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Ted Cruz dropping out per Campaign Manager

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Yeah I'm actually legitimately annoyed by this news.

Ted was supposed to see his dream crumble into ashes after California. He was supposed to cling on to the bitter end like a bloodsucking tic. Now it's just Trump and Kasich, who isn't worth consideration. Unless Trump mocking Kasich's eating habits is enough to sustain us till the convention.

Now unless something really interesting happens at a national or international level there will be a severe meme drought between now and July.
Yeah I'm actually legitimately annoyed by this news.

Ted was supposed to see his dream crumble into ashes after California. He was supposed to cling on to the bitter end like a bloodsucking tic. Now it's just Trump and Kasich, who isn't worth consideration. Unless Trump mocking Kasich's eating habits is enough to sustain us till the convention.

Now unless something really interesting happens at a national or international level there will be a severe meme drought between now and July.

Personally, I could do with some time off tbh. It's been good, but now I think I'm at that point where you laugh so much it actually becomes exhausting. You know, that stage where you're sort of sobbing and your ribs start to ache.

I'm going to enjoy this nice weather and prepare my sides for the epic Trump vs Hillary campaign. It's sure going to be...something :-D


I expected him to stick it out to the end. I still think it's hilarious Kasich is still in. Everytime I say his name to someone, they say "Who's that?"


Trump is going to get destroyed in a 1 on 1 debate with Hillary. Debating someone who actually knows what the job entails and has specifics for almost all foreign policy topics. Watching him try and squirm out of answering questions is going to be awesome.
Personally, I could do with some time off tbh. It's been good, but now I think I'm at that point where you laugh so much it actually becomes exhausting. You know, that stage where you're sort of sobbing and your ribs start to ache.

I'm going to enjoy this nice weather and prepare my sides for the epic Trump vs Hillary campaign. It's sure going to be...something :-D

Maybe you're right. Has Cruz said whether or not he'll support "the nominee" yet? If not there's that to sort out and then Trump needs the rest of the Republican party to swear oaths of fealty and lay down their chests of tribute at the feet of his throne of skulls. They may take some convincing, particularly the #nevertrumps.

I wonder what this will mean for his momentum. I get the feeling that if he was seen to be demolishing Cruz in the remaining contests he'd get more energised support across the country. Now that it's (still) a done deal but there's no ritual sacrifice to be prepared I imagine the enthusiasm will lose some of its vigour.


Unconfirmed Member
Trump is going to get destroyed in a 1 on 1 debate with Hillary. Debating someone who actually knows what the job entails and has specifics for almost all foreign policy topics. Watching him try and squirm out of answering questions is going to be awesome.

Moderator: "As President, how would deal with a military threat?"

Clinton: "I would build a coalition (of the willing) and stage our forces as a show of force while primarily leveraging political means to de-escalate the situation. If military force was needed, we'd use SOF and precision air stikes to minimize collateral damage and surgically destroy our enemy."

Trump: "We'd bomb the hell out of them. I mean really, there'd be a tremendous amount of bombs dropped and they'd be the best bombs. I know the best bomb makers in the world and they'd volunteer all of their bombs to be dropped on our enemies and it would be tremendous. And why should we pay for the bombs? Our enemies will pay for the bombs and we'll start winning again. Really it'll be tremendous."


Junior Member
Moderator: "As President, how would deal with a military threat?"

Clinton: "I would build a coalition (of the willing) and stage our forces as a show of force while primarily leveraging political means to de-escalate the situation. If military force was needed, we'd use SOF and precision air stikes to minimize collateral damage and surgically destroy our enemy."

Trump: "We'd bomb the hell out of them. I mean really, there'd be a tremendous amount of bombs dropped and they'd be the best bombs. I know the best bomb makers in the world and they'd volunteer all of their bombs to be dropped on our enemies and it would be tremendous. And why should we pay for the bombs? Our enemies will pay for the bombs and we'll start winning again. Really it'll be tremendous."

Trump's got my vote.
Maybe you're right. Has Cruz said whether or not he'll support "the nominee" yet? If not there's that to sort out and then Trump needs the rest of the Republican party to swear oaths of fealty and lay down their chests of tribute at the feet of his throne of skulls. They may take some convincing, particularly the #nevertrumps.

I wonder what this will mean for his momentum. I get the feeling that if he was seen to be demolishing Cruz in the remaining contests he'd get more energised support across the country. Now that it's (still) a done deal but there's no ritual sacrifice to be prepared I imagine the enthusiasm will lose some of its vigour.

I'll admit that I would love to see Cruz go on TV and endorse Trump after everything that's been said: "Please vote for this snivelling coward".

Oh shit, imagine Jeb! having to come out and endorse Trump!

<air horn>


Maybe you're right. Has Cruz said whether or not he'll support "the nominee" yet?

How often does it happen where prominent members of a party don't support the nominee? Like were there Democratic senators who didn't support Obama? Or Republican senators who didn't support Romney?



Hot fire.



Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Moderator: "As President, how would deal with a military threat?"

Clinton: "I would build a coalition (of the willing) and stage our forces as a show of force while primarily leveraging political means to de-escalate the situation. If military force was needed, we'd use SOF and precision air stikes to minimize collateral damage and surgically destroy our enemy."

Trump: "We'd bomb the hell out of them. I mean really, there'd be a tremendous amount of bombs dropped and they'd be the best bombs. I know the best bomb makers in the world and they'd volunteer all of their bombs to be dropped on our enemies and it would be tremendous. And why should we pay for the bombs? Our enemies will pay for the bombs and we'll start winning again. Really it'll be tremendous."
Please tell me that Trump quote is fake.....

Edit: how bad is it that I have to ask...god help us.
Moderator: "As President, how would deal with a military threat?"

Clinton: "I would build a coalition (of the willing) and stage our forces as a show of force while primarily leveraging political means to de-escalate the situation. If military force was needed, we'd use SOF and precision air stikes to minimize collateral damage and surgically destroy our enemy."

Trump: "We'd bomb the hell out of them. I mean really, there'd be a tremendous amount of bombs dropped and they'd be the best bombs. I know the best bomb makers in the world and they'd volunteer all of their bombs to be dropped on our enemies and it would be tremendous. And why should we pay for the bombs? Our enemies will pay for the bombs and we'll start winning again. Really it'll be tremendous."

Thats a good impersonation my friend. Early morning lol


One formality out of the way, now how long until Sanders drops?

His ego isn't letting him stop until the convention.

At this point if I'm Hillary I just start general election mode against Trump. Campaign a little in CA, make sure you get close to 50/50 there, but otherwise ignore Sanders and aim all your fire on Trump. The media would love to start focusing on the Trump v. Clinton fight so if sparks start flying they're gonna cover that.

She has nothing to gain from engaging Sanders, she's gonna lose the states leading up to CA anyway but the delegate lead is enough where she only damages her GE prospects by getting further into the mud with Sanders. It'd be helpful if her Super Delegates would also come out and just say they're 100% supporting her at the convention.
I don't get how we're this late in the game and still getting comments like these. You really don't know why Trump has the GOP so riled up?

If the GOP was that riled up against him then Trump wouldn't be kicking butt. He's even on the verge of eclipsing Bush in the popular primary vote whereas Ted and Kasich weren't close. The whiners are a total joke.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Worst candidate finally drops out.
Thank Fucking god.

Trump winning the nomination is "good" for the country. He has terrible terrible issues. But he is not a gop "conservative".

He hopefully shatters the myth of the conservative American base. He is to the left of cruz on every issue. He is not religious. He is not unapologetic about supporting Israel. His rhetoric on taxes and health is not the usual conservative garbage (proposed actual policies still horrible), he blames bush for iraq and calls it a mistake, his rhetoric is a populist, not corporatist one.

Now, not saying he is good on any way, but maybe this is progress??
My dad was supporting Cruz because he's an Originalist (he interprets the Constitution as the Founding Fathers intended it to be read based on the language at the time), and wants to abolish the IRS and put in a 10% flat tax. Rather than stating how upset he is, he quotes the Bible, 1 Samuel specifically.

The people of Israel want a king to rule over them and judge them like all the nations. Samuel goes to God, and God says "It's not your fault, they don't want a God to rule over them, they want a human king. So I tell you what, I'll give them a king, but he'll be a real jerk to them by taking their children away from them to work for the government." So Samuel goes back and tells everyone this and they're like "We don't care."


So, no practical difference?

It makes it something he won't tirelessly pursue unlike Ted Cruz who is a bonafide religious fanatic.

Trump does just say things that sound good, when he's in office he's likely to be rather lazy, I suspect. Take his stance on transgendered people and bathrooms, he basically was like "who cares, shut up". These aren't things that get Trump all hot and bothered, but they gnaw at Ted's core.


It makes it something he won't tirelessly pursue unlike Ted Cruz who is a bonafide religious fanatic.

Trump does just say things that sound good, when he's in office he's likely to be rather lazy, I suspect. Take his stance on transgendered people and bathrooms, he basically was like "who cares, shut up". These aren't things that get Trump all hot and bothered, but they gnaw at Ted's core.
Wait, so how do we know what Trump really stands for?

Second-guessing his motivations is not a bet I'd be willing to take. His animosity toward women seems not manufactured, though.


41 > 38
If he wasn't going to stay in until the bitter end, I'm surprised that he stayed in for Indiana in the first place. After Trump overperformed in a big way in the Northeast, the writing was just as clear on the wall as it was last night. Maybe Trump was onto something with the JFK thing, and Cruz didn't want anybody digging deeper?


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
The longer this goes on the more afraid I am of him winning, by god build that wall between America and Canada FAST


Moderator: "As President, how would deal with a military threat?"

Clinton: "I would build a coalition (of the willing) and stage our forces as a show of force while primarily leveraging political means to de-escalate the situation. If military force was needed, we'd use SOF and precision air stikes to minimize collateral damage and surgically destroy our enemy."

Trump: "We'd bomb the hell out of them. I mean really, there'd be a tremendous amount of bombs dropped and they'd be the best bombs. I know the best bomb makers in the world and they'd volunteer all of their bombs to be dropped on our enemies and it would be tremendous. And why should we pay for the bombs? Our enemies will pay for the bombs and we'll start winning again. Really it'll be tremendous."

Lol I can totally see Trump saying that... damn
Trump is going to get destroyed in a 1 on 1 debate with Hillary. Debating someone who actually knows what the job entails and has specifics for almost all foreign policy topics. Watching him try and squirm out of answering questions is going to be awesome.

I think we're gonna need a new version of this gif as liberals start squirming harder and harder when Trump starts annihilating Hillary and rises in the polls. She is barely beating a 74 year old Washington 3 decade politician who accomplished very little in his time in office.



Good ridince to bad rubbish.

As a Texan, fuck this guy, I honestly hate him more than Trump.

If Trump some how wins the GE, I can at least be satisfied he fucked Cruz along with the rest of us.
I think we're gonna need a new version of this gif as liberals start squirming harder and harder when Trump starts annihilating Hillary and rises in the polls. She is barely beating a 74 year old Washington 3 decade politician who accomplished very little in his time in office.


This assumes the the GE electorate is in any way similar to the GOP primary electorate. In order to rise in the polls he needs to make inroads with some other demographic besides white men.

And Hillary is handedly beating Sanders right now. "Barely beating" him would imply that he has a chance of coming back.
Trump: "We'd bomb the hell out of them. I mean really, there'd be a tremendous amount of bombs dropped and they'd be the best bombs. I know the best bomb makers in the world and they'd volunteer all of their bombs to be dropped on our enemies and it would be tremendous. And why should we pay for the bombs? Our enemies will pay for the bombs and we'll start winning again. Really it'll be tremendous."

Yep... The problem is that a scarily significant amount of people seem to prefer this kind of answer over something that is not incoherent and stupid on its face.
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