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Transgender 3rd Grader will be allowed to go to school as a girl

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The Everyman
Other than yourself, of course! Random gaffot #879843 knows best.

Because there is no neutral course of action, let's go over the options one more time:

1) Hormone blockers allow a child time to make a choice. Not every kid needs this option, of course, but one expressing strong symptoms of a certain clinically recognized disorder called "gender dysphoria" probably does!
2) Natural puberty forces (!) a child to undergo a change that they may or may not want - at this point, things indicate that they do not want! - and will most likely cause a difficult-to-reverse and excruciating period at the most important developmental age in a human being's life, as they grow into the person they are...or, you know, are forced to become something they know they aren't.

But, you know, who gives a shit about the kid. Lying little shit just wants attention, amirite, GAF?

bro, needlessly hostile

views aside, let's respect each other.


Fail out bailed
I don't recall ever wanting to be a girl though..

I did. If it matters to anyone.

Not doubting this family's decisions or tryng to read someone else's mind, but I definitely went through a time period where I wanted to be a gilr and I'm most certainly not gender confused or questioning as an adult. I do wholly respect that some people are in the wrong body and encourage them to fix it, but... you get it.



Here's some evidence suggesting a difference.

Claiming that all brain regions are the same in every individual is a positive claim. You need to supply evidence too. "Its common sense" is not legitimate evidence. It is begging the question.
Is this really it? That's nothing more than what I expected. It's not that I don't believe this evidence to be true, because it does make sense. But that wasn't my argument... I clearly said that not all transgendered people have these differences, and a couple of you jumped all over that.

You can't honestly believe that everyone's behavior can be explained by suggested evidence.


I'm not hostile or annoyed, but when I asked the same question earlier, why couldn't you just have said that then?

because you asked about transgender people and CornBurrito was making a statement about homosexuality. They're distinct. We don't truly have a cause pinpointed for transgender people.


because you asked about transgender people and CornBurrito was making a statement about homosexuality. They're distinct. We don't truly have a cause pinpointed for transgender people.

Dang it you beat me to the edit. Yeah, just reread. Sorry.
Is this really it? That's nothing more than what I expected. It's not that I don't believe this evidence to be true, because it does make sense. But that wasn't my argument... I clearly said that not all transgendered people have these differences, and a couple of you jumped all over that.

You can't honestly believe that everyone's behavior can be explained by suggested evidence.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish by finding the exception to the rule?
I'm going to go ahead and open this can of worms. How do you feel about pedophilia being treated as a medical issue? As far as I can tell, the media and general population treats a pedophile as somebody that we'd all prefer just be dead. Now I can understand that viewpoint when talking about a pedophile who has actually harmed children. I don't think any amount of innate desires should override your responsibility to protect and respect children. However, I don't think in this world today that a pedophile that has done no harm to children and honestly views his condition as a curse could get the kind of understanding that they deserve. I think among a majority group of the population, a gay man can come out to his friends and get the kind of support they should get. I think if a pedophile were to come out to his friends and try to explain that they want to do everything they can to get rid of those kinds of feelings and such would be met with universal rejection and revulsion. Whenever I bring up this point to my friends that are for the most part in favor of sexual equality, they have this attitude that pedophilia is just some sort of sick perversion that bad people are into because they just enjoy the power of it and harming kids. That is certainly true for some, but I think there are a real group of people that feel like they are living with a born curse and deserve to be treated differently.

Another douchey bump by me!
Is this really it? That's nothing more than what I expected. It's not that I don't believe this evidence to be true, because it does make sense. But that wasn't my argument... I clearly said that not all transgendered people have these differences, and a couple of you jumped all over that.

You can't honestly believe that everyone's behavior can be explained by suggested evidence.

No that's not really it. I don't have the dedication to dig out every study done in the last 30+ years for you.

Do you believe that all trans people have these differences in their brain?

Can you answer a question without asking a question?

And I don't know. I haven't looked at the brains all trans and cis individuals. Current research suggests there is a difference. There are biological differences between men and women. Outliers exist but what's the point of bringing out those outliers?

I'm not going to make the positive claim that not all of them have the difference without evidence. "It is common sense" isn't evidence.
the post he was quoting was pretty tame and that's who it's directed at.

She's probably exasperated at the thread thus far and generally making a statement towards the general ignorance about hormone blockers which is not forcing anything. It's a delay to ensure that the choice made is the right one for that individual. It is getting old how it's okay to force the current physical nature of the person despite recognizing that trans people exist and would have loved to transition earlier. Then when these individuals are given the chance people think they're just attention whoring. It's wrong and at worst it's insulting to the trans people who post here. People wonder why many don't post outside of transgaf or are seemingly hostile in threads, SO many posts are a direct insult to their very existence without people even realizing it. I doubt if they could have transitioned as young individuals it would be for attention or even something they'd regret. Still people come to the conclusion that these individuals are just confused, into some fad or just plain crazy. It's really tiring to witness and it's the reason so many get snappy.

No one who is Cis or Straight questions their own orientation or gender to such a high degree, you just are who you are right? Then why is it so hard to accept the same for others?


The Everyman
Pretty tired of people insisting that their ignorance allows them a better perspective on the situation than the person in question (or their parents, doctors, teachers, friends, family, etc.)

These threads are pretty predictable and this behavior is pretty annoying as well as hurtful - especially the childish "I refuse to call her a he!" junk.

fair enough, but i could tell from his wording ("I am not a fan of people making this choice for him at this point") that as offensive as you might find his opinion he was at least trying to approach the subject cautiously.

i can understand your frustration though.


Another douchey bump by me!

Pedophilia is different than transgender people or sexual orientation, etc. It's a paraphilia which means it IS a mental illness. But that doesn't absolve you from RESPONSIBILITY. Take kleptomania for example. Kleptomania is a recognized disorder where an individual is compelled to take things. But they can still be arrested tried and convicted for theft or burglary or other related crimes. Or say a mother has Münchausen syndrome by proxy and is causing their child to be sick by poisoning them with something. Do you think they get off in those situations? Some do, most don't. Pedophiles who don't act on their desires should absolutely be treated by the psychiatric community. Those that act on them should face teh full weight of the legal system.
No one is going to touch that. Maybe I shouldn't either.
Here, have some recent articles on that exact topic that might interest you:

It's a shame how taboo of a topic it is. I really do feel sympathy for anybody born with that sort of brain chemistry that truly understands why it is wrong and wishes they were different. I wonder if we'll ever get to the point where we distinguish pedophiles as either criminals or victims based on what they do.
Pedophilia is different than transgender people or sexual orientation, etc. It's a paraphilia which means it IS a mental illness. But that doesn't absolve you from RESPONSIBILITY. Take kleptomania for example. Kleptomania is a recognized disorder where an individual is compelled to take things. But they can still be arrested tried and convicted for theft or burglary or other related crimes. Or say a mother has Münchausen syndrome by proxy and is causing their child to be sick by poisoning them with something. Do you think they get off in those situations? Some do, most don't. Pedophiles who don't act on their desires should absolutely be treated by the psychiatric community. Those that act on them should face teh full weight of the legal system.

What separates something from being a mental illness instead of a natural sexual orientation? I understand that, for very obvious reasons, pedophilia is not considered acceptable in our society and homosexuality is. I mean more in regards in the medical term. What about the brain chemistry of a pedophile is categorically different than a homosexual person? Is it considered an illness specifically because of the fact that the acts that are followed with this condition are illegal and something 99.9% of the population would agree is wrong?


What separates something from being a mental illness instead of a natural sexual orientation? I understand that, for very obvious reasons, pedophilia is not considered acceptable in our society and homosexuality is. I mean more in regards in the medical term. What about the brain chemistry of a pedophile is categorically different than a homosexual person? Is it considered an illness specifically because of the fact that the acts that are followed with this condition are illegal and something 99.9% of the population would agree is wrong?

I linked you to Wikipedia's article on paraphilia for a reason, it answers most of your questions.


And I don't know. I haven't looked at the brains all trans and cis individuals. Current research suggests there is a difference.

I'm not going to make the positive claim that not all of them have the difference without evidence. "It is common sense" isn't evidence.
I can believe the study you linked makes sense if that opposite trait (male/female) is found in the brain of a transgendered person. But to believe there is even a chance that every transgendered person shares these traits, I think is crazy.

Which brings me back to the topic. We have no idea if this kid has this trait or not. I'd be just as right to think that maybe he doesn't as you would be to assume that he does.


Which brings me back to the topic. We have no idea if this kid has this trait or not. I'd be just as right to think that maybe he doesn't as you would be to assume that he does.
Why does it matter if she has any particular trait or not?
She's seen a psychologist, who I presume is reasonably confident that she is who she says she is, and that she isn't just making it up for whatever reason.
I think that's all that really matters. She's been evaluated by an actual professional, and not just the armchair ones on GAF. What more do you want?


I can believe the study you linked makes sense if that opposite trait (male/female) is found in the brain of a transgendered person. But to believe there is even a chance that every transgendered person shares these traits, I think is crazy.

Which brings me back to the topic. We have no idea if this kid has this trait or not. I'd be just as right to think that maybe he doesn't as you would be to assume that he does.

Are you disagreeing with this research? Show us the research you have done.
I linked you to Wikipedia's article on paraphilia for a reason, it answers most of your questions.

From what I gathered about the parts that related to my questions, it sounds like paraphilia generally regards to sexual traits that are not entirely brought up by genetics or brain chemistry. It sounds like somebody would make the argument that pedophilia is a condition brought out by the pedophile either by his/her own actions or acts done to himself/herself. This sounds like the same argument that was used against homosexuality for some time. I'm glad to read that the medical community is not in agreement of the use of paraphilias. With neuroscience being where it is today, I hope a closer look is taken to pedophiles. Hopefully there is some way of treatment. If I were a pedophile, I think I would love for there to be some sort of hormonal treatment option to alter my arousals.


From what I gathered about the parts that related to my questions, it sounds like paraphilia generally regards to sexual traits that are not entirely brought up by genetics or brain chemistry. It sounds like somebody would make the argument that pedophilia is a condition brought out by the pedophile either by his/her own actions or acts done to himself/herself. This sounds like the same argument that was used against homosexuality for some time. I'm glad to read that the medical community is not in agreement of the use of paraphilias. With neuroscience being where it is today, I hope a closer look is taken to pedophiles. Hopefully there is some way of treatment. If I were a pedophile, I think I would love for there to be some sort of hormonal treatment option to alter my arousals.

No, I think you're missing that paraphilias are generally non-consensual and inherently harmful. That is, desire for sex with a child (and following through with that desire to any degree) is inherently destructive and harmful. Whereas gay people can and do form normal consensual adult relationships.

Pedophiles by contrast tend to have their victims "age out" which causes them to move onto new victims.
No, I think you're missing that paraphilias are generally non-consensual and inherently harmful. That is, desire for sex with a child (and following through with that desire to any degree) is inherently destructive and harmful. Whereas gay people can and do form normal consensual adult relationships.

Pedophiles by contrast tend to have their victims "age out" which causes them to move onto new victims.

I understand that part, and addressed it earlier. I don't think that should really act as any sort of categorical divider from a medical standpoint.


I understand that part, and addressed it earlier. I don't think that should really act as any sort of categorical divider from a medical standpoint.

From a psychiatric stand point that's a CRUCIAL distinction. Its like saying that cancer cells are just as good as normal healthy cells because they both grow.


Lol, As soon as I read this thread I knew what the reactions were gonna be, I wish cis people were able to feel trans for a day to understand what is like

Anyway, great job of the school!


How so? The child is what, 8/9 years old? Just doesnt seem normal. Wait untill the kid is old enough to make that decision. Thats just not the age to do it.
The kid clearly *is* old enough to make that decision, because it *is* the decision she has made. She has been evaluated by an actual professional.
There are no irreversible changes at this point, since she doesn't seem to be on puberty blockers quite yet. Why not let her do what she wants for now?
The kid clearly *is* old enough to make that decision, because it *is* the decision she has made. She has been evaluated by an actual professional.
There are no irreversible changes at this point, since she doesn't seem to be on puberty blockers quite yet. Why not let her do what she wants for now?

I havent read much into this case so i dont know the circumstances. I just dont think its a great idea at that age. I wouldnt let my child make that decision at such a young age.


I don't agree with this. They are certainly socially relevant - important - when they are made so, from children's dress to playing styles to interactional style and so forth, with male children (at least in the United States) facing much more pressure not to behave "like girls" than girls face (at least before puberty) not to behave like boys. I agree that this pressure does not occur as often or as strongly from one's peers at this age, who as you say can possess some gender blindness, but adults tend to be the ones who socialize and directly pressure kids to behave in gender appropriate ways.

I agree that it still occurs but the pressure a child faces from their own peer group is one of the largest. Children do possess a certain amount of gender blindness but that's often lost as we adults tend to foster gender roles early into children. I think the longer we allow that gender blindness to exist, the less rigid and more accepting children will become.

So given that gender is something that is socially defined, that kids are socialized into from infancy, it does not make sense that you would say that kids will be themselves without defining whether they are a boy or girl. How many little kids do you know who don't define themselves as a boy or a girl? And with the social and performative aspects of gender (which Stumples actually linked to in this post in Squiddy's topic), where we define our identities in relation to others' reactions to our social performances, I find it hard to buy this notion that children do this.

I should probably have said that the kids I knew didn't define everything about themselves as a boy or a girl rather than not at all. I can't really say kids don't use gender as a component in establishing an identity but I think kids very much also identify themselves less in the rigid scheme that we use as we get older. Children will do things that we establish as not part of their gender, such as the "behave like girls" point you said above, until we point it out to them that they shouldn't. It's not an uncommon thing to see a boy interested in typically "girl" things and a girl to be interested in "boy" things as a child, right?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think children don't see gender the way we adults do. We see it as dress a certain style, behave this way, like these things, etc but I think most kids at that age tend to simply see it as a matter of fact. They see it as a difference but don't automatically attribute qualities to it right away. I don't see the need to push the change right away. let it flourish a bit and foster the change little by little then when they are more ready for it, really enact the changes.

Granted, I don't really know the exact details of the situation for the parents. It sounds like it's been a general improvement in behavior and the like at school according to the post yeoz linked to so perhaps it was the best choice. A slower, more idealistic approach is less likely to be effective in a larger setting and it seems it's helped the child to be more comfortable so.

Even in your example, you seem to be describing whether you recall categorizing your friends on the basis of gender in early childhood, and not whether they were defining themselves in terms of gender.

Yeah, I kind of realized it after I posted it. I can't really think of a proper example off the top of my head.
Oh no! Wearing girl clothes is such an extreme decision!!!

I hope if you have a daughter you don't freak out if she wants to dress like a boy.

Well it is an extreme decision? Im glad Openminded-Gaf is here in full force but im not so sure i feel the same way. If my daughter did decide to wear boys clothes and transition into a boy naturally that would be freak out worthy.

Edit: My views on this are going to be considered controversial in here. This conversation will only go badly from this point. Im out of this thread. Hope the child leads a happy and healthy life.


I did. If it matters to anyone.

Not doubting this family's decisions or tryng to read someone else's mind, but I definitely went through a time period where I wanted to be a gilr and I'm most certainly not gender confused or questioning as an adult. I do wholly respect that some people are in the wrong body and encourage them to fix it, but... you get it.
There's a huge difference between wishing you are a girl and knowing you aren't a boy.


Water is not wet!
Well it is an extreme decision? Im glad Openminded-Gaf is here in full force but im not so sure i feel the same way. If my daughter did decide to wear boys clothes and transition into a boy naturally that would be freak out worthy.

ill be honest.. i would freak out if i found out my child felt this way. For totally different reasons than you would, im sure.


Which brings me back to the topic. We have no idea if this kid has this trait or not.
On the contrary, we have an excellent idea. That she identifies as a girl and wants others to identify her as such is strong evidence that she has whatever cluster of traits make up a transgender individual.

I'd be just as right to think that maybe he doesn't as you would be to assume that he does.
No. Lack of absolute certainty is not the same as a 50/50 proposition.

To illustrate the difference, let's take an extreme example:

I buy a lottery ticket. The lottery happens tomorrow, so I'm not sure yet whether the ticket is a winning one or not. Maybe it'll hit the jackpot, maybe it'll be worth nothing.

My brother tells me it's worthless. I think it's a winning ticket. Is it fair to say that I'm just as right as my brother?
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