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Tom Clancy's The Division |OT 3| Crafted From 150 OT 2’s


aka andydumi
The ultimate checkpoint camping multigroup 😂😂


They really need some turrets on those entrances to keep rogues a good distance away. That way it gives entrants a few seconds to survey the area before deciding whether to proceed in.


I got survival working. So just wanted to add this here if anyone else reads this thread and encounter the same problem I had (The Survival DLC saying it wasn't installed on PS4).

I had to find The Division on the PSN Store, download that first. When it was downloaded and installed I searched for Survival on the PSN Store, downloaded that and it worked.

Do not install the main game and DLC from "The library" do it from the store, otherwise it might not work.
By the looks of the Survival survey sent out by Ubisoft today, it feels like the next dlc is the final content drop and Massive may be prepping Division 2 :(

Bummer. Looks like I'll be skipping out on those again.

Challenging is not hard at all. Most veteran enemies with some elites.

Heroic is all elites.

The problem you'll have it finding players for incursions....


If you do the dailies Challenging missions are doable if you use matchmaking because people play them.

Manage to solo Queue survival. First time playing and managed to extract. Got the antiviral and made the flare gun. Some random people helped me fight the thing that spawns when you call the extraction. Got 10 loot crates worth of 256 crap. The progression from 0 to 256 was fun but then everything you get seems worthless.
Challenging is not hard at all. Most veteran enemies with some elites.

Heroic is all elites.

The problem you'll have it finding players for incursions....
Its really just me and a buddy of mine. Thought we could try to duo incursions on normal or hard, more for the change of pace than for any kind of efficient grinding. But it doesn't sound like we can really fine tune it like we can with just about everything else.
Its really just me and a buddy of mine. Thought we could try to duo incursions on normal or hard, more for the change of pace than for any kind of efficient grinding. But it doesn't sound like we can really fine tune it like we can with just about everything else.

If you just want to experience the Incursions and don't care about the rewards you could do them in World Tier 2-4 instead of 5. The lower the World Tier, the easier, obviously.
Its really just me and a buddy of mine. Thought we could try to duo incursions on normal or hard, more for the change of pace than for any kind of efficient grinding. But it doesn't sound like we can really fine tune it like we can with just about everything else.

You can 2-man all incursions on challenging if you have the right setup. But honestly they are not worth the time anymore unless you have a full group since the enemies will not scale down based on the number of players.

They are only good for getting Phoenix credits since the loot will be totally random. Only unique drops can be the named weapons (terrible drop rate) and unique cosmetics (once a week).

That said if you're on PS4 and need someone for incursions, you can add me.

PSN: ruthlesbarbarian


I booted up the game last night for the first time in about 5 months so I am way behind. Bumped my world level up to 2 and did the daily hard mission which me and a random group were able to complete fairly easily.

What should I be doing to get higher level gear now? I am pretty lost back to the dark zone or grinding out missions?
Can anyone tell me where should I check for stamina mods with armor?

Vendor Reset Info for this week. Looks like no Stamina Armor Mods for sale this week although there is a 250 Electronics Mod with 268 Armor at the West 39th DZ Checkpoint.

You can buy the Stamina Mod Blueprint this week for 192 PxC and hope to get lucky and get armor as a roll.

Other than that run Challenging and Hard missions as they generally drop at least one gear/weapon mod per boss kill and other activities in hopes of getting drops.


Gold Member
Man, Massive really underestimates how fucking toxic this community can be. That or they know, and just don't care. So Survival PvP is supposed to queue you into different servers based on whether you're grouped or not. So douchebags are just queuing solo and then grouping up in game. This is how every single PvP match goes down now. Assholes in 2+ man groups wiping out solo players who stand no chance. Griefing from the DZ spilling over into Survival, yuck. It's a shame, because Survival PvP is a blast, but my only buddy left playing the game works a lot lately and is rarely on.

I think I entered into at least 10 matches tonight, and in all 10 there were grouped players. Made it to the DZ almost every time, only extracted once. Died from stupidity twice, and to teams of agents 4-5 times. My last game I stumbled on a two man group standing by fire dividing up loot they just got from an NPC mob, one of them is low health. I unload on him, he starts screaming "PLAYERS PLAYERS" and his partner just "just run" but he's already downed and his teammate runs, leaving me safe to loot and kill. I hear his teammate cursing up a storm as he runs away from me.

They need to fix it so if you're on someones friends list or in their fucking PARTY you go onto a different server if you're solo queuing. Massive sucks. Or Red Storm or whoever is making this DLC.
It's not that agents are grouping up, it is the dumb matchmaking. Even if you load in solo, there is a chance that the game will load you into a server with teams.

Which is why the matchmaking sometimes can take upto 30 mins when you load in with more than 2 players - when the system can't find 12 teams of 2 or 6 teams of 4, it will match solo players with groups to complete the 24.
After almost 40 days, still learning things lol
Push off a wall when on a rope and jump down rather than repelling all the way down
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/SP the GREAT 88/video/25712631
Same for ladders.

And you don't have to be in the terminal to start a survival session, wherever you are select the hub on the map and matchmake, select survival.

Yeah I saw this earlier today as well. Funny enough, I accidentally jumped off a ladder mid-way down the other day and was like "huh, never did that before."

The matchmaking part is useful as you could say kill some Roaming Bosses while being matchmade for Survival considering the wait times I've been hearing.

Also starting to hear reports of "amazing" and "incredible" PvE options/game modes coming with the 1.6 Update. Hope it's true to say the least.

All missions (maybe re-structured and tuned) playable on Challenging difficulty? PvE only Dark Zone? New story missions? New PvE game mode (Horde or something like it)? I hope it's all of those things, a man can dream.


do that all the time when running solo and legging it from rouges. jumping off a high elevated spot will down you or activate recovery link.

also for 1.5 i thought they changed how the healing skills apply? what i mean is that it doesnt work based off of the player animation (usually you see your character holding and applying whatever skill youre about to use) rather when you hit the bottom. that seems to be false cause im still dying even after using a booster shot, i still get downed and then the healing goes off afterwards. with that still happening, its impossible to use a booster shot on low health.

and an idea for high end knee pad talents would have been no cool down on medkits! why does massive think its a good idea to wait 5 seconds after using a medkit? its like putting a cool down on grenades....just aggravating


Yeah I saw this earlier today as well. Funny enough, I accidentally jumped off a ladder mid-way down the other day and was like "huh, never did that before."

The matchmaking part is useful as you could say kill some Roaming Bosses while being matchmade for Survival considering the wait times I've been hearing.

Also starting to hear reports of "amazing" and "incredible" PvE options/game modes coming with the 1.6 Update. Hope it's true to say the least.

All missions (maybe re-structured and tuned) playable on Challenging difficulty? PvE only Dark Zone? New story missions? New PvE game mode (Horde or something like it)? I hope it's all of those things, a man can dream.

Any additional PVE options would be welcomed. I'm only getting to play recently at odd times of the day so have been solo with no one online (except for lastnight) and wouldn't mind some changes to current content.
Just little things like veteran enemies replacing the red bar trash mobs (would probably have to be a new WT but keep enemy level the same) and increasing the amount of enemies throughout the map just to make it a bit more challenging. Had a nice solo farm in the DZ so can definitely see why people would like a PVE DZ or even a solo only DZ. If 2 or more solo people meet and decide to group in the solo DZ then they get a transition to groups DZ, can't be that hard but then again it is Massive :p

Guess we'll find out soon enough but I am not going to get excited at all until the news drops in a STOG or something as I'll probably only be let down when the info is revealed if I get hyped too much lol

do that all the time when running solo and legging it from rouges. jumping off a high elevated spot will down you or activate recovery link.

also for 1.5 i thought they changed how the healing skills apply? what i mean is that it doesnt work based off of the player animation (usually you see your character holding and applying whatever skill youre about to use) rather when you hit the bottom. that seems to be false cause im still dying even after using a booster shot, i still get downed and then the healing goes off afterwards. with that still happening, its impossible to use a booster shot on low health.

and an idea for high end knee pad talents would have been no cool down on medkits! why does massive think its a good idea to wait 5 seconds after using a medkit? its like putting a cool down on grenades....just aggravating

For me at first the heal delay was fixed, I pressed R1 and was overdosed instantly. Had an awesome few days with it then for some reason it went back to the delay after being pressed yet if you get revived it's on cooldown and you see your green slowly dissipating in the air. I don't know if a maintenance broke it or what but it worked as it should for a few days then went back to being delayed.

With most first encounters either as or against rogues starting with nade throws now them shortbow pads aren't too bad with the 0.2 fuse timer, they're pretty handy for catching people off guard expecting more time to get out the red blast radius.

Wonder if we'll get more HE named gear in future updates, currently use my HE build more than my other 3.


Looks like named weapons (and or SMG's) are getting a buff come 1.6, watched LikeButter's stream for a bit and he was purely farming clear sky incrusion for phx creds. Bought a couple of Valkyries and Liberator before I stopped watching with sarcastic hints about how nice they look ;) Was going to be farming DZ for Midas after CS.

Got me thinking, would love to see SMG's back to crit chance rather than crit damage again. At the time SMG's were nerfed there was no LMG/AR weapon bonuses like EAD and dmg OOC so crit chance could be making a comeback to make SMG's more appealing again.


The ultimate checkpoint camping multigroup ����


I'd reinstalled the game to check out the updates since I abandoned it last year and this gif makes me think I should just save my gaming time and uninstall it now. Is the non-DZ stuff better/rewarding?


I'd reinstalled the game to check out the updates since I abandoned it last year and this gif makes me think I should just save my gaming time and uninstall it now. Is the non-DZ stuff better/rewarding?

It's about the same, until you find your max build... otherwise pve is still a good time.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
PvE only Dark Zone?

Probably this since Reddit/et. al. want it (as do I, fuck the PvP Dark Zone gank squads).

New story missions?

This is pretty obvious given the cliffhanger ending. I doubt there will be story missions for this outing, but I'm sure they'll be doing a Division 2 based on that.


I'd reinstalled the game to check out the updates since I abandoned it last year and this gif makes me think I should just save my gaming time and uninstall it now. Is the non-DZ stuff better/rewarding?

I've never experienced what you see in that gif, and I've been doing the DZ dailies solo regularly.

That being said, the DZ has been the same since they changed the rogue system right after launch, but the LZ is pretty good now after patch 1.4 (named bosses all over the map, HVTs and a couple of new challenge missions).


I'd reinstalled the game to check out the updates since I abandoned it last year and this gif makes me think I should just save my gaming time and uninstall it now. Is the non-DZ stuff better/rewarding?
Lol The guys in the GIF were just joking around. They got a bunch of friends into the same server and we're actually running around acting like DZ police hunting down Rogues. IIRC the whole thing was orchestrated by MarcoStyle for one of his videos.

You do find CP campers , but not as bad as that. Also, you can always choose a different CP to spawn at if that happens.
Looks like named weapons (and or SMG's) are getting a buff come 1.6, watched LikeButter's stream for a bit and he was purely farming clear sky incrusion for phx creds. Bought a couple of Valkyries and Liberator before I stopped watching with sarcastic hints about how nice they look ;) Was going to be farming DZ for Midas after CS.

Got me thinking, would love to see SMG's back to crit chance rather than crit damage again. At the time SMG's were nerfed there was no LMG/AR weapon bonuses like EAD and dmg OOC so crit chance could be making a comeback to make SMG's more appealing again.

If I'm reading into this correctly this indicates that there will not be an increase in gear score for the 1.6 Update if someone "in the know" is buying these now for future use unless they are reworking how named gear/weapons translates to the next increase in gear score thus indicating some sort of infusion-like (think Destiny) upgrade for named gear/weapons.

Edit: I guess it could be nothing as well and this guy was just giving hints about future changes and whatnot as wasting PxC isn't really that big of deal. We'll soon find out anyways.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
Looks like named weapons (and or SMG's) are getting a buff come 1.6, watched LikeButter's stream for a bit and he was purely farming clear sky incrusion for phx creds. Bought a couple of Valkyries and Liberator before I stopped watching with sarcastic hints about how nice they look ;) Was going to be farming DZ for Midas after CS.

Got me thinking, would love to see SMG's back to crit chance rather than crit damage again. At the time SMG's were nerfed there was no LMG/AR weapon bonuses like EAD and dmg OOC so crit chance could be making a comeback to make SMG's more appealing again.

Nice! They really need to buff them to make them viable again.


they need to unlock uncomplicated while theyre at it. right now you can calibrate for focused talent but uncomplicated is still locked to the famas


Gold Member
So what's the best AB build in terms of talents to stack on your two AR's? Getting bored of Striker wanted to try what it seems like most others are using.


So what's the best AB build in terms of talents to stack on your two AR's? Getting bored of Striker wanted to try what it seems like most others are using.

lightweight M4 and famas combo, im running unforgiving | vicious | uncomplicated. on the M4 i have destructive | responsive | competent.

some will use the sawed off shotgun and have adept or competent on there which will bring the total to 7 talents if they switch weapons. you can also swap out vicious for fierce but it requires high electronics same with adept and competent, its best to get those on the 3rd slot, still farming for a showstopper to test out a shotgun build
I'm still leveling up as Im new to the game but SolidFPS on twitch said soloing is a lot easier and quicker than grouping up. Is that true? I really enjoy watching Butter and Chapoie play the end game stuff so I want to get to that point


Gold Member
lightweight M4 and famas combo, im running unforgiving | vicious | uncomplicated. on the M4 i have destructive | responsive | competent.

some will use the sawed off shotgun and have adept or competent on there which will bring the total to 7 talents if they switch weapons. you can also swap out vicious for fierce but it requires high electronics same with adept and competent, its best to get those on the 3rd slot, still farming for a showstopper to test out a shotgun build

How does it get you to 7?


How does it get you to 7?

lets say you have fierce | unforgiving | responsive (non of these talents require you having the weapons out physically) on one weapon and destructive | vicious | brutal on the other weapon. you can theoretically have a side arm with adept | competent | capable which all require you using a skill to activate. so have your pistol/shotgun out and pulse to activate all 3 talents (which lasts for 10 seconds) and then switch to your primary to have your main 6 stats plus the 3 that have been activated on the sidearm. i said 7 because if your build is not balanced which most alphabridge builds arent, you'll not have electronics to unlock these talents competent and adept which require high electronic to unlock so the only way to get them is to find weapons with these talents on the free slot. i cant really take advantage of the side arm trick cause i have competent as a free talent on my main weapon, so switching weapons to a side arm with adept will not activate competent when a skill is used....unless you pulse, switch weapons and then booster shot to activate competent

the devs can change this by making it so that the talents go away when you switch weapons
It has been more than 2 months since I can't login in.

Is there a way to contact Ubisoft in Brazil to see if there's a way to fix this Shit?

It just stays forever on the connecting screen.

Already moved from PS4 to Pro and the problem stays


I'm still leveling up as Im new to the game but SolidFPS on twitch said soloing is a lot easier and quicker than grouping up. Is that true? I really enjoy watching Butter and Chapoie play the end game stuff so I want to get to that point

It depends on what is your play style. If you want to get to 30, you have to do a lot of the MMO type encounters around the map which is quicker alone (don't have to wait for people to go to stash or base). For missions though, it's easier to go with friends or matchmaking since eventually unless you grind a lot enemies might kill you quickly and you have someone else to revive you. If you prefer to grind a lot, grind until you have weapons and armor to carry you can solo the missions.

For the dark zone, depending on your tier it will most likely be a wasteland so it doesn't matter much. I still go alone on PC and when I see other players I just use an extraction point with lots of NPCs so they don't try to gank me there.

To get to item 0 -> 256 the best way is to use matchmaking on the daily missions. While doing them you get your loot crates for doing the combat and crating dailies too on top of the field proficiency. You can get from 0 to 256 in about 5-6 hours now.
It depends on what is your play style. If you want to get to 30, you have to do a lot of the MMO type encounters around the map which is quicker alone (don't have to wait for people to go to stash or base). For missions though, it's easier to go with friends or matchmaking since eventually unless you grind a lot enemies might kill you quickly and you have someone else to revive you. If you prefer to grind a lot, grind until you have weapons and armor to carry you can solo the missions.

For the dark zone, depending on your tier it will most likely be a wasteland so it doesn't matter much. I still go alone on PC and when I see other players I just use an extraction point with lots of NPCs so they don't try to gank me there.

To get to item 0 -> 256 the best way is to use matchmaking on the daily missions. While doing them you get your loot crates for doing the combat and crating dailies too on top of the field proficiency. You can get from 0 to 256 in about 5-6 hours now.

Awesome, thanks so much for reply.


Just reinstalled this to play with some friends and it seems to just be stuck on the orange connecting screen is there anything I can do?
Looks like what everyone's been predicting for a year or so - a Division horde mode?

Looked like a total PvP game mode to me. I didn't see anything that would indicate a Horde mode or anything to do with PvE for that matter.

We'll find out soon enough.

There needs to be something "new" to do on the PvE side of things and yes a PvE only Dark Zone and maybe all story missions playable on Challenging difficulty after some re-tuning of sorts would be a start but that won't satiate the thirst and need for new content.
Looked like a total PvP game mode to me. I didn't see anything that would indicate a Horde mode or anything to do with PvE for that matter.
That big deployed turret (one of several implied defensive deployments) seems like the kind of thing you'd use against hordes of AI rather than a handful of players. But that's just my impression.

It'd make sense too as both Incursions and Underground involve players taking the offense whereas this could be a hold-your-ground game mode. If the enemy is mostly rogue agent NPCs that could mean some more interesting AI behaviors - and then again that could also means its a purely PvP mode. We'll see I guess.
That big deployed turret (one of several implied defensive deployments) seems like the kind of thing you'd use against hordes of AI rather than a handful of players. But that's just my impression.

It'd make sense too as both Incursions and Underground involve players taking the offense whereas this could be a hold-your-ground game mode. If the enemy is mostly rogue agent NPCs that could mean some more interesting AI behaviors - and then again that could also means its a purely PvP mode. We'll see I guess.

I could see it being a turret which becomes active once you and your team capture a zone.

I'd rather have a Horde/Defend mode, I guess, than having this "expansion" be totally focused on PvP.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
I don't care what it is, just give it to me!! Lol.

Tomorrow's my day off thankfully, so I'll probably watch this live. Does anyone have an eta for the reveal?
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