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Tabata comments on Final Fantasy XV for PC


6 months to a year for PC delay.

They want the console owners who can't wait to purchase, and then want the double-dippers and PC gamers.

But they can't delay it too long otherwise they may lose momentum and risk having to discount the price a bit too much for being an old game.\

There is no question there will be a PC version, though. Too much money on the line to not afford to port it.


Just the usual obligatory delay because they're scared over piracy, blah blah blah. I'll just watch a let's play in that case.

SE games have Denuvo, hasn't been cracked yet, it will eventually but I doubt it will be fully cracked by September. So no piracy atm.
From Software, konami > square enix, apparently.

If they are serious about a "hi spec" version, then it might be worth the wait.

If that's code for dx12/win10 only, then wtf? If UWA, they can eat my shorts.


Prefer to have PC version but I preordered collectors and deluxe edition PS4. I know I've waited 10 years but I'm not waiting any longer, probably double dip when they release it on steam

I'm going that route as well.

Can't decide between the DE or CE though :/
I waited for GTAV and enjoyed the game when it came out. I can do the same for this, no problem at all. Lots of games to play so not in a hurry.
I'm guessing they'll hold it off and release a "Definitive Edition" in ~1 year on PC alongside the PS4k and whatever the new hardware revision of the Xbone is.


Not when they have Denuvo (which is rarely cracked)

Yeah. I thought it was a piracy thing but then someone mentioned that TR and JC3 aren't cracked yet so they seem to have that under control so it's just a case of "We want people to buy a console version at $60 and then buy a PC version at $60 a month or two down the line".

Either that or they legit don't have the man power to work on a PC version at the same time and won't outsource it. Which then makes me wonder why spend all that money on an anime and movie and big name stars.


Either that or they legit don't have the man power to work on a PC version at the same time and won't outsource it. Which then makes me wonder why spend all that money on an anime and movie and big name stars.

A lot of Japan is still very behind on adopting Steam - many companies I've spoken to have this attitude of "I've never used it and I don't know anyone who does, so it seems risky." Even after we show them our sales numbers.

Also, unlike the West, which sees the PC as neutral territory, many Japanese developers still think of it like another console. And basically they're afraid it will hurt their relationship with the console makers if they release simultaneously on PC.

Square, in particular, seems to take issue with Steam because of its 30% cut, which is why they usually launch PC games on their store so the initial wave of people will give them the full price instead of just 70% of it.
meanwhile FF IX still not out :-/

The double dip plan. They want you to cave in and buy the mobile version first

A lot of Japan is still very behind on adopting Steam - many companies I've spoken to have this attitude of "I've never used it and I don't know anyone who does, so it seems risky." Even after we show them our sales numbers.

Also, unlike the West, which sees the PC as neutral territory, many Japanese developers still think of it like another console. And basically they're afraid it will hurt their relationship with the console makers if they release simultaneously on PC.

Square, in particular, seems to take issue with Steam because of its 30% cut, which is why they usually launch PC games on their store so the initial wave of people will give them the full price instead of just 70% of it.

Square only has Steam keys on their main store. Honestly that 70% is still more than they would get on console


I've never had any doubts that with Square's recent trends on PC that XV will come out. It just won't come out for maybe up to a year after. From the looks of the poor performance of the console version its a pretty lucrative upgrade and they're obviously looking to get people to double dip.


Square, in particular, seems to take issue with Steam because of its 30% cut, which is why they usually launch PC games on their store so the initial wave of people will give them the full price instead of just 70% of it.

How? The per-unit profits of games sold on steam at full price are higher than physical console games.
What is it that makes this development task that is regularly performed by just about every AAA team on the planet (including Square-Enix's Western studios) so challenging and disruptive for this team, exactly?

Possibly a mix of time constraints (a September release is pretty fast turnaround considering how big the game should be and how short a time it's been before Tabata took over and they basically restarted the proejct) and being spread thin between all the current Squeenix projects (FF15, FF7HD, KH3), maybe they have difficulty adapting the outsourced work from Avalanche and other studios into the game and need the programmers to focus on that, also optimizing the game/engine (hopefully to a point where they can fit some AA into the game and maintain a solid 30). Also their previous ports to PC have all been a mess in one form or another, so they may want to make sure the console versions are totally completely before having the extra space to do PC right.

They may also be "strategically" delaying the PC port to get a second burst of hype/discussion about the game, possibly waiting until after a PS4K patch comes out for the game, so the game can effectively have 3 peaks in sales at full price/near full price before they need to start being competitive with their sales to hit that 10 million mark by the end of the generation.


Possibly a mix of time constraints (a September release is pretty fast turnaround considering how big the game should be and how short a time it's been before Tabata took over and they basically restarted the proejct) and being spread thin between all the current Squeenix projects (FF15, FF7HD, KH3), maybe they have difficulty adapting the outsourced work from Avalanche and other studios into the game and need the programmers to focus on that, also optimizing the game/engine (hopefully to a point where they can fit some AA into the game and maintain a solid 30). Also their previous ports to PC have all been a mess in one form or another, so they may want to make sure the console versions are totally completely before having the extra space to do PC right.

They may also be "strategically" delaying the PC port to get a second burst of hype/discussion about the game, possibly waiting until after a PS4K patch comes out for the game, so the game can effectively have 3 peaks in sales at full price/near full price before they need to start being competitive with their sales to hit that 10 million mark by the end of the generation.

I think this is it.
I can wait one more year, i waited for 10 years so no problem here, i would like to play with best possible experience when i waited a game so long.
Possibly a mix of time constraints (a September release is pretty fast turnaround considering how big the game should be and how short a time it's been before Tabata took over and they basically restarted the proejct) and being spread thin between all the current Squeenix projects (FF15, FF7HD, KH3), maybe they have difficulty adapting the outsourced work from Avalanche and other studios into the game and need the programmers to focus on that, also optimizing the game/engine (hopefully to a point where they can fit some AA into the game and maintain a solid 30). Also their previous ports to PC have all been a mess in one form or another, so they may want to make sure the console versions are totally completely before having the extra space to do PC right.

They may also be "strategically" delaying the PC port to get a second burst of hype/discussion about the game, possibly waiting until after a PS4K patch comes out for the game, so the game can effectively have 3 peaks in sales at full price/near full price before they need to start being competitive with their sales to hit that 10 million mark by the end of the generation.

Probably this.
6 months to a year for PC delay.

They want the console owners who can't wait to purchase, and then want the double-dippers and PC gamers.

Inasmuch as this is an actual intentional choice rather than them making the best of whatever technical and manpower issues are getting in the way of a PC port, it's an extremely foolish strategy on their part. Each day one sale of the Steam version is worth about twice as much as a retail console sale, and those will be driven primarily by the pre-release interest rather than word of mouth. Waiting even 6 months on PC is gonna require chopping $20 or more off the price, and it'll take even more discounting to bring the sales up to a solid place. And that's just by default -- if the word of mouth is poor (and that is an extremely large possibility with this game) it'll do even worse in a re-release.

They may also be "strategically" delaying the PC port to get a second burst of hype/discussion about the game, possibly waiting until after a PS4K patch comes out for the game, so the game can effectively have 3 peaks in sales at full price/near full price before they need to start being competitive with their sales to hit that 10 million mark by the end of the generation.

I really hope they're not making these decisions with that 10 million figure in mind, because there is no way in hell they're hitting that.


Inasmuch as this is an actual intentional choice rather than them making the best of whatever technical and manpower issues are getting in the way of a PC port, it's an extremely foolish strategy on their part. Each day one sale of the Steam version is worth about twice as much as a retail console sale, and those will be driven primarily by the pre-release interest rather than word of mouth. Waiting even 6 months on PC is gonna require chopping $20 or more off the price, and it'll take even more discounting to bring the sales up to a solid place. And that's just by default -- if the word of mouth is poor (and that is an extremely large possibility with this game) it'll do even worse in a re-release.

Yeah a lot of people think this way. I am one of them too, hiring a studio to port alongside the console version and have it be a month later like TR would have been ideal in my opinion. Wouldn't have impacted sales or the price and interest would still be there.


Some of you give SE too much credit with theories of trying to get double dippers or whatever.

SE are simply backwards as fuck, there is no clever sales strategy here, just another JP publisher failing to adapt with the times.


Some of you give SE too much credit with theories of trying to get double dippers or whatever.

SE are simply backwards as fuck, there is no clever sales strategy here, just another JP publisher failing to adapt with the times.

They are making a game with an unfinished engine. How do you think they can manage to port it to PC simultaneously? Bad development strategy, not bad sales strategy.
But I agree about the double dippers. No company actually takes that into consideration. Not many people have a beastly PC and a console, and even fewer of them will buy a game twice.
I really hope they're not making these decisions with that 10 million figure in mind, because there is no way in hell they're hitting that.

Totally disagree, I think it's a very plausible goal when talking about "lifetime" sales (I'm thinking ~5 years from release rather than literal lifetime sales, because they probably aren't banking on making money back from this game ~15 years from release). IF it gets a positive reception, I can see it performing similarly to MGSV or Witcher 3 (non-bethesda open world games). It would probably sell ~1-1.2M in Japan during launch month (just a guess, I'm not super great at keeping up with Media Create Sales numbers), and in the west I can see it selling 3-5M on PS4 in the first month (probably closer to 3.5M with decent reviews, 4.2M or higher with great reviews), and 200,000 to 500,000 on Xbone.

For the PC version, I'm really not sure what numbers to expect. Based on how well the previous FF games have sold, I'm guessing 300,000 to 700,000 in the first year (Not sure what first month numbers of the PC releases were, so I'm guessing 12 month sales numbers). But I think it's important to note that Squeenix has never very heavily advertised their PC releases, often keeps things like release dates unannounced until weeks of the release, and then quietly drops it onto Steam with minimal marketing. Additionally, all of the ports were overdue and they had very little hype behind them. I think if they put some real marketing muscle into the PC version, showing off preview builds and giving early review codes to press, and it's seen as a good port and the game itself reviews well, and it comes out within 2-4 months of the console release (this part is probably the most unlikely), it could sell 1.2M+ in the first year.

In addition to PC sales, assuming PS4K launches this year, I'm expecting it to be one of the flagships for the PS4K. They'll probably sell a cool 1M via a PS4K patch and being bundled with the PS4K. If it launches next year, bundles and heavy 1st promotion becomes unlikely, and I have no idea how many additional units a PS4K patch would sell.

So basically in the first month, I think it's very likely that they'll get close to half of their total goal with their initial WW numbers. In the first 12 months, I think they'll probably hit around 7-8M. After that, I think it's pretty likely that they'll be able to generate an additional 2M via discount promotions over the next ~3-4 years of the console generation.

I think there's also a good chance that the game could get pretty mediocre reviews, the series might not have much mainstream hype after the 13 trilogy, and it might sell closer to 2M in the first month on PS4 in the west. That would put them way behind pace, and if that was coupled with a bad a mediocre PC port, and no PS4K this year, they'd probably hit closer to 4-5M 12 months from the game's release, which would make hitting that 10M mark this generation pretty much impossible. They would need to rely on the HDHDHD remake (PS4 HD verson -> PS4K HD patch -> PS5 HD remake) to finally get anywhere close to crossing that line.

So I can see it going either way, but I definitely don't think hitting that number for lifetime sales this generation is outlandish.
Totally disagree, I think it's a very plausible goal when talking about "lifetime" sales (I'm thinking ~5 years from release rather than literal lifetime sales, because they probably aren't banking on making money back from this game ~15 years from release). IF it gets a positive reception, I can see it performing similarly to MGSV or Witcher 3 (non-bethesda open world games). It would probably sell ~1-1.2M in Japan during launch month (just a guess, I'm not super great at keeping up with Media Create Sales numbers), and in the west I can see it selling 3-5M on PS4 in the first month (probably closer to 3.5M with decent reviews, 4.2M or higher with great reviews), and 200,000 to 500,000 on Xbone.

This is not in any way a plausible scenario. 1.2 million in Japan is probably the most plausible, but even that relies on the game proportionately outperforming FFXIII which debuted on 4.3m PS3s, a far cry from the ~2.4m PS4s that'll be in place for XV's launch. The US numbers are much further out there. FFXIII put up 900k on PS3 its first month, 1.4m total (and didn't climb all that much from there until it was bargain-binned.) At the end of the PS2's lifespan, the highest US sales of any FF game was FFVII, at 2.5 million -- Final Fantasy, at its absolute peak of relevance, was never a 3 million seller in the US.


They released FF VII originally on PC back in the day. They've also been releasing almost every Final Fantasy under the sun on PC one way or the other.

It WILL come to PC (at some point).
For the PC version, I'm really not sure what numbers to expect. Based on how well the previous FF games have sold, I'm guessing 300,000 to 700,000 in the first year (Not sure what first month numbers of the PC releases were, so I'm guessing 12 month sales numbers). But I think it's important to note that Squeenix has never very heavily advertised their PC releases, often keeps things like release dates unannounced until weeks of the release, and then quietly drops it onto Steam with minimal marketing. Additionally, all of the ports were overdue and they had very little hype behind them. I think if they put some real marketing muscle into the PC version, showing off preview builds and giving early review codes to press, and it's seen as a good port and the game itself reviews well, and it comes out within 2-4 months of the console release (this part is probably the most unlikely), it could sell 1.2M+ in the first year.

The problem with those numbers is, PC version FF games never had a simultaneous release as consoles. It's either several months or years later. At that point, people have already played or watched the games, and most don't bother to buy them soon. Who knows what'll happen if they decide to do a simultaneous release this time? By delaying the game on PC for god knows what the reason they have, they'll miss the inital hype and maybe the full price tag. Who want to buy a year-old game for $60?

For example, MGSV with (almost) simultaneous release has already sold 900k copies on Steam, and it's (kinda) the first MGS game on Steam.
If you looked at their early tech and dx12 usage it's obvious they have a VERY good looking version out there.

Do a pc release now and parity will drag it down. So this is the result at least imo reminds me of gta v might even have a nice looking nx version


Waiting even 6 months on PC is gonna require chopping $20 or more off the price, and it'll take even more discounting to bring the sales up to a solid place. And that's just by default -- if the word of mouth is poor (and that is an extremely large possibility with this game) it'll do even worse in a re-release.

I disagree with the "chopping $20", but I strongly agree with the chance that word-of-mouth may be poor will severely hurt the success of a delayed PC version.


i want a pc steam release that has dx 12 support with highter quality assets and graphics and better framework, 60fps
I disagree with the "chopping $20", but I strongly agree with the chance that word-of-mouth may be poor will severely hurt the success of a delayed PC version.

Nah he's right. More than 3 months later, they need to price it lower. And that's the bare minimum if it has a good word of mouth. And even then the sales will be lower than day and date at full price.

I think SE is sending this PC version to death. And no DX12 will change anything. Better performances ? Maybe. But except for that, it wont change anything. I dont expect the word of mouth to be great. Good but not great. Basically, once it releases after the marketing hype period, I dont see it selling more than 300k for the first year, that is, at 40 dollars, with a good word of mouth, and great reviews. That is a best case scenario. While I think a day and date release at 60 dollars could've brought these 300k to 500k on launch week. And reach up to a million or even more depending on the word of mouth on the game.
This is not in any way a plausible scenario. 1.2 million in Japan is probably the most plausible, but even that relies on the game proportionately outperforming FFXIII which debuted on 4.3m PS3s, a far cry from the ~2.4m PS4s that'll be in place for XV's launch. The US numbers are much further out there. FFXIII put up 900k on PS3 its first month, 1.4m total (and didn't climb all that much from there until it was bargain-binned.) At the end of the PS2's lifespan, the highest US sales of any FF game was FFVII, at 2.5 million -- Final Fantasy, at its absolute peak of relevance, was never a 3 million seller in the US.

I don't think that you can gauge FFXV sales by directly comparing FFXIII sales, considering the poor reviews and reception from the fanbase, and that the PS3 WW install base at that point was much smaller than the PS4 install base. I also think that FFXIII poisoned the well for its sequels, and that those aren't indicative either (also for the secondary reason that they aren't mainline FF titles, and naturally sell less).

Again I'm really not sure what a safe guess for JPN is, as I only occasionally check on sales for games in that region. For the rest of the numbers, I still think I'm in the ballpark range, and again I can see FFXV performing similarly to MGSV's debut. My 3-5M estimate was based on all western sales, not just the US. I'm guessing on the low end ~2M in US, ~1M in EU. I really don't see anything strange about those numbers for such an anticipated AAA game, especially with their gigantic marketing push (They've got, what, 3 crossmedia tie-ins to the game?), and possibly having little competition in the month (Q3/4 calendar up in the air until after E3) but maybe I'm really misreading the hype.
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