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Trump tries to air "fake news" 2020 campaign ad; is rejected by all major TV networks

The man so desperately wants to be a dictator. I have no doubt he would do the horrific things Hitler or any other dictator has done if he had the power to do so. Hopefully this country's checks and balances hold up against his obvious assaults against them.

I can just imagine it.

Legal and illegal immigrants being detained, tortured and slaughtered as Trump using his exasperated tone, "Folks, I don't like it either but it's gotta be done. I'm the only President who has ever been strong enough to get this done. This country is a mess."


Unconfirmed Member
From the ad:



I fucking hate them co-opting the term fake news when it's fake news that helped put that fucker in office.

That's how blatantly wrong they are. It's just so fucking frustrating.
And yet even after this the news networks will still air Trump pundits spewing his BS on the air.


And since we know that's not going to stop, it's about damn time for the hosts (at least on willing networks, we know FOX won't) to consistently call out that bullshit every single time. No more of the person spewing the BS getting the last word before moving on.

A patient in her room was watching fox on the TV yesterday and I saw this...

Honestly it was like something out of a video game or something. So little class ... so fuckin weird and brazen to just be like "Oh if you're hearing stuff you don't like it's a fuckin lie coming from a bunch of liars."

The ad literally says his first 100 days are some of the most successful of any president ever... it's just like trump talks. No need for truth or objectivity or reality here. Just say your the best and everything is amazing and no one has ever done it better and BAM ... it's the fuckin truth.

What a stain on this country.


Also fuck the media (and the other politicians) for letting Trump get away with his bullshit in bold since the beginning which is why it's even worse now. That shit should have been raked over the coals from day one for the bullshit that it was.

This is one of the most damned frustrating things.
I can just imagine it.

Legal and illegal immigrants being detained, tortured and slaughtered as Trump using his exasperated tone, "Folks, I don't like it either but it's gotta be done. I'm the only President who has ever been strong enough to get this done. This country is a mess."
Jesus Christ. I can actually hear this.


I always smh when conservatives whine about free speech. Take Milo for example, when twitter banned him. You have a right to free speech but that doesn't mean someone else has to give you a platform..


Hey Lara, if you think what the networks are doing is censoring free speech then I dare you to take them court. Try it.


It's really sick how they twist the whole American ideal of freedom and liberties to suit their own agendas, by coating their bullshit in layer of "protecting the Constitution and your freedoms"

You hear it all the time on right wing news. Anything that conservatives and (real) Republicans do is to save the Constitution and America, anything liberals and Democrats do is an affront to the Constitution and trying to destroy America

I mean yeah. For these people it's not politics. It's:
Democrats vs Freedom
Democrats vs Christianity
Democrats vs My Paycheck
Democrats vs My way of life
Republicans vs Evil

They have been listening to Right-wing media, the filthy rich telling poor people how it really is. And they are so busy feeling hate, they never stop to think about who is giving the message and what their motives may be. So they will vote Republican even against their own interests, because they need to stop the enemy Left. They see themselves as soldiers, doing their part.


Poor guy really wants to be a fascist dictator but our system has too many checks and balances to keep that from happening (ie news networks don't have to listen to you).

He's also a fucking moron, so he's got that working against him.
From the ad:


Fucking christ, the White House putting out an ad that includes giant "FAKE NEWS" text slapped on top of top mainstream media figureheads is literal fascism.

Good on the major TV networks rejecting this. It's beyond a horrible precedent, it's disgusting on a basic level. I expect to see this shit in totalitarian 3rd world countries, not the so-called "leader of the free world".


So, could those pictured have this ad removed for libel?

Probably not. The standards for what constitutes libel are actually quite high in the US. The libelous statement in question has to be asserted as a fact, and not just an opinion. Once that is demonstrated, you also have to establish that the person or persons publishing the libelous statement intentionally lied or showed a reckless disregard for the truth, and you also have to prove that they did so with clear malicious intent. While it might suck that we can't enjoy some schadenfreude by watching this Dorito Imp's administration get slapped with a libel suit, it's for the best that we have the strict libel standards that we have. That's what makes Trump talking about "rewriting" the libel laws so chilling, and ironic in this case. I put rewriting in quotes because it's not that simple to do, in case anyone is wondering. Supreme Court precedent is, in large part, responsible for the high standard of proof required to prove libel. For instance, NYT v. Sullivan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_Times_Co._v._Sullivan


i wonder when trump will adopt the "criticism is actually censorship, because it forces people to self-censor themselves" rhetoric

Attention viewers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News.

CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens. The email from "[White Oak] Digital Display" sent on Wednesday, May 3, was sent to inform the researchers of the "reason for the change from CNN to Fox." White Oak is the name of the FDA's campus.

Attention viewers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News.

CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens. The email from "[White Oak] Digital Display" sent on Wednesday, May 3, was sent to inform the researchers of the "reason for the change from CNN to Fox." White Oak is the name of the FDA's campus.

I was expecting the article to be dated 4/1. Jesus.
It's almost like he doesn't get that freedom of the press exists precisely so the media doesn't have to be a propaganda arm and can make its own decisions about what information gets reported and aired.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
Damn this is getting scary.

Sorry USA. You dun fucked up.



Attention viewers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News.

CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens. The email from "[White Oak] Digital Display" sent on Wednesday, May 3, was sent to inform the researchers of the "reason for the change from CNN to Fox." White Oak is the name of the FDA's campus.



Fucking christ, the White House putting out an ad that includes giant "FAKE NEWS" text slapped on top of top mainstream media figureheads is literal fascism.

Good on the major TV networks rejecting this. It's beyond a horrible precedent, it's disgusting on a basic level. I expect to see this shit in totalitarian 3rd world countries, not the so-called "leader of the free world".

SO how long until Trump orders their arrest?


Wth, that ad is the actual one. Thought it was a joke. That anyone can make that and be serious is beyond me.. lmao

Attention viewers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News.

CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens. The email from "[White Oak] Digital Display" sent on Wednesday, May 3, was sent to inform the researchers of the "reason for the change from CNN to Fox." White Oak is the name of the FDA's campus.
This is how fascism starts.

Attention viewers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News.

CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens. The email from "[White Oak] Digital Display" sent on Wednesday, May 3, was sent to inform the researchers of the "reason for the change from CNN to Fox." White Oak is the name of the FDA's campus.
Gross, I would unplug the TV out of protest if I worked there
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