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The Wii U in a worse or better shape after the PS4 reveal?

it will be cheaper option for many casuals come next December. And yes to average joe game look is not the priority.

That is true, but what I wonder is, why not just get a PS3 or X360 instead with comparable graphics, cheaper price I am assuming and way more games unless they want the Nintendo exclusives.


Nintendo is its own thing, I never really got the idea they want to compete with the rest of them anymore. Nintendo has by far the most AAA exclusives, and I don't see that changing with WiiU. You could easily skip either the PS4 or next Xbox, but if you love games, then I see no choice but to get a WiiU alongside one of the other 2 in every scenario. I don't think anything has changed. People tend to not care as much about tech if the games are fun, they proved as much with the Wii and when the big titles start to hit, people will flock to the system.

The games Sony has shown were nothing special, nothing that the PS3 couldn't also do, only now with an extra coat of paint. I've gotten to a point that I don't care one iota about the tech side of things, it's all about whether the game provides me with the experience I want out of games. Outside of Deep Down, I see nothing of interest so far on PS4. I'll get one of course as I'm sure it'll be a great system, but given the choice of only one console for the next 5 years, I wouldn't hesitate to pick WiiU.

This is all personal preference of course and I'm pretty much a Nintendo fanboy, I'll admit to that any day, but I really don't see how shiny new tech can trump good game design. A game like Killzone Shadow Fall looks like any 'ol shooter to me and seems to be much like the previous 2, whereas the prospect of a new Zelda fills me with excitement, simply based on Nintendo's track record and their willingness to keep things fresh with each iteration.


-I love tacos!
-Where are my feet today?
-My baby just had the nastiest smelling poop!
-My cat is sleeping.
-My cat looks so cute sleeping.
-Awww he just woke up and yawned!
-I'm watching TV.
-Something something raw food diet something something.
-It's cold out.

Facebook seems to think so.

Dude, you hacked my newsfeed!
I'm not sure if Wii U is affected at all by it. I like to think that Wii U is on an island, away from everybody else. It'll be fine, Nintendo is a great survivor.

I'm more interested in Durango. Less graphical capability, always online, no used games, etc. Should be exciting to see their reveal.


That is true, but what I wonder is, why not just get a PS3 or X360 instead with comparable graphics, cheaper price I am assuming and way more games unless they want the Nintendo exclusives.

if things go like M$ treated the OG-Box, there won´t be any new games for current gen in 2014, but we´ll see

many consumers were angry that microsoft pulled the plug on the og-box, making their investment obsolete in a single day
I feel more interested in WiiU after the PS4 reveal. If Microsoft doesn't surprise, it seems obvious PS4/720 will just offer the exact same games we've been playing for years, only a little bit prettier.

Used to be the graphics upgrade was good enough to justify a console purchase, but those days are gone. I'll probably by a PS4/720 once the must-have games start coming out but that could be years away.

WiiU and games like Pikmin 3, new Mario/Zelda, hopefully Metroid/FZero etc. interest me much more, the gamepad also feels more next-gen than anything Sony showed.

Aren't you insinuating a little too early? Also, umm......
True there were around 140-150 milions of GC+Xbox+PS2 sold when last generation ended
There will be around 140-150 milions of X360+PS3 when generation ends
so the fanbase for core gaming seems to be stable.

PS2 is at ~156m, with GC and Xbox at ~21m and 24m for about 201m

360 and PS3 are about 76m+77m now, or 153m. Wii obviously exceeded 100m by now, so total this gen grew at least 50m. I still think the PS3 and 360 have at least 5-20m left in them, personally.

Not sure what to expect next gen, but unless the PS4 AND 720 take off akin to the PS2, we're going to see a pretty massive downturn barring another entry to the market (Which I honestly expect)


You know, I think the Wii U is actually in a BETTER position now. Before, it was competing against people's imagination of what the PS4 may bring to the table. Now, it's concrete, in screen shots and trailers. Now, they are amazing looking trailers, yes. But if you put Watch Dogs PS4 up against Watch Dogs Wii U, are the graphics going to scream, you need to get the PS4 version? I'm doubtful. I think Nintendo is safely in good enough territory as far as graphics come.

Nintendo's real problem remains producing a steady stream of high quality games. Using Watch Dogs, again, it seems clear that if Nintendo can get the hardware sales, third parties will be able to port the games over.

As much as fans are salivating over the 8 gigs of ram right now, (and it is awesome news for Sony first party games), Sony may have a tough row to hoe if they are priced at $499 or higher. Third party publishers will have the same incentives as the current gen - port to as many systems as possible. So if Sony is significantly better than Microsoft, it may just mean you see Microsoft's system as the lead platform, with the PS4 getting better textures, framerate, resolution, etc., and the Wii U getting similar downgrades.

The important thing for Nintendo is that, compared to the Wii, getting a stream of down-ports from third-parties to the Wii U would be an UPGRADE for Nintendo, which missed out entirely on a lot of the big titles last gen.

Quick edit: Also, one other thought from last night - the PS4 conference showed once and for all how ridiculous it was for Nintendo to design a console around power draw and small case size. Has a single person said, "Well, those PS4 specs look impressive, but what about my power bill?" or "But how will I fit the PS4 case I haven't seen yet into my entertainment center?" Damn it Nintendo, why you so crazy.


I feel more interested in WiiU after the PS4 reveal. If Microsoft doesn't surprise, it seems obvious PS4/720 will just offer the exact same games we've been playing for years, only a little bit prettier.

WiiU and games like Pikmin 3, new Mario/Zelda, hopefully Metroid/FZero etc. interest me much more, the gamepad also feels more next-gen than anything Sony showed.

I'm not sure if Wii U is affected at all by it. I like to think that Wii U is on an island, away from everybody else. It'll be fine, Nintendo is a great survivor.

I'm more interested in Durango. Less graphical capability, always online, no used games, etc. Should be exciting to see their reveal.

Hehe lol? Honestly, if the rumors are true, it will probably be the most interesting unveiling ever.

Miles X

Just like how the 3DS was in a "worse" position after the Vita reveal...but look at it now.

The Wii U will be just fine.

Based on? You can't just use the 3DS and Vita comparison as reasoning, especially as they're vastly different situations.

If WiiU doesn't get the ports/core, it has to rely on casuals again. Which isn't looking great, they're never going to buy into it like they did the Wii, it was the IT product of its time.
I think Nintendo is better off after the presentation. My casual friends on facebook seem underwhelmed, they are asking for pics of the hardware. The average Joe does not see a big difference in the graphics department - hell they play mobile games and a fifa now and then. They don´t care. The PS4 doesn´t have a USP they can understand. No Marketing Bullshit Bingo they can quote on daily basis like retinas and so on. The Wii U still has the pad and it´s really a differentiator now. The games are still missing though - but they are coming.


Based on? You can't just use the 3DS and Vita comparison as reasoning, especially as they're vastly different situations.

If WiiU doesn't get the ports/core, it has to rely on casuals again. Which isn't looking great, they're never going to buy into it like they did the Wii, it was the IT product of its time.

it´s the same crap all over again from last gen, Wii is crap and DOOOMED! it has been shown and obviously proven yet still that power doesn´t necessarily win you the console war but the software does

now if ps3 had ps-fit or ps-sport or vita had brain training and psodogs would that have changed anything? maybe, maybe not...stop making bullshit, it´s the same logic used for 20 years now

like every1 assumed that Nintendo was dead with the og GB, since Lynx and GG had color, and backlight! and they looked AWESOME as well, didn´t help though


I'll wait for E3 to pass judgement.

E3 will show if 3rd parties are going to show up on the Wii U or not, or be like EA and put all the eggs in a high cost basket.

Public reaction for PS4 right now I saw as negative- at least mainstream. I was honestly afraid of that reaction-- no one but the tech savvy want to spend the money on a new console after 7 years. The generation lasted too long, and I think that's why sales of all of them are down: no one wants to spend the money when they have a system that works just fine.


No one buys a Nintendo system to be wowed by its graphics or tech, at least not as their main focus.

Nintendo's selling point has always been their quality first party.
That being said, the WiiU need to start releasing more first party games to stay relevant.

Pretty much this.


Same as they are now, aka done for this gen. PS4 proved the new consoles will be a massive leap ahead so third parties will never show up, and it has more progressive social and online features than Wii U. It even has the gamepad remote play with Vita which is also a more impressive display device than the wii u pad.



Based on? You can't just use the 3DS and Vita comparison as reasoning, especially as they're vastly different situations.

If WiiU doesn't get the ports/core, it has to rely on casuals again. Which isn't looking great, they're never going to buy into it like they did the Wii, it was the IT product of its time.

Based on the games that will be coming out for it in the months ahead. It was actually a similar situation to 3DS, which started with a horrible game drought but picked up around its first holiday. It'll be the same situation for Wii U.


it´s the same crap all over again from last gen, Wii is crap and DOOOMED! it has been shown and obviously proven yet still that power doesn´t necessarily win you the console war but the software does

now if ps3 had ps-fit or ps-sport or vita had brain training and psodogs would that have changed anything? maybe, maybe not...stop making bullshit, it´s the same logic used for 20 years now

like every1 assumed that Nintendo was dead with the og GB, since Lynx and GG had color, and backlight! and they looked AWESOME as well, didn´t help though

Yeah, every time the same shit. When will people learn to take all factors into account? This year great games for the Wii U will come out. And if japanese developers are backing up the Wii U just like they did with the 3DS, then the Wii U will be in a great position.


Average Joe this Average Joe that. If our boy Joe is unable to perceive the difference between last and current generation titles nor care, then he'll most likely be in the same ignorant camp of consumer that believe Wii U is merely an add-on to the Wii. The visuals will improve over time for both consoles, but let's not pretend there won't be a chasm in visual fidelity. It'll be up to Nintendo to change Joe's perception of Wii U.
let's be honest. it's worse. the non gamer audience that bought the wii is gone. Nintendo needs to convince some of the 140 million people who bought ps360 to buy the wiiu in order to avoid n64 or gamecube level sales.

last night Sony put the technical abilities of the ps4 well out of reach of the wiiu, showed off network integration that makes Nintendo look primitive.

in addition to their typical stable of first and third party titles, sony has added self publishing, drastically expanding potential Indie titles.

a gamer that's not already invested in Nintendos ecosystem has no reason to pick up a wiiu over a ps4, and right now someone looking for a second system is better off getting a vita, if sonys aim of duplicating every ps4 game on vita works as well as they say it does.

Neo C.

Neither worse nor better, the problems the Wii U has are still internal.
The reveal is a good thing though, because now we finally have seen what PS4 games look like.


From right now nothing has moved. PS3 looks better, has little announced software, no date, and no price. I don't know what people were watching but they actually didn't say a lot which makes me wonder where they'll be in 9 months when this thing will perhaps release.

The Wii U is in the same position it was 24 hours ago. Games required!!

More or less. Nintendo has to get the games out.
The fact that people here even think Wii U is competing with the PS4 is a better sign of things than it was for Nintendo when Wii came out.

Wii U can do bad all by itself it does not need PS4 to kill it. I don't think the Wii U was negatively affected by PS4 at all right now, it is already selling dirt low numbers. One major unknown threat factor is now clear as day for everyone, no more mystery. And now we know PS4 will be costly. To even get that gamepad feature you need to own another piece of hardware that may cost at the very least another $200. I do want a PSVita for my PS4 but you can't tell me that Wii U does not have a better value now when it has something like that to compare to. If anything PS4 having so much of the same message as Wii U gives Nintendo a boost. Nintendo can only react positively from this, by adding more features or fighting harder for 3rd Party support.

Wii U + PS4 seems like a great combo for gamers if you can afford it.

I am more worried about Sony being able to pull off everything they promised and even selling this at a mass market price than I am worried about Wii U surviving now. Again if Watch_Dogs skipped Wii U I think I would have felt differently about future support in face of such a beastly hardware coming out.

Everything about PS4 needs to work for Sony and this thing needs to sell buckets. If the PS4 sells Wii U levels at launch be afraid for Sony guys... I know Sony fans want to be smug about things right now but that company is giving it everything they got. Wii U can be called doomed for months and Nintendo seems to know how to turn things around with the right software. But if PS4 comes out with the same level of tech issues and growing pains the Wii U has been facing Sony may not survive that. With the amount of network tech going on with the thing how much of these promises will work flawlessly day 1? Think about it.

PS4 does not have to worry about Wii U but Microsoft is still to come, that was an impressive showing but when this thing launches it cannot afford growing pains.


i think the problem here is that in the zelda demo you can make out 100% of it, while in the capcom one 90% of the screen is blackened/bloomed out and you can only make out the dragon. i think they're very equal demos, and i prefer the zelda one much more due to the art.

I kinda agree with this, the Dragon model looked great but all the gray boring landscapes/walls of the cave made me a bit bored (I migth be in the minority but I usually hate the realistic aproach of so many games), now if capcom decides to add the colors of a Monster Hunter game it'll be a different story


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
2 potential positives for Nintendo short term:

1- what many people thought was the most impressive game shown yesterday is also coming to Wii U.
1- From what I have read from people on this board, the specs Sony announced makes a >$400 price point a real possibility.


Something tells me you were saying the exact same thing in 2006.

And its ridiculous to compare remote play with the Vita to the Gamepad with zero lag. You sound ridiculous, Derrick.

You know what's ridiculous? Comparing a console that's doing 55k to the Wii.


I'm not understanding why you guys think the casual market is a good thing Wii had the entire casual party yet it got shit mini game and big third party exclusives sold like shit. You want the gamer the people who bought good games...

Plus lol to the guy who said same shit new paint and offered nintendos archaic franchises


The PS3 already offers remote play with Vita and we were told last year that it could already do everything the Wii U could do.



No one buys a Nintendo system to be wowed by its graphics or tech, at least not as their main focus.

Nintendo's selling point has always been their quality first party.
That being said, the WiiU need to start releasing more first party games to stay relevant.

I remember when it used to matter


I'm not understanding why you guys think the casual market is a good thing Wii had the entire casual party yet it got shit mini game and big third party exclusives sold like shit. You want the gamer the people who bought good games...

Plus lol to the guy who said same shit new paint and offered nintendos archaic franchises

You're not generalizing or anything.


I think its in the same position.

I can either see it failing or carving a small piece of the market out for itself due to the power of Nintendo's IPs.


They are in the same position as before. We already knew that WiiU would be technically trumped. Nintendo have their own huge seller and time honoured IPs. They will be fine but will not do the same numbers as its predecessor.

Ah, the age old Nintendo defence. Until PS4 was announced it was all about how WiiU trumps 360/PS3 in graphics department and now it's about shifting the goal post to a more baseless assumption, i.e. prettier graphics = inferior gameplay.

That's not what I'm saying. You can have pretty graphics and great gameplay.
But games like Uncharted do put a huge amount of emphasis on presentation, to the point that it, at least to mee, gets in the way of gameplay. All those small scripted events that you can't really influence just get annoying to me. On the other hand, other people think its great. Different people like different things.

Hell, look at that Killzone demo in the presentation. The first third of the demo is basically just pretty images, the last third is pretty images while you're playing through an extremely limited scripted event.

Of course, there are going to be games with great gameplay. A dark souls for example was incredible. There's also going to be fantastic presentation focussed games, like Journey was. But Sony's output on the PS3 disappointed me greatly.


I lost a lot of interest in the Wii U myself. One of the cooler features of the Wii U is off-screen play. (And I seem to share this sentiment with a lot of GAFers). However Sony talked about streaming every PS4 game straight to your PSVita. This to me is much more exciting. I can have great visuals and high end games, along with off-screen play. (I may even be able to play my PS4 games outside of the house over Wifi.)

Streaming games to the Vita sounds like a great idea...if you own a Vita already. Otherwise it's:

PS4: $400 (and that's a generous estimate) + $250 (Vita) = $650...without games or any other extra costs.

Wii U: $350 for the Pro Bundle, with off-tv play supported natively on many titles.

I WILL get a PS4, but I don't think I will shell out that extra money for the Vita just yet (I need to see some games on the Vita that I also want). It's awesome for people who already own a Vita though. :)


Wii U's position hasn't changed after the PS4 announcement. I.e the console is still currently irrelevant. And I have a feeling that Nintendo's position with the Wii U will become even more bleak once the Ps4 and next Xbox arrive in the market.

Developers seem to be more focused on nextgen hardware. The Ps4 meeting made that clear. Wii U is nextgen. But it's not nextgen hardware.


Looking at the graphics of a true next gen machine. It's obvious that there is no way that WiiU will be getting down ports.

I think WiiU fucked.

Completely disagree.

The Wii U will not live or die based on third party support or downports. Its almost all on Nintendo's shoulders more than ever to determine the fate of the platform in question.

This doesn't mean the Wii U isn't fucked, just that it won't be because it didn't get Deep Down ported over.


2 potential positives for Nintendo short term:

1- what many people thought was the most impressive game shown yesterday is also coming to Wii U.
1- From what I have read from people on this board, the specs Sony announced makes a >$400 price point a real possibility.

If it's an awful port will it matter?


Aren't you insinuating a little too early? Also, umm......
Yeah it's early so hopefully as time goes on we'll start seeing fresh games that take advantage of next-gen power in more ways than textures/polygon count and such. But as far as the actual PS4 console goes I'm not seeing much innovation or anything that will change games. That will have to come entirely from developers, who seem happy enough with churning out low-risk sequels.

Also come on. The next Mario, Zelda and Metroid games can hardly be called sequels. Unless they do Galaxy 3, SS2 and Prime 4. In which I will be just as critical of those games as I am of the completely uninspired looking Killzone.


Unless Sony plans to take a huge loss on each console (a situation I think they want to avoid) this thing is going to be very pricey. It's going to be a very tough sell to the average Joe consumer. I fully expect a $399-499 price tag. I also expect Nintendo to drop the price of the Wii U close to launch, to maintain that price advantage.

I will definitely be getting a PS4 eventually, but it won't happen until at least the first price drop and I think a lot of people will follow suit.


2 potential positives for Nintendo short term:

1- what many people thought was the most impressive game shown yesterday is also coming to Wii U.

And it's not going to look anywhere near what it did yesterday and at E3 last year. Cross gen games are exactly that, they're meant to take advantage of the already existing user base while putting out a next gen version to wow people into jumping forward. Considering the efforts put into current Wii U multiplatform games, you have to wonder if it'll even match the 360 version before even starting to worry about how it will compete with the ps4/720 versions.

We are talking about Watch Dogs right?
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