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The Game Awards (Dec 5): VGAs replacement [funded by] Keighley, game world premiers

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Neo Member
Hey guys - One thing we're looking to do at the awards is call out some of the best user created content of the year, great fan videos tied to games. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Stuff like the Luigi Death Stare. What cool content have fans created tied to games in 2014? Would love your suggestions/faves.
Not sure if this is where you were going with this, but I would definitely suggest recognizing and/or acknowledging YouTubers and Twitch streamers in some way, perhaps both individually and as a collective. They seem to be having more and more of an influence on gaming culture and aren't often recognized for it, in my opinion.

Branching off from that, since others have been throwing out names of people they'd like to host, I'd like to throw out a list of people that I'd like to see play some role (not necessarily host):
Industry veterans like Tim Schaffer, Warren Spector, Kojima, Kamiya, etc.
Press members like Jim Sterling, Kyle Bossman, Geoff Keighly *wink wink*
YouTubers like Jaimin from PBS Game/Show and Mike from PBS Idea Channel, Felicia Day, Will Wheton, etc.
"Celebrities" (that actually share a love of gaming) like Jimmy Fallon, Conan O'Brien, Zelda Williams, etc.

I don't want this to turn into a post just listing people (which it pretty much has) so I'll stop there, but I guess what I'm really getting at is that I'd really like it to be an all-encompassing event, welcoming and acknowledging people from all facets of the industry.

Omnipunctual Godot

Gold Member
The three major console makers, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, and the largest publishers that produce games for the systems, have paired up

How can three console makers "pair up?"

I like the VGAs because they usually consist of some good reveals. It'll be tough to watch without Joel this year, though.
No Joel McHale? Or does Viacom just say fuck it and go full Joel McHale?



Big props to you for making this happen, Geoff. Really hope it ends up being a success and a great time for everyone involved.


I'm interested if this will be an actual AWARD show (IE the Oscars/Emmy style).

If it's just another VGA type of show with random non-video game "Celebs" who look like they are bored out of their mind and have no interest in gamin and product placement galore, mainly a show used as promotions, then no, I have zero interest in it.


Big props to Keighley for backing this. I'm sure he's got his own money tied to this along with other investors. Hopefully (a big hope) that this is the type of awards show we can appreciate.


Reading the first page, and then jumping to the last page is always fun when the person being talked about makes an appearance. Suddenly everyone is on their best behavior and hopes for the best. Such a contrast!


Perfect PERFECT post.

Just because I'm a gamer doesnt mean Im some basement dwelling neck-beard, douchebag, e-sports nut, etc. I just love video games.

I think what this show needs is EVERYTHING gaming.

The guests: Gaming related. GOOD GUESTS. Like Sessler or Totillo. Bad Guest would be Shane Satterfield for example.
The music: Gaming Related. Like when that theme song from The Last Of Us was played live. That was INCREDIBLE. Not some group of idiot rap stars who dont seem to give a damn about what they're supporting.
Host: GAMING RELATED. Not some dumb celeb. Keighley, you were BORN for this, and you dont need to share that spotlight with ANYONE, especially Mchale. God I hated every second that guy was on screen.

Most of all, I think should pay special respects to the greatness of the industry in general. The devs. The fans. The music. The culture.

This is your time to make it perfect.
Totillo, that guy from Kotaku? On a good guess list?



Hope it pays off for him. I've always respected the guy, Doritos or not.

My one critique is that I still wish the advisory panel was less corporate, made up of less publisher or platform holder representation. More games press folk or high profile indie developers would be nice, in my opinion.

Yes, what do the advisory panel actually advise on? An awards ceremony is useless if the votes come from people with a vested interest. Has anyone seen the 'selecting a new pirate king' scene from POTC? It would be like that.


Hey guys - One thing we're looking to do at the awards is call out some of the best user created content of the year
I don't know if this is how you meant, but I really love games that feature a lot of user generated content and it is in my opinion an area where a lot of pure love for gaming shines through. May it be through PC mods, Minecraft, Project Spark, LittleBigPlanet or others. The common denominator is that a lot of work goes into creating some amazing stuff, mostly without any financial gain whatsoever, or recognition for that matter. Therefore I think it would be cool if you before the show had some kind of competition where creators get one-two days to create something along a certain theme. The winner(s) of this competition could then be awarded during the show and be given a small spotlight for something that otherwise mostly goes unnoticed.

On that same note, I think that besides industry veterans, youtube celebrities, press people etc. getting attention, it would also be really cool if some of the faceless people working on mega-games could get some love. Perhaps have a small talk with someone who animated the pedestrians in GTA V, or maybe with someone who created some small but vital algorithm for the nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor, or why not someone who is responsible for graffiting warning messages and tips to players in one of many games. Simply shine some light on the less famous people who make all the blockbuster games we all love, hate and love to hate.

With all that said, best of luck with the show. I really hope that you can create something special this year.


Woah, Geoff is funding this thing? Very bold strategy, I have a lot of hope for this now.

As far as user content goes, I don't know if this is what you'd be looking for, but the Video Game Pianist is spectacular

Oh and Matt Lees of course


Geoff, doing this from your own pocket and asking advice on your own from the Big 4 (Sony, Nintendo, MS and Valve), that's brave and big.

I'll watch the show, I wanna see it and enjoy it, I know you got a lot of problems with VGA/X because of Spike but now you have the freedom to make this new show they way you like it.

We're counting on you to make this award show big Geoff!.


Wow, out of pocket. Geoff is the guy we wish we could all be if we had enough pull in the industry.

I was wondering how much involvement, if any at all, Gametrailers will have in the awards show. In the past since the awards show was backed by Spike and Viacom there was more of a tie-in with Gametrailers, but now that the awards show is your baby I was wondering if Gametrailers had any more influence or work on the show than other websites?
Wow. The fact that this is actually bankrolled by Geoff actually has me more optimistic than anything else - at least we know it's being planned from the ground up by a guy that is invested (no pun intended) in games and respects them for what they are. I know everyone here loves to make fun of the Dorito Pope
(and let's be honest, it's a pretty hilarious pic and telling of the state of gaming, etc.)
, but let's not confuse Keighley the host/employee, who It's probably safe to say had little to no input in placing a bag of Doritos next to him in takes, with Keighley the person - I don't see him patronizing gamers considering he's one too.

Good Luck on your endeavor Geoff, I know I'll be watching.



People hate on Geoff but he is a legend IMO.

He loves the industry, this is further evidence of that. I hope he makes a return on this investment, as he has some serious balls to do this.


Hey guys - One thing we're looking to do at the awards is call out some of the best user created content of the year, great fan videos tied to games. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Stuff like the Luigi Death Stare. What cool content have fans created tied to games in 2014? Would love your suggestions/faves.

So you want content related to games (ie not playable mods) correct? Awww yesss. And the GIF of the year goes to...

Does this include sponsored content? There are a lot of cool YouTube vids which are also promo tie ins (the Corridor Digital Shadow of Mordor live action short comes to mind), but I'm not sure if they would be eligible if it's also sponsored promotional material.

Geoff's post could use some more attention, maybe a member could make a thread for it for suggestions?


This sounds really good. Hopefully there will be archived streams available for those of us in less convenient time zones?

Honestly right now I'd just say make the show you want to make.


Oh, amazing that Geoff is doing this out of his own pocket, yeah the guy never fully acknowledged the doritopope thing but I think he wont be doing any of that nonsense anymore, but I respect that ballsy move. Will tune in for sure if available in my country.
Looks like the industry coming together to attempt a proper show. I'll be tuned in and hope it works out. Anything has to be better than last year, lol.
About time the industry gets together on something. You would have thought this would have happened a long time ago to promote the industry as a whole

Wait Geoff is funding this?



Wow, really surprised Keighley is funding this, I was pretty indifferent to him before, but now I can't help but like him, it shows that he cares about this industry.

I hope this succeeds, hopefully this means that we won't have suits and network execs fucking it up.

The PS4 stream isn't gonna be region locked or anything right? Like EU can watch it?
Mad respect for you Geoff. We make fun of you at times, but you are real passionate about games, really hope this is a success like TLOU 1 night live.


I really enjoy Tyler at Ubisofts presser, but as someone already said, for the change in tone that needs to happen, she might be the wrong one. But she could probably do also a straightserious host, so we will see. Keighley himself would be fitting though.
Hey Geoff, to better parallel it with award shows like the Oscars, I have a few suggestions for game design categories in addition to the usual genre categories:

"Best Director" (Rather than Best Studio)

"Best Voice Actor"

"Best Voice Actress"

"Best Unique Gameplay"

"Best Writing/Story"

"Best Graphics"

"Best Art Direction"

"Best Soundtrack"


Hey Geoff, to better parallel it with award shows like the Oscars, I have a few suggestions for game design categories in addition to the usual genre categories:

"Best Director" (Rather than Best Studio)

"Best Voice Actor"

"Best Voice Actress"

"Best Unique Gameplay"

"Best Writing/Story"

"Best Graphics"

"Best Art Direction"

"Best Soundtrack"
The other categories are interesting, but I don't think "Best Director" makes a lot of sense. I know you're thinking of Kamiya, Kojima etc. but in most cases, there are multiple people involved in the creative process when it comes to videogames, and it seems a bit disrespectful to just focus on just one guy. "Best Studio" is fine.
The other categories are interesting, but I don't think "Best Director" makes a lot of sense. I know you're thinking of Kamiya, Kojima etc. but in most cases, there are multiple people involved in the creative process when it comes to videogames, and it seems a bit disrespectful to just focus on just one guy. "Best Studio" is fine.
There are also multiple people involved in the creative process of movies. That's what the other categories are for. Game directors deserve recognition for the same reason that film directors get recognition.


Geoff has some goddamn massive cojones. I will definitely tune in. I hope it's a resounding success.

I agree.
Allthough, being independent opens up different opportunities and creating the show that Geoff wants, especially after last years VGX was seen as both hit and miss within the community.
He got alot of experience as presenter over the last years and had alot of shows, I believe he knows what he's doing and hope that it works out.


Good for Geoff. I think people give him a hard time for something that's not really his fault and this is something that can hopefully prove that since it's ALL him this time.


At least it's original.

'Hey, we won a VGX award for The Last of Us'
'Oh, cool'.

'Hey, we won a Game Award for Uncharted 4'
'What award?'
'You know, The Game Award for Game Of The Year?'
'What GOTY Award?'
'From The Game Awards!'


I'll be watching this. Sounds like they'll have some pretty big reveals with that sort of backing
Great suggestions, and yes, you will see names from all four of those lists involved.

Hey Geoff, met you briefly in Anaheim
GameStop Conference
and wanted to say thanks a lot man for going out of your way and funding / working on this. It's a brave thing to do and good for our industry. Always had mad respect for you and it was great meeting you in real life. Thanks again.


I hope it brings some additional respectability and charm to gaming culture.

I really hope so. I don't want to see it become so sort of churlish fanboy platform bickering contest. The more agnostic and open this is to everything including mobile gaming, handhelds, f2p etc etc etc regardless of platform, the better.
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