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Suicide Squad Achieves $260M+ WW & Rotten Tomato Score of 26%

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Good for it. I enjoyed it. Glad the hyperbolic filled people who hate this movie didn't tank it. I also find it funny it has a critic rating of 26 but an audience rating of 71. Guess critics don't matter for some films
I can safely dismiss anyone who expressed this opinion. Pacific Rim does almost nothing wrong on a technical or narrative level. In fact, the central subject of the movie, giant robot vs giant monster battles, is deftly handled, with effects and dramatic progression as well crafted as anyone could reasonably expect. Yes, it's simplistic, and plot elements like the wall demand suspension or disbelief. That's not so unreasonable when the point is to supply a basic pretext for crazy battle scenes.

Pacific Rim fulfills the director's stated goal to make a light movie suitable for introducing a new generation to the kaiju and mecha genres, as well as to explore the theme of survivor's guilt and convey basic values like cooperation between rivals for a greater purpose.

You can dislike the movie as much as you want. This material certainly isn't for everyone. But you're not entitled to invent flaws or rag on the director or production team for doing bad work. They did very good work that just so happens to appeal to a specialized audience of kaiju/mecha fans, action buffs, and younger viewers.

i think we are drift compatible, mono :>
I can safely dismiss anyone who expressed this opinion. Pacific Rim does almost nothing wrong on a technical or narrative level. In fact, the central subject of the movie, giant robot vs giant monster battles, is deftly handled, with effects and dramatic progression as well crafted as anyone could reasonably expect. Yes, it's simplistic, and plot elements like the wall demand suspension or disbelief. That's not so unreasonable when the point is to supply a basic pretext for crazy battle scenes.

Pacific Rim fulfills the director's stated goal to make a light movie suitable for introducing a new generation to the kaiju and mecha genres, as well as to explore the theme of survivor's guilt and convey basic values like cooperation between rivals for a greater purpose.

You can dislike the movie as much as you want. This material certainly isn't for everyone. But you're not entitled to invent flaws or rag on the director or production team for doing bad work. They did very good work that just so happens to appeal to a specialized audience of kaiju/mecha fans, action buffs, and younger viewers.

they did kinda crap work honestly. that script and many of the dialogue scenes were just pure shite. kudos for giving us some mech action though. it was a fun concept that i'm amazed hadn't been done yet in a big tentpole.


This movie cost three million dollars less than X-Men Apocalypse and will have grossed more domestically before the second weekend even starts. Was there some astronomical difference in marketing costs? Why was there so little economic hysteria over Xmen? I have not seen either movie, so I am not arguing relative quality or anything, but in a year with so many genuine flops, this doesn't look like much of a headache for WB. It doesn't seem like any of these comic book movies are going to hit Jurassic World numbers globally going forward, but I doubt they're going to stop making them.

X-Men marketing sucked. And it suffered because Deadpool is the joint best X-Men film with the best costumes and it's not even an X-Men film.

Then three months later Singer released an overly serious film.
They did very good work that just so happens to appeal to a specialized audience of kaiju/mecha fans, action buffs, and younger viewers.

I'm a big fan of Godzilla and Gamera, and even that movie annoyed me. The only character in a Godzilla movie that comes close to being as annoying and unlikable as the ones in Pacific Rim is the sleazy reporter in The Return of Godzilla. The action was really good, but the dialogue was terrible enough to match the acting, and Del Toro intentionally lowering the bar is no excuse.

Suicide Squad was the worse movie, but it had better characters by far.
I'm a big fan of Godzilla and Gamera, and even that movie annoyed me. The only character in a Godzilla movie that comes close to being as annoying and unlikable as the ones in Pacific Rim is the sleazy reporter in The Return of Godzilla. The action was really good, but the dialogue was terrible enough to match the acting, and Del Toro intentionally lowering the bar is no excuse.

Suicide Squad was the worse movie, but it had better characters by far.

cant agree with bolded

i think SS has better characters at the conceptual stage but what i got from the movie was a bunch of half baked characterization works :< and for a few of them, they kept doing weird decisions that didn't really make sense
(e.g. boomerang leaving the bar right after the detonator was destroyed only to come back in the next scene, diablo surrendering himself to the cops cuz he was remorseful for killing but then he was shown to kill a bunch of inmates in prison and then he was shown again not to want to even use his powers during their mission against putties enemies, harley choosing her new found friends over the chance of being able to ressurect joker, to name a few)

i really really wanted to like SS :<
That might not even be enough anymore

Civil War was sterling and even it dropped 60
60% is the norm for second weekend drops on big movies now. It is when it hits 65+ that you worry. Although some films, like MoS, have sharp 2nd weekend drops then stabilize.
The problem is we keep looking to Dark Knight and Avengers legs and expecting that. Those are the outliers as far as box office performance.
i think SS has better characters at the conceptual stage but what i got from the movie was a bunch of half baked characterization works

Sure, but Pacific Rim's characters were even less developed and devoid of anything that could have made them likeable. I'm not saying Suicide Squad's characters were great, but at least it had some good actors who got a few funny moments, and I didn't leave the movie wishing the bad guys won.
Sure, but Pacific Rim's characters were even less developed and devoid of anything that could have made them likeable. I'm not saying Suicide Squad's characters were great, but at least it had some good actors who got a few funny moments, and I didn't leave the movie wishing the bad guys won.

I kinda prefer Pacific Rim's two dimensional characters to how SS completely butchered characters that could otherwise have been really stellar, but i get where you're coming from too. I guess that feeling of being disappointed coloured the way I feel about SS characters.


Guardians' Sun to Mon drop: 54%
Suicide Squad's Sun to Mon drop: 56.5%

It was also coming off an opening weekend that was about 30% higher than Guardians. Suicide Squad opened big, but already it is showing it won't have the legs of Guardians. It is ahead from now, but it isn't going to win the race with the drops it is having.

We'll see. I personally think the 54/56.5% drop comparison is negligible considering how much bigger Suicide Squad's opening was (pulling in a big Monday seems difficult for just about any movie), but I wouldn't be shocked if the movie fell off quicker.

This second weekend will be telling. I wonder if it'll take top spot again.

X-Men marketing sucked. And it suffered because Deadpool is the joint best X-Men film with the best costumes and it's not even an X-Men film.

Then three months later Singer released an overly serious film.

You are out of your mind if you think X-Men Apocalypse is "overly serious," especially when compared to Singer's last X-Men movie or the likes of Batman V Superman. I mean, c'mon, the signature scene is a series of slow-motion gags cut to "Sweet Dreams." There's a GoPro shot of a dog in it for crying out loud.
We'll see. I personally think the 54/56.5% drop comparison is negligible considering how much bigger Suicide Squad's opening was (pulling in a big Monday seems difficult for just about any movie), but I wouldn't be shocked if the movie fell off quicker.

This second weekend will be telling. I wonder if it'll take top spot again.
Even a BvS drop means SS takes #1 again. Unless Sausage Party does double its expected business or Pete's Dragon is giant.
Kind of depressing how this movie, which is absolute garbage on all levels, has done so well. Shit is rewarded and validated, and the studio has no motivation to make anything better in the future.
X-Men marketing sucked. And it suffered because Deadpool is the joint best X-Men film with the best costumes and it's not even an X-Men film.

Then three months later Singer released an overly serious film

I thought XMen: Apocalypse was the one out of the three (BvS, CivWar and Apoc) that felt actually cartoony to me

BvS and CivWar felt like comic book movies made for adults, all serious like, whilst Apoc retained some of its less serious comicbooky feels.


Good for it. I enjoyed it. Glad the hyperbolic filled people who hate this movie didn't tank it. I also find it funny it has a critic rating of 26 but an audience rating of 71. Guess critics don't matter for some films

Audience ratings for these sorts of films (i.e. fanboy bait) are usually brigaded with top scores as soon as they become open. For an example (albeit in the opposite direction), see Ghostbusters.



It's a reference to a line from the movie.

Kind of depressing how this movie, which is absolute garbage on all levels, has done so well. Shit is rewarded and validated, and the studio has no motivation to make anything better in the future.

I enjoyed the movie quite a bit... but I recognize that my enjoyment mostly comes from seeing the characters well done on screen is independent of the actual film making prowess on display.

I want more Suicide Squad on the big screen so I'm happy that it's over-performing, but I want the next movie to be, you know... good. I'm torn.


I can safely dismiss anyone who expresses this opinion. Pacific Rim does almost nothing wrong on a technical or narrative level. In fact, the central subject of the movie, giant robot vs giant monster battles, is deftly handled, with effects and dramatic progression as well crafted as anyone could reasonably expect. Yes, it's simplistic, and plot elements like the wall demand suspension of disbelief. That's not so unreasonable when the point is to supply a basic pretext for crazy battle scenes.

Pacific Rim fulfills the director's stated goal to make a light movie suitable for introducing a new generation to the kaiju and mecha genres, as well as to explore the theme of survivor's guilt and convey basic values like cooperation between rivals for a greater purpose.

You can dislike the movie as much as you want. This material certainly isn't for everyone. But you're not entitled to invent flaws or rag on the director or production team for doing bad work. They did very good work that just so happens to appeal to a specialized audience of kaiju/mecha fans, action buffs, and younger viewers.

I'm still amazed how Del Tore managed to make a movie about giant monsters and robots fighting each other that boring. He wanted to make a movie that made young people fall in love with monsters and robots. I'd argue that he failed. But it was much better than Transformers, that's for sure. Though, that's probably not saying much heh.
Kind of depressing how this movie, which is absolute garbage on all levels, has done so well. Shit is rewarded and validated, and the studio has no motivation to make anything better in the future.

It opened well, but I think it's going to follow a similar trajectory as BvS, and drop off quicker than a film with better buzz would've.

And honestly, as a DC fan, I think that's ideal. These films opening big IS a good thing, because it shows Warner that there's an audience for this world and these characters. These films dropping off relatively quickly is also a good thing, because it shows Warner that just having this world and these characters isn't enough, that they need to tell us good stories with them.
I thought XMen: Apocalypse was the one out of the three (BvS, CivWar and Apoc) that felt actually cartoony to me

BvS and CivWar felt like comic book movies made for adults, all serious like, whilst Apoc retained some of its less serious comicbooky feels.

Yeah it felt like a couple episodes of the cartoon honestly.
i was looking forward to this so much. so so much. bvs too, to the point where i mostly ignored pre release negativity. thought all trailers for both were really well done.

however, they're probably the two worst films i've watched this year so far. super disappointing. i do hope it does well though. maybe they can learn from their mistakes and make better films.


It was a really fun movie, my main gripe was the plot toward the 2nd half of the movie and the lack of character building for the other villains. Otherwise I really liked it.

They can do a lot better, and that's exactly why I will keep watching DC movies, especially with Geoff John's at the helm now.


Kind of depressing how this movie, which is absolute garbage on all levels, has done so well. Shit is rewarded and validated, and the studio has no motivation to make anything better in the future.

I don't know if that's necessarily the case. BvS made $800m but WB still felt compelled to course correct (and maybe overreact) on SS and next year's DC movies.


Looks like Tuesday was good for Suicide Squad:

Exhibitor Relations @ERCboxoffice

SUICIDE SQUAD is sticking together--$14.2M on its first Tuesday--a larger number than even CAPTAIN AMERICA: CW which rolled out $13.7M.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I don't fully understand the box office figures.
How well is this movie doing? Because I enjoyed it and would like a revisit to this world or even a sequel.


Kind of depressing how this movie, which is absolute garbage on all levels, has done so well. Shit is rewarded and validated, and the studio has no motivation to make anything better in the future.

No it's not. It's not even close to that.

The the second point, the reason they interfered in this project so much was because of the reception BvS got... so again, wrong on both accounts.

Looks like Tuesday was good for Suicide Squad:

Besting Civil War? That doesn't sound right... that thing was monstrous.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
You're probably getting a sequel
Thank you based Bronson. Always giving me good things.

Kind of depressing how this movie, which is absolute garbage on all levels, has done so well. Shit is rewarded and validated, and the studio has no motivation to make anything better in the future.

This isn't a bad movie. I've watched bad movies. I've even enjoyed some of them. This isn't one of them.
Honestly it looks like DC is willing to try to fix their movies and do better in the future so I'm happy this is doing well along with getting critically panned. Because it means that they have a reason to make a sequel but also make a better sequel. Obviously the reviews hurt them which is why we got what we did, the issue is what lessons they learn from the mistakes they make and unfortunately this time they happened to learn the wrong lessons. Of you choose not to watch their future output more power to you, but burning everything down and starting over isn't going to help, it'll just leave people disinterested. And honestly the DCCU has many great things and ideas that I really enjoy, sometimes they're just mishandled and a lot of that has to do with the studio.
Saw it yesterday. It was terrible but still, somehow, strangely fun at times.

But really, plot holes everywhere coupled with myopic studio interference that just ruins the whole point.

If DC wanted to succeed, they'd put whoever runs the animated department in charge of the live action films. Now those, well most of them, are actually worth watching. Batman: Assault on Arkham did it right.
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