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Tim Rogers: "they've (Nintendo) set us (gaming) back a generation WAAAAAAH"


Amir0x said:
Who gives a fuck what those people think, though? Because apart from being wrong, they're not me, and me is all I care about when it comes to gaming.

Not surprised certain people don't care for voice, though, it's easier to hide their inelegant personalities behind the faςade of internet anonymity

That's a rather poor jab, voice does little to reveal the person and you can get the same thing free on the PC with 3rd party tools and I do use for MMOs with my Linkshell. Besides we've had the discussion before whereby all this community thing that's being touted boils down to a self selected friend list.

I also should add that you can't beat free. That's probably why Nintendo's been able to get away with a non unified vision.

That said, the DS chanel, WiiWare are stuff we've asked for. And unified online or not, some of their most significant titles will support online. I can't really say I'm dissatisfied, but then again I play on several platforms.
Mrbob said:
I'm surprised PepsimanvsJoe hasn't put down another ban bet about Wii online being the equal of Xbox Live by the end of 2008!

When this place becomes as insufferable as it did last time I made a stupid bet to get myself banned then I'll be all over it.
Segata Sanshiro said:
If Nintendo set us back a generation, they were only able to do so because consumers chose it. Assuming Wii sales hold out, this is the general populace telling the games industry to slow down a bit and let its costs catch up so that $400 - $600 consoles don't happen anymore.
Pretty much. Nintendo almost exclusively improved the hardware tech in small and cheap ways. $200 processor? No. Wireless controller? Sure. Built-in wifi? Sure. Motion control/pointer? Sure. Flash storage and SD card port? Sure. Full DVD instead of a mini-DVD? Sure. Not big things, but they accumulate to allow for some nice improvements and new experiences without a lot of expenditure.
DemDereNads said:
Lets see the price point of 360 & PS3 when a Zelda Wii actually comes out. :lol
By the time X360 Premium/PS3 are $250, will they really be that much less behind the times than Wii was in 2006? Wii skipped over the less-successful nichey starter years.
McDragon said:
NG2 gameplay trailer showed Ryu cutting soldiers hands and yet they were still fighting, now that's AI.
} elseif(lefthand==1)&&(righthand=0){
} elseif(lefthand==0)&&(righthand=1){
} else nohandroutine();
m3d10n said:
The 32-bit and 16-bit consoles used resolutions very similar to each other (~240p).
8-bit was pretty similar too. Of course each specific hardware is a bit different and they usually have multiple modes, but the standard for both NES and SNES was 256x224. ~PS1/N64 saw more 320x224 and even higher on occasion, though I'm not sure whether the common step up was more like 320x448 or 640x224.
Amir0x said:
why don't you just ask to be banned instead of going through the banbet process

i hear that's easier

True. But then Odysseus wouldn't have that nice tag.
Besides I figured if I believed hard enough the PS3 would sell billions.

Duke Togo

I'm surprised they haven't released a Nintendo branded SD card...make it 2 or 4 gigs and call it a day. Wouldn't that be much easier than releasing a HD? Or is wiiware going to take up a lot of space?
duketogo88 said:
I'm surprised they haven't released a Nintendo branded SD card...make it 2 or 4 gigs and call it a day. Wouldn't that be much easier than releasing a HD? Or is wiiware going to take up a lot of space?
They already exist.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
duketogo88 said:
I'm surprised they haven't released a Nintendo branded SD card...make it 2 or 4 gigs and call it a day. Wouldn't that be much easier than releasing a HD? Or is wiiware going to take up a lot of space?

EDIT: beaten.


duketogo88 said:
I'm surprised they haven't released a Nintendo branded SD card...make it 2 or 4 gigs and call it a day. Wouldn't that be much easier than releasing a HD? Or is wiiware going to take up a lot of space?
You cant run applications off SD cards right now.


duketogo88 said:
I'm surprised they haven't released a Nintendo branded SD card...make it 2 or 4 gigs and call it a day. Wouldn't that be much easier than releasing a HD? Or is wiiware going to take up a lot of space?

still not enough...they need to add
play content from card/hdd
sdhc support
usb hdd support or nintendo branded hdd or enclosure


Fry Daddy
Neomoto said:
But seriously, who the fuck is Tim Rogers anyway? Never heard of the guy.
Imagine sp0rsk.

Now imagine sp0rsk as some really pretentious game reviewer dude who writes nonsensical "artistic" articles that have really nothing to do with games.


...hate me...
They need to recall the Wiis and charge like $40 for upgrading its flash memory to 4GB :D

Now srsly guys, i hear you talking all the time about HCSD support but isn't that a hardware thing? I was pretty sure it was.


quadriplegicjon said:
this argument has run its course. the wii continues to sell.. demand has barely died down.. and a bunch of major releases are imminent.. keep telling yourself wii is a fad if it makes you feel better about your purchases.. but its not.

Demand for the Hula Hoop lasted 2 years, in which time they sold 100 million units. The defining characteristic of a fad isn't duration...it's irrational demand outside of normal target audience.

You assume that people buying the Wii are gaming converts, and that each installed console creates demand for additional software. That _may_ be true, but it may also be true that lot's of people are buying $250 Wii Sports machines. Gaming isn't and won't be a lifestyle for most new Wii buyers. It's a very real possibility that all those Wiis will end up occupying closet space. _If_ that happens, people who've invested development dollars won't recoup their investment.

Look at the videogame crash of the 80's. At the time, Atari had shipped 40 million 2600s (an underpowered, last gen system) and there were hundreds of 2600 titles in development. A year later sales dropped through the floor and dev studios starting going bankrupt. It _can_ happen.

I actually bought a Wii at launch, so I'm not "hating" on it out of console envy. I played and enjoyed Zelda, Wii Sports, and Elebits. Once the novelty wore off, I just wanted to play real games with a normal controller.
ja30278 said:
Demand for the Hula Hoop lasted 2 years, in which time they sold 100 million units. The defining characteristic of a fad isn't duration...it's irrational demand outside of normal target audience.

You assume that people buying the Wii are gaming converts, and that each installed console creates demand for additional software. That _may_ be true, but it may also be true that lot's of people are buying $250 Wii Sports machines. Gaming isn't and won't be a lifestyle for most new Wii buyers. It's a very real possibility that all those Wiis will end up occupying closet space. _If_ that happens, people who've invested development dollars won't recoup their investment.

Look at the videogame crash of the 80's. At the time, Atari had shipped 40 million 2600s (an underpowered, last gen system) and there were hundreds of 2600 titles in development. A year later sales dropped through the floor and dev studios starting going bankrupt. It _can_ happen.

I actually bought a Wii at launch, so I'm not "hating" on it out of console envy. I played and enjoyed Zelda, Wii Sports, and Elebits. Once the novelty wore off, I just wanted to play real games with a normal controller.

Fads and Nintendo fads are two entirely different things.
The most interesting game so far is portal. That game could have been made for the Dreamcast.
The developer creativity is way more important than a beefy cpu and gpu.


Also worth pointing out a competitor could have easily spoiled the party by coming out with a $300 modestly capable console, you know, the kind of consoles we're used to seeing in the past.

The entire discussion is counterproductive, the Wii is a 'response' to what the 360 and PS3 wanted to do, you really can't take either one of them in a vacuum. If there was not tech race, I suspect the PS3 would have been a $300 SD/HD hybrid without Blu Ray.


Bidermaier said:
The most interesting game so far is portal. That game could have been made for the Dreamcast.
The developer creativity is way more important than a beefy cpu and gpu.

I forgot that beefy cpu and gpu's don't allow or inspire creativity... Thanks for the reminder!

I have to agree with this article, and, it probably won't be the last we see of it's kind...


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Joe Molotov said:
Also he apparently posts at GAF under the name "Pazuzu".


seriously though, the person to scare off Pazuzu dies the same instant. you've been warned.


ja30278 said:
Demand for the Hula Hoop lasted 2 years, in which time they sold 100 million units. The defining characteristic of a fad isn't duration...it's irrational demand outside of normal target audience.

You assume that people buying the Wii are gaming converts, and that each installed console creates demand for additional software. That _may_ be true, but it may also be true that lot's of people are buying $250 Wii Sports machines. Gaming isn't and won't be a lifestyle for most new Wii buyers. It's a very real possibility that all those Wiis will end up occupying closet space. _If_ that happens, people who've invested development dollars won't recoup their investment.

Look at the videogame crash of the 80's. At the time, Atari had shipped 40 million 2600s (an underpowered, last gen system) and there were hundreds of 2600 titles in development. A year later sales dropped through the floor and dev studios starting going bankrupt. It _can_ happen.

I actually bought a Wii at launch, so I'm not "hating" on it out of console envy. I played and enjoyed Zelda, Wii Sports, and Elebits. Once the novelty wore off, I just wanted to play real games with a normal controller.

You're actually comparing Atari's gaming crash to the Wii?? Desperate?

Remember how that Pokemon fad turned out?

Also, the bitter tears flowing through these threads are just hilariously awesome.


Deku said:
The entire discussion is counterproductive, the Wii is a 'response' to what the 360 and PS3 wanted to do, you really can't take either one of them in a vacuum. If there was not tech race, I suspect the PS3 would have been a $300 SD/HD hybrid without Blu Ray.

Hum, was the Wii more a response to their constantly decreasing userbase ??


Okay. After reading this, I'm boycotting anything that is said by anyone who is not A) A developer, B) Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, or C) A Gaming God.

It seems as if he's forced to believe that the term next gen refers to better graphics.


Not Wario
titiklabingapat said:

I never quite got the fascination with voice chat games in console multi.

You're kidding right? How the hell am I supposed to coordinate with my team in TF2? Type out text? That's pretty ridiculous.

And, to find a more apt comparision point for MH, I started playing WoW using only the text chat option in game. Once I joined a guild, I dled Vent and tried it for the first time- the difference was huge. Especially in instances.
traveler said:
You're kidding right? How the hell am I supposed to coordinate with my team in TF2? Type out text? That's pretty ridiculous.

And, to find a more apt comparision point for MH, I started playing WoW using only the text chat option in game. Once I joined a guild, I dled Vent and tried it for the first time- the difference was huge. Especially in instances.
I managed during my RTS years.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
TONX said:
Like me, he was probably looking forward to a next-gen monster hunter when they announced it back then. I personally do not want waggle in my MH, but what can you do? Money talks.

I think there should just be PC, the handhelds and the Wii. And perhaps PS2, but no "next generation" consoles.


xabre said:
Where are the jprg's on Wii?

I'm not seeing much.

Sadly me either thats why Im waiting for the other console I want to drop in price. Maybe Camelot might help us out there but that will be awhile.


If the Wii set gaming back a generation then what isn't the PS2 doing?

It's two different markets, who honestly think even 90% of those who got a Wii would have bought a 360/PS3 had the console not existed?

They would have gotten a PS2 with SingStar/Buzz/EyeToy/.. instead or nothing.

Before arguing me just consider if Wii would have done as well as it does if it had been at the same price point as the competition (it's a different market which PS3 and 360 can't enter, yet).


Amir0x said:
Not surprised certain people don't care for voice, though, it's easier to hide their inelegant personalities behind the faςade of internet anonymity

Unlikely. Most "inelegant personalities" don't seem to know, or simply don't care. Abrasive douchebags obviously aren't known for self-policing and self-restraint, regardless of the medium.


VonGak! said:
If the Wii set gaming back a generation then what isn't the PS2 doing?

It's two different markets, who honestly think even 90% of those who got a Wii would have bought a 360/PS3 had the console not existed?

They would have gotten a PS2 with SingStar/Buzz/EyeToy/.. instead or nothing.

Before arguing me just consider if Wii would have done as well as it does if it had been at the same price point as the competition (it's a different market which PS3 and 360 can't enter, yet).

Not as well but they would probably still outsell them. Some buyers of Wiis (myself) got it because it was priced right and didnt want to shell out a lot of money for a Console.


Not Wario
titiklabingapat said:
I managed during my RTS years.

RTSes don't require immediate and precise communication to the degree that team based FPSes do, and "manage to" isn't good enough when I could have better. You said you didn't see why some of us find vc to be such a big deal, but then comment that you basically got by and nothing more without it. Doesn't that kind of suggest it would be much better with it?

Edit: I don't understand how MS' Core console at $300 is "wallet crushing" expensive but the Wii, at only $50 cheaper, is perfectly priced.
xabre said:
Where are the jprg's on Wii?

I'm not seeing much.

Redd said:
Sadly me either thats why Im waiting for the other console I want to drop in price. Maybe Camelot might help us out there but that will be awhile.
There's been a steady stream of announcements lately, in case you two haven't been paying attention. Now, they're not (yet) FF caliber games but if you consider that the Wii virtually had none to one just 6 months back, it's an improvement, thanks to it's user base.

traveler said:
RTSes don't require immediate and precise communication to the degree that team based FPSes do, and "manage to" isn't good enough when I could have better. You said you didn't see why some of us find vc to be such a big deal, but then comment that you basically got by and nothing more without it. Doesn't that kind of suggest it would be much better with it?

Counter Strike had voice chat? If it did, I never knew.


Not Wario
titiklabingapat said:
There's been a steady stream of announcements lately, in case you two haven't been paying attention. Now, they're not (yet) FF caliber games but if you consider that the Wii virtually had none to one just 6 months back, it's an improvement, thanks to it's user base.

Counter Strike had voice chat? If it did, I never knew.

I dunno; never played CS. Isn't it quite a bit more methodical and slower than the typical FPS anyhow? Besides, even if you could "get by" without it, why wouldn't you want something that makes it so much better?
Nintendo... setting gaming back? Nintendo IS gaming. The PlayStation and Xbox brands, however, are "advanced technology interactive electronic entertainment". :D

Once you realize this you'll understand that Nintendo aren't setting ANYTHING back, and that no developer or fan has anything to complain/worry about.

traveler said:
I dunno; never played CS. Isn't it quite a bit more methodical and slower than the typical FPS anyhow? Besides, even if you could "get by" without it, why wouldn't you want something that makes it so much better?

CS is really a twich-shooter dressed up as a tactical one. If you master a weapon you can pretty much dominate by yourself. Voice chat in CS is for playing loud gangsta rap to annoy your teammates.
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