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Toonami |Feb14| We Kick Ass for the LORD!

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
There's about a million goodbye gifs from Inuyasha I've thought about testing out. Usually involving someone jumping into or out of a mysterious time portal housing well..
I've got it. Do you know how to make gifs, Man God?

Never mind. It was already made.

I was expecting you guys to have SAO in the title instead of Aku, or something like that.

Anyway this was a fun night, especially the barrage of--

OK. We get it!


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good morning new thread.

Space Dandy was so great last night. I loved the different take on a zombie apocalypse, one that was peaceful rather than crazy violent.

I'm still laughing that Bleach canon has made last night's revelations completely null and void.


Franky is so aweosme, or rather he's SUUUUUPEEEEER!

I... still have no idea what happened on SAO last night. They finally found out they've been playing together in ALO, even though they really should have figured it out sooner (idiots), and Suguha has a meltdown because... cousins or something. Wha? Something was lost in translation wasn't it?


Gives all the fucks
I went from being #13 in top posters to not even making the list?!

Also, the one day I get to sleep in & at 9:30 all I hear is thumping upstairs & people talking. Though I think 3 AM's (which is when I also heard people thumping around upstairs. THE ONE NIGHT I HAVE NEW EPISODES ON....) my limit, since despite watch an episode of Golden Time to wait for Brotherhood, about a while in, I must have dozed off, because I notice the scene was completely different & a megaton of posts have been made.
Good morning new thread.

Space Dandy was so great last night. I loved the different take on a zombie apocalypse, one that was peaceful rather than crazy violent.

I'm still laughing that Bleach canon has made last night's revelations completely null and void.


Franky is so aweosme, or rather he's SUUUUUPEEEEER!

I... still have no idea what happened on SAO last night. They finally found out they've been playing together in ALO, even though they really should have figured it out sooner (idiots), and Suguha has a meltdown because... cousins or something. Wha? Something was lost in translation wasn't it?

No thats pretty much how it went in Japan

"I love you brother but you love Asuna so I fell in love with Kirito who's also my brother WAAAAAAAH"


Only stayed up until FLCL started last night and I've seen that one too much to stay up later.

My rankings for the night

Space Dandy
Soul Eater
Sword Art Online
One Piece

I keep trying on One Piece, but still can't get into it. Shippuden was just a weirdly edited, boring mess.


So, I know I watch the show exclusively at 2 in the morning, and that might impact my brain functions. I also know i've missed an episode or 2 due to sleep or social obligations. That said, I woke up this morning in a cold sweat, still wondering how the hell Leafa didn't know Kirito's identity. I thought that reveal was the whole point of the previous episode!

Other pressing questions from last nights episode

-Why did she use a item to revive him when she just could have waited a few minutes? Why did she risk herself to go on a corpse run for him? Didn't the episode where he beat Eugene establish that there is no real penalty for death?
-If Asuna is trapped in a cage, how does she have access to a Mod's access card, and why can't she use it herself to escape?
-Kirito apologizes to Suguha for using the Nerve gear again, after what has happened to him. What the fuck did he think she thought he was doing when he was in the bedroom for 8 hours a day or however long they play that fucking game?

While last night wasn't as offensive as last week, it was significantly stupider.

Rankings for last night

Space Dandy
One Piece
Naruto Shippuden
Soul Eater


New Toonami thread, sexy.

Gonna start being more active here when Black Lagoon and Blue Exorcist starts airing.



Other pressing questions from last nights episode

-Why did she use a item to revive him when she just could have waited a few minutes? Why did she risk herself to go on a corpse run for him? Didn't the episode where he beat Eugene establish that there is no real penalty for death?
Beats the hell outta me.

-If Asuna is trapped in a cage, how does she have access to a Mod's access card, and why can't she use it herself to escape?
Only works in a particular console...which she stole it from before getting nearly tentacle raped.

-Kirito apologizes to Suguha for using the Nerve gear again, after what has happened to him. What the fuck did he think she thought he was doing when he was in the bedroom for 8 hours a day or however long they play that fucking game?
Er...I think that was him misunderstanding what she was upset about. Knowing her, who knows what she thought he was doing.
Kirito thought she was mad at him for using nervegear, she was really mad because she wanted his D, realized she was getting ntr'd by a girl in a coma and decided to turn her feelings to Kirito and want his D... Except it was still her brother like no matter what she does she's desperately in love with her brothers D


I didn't wake up this morning wanting to be an SAO apologist, I swear. :)

I... still have no idea what happened on SAO last night. They finally found out they've been playing together in ALO, even though they really should have figured it out sooner (idiots), and Suguha has a meltdown because... cousins or something. Wha? Something was lost in translation wasn't it?


When they were young they were friendly, but as Kirito got older he was pushing Sugu away and spending all his time on games. Then he goes into his SAO coma and she finds out they're cousins and not siblings. Somewhere she also falls in love with him. When he wakes up, he's nice to her again, and she feels like she might have a shot. But he's pining away for some coma chick (Asuna). Eventually (when she visits the hospital with Kirito) she realizes she's not going to win against Asuna, so she gives it up. Meanwhile, she's playing Alfheim and meets some cool dude who totally doesn't look/sound like her brother. She falls in love with him, and after giving up on her brother IRL, she figures she can still be happy with this new dude. Then, when she realizes Kirito and Kazuto are one in the same, she freaks out. Basically, the guy she fell in love with to forget her brother was also her brother, like life hit her with a bait-and-switch.

It'd be kind of tragic if it weren't so ridiculous.

Other pressing questions from last nights episode

-Why did she use a item to revive him when she just could have waited a few minutes? Why did she risk herself to go on a corpse run for him? Didn't the episode where he beat Eugene establish that there is no real penalty for death?
-If Asuna is trapped in a cage, how does she have access to a Mod's access card, and why can't she use it herself to escape?
-Kirito apologizes to Suguha for using the Nerve gear again, after what has happened to him. What the fuck did he think she thought he was doing when he was in the bedroom for 8 hours a day or however long they play that fucking game?

On the first one: if I'm understanding death correctly in Alfheim, if Kirito's timer goes up, he would revive back in the Spriggan hometown (which he's never even been to). Since fast travel isn't a thing in this game, he'd have to trek all the way back to where they were, which would take him days. Since he had a week before Asuna's coma-wedding, and they've already spent 2-3 days getting there once, dying normally would pretty much screw him over and let CreepyMcCreeper win.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I didn't wake up this morning wanting to be an SAO apologist, I swear. :)


When they were young they were friendly, but as Kirito got older he was pushing Sugu away and spending all his time on games. Then he goes into his SAO coma and she finds out they're cousins and not siblings. Somewhere she also falls in love with him. When he wakes up, he's nice to her again, and she feels like she might have a shot. But he's pining away for some coma chick (Asuna). Eventually (when she visits the hospital with Kirito) she realizes she's not going to win against Asuna, so she gives it up. Meanwhile, she's playing Alfheim and meets some cool dude who totally doesn't look/sound like her brother. She falls in love with him, and after giving up on her brother IRL, she figures she can still be happy with this new dude. Then, when she realizes Kirito and Kazuto are one in the same, she freaks out. Basically, the guy she fell in love with to forget her brother was also her brother, like life hit her with a bait-and-switch.

It'd be kind of tragic if it weren't so ridiculous.

Okay, I see how it is.
That is fucking stupid. This really is the Twilight of anime.
Rankings for last night:

1. FMA Brotherhood

Mother of God, THIS is how you suck a viewer in and bring them to their knees with an eyeball melting sequence of pure animated bliss. The action in this episode was sublime but the emotional tug on my heart strings is what pushed this episode of Brotherhood from 'wow this is pretty good' to 'HOLY F-ING CRAP THIS IS TOP TIER'. As if a blind Mustang rejoining the fight wasn't enough to get me riled up (I'll admit it, I'm a fanboy), Alphonse choosing to make the ultimate sacrifice for his brother and all of Amestris got me to tear up a bit. There wasn't a dull moment in last nights episode of FMA and Edward kicking Father's ass at the end was the cherry on top.

2. Space Dandy

It finally happened guys, Dandy actually lived up to it's potential and delivered a masterpiece. One of my bigget issues with Space Dandy has been the comedy, most of the jokes have been more 'miss' than 'hit' with me. However, last night I found myself literally laughing out loud at most of the gags, the rest of the time I had a big stupid grin on my face. The writing moved away from childish T&A jokes (for the most part) and focused on making light of the predicament the crew found themselves in. For once it wasn't constantly jammed down the viewers throat that Dandy is a lecherous moron and the comedy was able to flow more naturally as a result. Meow's still faces in particular were absolutely hilarious, I'm still sitting here giggling think about them.

Pacing was another big issue I had with Dandy's first few episodes but this one was perfect. There was no 'slow' half followed by a really good push towards the end, the whole thing was perfectly balanced. I really didn't expect them to take the 'day in the life of a zombie' route near the middle of the episode but applaud the effort, it was awesome and unexpected. The various movie spoofs were great as well, many live watchers pointed out references that I wouldn't have caught on my own.

I can tell by now that Dandy will have no continuity since characters have been killed off multiple times only to return the next week with no explanation..I guess I'm cool with that. I'm still waiting for the show to explain why Mojo JoJo and the Gogol Empire want Dandy so badly though, that is still a huge mystery. Also, there needs to be more character development for Meow, that is severely lacking.

Hopefully Space Dandy can keep the ball rolling, last night was one heck of a ride, baby.

3. One Piece

Geez, Luffy took a lot of L's this episode. First Franky nearly OHKO's him (SUUUUUPAR) and then the Galley La shipwrights proceed to take out some street justice. Like somebody said last night, the whole situation could have been cleared up if Luffy wasn't such a dumbass.

Galley La: 'Iceburg was shot and he said a member of your crew did it! You all must be involved!
Luffy: 'Wait a minute, nobody in my crew would ever hurt Icepops! This is a huge misunderstanding!'
Nami: 'Yeah! We all have alibi's, lets just talk this out. We'll come peacefully..'
Galley La: 'Seems resonable..alright but we're taking you into custody and impounding your ship'
Luffy: 'Deal'

See? Needless fight avoided. Oh well, it made for good television.

4. Soul Eater

Ms. Marie and Crona venture into the lair of Medusa to save Stein. That sounds boring on paper but played out beautifully last night. Medusa is the best villain on the block, she really knows how to get under my skin and make the blood boil (it's black, ya know). It was cool seeing Marie be a badass and Crona stand up for himself (herself?) but the subsequent beat down and Maka save were predictable. During the live watch Seda was trying to decide if the 'vector arrow sword' was cool or stupid...I lean towards the opinion of the latter, it just seemed silly for her to use that weapon. I mean, this is Medusa we're talking about, you'd think she be a little more creative than that.

Overall the episode was good, it struck a nice balance between action and feels. It's nice to have the 'good' Soul Eater back.

5. Bleach

Mayuri is the best captain, I'm glad we got to see him troll Kageroza so hard. For those wondering why he didn't just slice his throat after pulling the first trap card of the night, I think it was because Mayuri is a mad scientist at heart and wanted to see the effects of his drug during combat on a live specimen. He seems to be a bit of a sadist and probably wanted to make Kageroza suffer. Another explanation could be that they were ordered by Soul Society to capture him alive. The only thing that truly made me say 'what the hell' were the clones being revived stronger than ever, that just seemed like a cheap cop out to drag out the arc. I wonder sometimes if the writers just made this storyline up on the fly.

We found out Kageroza is the creator of mod souls which contradicts the canon but who cares, right? Oh well, the similarities between this and the Bount Arc grow stronger by the week. I had fun with Bleach last night, I'm a genuine fan of this arc minus the Kon comedy relief crap.


I can't pretend to understand what happened, all I can say is that is was awesome.

7. Ghost in the Shell

Wow, this was the least cerebral episode for me yet. The plot was incredibly simple but I kept over thinking things last night. The only question I still have is why was the terrorist group following the daughter of the woman they kidnapped? I don't think that part was properly explained.

8. Naruto

I actually really enjoy these early episodes of OG Naruto, Kakashi is such a boss. The humor still works for me and I'm still hyped up when Naruto decides to use the shadow clones.

9. SAO

I know some people are going to raise their eyebrows at me for putting SAO so high up on my list but this episode was genuinely entertaining for all the wrong reasons. If there was a poster child for 'so bad it's good episode of anime' this would be it, nearly every facet of this episode was unintentionally hilarious.

First let's start with Kirito trying to solo the world tree. I will admit that the action sequence here was pretty impressive...too bad the melodrama accompanying it killed the eye candy. Kirito screaming 'ASUNAAAAA' while hacking and slashing his way through a bunch of shitty looking CGI knights had me rolling around on the floor in laughter. I applaud the effort SAO, but no amount of flashbacking or leet hax moves are going to make me care about your terrible love story. At least he got his ass kicked instead of breaking through using nothing but cold steel and the power of love. Blegh.

Leefa predictably rescues her crush with a Phoenix Down instead of just letting him respawn in 5 minutes because SAO makes no sense. Is it weird that the thing that would normally make the least amount of sense seems to be the most plausible outcome with this show? My brain hurts..

The main event of the night was Kirito and Sugu hilariously figuring out each other's real identity simultaneously. This was simply pure comedic gold, easily the funniest moment of the night. The ensuing rage tears and 'why won't you fuck your cousin, you betrayed my love!' speech at the end was just brilliant.

Kudos SAO.

10. Shippuden

What a snoozefest. The Gaara 'fight' was painfully weak and I could see how Naruto was going to get the bells from Kakashi a mile away. The best part of the episode was everyone spamming the spoilers gif! From what I'm being told the pacing doesn't improve until the Immortals arc *sigh*

11. IGPX

Race was anti-climactic but it was nice seeing Takashi not mope around like he does for half of S2. It was also fun to see a normal brother-sister relationship after what we witnessed earlier in the night...

12. Clone Wars

Literally put me to sleep. I despise this show.

Overall I think we had a great night, everything except Clone Wars was enjoyable for me. I'm looking forward to seeing the ratings Tuesday.


Space Dandy last night was definitely the best episode so far. Instead of relying heavily on slapstick, is took a silly premise at ran with it. A couple of well placed punch lines, and great delivery by both Dandy and the narrator really set the humor. I still except some sort of series twist sometime soon.

Bleach's filler is mildly entertaining. Some of the animation and fight choreography is not bad. Still too much of typical Bleach explain everything as they fight each other, and some BS plot points.

I thought Shippuden's pacing was a slog when I was marathonning it - that is only amplified at one episode per week.

One Piece has kind of been in a build up mode for a while, at least it feels that way to me.

Soul Eater last night was quite fun. I've said before that I think Medusa is a very well done villain, and switching to Bones material hasn't changed that. She's competent, ruthless, downright malevolent. And as I've said before, generally speaking, I think the anime has done a pretty good job building sympathy for Crona, so you can't help but root for them in this confrontation. I only fear Medusa is going to be offed soon and then rest of the series will deal with the (so-far) much less interesting Arachne and Asura.

Sword Art Online is the perfect 'Twilight' for otakus. The show is based around juvenile relationships, one of those being sibling-cousins! :x

Moving GitS up an hour might be a really good thing. I missed the first couple minutes of the episode yesterday and thus didn't really understand the second half.

I think adding an original and (hopefully) consistent villain in Cad Bane for Star Wars might maintain interest more easily. With Samurai Jack coming in as well (a show I've only seen a few random episodes of), hopefully the second half will be easier to manage.

New Toonami thread, sexy.

Gonna start being more active here when Black Lagoon and Blue Exorcist starts airing.

Redboot has all the right answers

The reason I think this is the worst episode is just how mean spirited it is. For me last weeks tentacle rape just falls into the same "ugh sao" category as the tongue monster licking the loli, mommy, my secret duel wielding skill, my stats carried over, etc. Unlike all those scenes which I can file under "power fantasy" or "fetish" or "lol japan" this scene is meant to be taken seriously as the emotional climax for part 2's lead female. We're meant to feel sympathy for Sugu and sympathy for Kazuno despite the fact I want to punch Kazuno for how he's handled this entire situation and I want to slap Sugu for falling in love not only with her brother/cousin but for also falling in love with some online stranger she never met before a few days ago.

Regardless SAO is a horrible/terrible show that continues to find new lows to sink to.


Oh dear new thread. Like I said before, good thing Feb. is a short month. Also I guess that one guy who said "Undo the Future that is SAO" didn't make the cut. :p

I didn't wake up this morning wanting to be an SAO apologist, I swear. :)


When they were young they were friendly, but as Kirito got older he was pushing Sugu away and spending all his time on games. Then he goes into his SAO coma and she finds out they're cousins and not siblings. Somewhere she also falls in love with him. When he wakes up, he's nice to her again, and she feels like she might have a shot. But he's pining away for some coma chick (Asuna). Eventually (when she visits the hospital with Kirito) she realizes she's not going to win against Asuna, so she gives it up. Meanwhile, she's playing Alfheim and meets some cool dude who totally doesn't look/sound like her brother. She falls in love with him, and after giving up on her brother IRL, she figures she can still be happy with this new dude. Then, when she realizes Kirito and Kazuto are one in the same, she freaks out. Basically, the guy she fell in love with to forget her brother was also her brother, like life hit her with a bait-and-switch.

It'd be kind of tragic if it weren't so ridiculous.

Ohhhhhhh it all makes sense!!! They didn't make this clear AT ALL during the series. I think every first time watcher thought she knew the whole time up until last night.

So why is cousin/sibling such a big deal? Is it because it's more acceptable to be cousin lovers than siblings?
Romantic relationships between cousins are looked at differently in Japan. Here in America that's taboo, there it's a rare occurance but more acceptable. American audiences are going to naturally be more repulsed at the whole 'sibling crush' storyline than the Japanese.


Oh dear new thread. Like I said before, good thing Feb. is a short month. Also I guess that one guy who said "Undo the Future that is SAO" didn't make the cut. :p

Ohhhhhhh it all makes sense!!! They didn't make this clear AT ALL during the series. I think every first time watcher thought she knew the whole time up until last night.

So why is cousin/sibling such a big deal? Is it because it's more acceptable to be cousin lovers than siblings?

I thought they made it clear, but I could see how someone might still think otherwise. I mean, Kirito and Kazuto look just alike and sound the same. In Japan, I'm pretty sure its legal to be with your cousin. It is in some parts of the US. Overall, culturally, its more acceptable in Japan. Even if siblings, the crush story line will still be weirder here than it is in Japan.


Ohhhhhhh it all makes sense!!! They didn't make this clear AT ALL during the series. I think every first time watcher thought she knew the whole time up until last night.

I thought it was clear.

It's a little hard to believe that neither one of them ever recognized the other's voice after a few days. (Unless the voice isn't /actually/ the same as their real life voice or something and the anime just keeps the same voices for simplicity)
Sword Art Online is the perfect 'Twilight' for otakus. The show is based around juvenile relationships, one of those being sibling-cousins! :x


Yes, twilight really sums it up for me, even the aspects of it that are at it's best just plain mundane and boring, as opposed to awkward , terrible and troubling. And much like twilight it kinda just grows less funny to even make fun of or hate, I just want it gone already at this point and for the sequel to never end up on Toonami.


I thought it was clear she knew.

It's a little hard to believe that neither one of them ever recognized the other's voice after a few days.

The two things that really annoy me about that:

1. Sugu has a Leafa poster in her room (above her bed, actually, which is kind of...weird). Ignoring how she got a poster of her presumably custom character, this means Kirito has never been in her room.

2. Sugu knows Asuna by online reputation, she says as much in the prior episode. Asuna was one of the most well-known SAO players, after all. But if she knows that, how would she never have heard of the name Kirito? Or even just asked Kazuto what his SAO name was?
Oh I guess it was just me then.

nah I was pretty sure she knew too, like god, HE HAS THE SAME VOICE AND FACE AS IN REAL LIFE WHATS WRONG WITH HER, i can understand Kirito not realizing since he is an oblivious self-absorbed dunce and she at least looked different, but I had not realized she didn't, but then i have been trying not to pay attention.


The two things that really annoy me about that:

1. Sugu has a Leafa poster in her room (above her bed, actually, which is kind of...weird). Ignoring how she got a poster of her presumably custom character, this means Kirito has never been in her room.

2. Sugu knows Asuna by online reputation, she says as much in the prior episode. Asuna was one of the most well-known SAO players, after all. But if she knows that, how would she never have heard of the name Kirito? Or even just asked Kazuto what his SAO name was?

That is an extremely good point that never crossed my mind.
The two things that really annoy me about that:

2. Sugu knows Asuna by online reputation, she says as much in the prior episode. Asuna was one of the most well-known SAO players, after all. But if she knows that, how would she never have heard of the name Kirito? Or even just asked Kazuto what his SAO name was?

Because Kazuno goes on and on about her, he even explains her character again last week when they visit her in the hospital.


Man. Since the other thread is closed, I guess there's no getting a montage of gaf reactions from last nights SAO. I'll just go back and read them. That was the most hilarious SAO in awhile. I guess the event itself wasn't all the hyped by gaf and the confession came as a complete shock to me. It was good.

Just found out we're getting Black Lagoon. I've been so absent.
Man. Since the other thread is closed, I guess there's no getting a montage of gaf reactions from last nights SAO. I'll just go back and read them. That was the most hilarious SAO in awhile. I guess the event itself wasn't all the hyped by gaf and the confession came as a complete shock to me. It was good.

Just found out we're getting Black Lagoon. I've been so absent.

I'll get 'em for you. Never mind. Too much work.
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