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Trump tries to air "fake news" 2020 campaign ad; is rejected by all major TV networks




This is frightening.

It is a pure attempt at literal propaganda. The kind of act that we would see done in dictatorship-led countries.

The major television networks have all decided to not run Donald Trump's so-called ”Fake News" ad, according to a statement released by his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump.

Lara, an adviser on Trump's 2020 campaign, called the rejection a ”chilling precedent against free speech rights."

”All of the mainstream media television networks have decided to block the paid placement of a campaign ad that celebrates the achievements of President Trump in his first 100 days in office," Lara wrote in a post Friday on DonaldJTrump.com, which is not an official government website. ”Apparently, the mainstream media are champions of the First Amendment only when it serves their own political views. Faced with an ad that doesn't fit their biased narrative, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC have now all chosen to block our ad. This is an unprecedented act of censorship in America that should concern every freedom-loving citizen," the post continued.

Lara appeared on Fox News' ”Hannity" Thursday night to promote the campaign. ”There are certain networks, the majority of the mainstream media throughout the country that refuse to report the facts," she told host Sean Hannity. ”It's a great ad and it highlights all the wonderful things that have happened that you don't hear about everyday because some people don't watch Fox News. If you don't watch Fox, you probably aren't hearing all the great things the president has done," she added.

”CNN requested that the advertiser remove the false graphic that the mainstream media is ‘fake news,'" CNN said in a statement explaining their decision to not run the ad. ”The mainstream media is not fake news, and therefore the ad is false and per policy will be accepted only if that graphic is deleted."

More at the link.


Junior Member
Lol at caping behind "b-b-but censorship!"

Gtfo with that. They were told to remove a blatantly false infograph and refused. Tough shit.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
They'd be more fake news if they aired that bull shit ad than if they didn't and once more with feeling, FUCK TRUMP!


Not running ads has NOTHING to do with free speech

You can put it on youtube or on your server or whatever


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Not running ads has NOTHING to do with free speech

You can put it on youtube or on your server or whatever

I'm guessing all those advertiser's pulling their ads from the Bill O'Reilly show must have been a massive bit of censorship.
Someone is bound to announce their candidacy eventually, if he keeps doing 2020 type things. Then it will turn into a freaking 3 year battle. I cant handle this long campaign bullshit anymore.


The Autumn Wind
The man so desperately wants to be a dictator. I have no doubt he would do the horrific things Hitler or any other dictator has done if he had the power to do so. Hopefully this country's checks and balances hold up against his obvious assaults against them.


I guess I would be more actually frightened by this if, you know, they were actually competent in any sort of execution.


Looking for meaning in GAF
"Hey, can you run this ad on your network where I tell everyone that your network is false?"


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Weird, I got rejected for putting my ad on Fox stating "Trump and the GOP will kill you, your children, and all of your dreams".

Really expected them to go for it too. Blatant assault on free speech.


Surprised Trump would have a commercial created .... he's more of an infomercial kind of guy. So too is his audience.


Look, I demand to be given equal time every time Trump speaks to have my own speech. If the president doesn't allow this, he's violating my freedom of speech!!!


Someone is bound to announce their candidacy eventually, if he keeps doing 2020 type things. Then it will turn into a freaking 3 year battle. I cant handle this long campaign bullshit anymore.

He basically has to get the campaign started ASAP. No one likes him as a President and everything he's attempted has been a failure. The election was the closest he's ever come to validation among peers, he's desperate for another hit of that sweet, sweet nectar.

Honestly, it will probably destroy him in the end. An egomaniac with a completely delusional sense of self-worth actually succeeding at something doesn't tend to work out well, since their private reality where they're top dog can't compare to the intoxicating power of real, public validation.
Not running ads has NOTHING to do with free speech

You can put it on youtube or on your server or whatever

And yet this is pushed over and over and over and over and loads believe it because it's convenient.

I can't even get mad anymore. I'm just sad and tired.
“Apparently, the mainstream media are champions of the First Amendment only when it serves their own political views. Faced with an ad that doesn’t fit their biased narrative, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC have now all chosen to block our ad. This is an unprecedented act of censorship in America that should concern every freedom-loving citizen,”

These people must need wheelbarrows to cart their ungainly, hairy balls around in.

Like I said in the last Ann Coulter thread, sometimes I wish I had an inflatable squeaky mallet that would teach people what free speech was if they got boinked on the head with it.
I might be completely wrong about this, but don't these news organizations, operating as businesses, have the ability to accept or reject whatever advertisements they want to?

Kind of like how if I go into a McDonald's I can't just start shouting racist shit and get away with it, they can kick me out since it's their private property? Or something?

Please someone correct me if I'm getting this wrong, I feel like I've read about this kind of thing before but I can't remember all the pieces.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
But what achievements are they celebrating in the ad?

Probably Gorsuch, the immigration EOs (nevermind that they were blocked), jobs (coming off of the Obama recovery) uuuh.... election crowds?

Maybe some lines about improved relations with China and Russia and better "deal" on NATO.


Lara, an adviser on Trump’s 2020 campaign, called the rejection a “chilling precedent against free speech rights.”

Oh fuck you. The president trying to delegitimize private media is a "chilling precedent against free speech rights".


The most amazing thing about the censorship whining is that I'm relatively sure every network involved has probably repeatedly broadcast Trump's calling everything fake news constantly for months. They're not even stifling his ability to say dumb shit as President and get it covered, just excercising their right to not sell him airtime, and his people still cry censorship.
TV Networks just do what is best for their ratings. They don't care about morality. It isn't the content of his ads, its the damage this ad does to their brands that they care about.

Don't fool yourselves.

Same would happen with a pro nazi ad or something.


I might be completely wrong about this, but don't these news organizations, operating as businesses, have the ability to accept or reject whatever advertisements they want to?

Kind of like how if I go into a McDonald's I can't just start shouting racist shit and get away with it, they can kick me out since it's their private property? Or something?

Please someone correct me if I'm getting this wrong, I feel like I've read about this kind of thing before but I can't remember all the pieces.

Of course they do. The thought that media refusing to air a basically state sponsored campaign ad is somehow a breach of free speech is maddening.

Lil Marco

Republicans (fascists) hide behind "hurr muh free speech" every time they are called out on their fallaciousness.

I'm glad this illegitimate joke of an administration is finally being treated like one.
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