems to be able to do naturally.

The whole anyone can be a Jedi is nonsense too Fin can't be a Jedi and neither can Poe.
The Force has to be there the only problem is not many Jedi remain to teach the ways of the force to those that do have the Force.

I don't remember a character claiming anyone can be a Jedi. What is true is that the Force is supposed to be everywhere (I'm pretty sure it was always described that way). It was always some kind of mystical life energy, and some people are stronger with the Force than others, but everybody has it flowing in itself. Which is why destroying a whole planet creates "a disturbance in the Force".


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'm not sure that's exactly true. The universe always described the Force as having different aspects that are in its nature, and not only defined by what you do with it. Stuff like throwing lightning is definitely a "dark side" move, that regular "light side" users cannot do. There are also places that are strong with "dark Force", like the caves on Dagoba or Jedi island.
If the Force was water, the Jedi would see it as a lake, and the Sith as a torrent. The thing is that "torrent" is more powerful, but according to the old Jedi/Sith theory, you need to dig into anger and other negative emotions to channel it. And because the Jedi think it's dangerous, they choose calm and meditation + lake and stay as far from the torrents as possible.
But with the recent events one could think "it's all water anyway, and there are other ways to channel its power than act like a monk or a psycho", which is what Rey seems able to do naturally.

I don't remember a character claiming anyone can be a Jedi. What is true is that the Force is supposed to be everywhere (I'm pretty sure it was always described that way). It was always some kind of mystical life energy, and some people are stronger with the Force than others, but everybody has it flowing in itself. Which is why destroying a whole planet creates "a disturbance in the Force".
You just explained it better, but what I meant was is that a Jedi can learn the dark side of the force if they choose, it is one not two different things.
It's the use of the force that is different and which decides if you are a Jedi or a Sith


On the contrary I think TLJ managed to give more depth to three out of the four main characters.
Rey is released from the "Luke Skywalker" template. She has no family to avenge/fight for, she's not tied to the Jedi or Dark Force order, she just has to choose her own path. Same goes for Kylo Ren actually, even if he seems more likely to try and fill Snoke's shoes (although it would be interesting to see what kind of Supreme Leader he will become).
This isn't depth. This isn't part of the character. This is just a plot point, which she continues plodding along from the first movie. There is no change aside from being even more powerful from a single day of barely given any training.
Kylo is given more characterization by his own choice, by not wanting to be a servant. It's a twist from Vader's choice when he killed the Emperor to save his son, whereas Kylo will continue with the dark side.

Poe was almost a background character before
He pretty much was. He's given character in this movie, which is as basic as growth comes.

It feels like Finn isn't much more developed. He's an interesting character, originally a non idealistic one. Until now he's been mostly fleeing combat and danger. I guess he now officially turned into a rebel, and his charge of the cannon is a sign of that (also his "rebel scum" moment), but he still has to prove he's more than a random grunt. Or maybe that's just the point, having the point of view of a random foot soldier next to the ones of heroes and generals.
So you're saying he's just the narrator, not really a character? I'd almost agree, given the depth of his character.
He was the most interesting character in the first movie, but he's gone to complete waste with this one, where he pretty much accepted his new life and that's it. Whether he's moved on from his other things, like his romance with Rose or something with Rey, it's left open, when it should have been made clear, or just given direction, with this movie.

So the movie is a huge waste of the characters and narrative. There's barely anything new beyond the veneer, given that we're just retreading shit from the past movies still. Even Rey's direction with the force is a retread of the OT, with her training mostly done by herself, and the only teacher she got gave her even less training than Obi Wan gave Luke... yet she's surpassed OT him in almost everyway since the first movie. People are so quick to defend her when people accuse her of being a Mary Sue, but the description is so damn apt.

All this acceptance of the plot and characters without question and near fanfiction quality defenses boggles my mind, even if you consider that the characters have the potential to be more, but again, we're 2/3rs done with this trilogy and they're as/less developed than the OT characters were in the first movie.
I do not give a shit about anyone but Kylo and Finn and this movie pretty much killed my interest in the third film.


I am Korean.
On the contrary I think TLJ managed to give more depth to three out of the four main characters.
Rey is released from the "Luke Skywalker" template. She has no family to avenge/fight for, she's not tied to the Jedi or Dark Force order, she just has to choose her own path.
Well.... At least until the next movie decides that they don't feel like going with that.

Her own path seems predefined by the force in that movie regardless. She goes into the darkside den, and it has nothing for her. Lounge lizard dude didn't even try to turn her. "Oh you're the good one the force picked. I'll kill you because I'm a master manipulator like that."


How have they ever explored Rey's dark side? I don't think I've even seen her get angry.
You should re-watch her fight against Kylo at the end of TFA and note the change in her demeanour after Kylo mentions the Force and she closes her eyes for a few moments. It's a clear shift to Angry Rey and from that moment on, Kylo is completely unmatched. She's been playing around with the Dark Side for two movies now, and not in a subtle way.
One question I have, why are people hailing the fact that anyone can have the force as a revolutionary addition when this had been the case since the prequel? Did everyone just conveniently forget that there were a bazillion force trainees that was murdered by Anakin who were presumably normal everyday folks


Yeah even in the very first movie (ep IV) Obiwan describes the Force as a natural energy/resource that is everywhere.

Jedi are trained to control and use it (and clearly need some natural skill for it, hence being "strong with the Force", or more exactly "the Force is strong with them"), but everybody has it, it's like "chi".

Anyway, I had a random question about Force-holograms : should we assume that the ability to do so is linked to specific conditions, like being on "Jedi island" ? (which would quite probably be a place very "Force-compatible")
After all Kylo and Rey only had true "facetime" when she was on the island, and Luke seemed to make his call from a specific place. That could be a way to limit its usage in the future (that and the fact that it seems so taxing that you die after using it too much :p ). It also works with Yoda ghost lightnings, maybe he could only cast that on the island.


One question I have, why are people hailing the fact that anyone can have the force as a revolutionary addition when this had been the case since the prequel? Did everyone just conveniently forget that there were a bazillion force trainees that was murdered by Anakin who were presumably normal everyday folks
But Rey is more special than Anakin. She only needs to try once with her powers and she's suddenly as good as people trained for ten, twenty, or 50 years.
So because the Force grants her immediate gratification and from low birth, that sets her apart.


Feel like i'm missing something from The force awakens....

The majority of the film was to get a map to Luke. It seemed really important that the resistance go it.
It was the main point from start to finish.
Granted they never explicitly said WHY they wanted him back. But it seemed important enough to get a village wiped out at the start of the film.

It feels like TLJ has undermined the plot of TFA.
It's an OK film but all the sub plots and mystery's seemed to be hand waved away.

Can't say i'm too excited for the next film tbh :(


Feel like i'm missing something from The force awakens....

The majority of the film was to get a map to Luke. It seemed really important that the resistance go it.
It was the main point from start to finish.
Granted they never explicitly said WHY they wanted him back. But it seemed important enough to get a village wiped out at the start of the film.

That's mostly because he was "their only hope". Luke was the one who killed the Emperor and Vader (or that's what most people believe anyway), so they're counting on him against the new Emperor/Vader. It's more a matter of propaganda and having someone for people to rally around, since "killing the bad guys at the top" was never enough to topple the empire and its armies.
At the end of TLJ, his "fight" against the FO armies seems enough to generate new hope all across the galaxy (with the little boy playing with Luke puppets). Although it's quite fragile, especially if people knew it was a one-shot and they can't count on the Jedi any more.


That's mostly because he was "their only hope". Luke was the one who killed the Emperor and Vader (or that's what most people believe anyway), so they're counting on him against the new Emperor/Vader. It's more a matter of propaganda and having someone for people to rally around, since "killing the bad guys at the top" was never enough to topple the empire and its armies.
At the end of TLJ, his "fight" against the FO armies seems enough to generate new hope all across the galaxy (with the little boy playing with Luke puppets). Although it's quite fragile, especially if people knew it was a one-shot and they can't count on the Jedi any more.

Have an internet point* sir


I loved TFA, I hate TLJ. I heard there is petitions to erase this movie from the saga, and I can understand why.

I'm disappointed about Finn was the best surprise in the first movie, Luke wasn't interesting, Smoke get smoked (I can see everything in the boy mind he said...), Yoda puppet (I chocked, was unnecessary, doesn't fit at all).

I don't see what can happen in the next movie, this one went in so many directions but I feel like we didn't make any progress overall. I appreciate the Kylo x Rey force discussion very clever.

Also, Leia using the force outterspace was surreal.

JJA should direct every movie...



Another youtuber going through the whole movie's illogical plot. I think that's what hurts it most, second being Luke getting smurfed.

Unless Ep9 comes and fix all these logic gaps and we have another Ep10 to build up the new generation, TLJ will best be erase from the SWU canon.

The PT had shit tier writing and cgi, but at least the world building was there and consistent throughout.



Another youtuber going through the whole movie's illogical plot. I think that's what hurts it most, second being Luke getting smurfed.

Unless Ep9 comes and fix all these logic gaps and we have another Ep10 to build up the new generation, TLJ will best be erase from the SWU canon.

The PT had shit tier writing and cgi, but at least the world building was there and consistent throughout.

This sums up the story problems really well. It kinda makes a Plinkett review unnecessary.



Another youtuber going through the whole movie's illogical plot. I think that's what hurts it most, second being Luke getting smurfed.

Unless Ep9 comes and fix all these logic gaps and we have another Ep10 to build up the new generation, TLJ will best be erase from the SWU canon.

The PT had shit tier writing and cgi, but at least the world building was there and consistent throughout.

How is luke smurfed? He basically jedi’d mindtricked everyone from across the galaxy. Which other jedi has that power?


How is luke smurfed? He basically jedi’d mindtricked everyone from across the galaxy. Which other jedi has that power?

He was boring, silly, contributed nothing throughout the show. The powerful ending of TFA, wasted.

Luke's galaxy broadcast is just RJ's over extending his smarty subvers
, because it is a lame af jedi power, cant believe he was allowed to introduce 2 of these lameys, obviously it is his will to overcompensate his trolling of beloved characters.
Luke’s whole point in coming back was to draw a distraction so they could escape.

I think that sums up the whole thing.

Had he been there and killed by Ben like Obi Wan I could have even tolerated the walking cringe rose


He was boring, silly, contributed nothing throughout the show. The powerful ending of TFA, wasted.

Luke's galaxy broadcast is just RJ's over extending his smarty subvers
, because it is a lame af jedi power, cant believe he was allowed to introduce 2 of these lameys, obviously it is his will to overcompensate his trolling of beloved characters.

Luke has always been silly he hasnt changed much except for jaded which is expected for a hermit.

He went out in the best way saving the resistance / rebellion once again and went peacefully with the Force. It was a majestic ending.

I am sure some fans want him back in an x-wing or using force powers to destroy the FO troops but that isn’t a poetic ending. He’s better than that.


Luke has always been silly he hasnt changed much except for jaded which is expected for a hermit.

When exactly did we have the meeting where hermits are jaded? Traditionally they're seen as wise.

Well given Ghost Yoda can apparently conjure lightning I dare say Ghost Luke can do the same. Shit like that doesn't break the idea of the force at all.

Hissing Sid

When exactly did we have the meeting where hermits are jaded? Traditionally they're seen as wise.

You need to think in Rian-Logic (TM).

Hermit rhymes with Kermit.

Kermit is a frog.

Frogs are green.

Another word for green is Jade.

He’s making a film for the big D.

Hermits are therefore obviously Jaded.


Makes about as much sense as the rest of his writing.


When exactly did we have the meeting where hermits are jaded? Traditionally they're seen as wise.

Well given Ghost Yoda can apparently conjure lightning I dare say Ghost Luke can do the same. Shit like that doesn't break the idea of the force at all.

Luke is clearly jaded did rewatch the lessons he gave rey. Luke is wiser after yoda smacks sense into him. Lol


Luke’s whole point in coming back was to draw a distraction so they could escape.

I think that sums up the whole thing.

Had he been there and killed by Ben like Obi Wan I could have even tolerated the walking cringe rose

Why didn't Luke tell anyone that then? He just assumed someone would conveniently get it? Plus the fact that there was no other way out. Or maybe he also knew Rey would conveniently show up to lift a thousand pounds of rocks with the force on her first try.

It was dumb and a very lame very anticlimactic end to one of the biggest fictional characters of all time.

Inspector Q

It was kind of strange how the movie seemed to want to teach more lessons to Luke than the main character, Rey. Um, Luke had his arc already in the original trilogy. This movie should have been used to develop Rey as a character, not Luke.

"The greatest teacher, failure is"

Yes, so can we teach that to Rey and not Luke? Luke already went through this shit, lol.

Very disappointed in this movie to say the least. Personally, it was neither a good send off for Luke or a good development of our new main character, Rey.


I have never seen such fervent defense for a brainless action movie that is average, at best.

Is it because TLJ has been adopted as the "progressive" or "new age" Star Wars by millenials?


Gold Member
Anyone think that with this backlash against Luke's portrayal we might get Luke Skywalker the White, metaphorically speaking? Disney could potentially say that he ascended to Force Nirvana and it sent him back like Gandalf and he's now the more true to character Luke Skywalker.

Given that the Star Wars Force is resembling the Speed Force from The Flash in terms of what it can do, it wouldn't be out of scope I guess.


I have never seen such fervent defense for a brainless action movie that is average, at best.

Is it because TLJ has been adopted as the "progressive" or "new age" Star Wars by millenials?

Yes you are right. I would say these millennials think too highly of their own intellect.

TLJ is a badly directed soul-less movie where i dont care about any of the characters, my emotions were flatline throughout except for flabbergasted moments of wtf!

Coincidentally, i rented dunkirk during xmas, and it managed to stir some emotions! One of the better Nolan film of late even though it was not as exciting.


Yes you are right. I would say these millennials think too highly of their own intellect.

TLJ is a badly directed soul-less movie where i dont care about any of the characters, my emotions were flatline throughout except for flabbergasted moments of wtf!

Coincidentally, i rented dunkirk during xmas, and it managed to stir some emotions! One of the better Nolan film of late even though it was not as exciting.
I think this pretty much sums it up. I felt nothing while watching TLJ, which is a damn shame. TFA gave me the feels many times, but I can't think of a single moment in TLJ that had any actual impact on me (other than eye-rolling and being super pissed with how Luke was handled).


I have never seen such fervent defense for a brainless action movie that is average, at best.

Is it because TLJ has been adopted as the "progressive" or "new age" Star Wars by millenials?

Given by how so many people try to pretend everyone who dislikes it is misogynistic, MRA, or Gamer Gate, it seems that way... but that's unfair, given I've mostly only talked to and read about people's opinions and thoughts on here and reset.

I'm sure there's more varied positive views out there from adults than just these people. I mean, take my brothers for instantce. One wanted to share with me all the good laughs about what he read before either of us watched it. I declined lest it would spoil my own enjoyment and impressions. He finally watched it after saying he wouldn't the other day and he hated it, for reasons that fall inline with most youtube reviewers.

Two of my other brothers liked it. One defended it because i really disliked it. He said it's a kid's movie and because it's a kiddy movie it doesn't need to make sense or have a good story.
The other one said he liked it because it had a lot of cool effects and fights. Also, cool designs.

My nephews all fucking spoiled it for themselves by looking at hate reviews before watching it, and because they're kids, their opinions don't matter.

With random people, it hasn't come up and they'd rather talk about the Del Toro movie and games. So it hasn't made much of an impression, like TFA did, with other people i regularly see or talk with.


I don't think it's as bad as some people are making out and I actually appreciated how much it went out of its way to undo TFA because, on rewatches, I felt TFA was an abomination. Looking back at Luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder without a care is insane, given how much ridiculous anticipation and expectations were built up for that moment. When Snoke tells Ben to "take that ridiculous thing off your head," he's simultaneously getting underneath his skin, while the film itself pisses all over an absurd character design that someone likely spent weeks of their life meaninglessly pouring themselves into. And I suspect this film really went out of its way to make Rey more vulnerable and outmatched as a direct response to the fact that she really was the Mary of all Sues in TFA.

I think that these movies, at least for me, are meant to be enjoyed once in the theaters when they come out and then never again. I did enjoy TFA the first time I saw it and I expect on rewatches I'm going to end up hating TLJ just as much. Sorry to see that so many people hated it direct out of the theater, though.
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