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Trump v. Bernie Debate

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Would be better to have candidates debate that are actually running against each other.

This is pointless and just feeds into the turning politics into entertainment/reality TV. Hope it doesn't happen.
That's a very simplified analogy. People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc. Can only do what they do because they have the money in the first place.

Elon Musk can only do crazy feats of technology because he has the cash upfront. Many, many, many charities and business explicitly been set up to help the less well off, those suppressed, and just generally to improve the world.

Now tell me how these people are bad because they have more money than you or I?

Also under your analogy suggests everyone should have the same number of "pieces of bread", something that has never, ever been achieved at any sort of large scale. It also assumes that everyone works the same ammount which is not true. Many lower income individuals are hard working as hell and some rich are lazy, but that does not mean we should throw out the idea of more pay for more and harder work. There will always be people who make more than others, and that's ok. What's not ok is when it gets out of hand, which is something that absolutely needs to be dealt with. But it cannot be dealt with if people are screaming that when people have more money they are evil.
Well said.


Sanders will lose, considering that he tried his best against Hillary when she wasn't even trying and couldn't win.

And the audience will play to Trump's tune, because all Trump has to do is say "this crazy guy wants to raise your taxes by [insert made up high number]" and it's over. Fox News audience lol

It is pretty naive to think Sanders can get anything good out of this, to be honest. Trump will just use Sanders as proof of the stereotype that socialists don't know shit about the economy. If they rag on Hillary, it will be the fabulous optics of two old white men complaining about a woman behind her back. (lol)

If Sanders does it, he'll just provide an example of how inferior he is compared to Hillary when she does the real debates. Pretty sad overall.

Mind you, if it does happen, I hope Hillary does a livestream of watching the debate with a bunch of comedians commentating. It would be fabulous.

Real Hero

Would be better to have candidates debate that are actually running against each other.

This is pointless and just feeds into the turning politics into entertainment/reality TV. Hope it doesn't happen.

Does it matter if bernie makes trump look like an idiot?
There's so many different possible scenarios that can happen including third party run.

He couldn't even get on the ballot at this point in many states I believe. A 3rd party run would literally only to be a fuck you to Clinton and his beliefs at this point.

Also Bernie is a terrible debater.


Poor Hillary passing on all that free air time. She gets shitted on by Trump and Bernie in the same debate 3 weeks out from Cali is a bad idea for her.
Bernie appearing on the same platform as Trump will just get him way more attention, only loser here is Hillary.
I hope this goes down.
Ah, well then there's still a lot of different scenarios that can happen. Also a possible 2020 run. I say keep it up until the very end. Even if it just helps to convert a couple more people for the future.

Bernie Sanders will be 78 when 2020 rolls around. Serving two terms, that would put him at 86 when he left office.

He cannot run in 2020. He was already teetering on being too old for 2016.
Very exciting. Wondering how they will do. The two men have never met. I've always wanted to see Bernie defend himself against the right-wing machine. Will he be up to snuff or will Trump eat him alive? It could go in many different ways, but if the debate does happen, it would be historic.

The Socialist Atheist Insurgent with the largest small-donations grassroots campaign in history against one of the worlds notorious and infamous business men who have fought off everyone.
You cannot say that both men are not incredible at having beat all expectations. They were destined to face off against each other.
Can Trump steal supporters from Sanders, can Sanders steal supporters from Trump? This is the risk in politics.
What they should do if they have this debate is also to invite Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. People who have been barred from the topic of conversation due to their lack of funds.

This election shows you how utterly dumb and incompetent the voting system is. I hope the RNC and the DNC listen to John Oliver and actually say that after this election they will change the way voting works in America.

They have no reason at all to change the voting system. Having a FPTP system results in the lesser of two evils argument that further empowers and entrenches them. That will change only if one party gets such a majority of representation, despite a relatively low share of the vote, that it makes democracy look like a mockery or if the FPTP system bites them both at the same time which is almost impossible.


What if Trump Chris Christies him?

"There goes crazy Bernie again with the same prepackaged speech"

I wanna say Trump would realise there is no point in attacking Bernie in such a manner since he'll want to damage Clinton, but I also want to say Trump doesn't have the greatest impulse control under pressure and is liable to say any fucking thing.


I feel like there's only a very small chance that this matters in any way and a very large chance that it is incredibly entertaining.


I feel like there's only a very small chance that this matters in any way and a very large chance that it is incredibly entertaining.

My feeling. Too late in the primary, too early in the general.

I see what everyone is going for here but I'm skeptical anybody gets what they want.
I think trumps strategy would be to praise Bernie Sanders and how authentic he is in an effort to sway over some sander supporters over to him after Bernie loses denomination. I already know of a good number of people that would switch if Bernie doesn't win the nomination


I feel like there's only a very small chance that this matters in any way and a very large chance that it is incredibly entertaining.

Yeah I think that is correct, if it was happening back in Feb or whatever it would matter

I think trumps strategy would be to praise Bernie Sanders and how authentic he is in an effort to sway over some sander supporters over to him after Bernie loses denomination. I already know of a good number of people that would switch if Bernie doesn't win the nomination

Yeah a lot of people are not voting on the policies but just "not Hillary"
Ah, well then there's still a lot of different scenarios that can happen. Also a possible 2020 run. I say keep it up until the very end. Even if it just helps to convert a couple more people for the future.

he would be 79 by the time he got into the office. the oldest president ever elected was 69.
he would have to campaign at 82 again and stay until 87? madness.

yeah nobody wants a president that old that's only good for one term, nevermind that he probably won't have the energy to campaign in 2020.


bish gets all the credit :)
In case you have no idea how this is going to go...



Bernie is an egotistical idiot at this point. Shit on the D nominee to make it easier for Trump to win. Trying to court that "Down with the establishment!" audience.


This is Bernie's "announce my VP before I'm the candidate" moment--a desperate last gasp for relevancy before the coffin door shuts on him.

I will probably end up voting Hillary in the general but I can't say I'm not thrilled at the prospect of this debate. Even though Sanders is in it to push his own brand and priorities over the good of the Democratic party, I'm not so quick to think that it will be an exclusively "bash Hillary" debate--I think Bernie still has a lot less common in Trump then he does with Hillary and he has had a lot of choice words for Trump in the past.

Vic Berger will have a field day with this.


Poor Hillary passing on all that free air time. She gets shitted on by Trump and Bernie in the same debate 3 weeks out from Cali is a bad idea for her.
Bernie appearing on the same platform as Trump will just get him way more attention, only loser here is Hillary.
I hope this goes down.

Hear, hear. All the spite/ hatred from the Hillary supporters here is fabulous.
I thought this was going to be a landslide of epic proportions for Hillary against trump. Why would a sanders/trump debate hurt her?


Why does this make him as pathetic and desperate as Trump? Can Trunp even be described as that? So not very much at all?

Because he has lost. I'm not sure why this isn't being considered.

Bernie Sanders did not win the democratic nomination. He has lost. He could win California 90-10 - and he still loses. The race is over.

It's over - HIllary and Donald are the nominees. So all this has the potential to do is damage the Democratic Party and hurt their chances of stopping Trump in November.
I think the notion that Bernie will do this to weaken Hillary's positioning is....fucking stupid. It's fucking stupid. I think Bernie will be out for Trump blood. I really don't mind the idea of a nothing to lose wildcard progressive getting a chance to take a couple cracks at Trump.

Who knows, maybe Bernie can get away from his stump long enough to make Trump look like a dickhead. Worst comes to worst, Trump makes Bernie look like a crazy, old Communist.


GAF's Bob Woodward
If Bernie and Trump look in any way aligned on Hillary, I think it'll do wonders for her campaign. Any rub-off from Trump to Bernie isn't a good look for him. Two old men ganging up on the woman of the campaign - one of whom is already a marked pig wrt women - is an easy spin for her.


If Bernie and Trump look in any way aligned on Hillary, I think it'll do wonders for her campaign. Any rub-off from Trump to Bernie isn't a good look for him. Two old men ganging up on the woman of the campaign - one of whom is already a marked pig wrt women - is an easy spin for her.

She already got the "men are against us" vote all in the bag so I don't think that will make any difference.

This can only hurt Hillary.
Won't Trump just be nice to Bernie to try to court Bernie's supporters who don't like Hillary all that much? He has nothing to gain by attacking Bernie since he's already lost.


Because he has lost. I'm not sure why this isn't being considered.

Bernie Sanders did not win the democratic nomination. He has lost. He could win California 90-10 - and he still loses. The race is over.

It's over - HIllary and Donald are the nominees. So all this has the potential to do is damage the Democratic Party and hurt their chances of stopping Trump in November.

I think Bernie could debate Trump naked and upside down and it would be already be forgotten about by November. What could possibly happen that would still hurt the dems in November? The insecurity over a primary debate is alarming.
Poor Hillary passing on all that free air time. She gets shitted on by Trump and Bernie in the same debate 3 weeks out from Cali is a bad idea for her.
Bernie appearing on the same platform as Trump will just get him way more attention, only loser here is Hillary.
I hope this goes down.

if hillary loses then the world loses because that would mean trump winning. but it's worth it for a goof right?
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