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Titanfall 360 - Gameplay Video.


I wouldn't be that impressed if PC version did not run like shit. But considering that PC version is so unoptimized I'm actually surprised.

I mentioned this once already in this topic but PC version seems fine to me,plays great and runs great???

Short vid from PC that to me looks fine,am I simply not seeing the problems?

Watching that latest 360 vid shows clearly why they held it back! Well done Bluepoint.



Not sure if this has been posted yet.

Edit: Ok, I saw only a clip has been posted. This is the full match. Looks very playable. Didnt notice any excessive screen tearing.

Looks awesome! Maybe not as good as X1 but pretty close and very playable, and it's not like next gen version is some visual showcase that runs at 60 FPS...

This version seems to be good enough and it's no wonder it got "delayed" when you see the gameplay, great work by BluePoint!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well it does look significantly worse than the XB1 version to me if you judge the game from the above high res screens, the difference is vast in those screens.
The difference is much bigger than all the PS4 vs XB1 cross platform games that have constantly spawned 60 page threads on here over the last few months.
Sure, it is bigger...but the 360 was released in 2005.

Ps4 and Xo launched at the same time with Xo coming in at a higher price. That's why those differences are more controversial.


Killer apps aren't what you think k they are. You might really want Titanfall and buy a XB1 as a result but you aren't buying it JUST for Titanfall. No ones doing that.

why do people keep saying this? there are those that buy a system for just one game. that doesn't mean that is the only game they ever buy for it. All my friends that got a xbox one did so because of TF. They are all prolly getting Destiny and COD too. But they told me that if TF was going to be on PS4, they would have gotten a PS4 instead.
Killer apps aren't what you think k they are. You might really want Titanfall and buy a XB1 as a result but you aren't buying it JUST for Titanfall. No ones doing that.

I bought a couple Xbones at launch with Titanfall in mind. If it had been multiplat I likely would not have purchased my bones and simply gotten the game on PS4 instead. So, in that sense I definitely purchased the system just for one game. The only other games Ive played on it are Ryse and Killer Instinct. Ryse was a fun 7 hr play-thru which Im glad I didnt actually pay for. Maybe I'll pick it up when its $20 and play it again. Killer Instinct is cool but Im not a fighting game fan, so have probably played that a grand total of an hour. I try to get into it but I just cant. Yes, of course I partially bought my Xbones with future games in mind...but for the near term Titanfall is far and away the primary reason...and really the only reason I dont regret paying launch price for the systems. Im getting more overall use from my PS4s (which isnt saying much, since Im still spending far more time having a blast with my PS3/360 backlog).


Neo Member
Bluepoint did good! Looks like a rather competent version of Titanfall. Without a gaming PC or One, I'll be content to get the 360 version.
I mentioned this once already in this topic but PC version seems fine to me,plays great and runs great???

Watching that latest 360 vid shows clearly why they held it back! Well done Bluepoint.

I guess it could be good on high end rigs. But on my gaming laptop the beta did not perform well at all...


The PC version leaves a lot to be desired for optimization. Nvidia still hasn't released any Titanfall-specific drivers (even though they just released a new version today) and Respawn hasn't released an actual patch for the game (only server-side bug fixes and balance fixes), yet, so there's hope.


Even Lagoon looks fine, ok so stuff is not sharp and lower textures but the main thing seems to be the sky boxes seem a bit empty?

Unreal what an old 360 can do tbh.


I know the point of the video is to show off the quality of the 360 version, but I still think it's pretty hilarious that a video on the channel "EliteXbox360Gaming" shows the guy playing like a total nub.

He even gets Melee killed by a Grunt at the end.

Hell, what tipped me off was how quickly he was offed in the very beginning of the match.
So is there a system link/LAN option, or can you only go through official servers?

After the MAG debacle I'm never buying an on-disc multiplayer only game again. The most expensive coaster I own.
So is there a system link/LAN option, or can you only go through official servers?

After the MAG debacle I'm never buying an on-disc multiplayer only game again. The most expensive coaster I own.
Sounds like this game is not for you.

Pretty sure going through their servers is mandatory.
Performance wise it's way better than the Xbone version. Way less screentearings and framerate drops/fluctuations.

From what Ive seen of it so far Id have to agree. Xbone performance is really sub-par in large firefights with 4 or more Titans onscreen at the same time. In certain situations it can turn into a slide-show. Respawn really needs to patch it and get performance up. As for Blue Points work here its pretty impressive the more I see of it. Still, I dont think we'll know the full truth until we see multiple (4 or more) Titans going at it onscreen at the same time.
From what Ive seen of it so far Id have to agree. Xbone performance is really sub-par in large firefights with 4 or more Titans onscreen at the same time. In certain situations it can turn into a slide-show. Respawn really needs to patch it and get performance up. As for Blue Points work here its pretty impressive the more I see of it. Still, I dont think we'll know the full truth until we see multiple (4 or more) Titans going at it onscreen at the same time.

I've only seen it get 'slide show' like for about 10 seconds total in 20 hours or so of playing. Single digit FPS. Seemed to be more a 'glitch' most times as there wasn't anything particularly on screen.
Whoa, watching it more closely, there's more than three titans on screen at the same time in that Lagoon video and there's no discernible frame rate issues.

Bluepoint absolutely did the right thing in adding a 30fps lock option. Amazing stuff.


Wow, that's a really nice port, especially considering it already runs pretty inconsistently on the XB1 at the moment. Which I imagine comes down to weird technical issues of some sort rather than the hardware.

Yes and no,the 360 version seems to push what can only be the very most from the 360 that it can handle.The Xbone version seems to try and push more than what the hardware is capable of at this time.


So is there a system link/LAN option, or can you only go through official servers?

After the MAG debacle I'm never buying an on-disc multiplayer only game again. The most expensive coaster I own.

That game lasted forever and was a blast to play with friends... not sure what is meant by debacle

But yeah Bluepoint seems to have done a great job on the 360 version.... impressive. XOne still looks better, but impressive none the less.


Wow Bluepoint did a really good job on the port, not that I had any doubt. I had a sneaky feeling that the port was really good and it was only getting delayed because they wanted to sell a few more X1's...


Never should have doubted BluePoint. Can't wait to see this in person.

Anyone know if environmental touches such as the dinosaurs (er, monsters) walking around the fringe of Airfield are still in?

Yes, it's definitely PC > Xbox One > Xbox 360. However, money comes into play, and if you only have a 360, or a 360 and PC, then it comes down to PC spec or preference to play with friends on Live, to save $500 to just play Titanfall.

I wonder about support and community. Will 360 get the Season Pass? Will it sell big to that huge userbase? Will the PC community stick around?

Regardless, I'm officially double-dipping now!


Ugh, thanks for the confirmation.

Really sad that devs don't give a shit about letting their fans enjoy a game for longer than a few years. To this day I can tunnel my OG Xbox and play Halo CE/Battlefront/Phantom Dust if I want.

To be fair though. This is actually one of the few times where the game likely wouldn't have worked on LAN without being significantly different.
To be fair though. This is actually one of the few times where the game likely wouldn't have worked on LAN without being significantly different.

If Respawn ever bother to release the server side code to PC users, I am sure it would run quite easily on my personal Xeon Workstation, so that I can play locally with my friends. But well, we all know that this will never happen and no this is not because of the magic of the cloud its because EA and MS want you to play on their servers on their terms as long as they see fit (a month after Titanfall 2 comes out).

On topic, does the 360 version run on Respawn's engine or on the Bluepoint engine?
Never should have doubted BluePoint. Can't wait to see this in person.

Anyone know if environmental touches such as the dinosaurs (er, monsters) walking around the fringe of Airfield are still in?

I wonder about support and community. Will 360 get the Season Pass? Will it sell big to that huge userbase? Will the PC community stick around?

Regardless, I'm officially double-dipping now!

Almost certainly not. Shooters are a crowded genre at the nest of times, let alone on PC. And it seems like this is already only being taken half seriously with the PC crowd.


Looks pretty damn close to the XB1 version. Just had to sacrifice on the texture quality, resolution and frame rate. The gameplay is there and its pretty much the same as the other versions which is good to see.


I have the PC version (superior in every way), but you have to admit this looks really good for a 360 game. Makes the higher end versions (PC and XB1) look like sloppy coding.


Add sharpen on your TV and play around with contrast and it would look pretty identical.

If playing around with image settings on your TV can make the textures in the bottom image look like those in the top, then you need to tell me what TV you have so I can immediately discard my current set.

If Respawn ever bother to release the server side code to PC users, I am sure it would run quite easily on my personal Xeon Workstation, so that I can play locally with my friends. But well, we all know that this will never happen and no this is not because of the magic of the cloud its because EA and MS want you to play on their servers on their terms as long as they see fit (a month after Titanfall 2 comes out).

On topic, does the 360 version run on Respawn's engine or on the Bluepoint engine?

Ah yea. The use of the term "system link" immediately had me thinking of only the console environment, and playing on a listen server (I'm assuming he was considering the 360 version). It would work fine for the PC. It's not surprising that they wouldn't do that though.


Do people honestly buy consoles for one game that is available with it? I bought my ps4 on the knowledge that some great first party games will come. I bought XBox one for titanfall..and quantum break...the next gears and whatever possible first party games I want.

I dont get all these comments in this thread about it

I honestly do not buy consoles for one game, but there are those that definitely do. I already have a 360 and I'm not really interested in anything about the XOne (other than Titanfall), so I'm content with just picking up the 360 version. Even if they had a PS4 version I would still go with the 360 just so I could play with friends.


The gap seems substantially wider than say the gap between Thief PS4 and X1 or GZ PS4 and X1.

Still looks good though, Bluepoint really are amazing developers. Can't wait to see what they do next.

I would hope so. XB1 was released like 8 years after the 360, not weeks apart like your other comparisons.

Silly comparisons aside. Game looks ok for what it is. A 360 game.


Personally the difference is far more noticeable then any of the current generation comparisons I've seen. Means very little to me though - if the game is fun I really don't care overly about the technical specifications. If I didn't already have the game I think I'd be quite happy playing it on the 360.
You know, I'm watching this, and I haven't yet bought an Xbone for Titanfall...

I don't see why I should now. Game looks just fine by me, and it wouldn't kill me to plug my 360 back in.

Anybody know if it'll be in games on demand day 1?

No wonder they delayed it, I think most people would be happy enough with the 360 version and not view the Xbone version as a reason to buy an Xbone.

Even as a PC player I kinda think the 360 version looks decent enough.
Great news for 360 players though, they get to experience next-gen on an 8 year old console.

Here's my take on it... Yes, the game does look better on the XOne. However, in my opinion, it is not $500 (or $450 if you get the bundle) better. I'll stick with the 360 myself.

It's a great game. Looks damn fine on X360. IF i was making a decision to drop down 450-500 bucks now based on this game, I'd say hold off. There's no compelling reason to own an Xbox One yet. I own an Xbox One and titanfall. Frankly, I remind myself about why I got the system by putting in Battlefield 4 from time to time. I enjoy my TF, though.

Save your money. Wait a little longer for the post E3 big guns. Enjoy this great game and a great port on your perfectly fine Xbox 360.


I've been waiting for a price drop on the Origin version (still $60), but with the $15 Amazon credit on the Xbox 360 version I just went ahead and ordered that.

I'd still like to get the Origin version at some point but I'll wait for a sale.
Dem textures. Guess Bluepoint aren't wizards, but they still did a great job. Will wait for DF frame rate and resolution analysis.


I went into this thread expecting meltdowngradatonhatefests, but it looks... decent. Not great, but what do you expect from a next-gen downport.

Nobody in the Call of Duty crowd will have problems about it looking the way it does at the moment, so all in all I'm just left wondering why they didn't show any footage earlier.

This is exactly my thinking. GAF always forgets that they are the "graphic whores" of the internet and the casual gamer (CoD "bro") are going to eat this up. I honestly think it is going to sell pretty darn well, if they get the word out about it.

Expected worse so I am happy.

I second this. After everyone was predicting the worst due to the lack of anything about the game, I am pleasantly surprised. Can't wait to get my hands on it!

Bottom line for me is, I don't have an XB1 and don't plan on getting one in the near future, so I am just happy to be able to play it...even at a reduced level. This looks like it will be just fine for me.

Excellent, my Gamefly copy has shipped.

I'm ok with dips but tearing is really distracting to me, I'll be fine with 30FPS.

Mine too! I will be locking as well. My eyes will adjust pretty fast.
I gotta say...this looks pretty decent.

I'm still fencesitting for the next Halo on XB1 - so a competent version of Titanfall on 360 makes me feel much less bad about that. I will buy this, and do the PC version if I need better GFX!
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