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The Division - 15 minutes of new gameplay


Oh wow, what a difference better video quality makes.

Maybe one day somebody is going to put together a video hosting and streaming service that has the ease and functionality of youtube but with quality that is more suitable to HD gaming.

yes, that's my video

Good luck on that video hosting service with amazing quality lol......bandwidth cost would be insane. Unless your willing to spend money....I think Vimeo business is the closest to the original upload we will get on a video hosting site. However its $200 a year for the service.
People joke about rehearsed party chat in demos but it would be so much worse if they tried to use actual party chat from an average session. The vast majority of it would have nothing to do with gameplay at the very least.


I'm guessing they stopped giving out beta codes for preordering?

I preordered on Amazon like 10 hours ago, and haven't got a beta code yet.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
People joke about rehearsed party chat in demos but it would be so much worse if they tried to use actual party chat from an average session. The vast majority of it would have nothing to do with gameplay at the very least.
Nothing like discussing politics and the state of the country while playing TLOU MP.


I'm guessing they stopped giving out beta codes for preordering?

I preordered on Amazon like 10 hours ago, and haven't got a beta code yet.

That can't be true. Check your PMs in a sec. It's probably because you're in Canada. Think the beta is US only.


Banstick Emeritus


Oh god, Bish doesn't like The Division, right?
I don't get it
Explanation of the bullet sponge from the creative director.

In terms of tone, I wonder whether you're going for realism or fantastical. There is a faithful recreation of New York in here, albeit one thrown into crisis, but sometimes I notice tonal clashes with that. For example, there are gang members who I've shot about ten times in the head with a small machine gun, and they're still running at me with a baseball bat. Suddenly that's remarkably fantastical. Do you recognise those tonal anomalies?

I think there's obviously going to be a difference between authentic and realistic. We're not making a simulator. If you watch a fight in a Hollywood film, the amount of punches each person can take to the head without falling is crazy. Both the hero and the villain would have such absurd amounts of head trauma even half way through the fight. But that's an accepted unrealism.

In movies you accept that, and in RPGs, you just accept those gameisms too. I would say that the really tough enemies carry lots of amour, and we try to explain why they're tougher.

Perhaps it was just me then. Some of it took me out of the game. If I was shooting at a tank, I could understand why it could just sit there and absorb the bullets. But someone in a hoodie holding a gun sideways just took me a while to adjust with.

For sure, and we're hoping players will still be immersed, and it's one of the elements in this great open-world RPG.

From this interview: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-division-interview-were-not-holding-anything-b/1100-6433828/


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Weird, I gave my friend in Okinawa a code and the registration page said US only.

That's indeed weird but it can't be US only since you get beta access if you pre-order on amazon.de for example.


Explanation of the bullet sponge from the creative director.

From this interview: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-division-interview-were-not-holding-anything-b/1100-6433828/

I think the normal enemies (non-purple or yellow armored/boss types) tend to go down much faster if people are using their buffs. People also seem to rarely be using the buff ammo types like incendiary or explosive in the videos I've watched. The special ammo buffs tend to really shred people, kinda like Mass Effect 2. As you can see here:


That's indeed weird but it can't be US only since you get beta access if you pre-order on amazon.de for example.

Maybe it's just JP that doesn't have access. Someone would need to confirm.
I think he was suggesting I'd get banned for my twink definition. *Shrugs*

We have no idea if it would upgrade the alpha or be an entirely separate download. Safer to assume the latter IMO as it would must likely be an entirely different build.
Hmmm ok. Did amazon give the keys out or no?


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Explanation of the bullet sponge from the creative director.

From this interview: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-division-interview-were-not-holding-anything-b/1100-6433828/

Uuuh that doesn't sound good.

I'm going to ask about graphics. From what I can tell, the visual gap between Xbox One and PS4 games has narrowed in the past two years, to the extent that more new games have resolution and framerate parity. Is this the case with The Division?

I'm not the best at commenting on how things look. I'm sure there are things we shouldn't talk about. I don't know is the honest truth


I could see a ZombiU situation here. Outlets reviewing the game in light of what they want the game to be (a shooter) rather than what it is (an RPG).

I understand that modern day New York isn't the most traditional setting for an RPG but that's also why I think it's interesting.


Hmmm ok. Did amazon give the keys out or no?

They don't give out store keys. They give out a registration code you bring to thedivision.com/beta or something like that and choose which platform you want to play the beta on. From there they (Ubisoft) will send a code to your uplay e-mail once the beta is about to go out, and that code you redeem on your console. None of us have the actual platform keys yet to download etc. If you're asking if Alpha players automatically receive a beta code, I have no idea.



Q: I'm going to ask about graphics. From what I can tell, the visual gap between Xbox One and PS4 games has narrowed in the past two years, to the extent that more new games have resolution and framerate parity. Is this the case with The Division?

A: I'm not the best at commenting on how things look. I'm sure there are things we shouldn't talk about. I don't know is the honest truth.

Well, that's complete bullshit from the Gamespot interviewer.

For graphics intensive games, the norm is still the same 1080p vs. 900p difference and from the The Division rep non-answer it sounds like a similar situation here. He's probably not allowed to say anything about it because the game is Microsoft marketed.
Well, that's complete bullshit from the Gamespot interviewer.

For graphics intensive games, the norm is still the same 1080p vs. 900p difference and from the The Division rep non-answer it sounds like a similar situation here. He's probably not allowed to say anything about it because the game is Microsoft marketed.

Apparently gamespot thinks 900p is the same as 1080p. And that resolution has no bearing on visual gap.


wish this game came out this month,i enjoy games with snow more when its cold outside...i dunno am i weird ? had the same feelings with the batman games


Came across this vid. Mission at the Lincoln tunnel. Didnt see that one before. Shows also the fight from two perspectives. And working nice together.


The non-purple enemies seem to drop moderately fast in this video.

Jup. The red bars are fine really. All depends on the guns in alot of vids i see people shoot with SMG from quite a distance and those do way less damage. In the alpha they dropped very quick with a assault rifle and with a DMR it was all the time a 2 or 3 shot.
Well, that's complete bullshit from the Gamespot interviewer.

For graphics intensive games, the norm is still the same 1080p vs. 900p difference and from the The Division rep non-answer it sounds like a similar situation here. He's probably not allowed to say anything about it because the game is Microsoft marketed.

I have heard there is a closed test a week before the beta, can't say more.


Wait, there are still people expecting improvements to make it close to the reveal footage.

Have you learned anything about Ubisoft in the past 10 years?
Oh wow, what a difference better video quality makes.

Maybe one day somebody is going to put together a video hosting and streaming service that has the ease and functionality of youtube but with quality that is more suitable to HD gaming.

Makes a huge difference. The people saying that this is a Watch Dogs level downgrade, or that it "Doesn't even look like the same game they showed in 2013" are talking out of their arses, plain and simple. As I've said, I don't usually defend Ubisoft's nonsense, and while there is a downgrade, it's nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be.

I've played enough of the alpha to know that it actually looks surprisingly good, despite a few ugly spots. Wonder if the PS4 version will hit 1080p. I hope so.


You need to open up your definition of what an RPG is. Dark Souls is an RPG but you don't make meaningful choices for the narrative. As are Final Fantasy games for the most part by the way, most of them don't have you making any choices about narrative.

Not really. You're conflating the genre (fantasy) with the nature of the game. I love Dark Souls but it's not an RPG versus a tactical action game set within a fantasy universe. Given it's entirely possible to play through and beat the game without leveling up simply as a result of tactical acuity and decent hand eye co-ordination, it's considerably less about the character in the game space versus the players abilities. That alone sets it at odds with the concept of playing a role.

Role Playing Game as it is used in common parlance applies much more to building out character loadouts than narrative.

That people constantly pass off mutton as lamb is hardly cause to get behind them. By that woolly definition XCOM is an RPG. Certainly I'd argue it has great emergent storytelling, but then again so does CK2 and I wouldn't class that as an RPG either. BF4 has loadouts also, guess that's an RPG as well. Generalizing never does qualification any favours.

Was waiting for the inevitable pay accusation, took longer than it usually does.

Based on your tag it seems clear it's a common theme that at least suggests your less than objective when it comes to the sanctity of Ubisofts titles. Also quit with trying to pass this off as an RPG. If you think levels and loot are essential aspects of what qualifies a game as an RPG then I think its fair to say your real world experience of them is at best limited. The D&D model is certainly one of the most prevalent, especially within cRPGs because its easy to code for but it by no means the only model. Classic RPG titles like Traveller never had character levels or obsessed about pickups.

You and a lot of others can't get past it's realistic look, coupled with mmo/rpg-like encounters.

Because they are at odds with each other in terms of messaging. It's like selling a horror story with a romance novel cover. If you're going to visually package something as 'things are tough' 'we're up against it' 'it's a dog eat dog world' then that should reflect in the nature of your game play as well. Innumerable enemies coupled with damage numbers doesn't work for me in that regard. With that said I'm not saying the game needs to be as brutal as Arma in terms of combat where one shot will put you down and out, but less can be more, and based on what I've seen I'd say the experience would be better served by going for more of a tactical approach (think real time Xcom in 3PS) and keeping the damage definitions within the game space versus a UI abstraction. The dis-junction is tangible and that can be problematic. Consider APB as a prime example. People expected GTA online based on the visual style, where as in reality the game was more Counterstrike set within an open world. Reduce the number of enemies, but make damage much more significant at both ends and you've suddenly made a game where tactics, preparation and team work become a lot more important and therefore a lot more satisfying when you pull things off successfully.


Also quit with trying to pass this off as an RPG. If you think levels and loot are essential aspects of what qualifies a game as an RPG then I think its fair to say your real world experience of them is at best limited. The D&D model is certainly one of the most prevalent, especially within cRPGs because its easy to code for but it by no means the only model. Classic RPG titles like Traveller never had character levels or obsessed about pickups.

A game can have RPG style combat in an action based game without every other part of the game conforming to a set criteria that makeup one box/genre/model/mold.

Sticking to molds is boring.

Theres lots of games where people are frightened to move and are constantly 'one shot' away and the tactics are all about getting the drop, not about what you do in an engagement.
I think the enemies are a little too bullet spongy no matter how they look. It not like they can't adjust them. But on the other side the game is relatively new to the public. People will figure out easy ways to deal with these enemies. Looks like incendiarie bullets take out the fodder quite nicely. Not sure why more people don't use it. But that comes back again to not really understanding how the game works yet.


I think the enemies are a little too bullet spongy no matter how they look. It not like they can't adjust them. But on the other side the game is relatively new to the public. People will figure out easy ways to deal with these enemies. Looks like incendiarie bullets take out the fodder quite nicely. Not sure why more people don't use it. But that comes back again to not really understanding how the game works yet.

incendiary bullets are a consumable that lasts for a certain time after used.
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