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Uncharted |OT|


Finished the game on hard today. Man, was it a fun ride. If you were to take the parts of it (the gunplay, the puzzles, the climbing) and rate them, well, it would be a good game at the most. But combined together, along with the characters (loved all of them, so classic and yet not quite cliche, thanks to the great dialogs and acting), the setting, the environments ... Great game. To my eyes this is currently the best looking console game. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen such a constantly superior texture work. Bravo, ND, bravo.
i can't imagine ever playing a gran turismo game. why would i go into that thread? besides, gt really DOES have some stunning graphics (and art direction).


Junior Member
you would go into that thread for the same reason you go into every thread :lol

If real life is an art direction then yes I suppose it's good.


Finished it on normal! Great game, excellent and fun gunplay. Really like the handguns, those are awesome to use. I like the simplicity of the puzzles, they are not difficult but not too easy. Just good for my taste. The platforming is also great, again never too easy or too difficult. Overall one of my favorite games for PS3 so far. Only thing I didn't like was the lame
QTE end battle, I thought I could just shoot the guy, but noo :-( The monster thing was also kinda lame
I would have prefered that they would have left that out.


Loved the game.

Was I the only one annoyed that the flashlight's beam followed the camera, even though it was always physically pointing in front to Drake?


I'm pretty far into the game and overall i'm having fun. The presentation/style is great especially the voice acting which is somethnig i've liked greatly in Jak and Daxter, it felt like an "experience" instead of just a game. The graphics are great which everyone knows, but the gun combat is really unsatisfying, same with the cover system and the camera that tries to keep up with the action. Many cheap and frustrating little deaths from the cover not working like i expect it to, and the "dancing" that enemies do when being hit four, five, or six times with a normal gun is just not fun gaming. Maybe they are shaking away the pain, but i hope if there is a sequel they'll really nail the shooting/cover system.

Screen tearing needs to end as a trend for next-gen games.


shantyman said:
Loved the game.

Was I the only one annoyed that the flashlight's beam followed the camera, even though it was always physically pointing in front to Drake?
It only does this in certain area's I pointed this out way long ago, it's really weird that it happens in some parts of the game and not others. It must be a glitch.
When i get my ps3 for christmas and uncharted ill be stuck playing it on the 19 inch tv i have been using for games since my snes. : (

No HD Uncharted for me until i get back to my dorm...


Regardless of the gig, Drinky just inspired a few posters to use his statements as "viable" complaints. Not cool. I can see the arguments now: makes me want to cry. I've never had a headache in a long while. Hopefully, this is not the reason it comes about.

Plus, I was wondering why Drinky wouldn't take his medicine. :D
Just finished this game. Very fun; I have a few complaints, but they are the same as everyone else's.

Quick question: what's the point of the "reward points" that you unlock throughout the game? Are they going to be used in Home or something?
bearcatjosh said:
Just finished this game. Very fun; I have a few complaints, but they are the same as everyone else's.

Quick question: what's the point of the "reward points" that you unlock throughout the game? Are they going to be used in Home or something?

Last I heard, that was a "we can't talk about that" area.

Just finished it on Normal. Overall, I really liked it. A+ Presentation, A Gameplay, B-ish Story [did a good job within a genre, but some of the cliches are pretty tired now]. I too
definitely wasn't a fan of the boss fight, but I guess it beats the RE4-style pushover
. I also
admired what they were trying to do with the monsters, but it brought it too close to Gears territory, which it was already treading.


Hey guys, so I just beat this game on hard... heres my thoughts.

Uncharted has three major gameplay focal points; Gunfighting, platforming, and puzzle solving. The amount of time you'll spend doing each usually goes in that order. So, let's start with the gunfighting.

This is a very solid 3rd person shooter with great controls. It has the over-the-shoulder gunplay we've come to expect, with a few nice additions. You're able to swap perspectives from left shoulder to right shoulder and vice versa, this allows you to nail enemies in your blind spot without having to back out and re-adjust your aim. Your character is also very nimble, and has more means for cover--many of which are destructible. Unlike a lot of other tactical shooters, shoulder aiming is not required for every kill, firing from the hip can be very effective in Uncharted, though perhaps not so much until the later levels where the fighting can become more condensed and ammo more plentiful. Blind firing from cover serves two major purposes. At long rage, a couple rounds can save your life by causing the AI to enter defensive maneuvers and take cover. At close range, you can dish out lethal force from any weapon without exposing yourself. This works well when you're being pinned down and the AI is playing aggressively.

The AI is incredibly solid in this game--but owes some thanks to the wily animations. They'll duck, dive, and roll. They will bob and juke if you hover your crosshair over them for more than a couple seconds, and they'll flush you out of cover. The second you think you've found a great spot, a grenade usually isn't too far behind. It's either that or a multi-pronged attack from your enemies. The AI is tough, but not cheap. You can sneak up on them. I was ambushed by two enemies from the rear, and was able to get behind them without their notice. It was almost like a multiplayer match--two dudes sitting there behind pillars, looking the wrong way as I execute them with my shotgun. Brilliant.

As far as weapons go, there's a grand total of 12 or so, and I wish there were more. Your choices are a little too limited early on in the game, and ammo can be sparse--making weapon switching almost a hindrance. As one would expect, later levels will give you more diversity in terms of weaponry and a lot more ammo to scoop up. The pistol is obviously Drake's weapon of choice, as it also likely becomes the player's--it feels a little overpowered sometimes. Conversely the AK-47 is misrepresented here and feels too weak. I'm happy to report that unlike the demo of Uncharted, the sixaxxis grenade throwing-arc is not required for good 'nade tosses. Melee combat is afforded to you and can be accomplished through well timed combo presses. These are context sensitive and often change based on certain scenarios, which makes them always fun to watch--when you're not getting your ass kicked. A well performed combo will always result in a kill, and also net you more ammo for your efforts. The gunfighting in Uncharted ranges anywhere from intimate to hectic to downright exhausting. This really lends itself well to the other portions of the game, which almost come as a relief, perhaps even relaxing.

The platforming in Uncharted is intuitive and controls great--though perhaps somewhat easy when compared to the gunfighting. The wall climbing works great. Scaling Spanish castles and old ruins, jumping from crumbling ledge to ledge and swinging from vine to vine is quite awesome, you'll lean forward in your seat as Drake just barely scrapes by time after time. Much of the game design and traveling revolves around Drake's climbing ability, and it can be difficult to know where to go at times. Thankfully, you can hit L2 when a hint appears and the game will point you in the right direction.

The puzzle solving is light in Uncharted, and centers itself inside of Sir Francis Drake's diary. Much of the figuring out is laid out for you inside the diary and requires a little deciphering, but mostly proper execution on your part.

This game brings A+ grade material to every presentation point available, with heavy emphasis on the cinematic qualities. The graphics are amazing, the best I've seen this year. Some of the vistas are simply breathtaking. Lighting, animation, textures, shaders, frame rate, draw distance, etc. If it's technical, Uncharted has it covered and does it right. The soundtrack in this game is probably the biggest surprise--I was not expecting something this good, it's always appropriate. It's not quite as good as Bioshock's, but it's up there.

The story is striking similar to, yes, National Treasure. Though it's certainly more fantastical. You'll be surprised. Unlike National Treasure, however, Uncharted manages to outperform it's film rival with better dialog, characters, and *ahem*, acting. The voice acting in this game is about on par with Heavenly Swords, which is an impressive feat in and of itself. Out of the bunch, Drake himself stands out in particular, as he delivers his lines nearly flawless. He goes a long way in making the character likable.

It took me 8hrs 30 minutes to beat Uncharted (I checked my save.) Though it certainly felt longer than that thanks to some smart pacing. The game has achievements (that I assume will tie into Home,) treasures to collect (I got 21 my first play through,) unlockables (cheats), 4 difficulty levels (easy to crushing), chapter select, and cutscene select. Whether or not the game is worth buying is really up to how much you enjoy the game, but the content is certainly there.

All-in-all Uncharted is an excellent game with a fantastic sense of adventure. If it were just a shooter, just a platformer, or just a puzzle game, it would fall flat. But there's so much variety interwoven here and it all comes together so beautifully. Any fan of action/adventure, or hell, just action or adventure games would do well to give it a play--as it's the best of breed for 2007.
This question has probably already been asked somewhere in this massive thread, but is there any way to uncensor this game when played on a Japanese PS3, like by using a save from a US system like with Resistance?


bearcatjosh said:
Quick question: what's the point of the "reward points" that you unlock throughout the game? Are they going to be used in Home or something?

If I remember right, the reward points can be used during another playthrough to play in various modes. For example a next-gen filter (heavy bloom: saturation), mirrored world, black and white (not for sure if true), fast and slow motion, and geometry (allows you to take away all the textures) mode, can all be unlocked with those points. There could possibly be more than that, but, as I haven't played the game yet, you should check with somebody else. You can also unlock concept art, behind-the-scenes videos, and new costumes and characters to play as (though, Nathan will remain in the cutscenes). I think I hit 'em all, right guys? :D

Naughty Dog stated that they will support Home when it is released. Some speculate that the achievements you unlock are the trophies you will get when Uncharted becomes integrated. If you ask me though, I think they will include skins, clothing, and objects from the game to decorate your personae or house. We'll see what they all decide to include when Home releases. :D


travisbickle said:

Holy shit! How did some reviewers claim the graphics were anything below the best seen this gen!

The treasure room is completely insane. Probably the most whacked out level you'll ever see.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Finished the game this morning. This is most definitely on my top five for GOTY this year. Hard to believe for some of you, I'm sure, but I absolutely adored the game (including the last part, which was rather awesome imo).


bearcatjosh said:
Just finished this game. Very fun; I have a few complaints, but they are the same as everyone else's.

Quick question: what's the point of the "reward points" that you unlock throughout the game? Are they going to be used in Home or something?

Reward points unlock various galleries and cheats, and they'll have something to do with HOME when HOME finally rolls out.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Even if they had nothing to do with Home, I still liked the Reward points being used for galleries, documentary footage, filters and costumes. More games need to do that.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
thetrin said:
Even if they had nothing to do with Home, I still liked the Reward points being used for galleries, documentary footage, filters and costumes. More games need to do that.

There was a time when games rewarded you with extra content.

Then it came the Gamerscore.


Updated the review archive again. Thanks for the heads up deep. The average is now sitting at a 90.74%. If the rumor is true, though, it may take a hit due to PlayStation: The Official Magazine's 4/5. I haven't received my copy of the magazine, yet. So I won't include it until I get confirmation. Don't start blasting them just yet. Banspot tried to pull this off a month ago. I have a feeling it is just some nerds manipulating numbers. Oh, Microsoft. :D


TTP said:
There was a time when games rewarded you with extra content.

Then it came the Gamerscore.

And the most stupid thing is that people seem to rather be rewarded by some point system the actual rewards.


oo Kosma oo said:
And the most stupid thing is that people seem to rather be rewarded by some point system the actual rewards.

I got 10,000 Gamerscore points. What's your problem? :lol I like the idea of trophies, though. It has more to do with the actual achievements than the score. We'll see how it turns out. But, yes, I do wish there were more games that would actually reward the players with gameplay. The cool stuff, like in Uncharted, should be in every game. :D


Is it just me because I get a "Big Trouble in Little China" vibe off the game and while the dialogue is not Shakespeare it's hell of a lot better than most games, despite what DC says...
You know, I was having a really awesome time with the game until
the fucking zombie-alien things showed up and started coming at me with generic arm swing attack #2.
Still a great game, but to go from
great enemy AI encounters to dumb as shit monsters
is disappointing.


_leech_ said:
You know, I was having a really awesome time with the game until
the fucking zombie-alien things showed up and started coming at me with generic arm swing attack #2.
Still a great game, but to go from
great enemy AI encounters to dumb as shit monsters
is disappointing.

Don't worry it's just a short bit thrown in for variety.

Basch said:
I got 10,000 Gamerscore points. What's your problem? :lol I like the idea of trophies, though. It has more to do with the actual achievements than the score. We'll see how it turns out. But, yes, I do wish there were more games that would actually reward the players with gameplay. The cool stuff, like in Uncharted, should be in every game. :D

I think I have a couple thousand points too, and I sold my 360 months ago :lol When I get it again someday and start to play all those games I missed it will skyrocket again!


_leech_ said:
You know, I was having a really awesome time with the game until
the fucking zombie-alien things showed up and started coming at me with generic arm swing attack #2.
Still a great game, but to go from
great enemy AI encounters to dumb as shit monsters
is disappointing.

Here you go. The cure you've been looking for. Uncharted is calling you home. :D
_leech_ said:
You know, I was having a really awesome time with the game until
the fucking zombie-alien things showed up and started coming at me with generic arm swing attack #2.
Still a great game, but to go from
great enemy AI encounters to dumb as shit monsters
is disappointing.

Yeah that part is annoying but I felt the last hour and a half really makes up for it by having the most refined gunplay you experience.

Sunset courtyard and monastary encounters are so so saweeeet.

Also yes ND confirmed that the achievements you get in UNCHARTED will show up in HOME as trophies.

dalyr95 said:
Is it just me because I get a "Big Trouble in Little China" vibe off the game and while the dialogue is not Shakespeare it's hell of a lot better than most games, despite what DC says...

In my opinion its the absolute best I have seen in a game along with Heavenly Sword and you know how I know?

Because my wife absolutely dislikes games she has no problem with me playing them but she thinks as a entertainment medium especially compared to movies they are ridiculous. Heavenly Sword and Uncharted are the absolutely only times I have ever played something that she has stopped what she was doing and just come and sat down to watch. She then starts asking questions like "Is that Sully guy really dead!? Is he coming back?" If the game can convince her that says a lot.


oo Kosma oo said:
I think I have a couple thousand points too, and I sold my 360 months ago :lol When I get it again someday and start to play all those games I missed it will skyrocket again!

I was just joking. I only have something like 450. :lol Been too busy with Resistance. :D

AltogetherAndrews said:

Hey, I heard you were having problems with the game so I decided to subscribe you to some medicine. Uncharted is calling you home. :D
_leech_ said:
You know, I was having a really awesome time with the game until
the fucking zombie-alien things showed up and started coming at me with generic arm swing attack #2.
Still a great game, but to go from
great enemy AI encounters to dumb as shit monsters
is disappointing.

Indeed. Although in my opinion it's for this reason no longer a great game but rather a great game with a blatant shit quality.
A little off-topic but If Drinky wants to grow some balls on his little comedy Shtick I would like to see him troll the official TUROK thread whenever that comes around.

AltogetherAndrews said:
Indeed. Although in my opinion it's for this reason no longer a great game but rather a great game with a blatant shit quality.

See the monsters bothered me a hell of a lot to but they were in the game so briefly
How could they really ruin your experience the ending fights in the
courtyard and then monastary
were masterfully done and were one of those perfectly laid out conflicts that tested absolutely every skill you had to overcome(Shotty blind fire, Well placed grenades, Quick sniping, Stealth Kills, and perfect timed melees) I dont know how you could have been that upset over a hour of content.


dalyr95 said:
Is it just me because I get a "Big Trouble in Little China" vibe off the game and while the dialogue is not Shakespeare it's hell of a lot better than most games, despite what DC says...

Yeah Drake has a bit of that all-american scoundrel quality to him.


BruceLeeRoy said:
A little off-topic but If Drinky wants to grow some balls on his little comedy Shtick I would like to see him troll the official TUROK thread whenever that comes around.

See the monsters bothered me a hell of a lot to but they were in the game so briefly
How could they really ruin your experience the ending fights in the
courtyard and then monastary
were masterfully done and were one of those perfectly laid out conflicts that tested absolutely every skill you had to overcome(Shotty blind fire, Well placed grenades, Quick sniping, Stealth Kills, and perfect timed melees) I dont know how you could have been that upset over a hour of content.
Damn i was going to play Warhawk...I think i'll play this again! lol
Just finished the game. What an experience. It takes GoWII's place as GOTY for me, even though I
hated the twist towards the end. Kind of ruined the awesome Indiana Jones vibe the story had.

One question: how to you enable weapons and costumes that you have unlocked during gameplay?


Finished the game...mixed impressions of it overall. The jet ski levels were poorly done, they should have had her do the shooting automatically and made the jet skiing more involving with more things going on in that regard. I stlll dislike the cover system, far too often i'd die because cover wasn't doing what i wanted, or it would stick and then the camera would get pinned the wrong way and another easy death. Same complaint as before, the enemies taking bullet after bullet after bullet just to fall down seemed silly when you died so easily. Sure some weapons got quicker kills, but an M4 shouldn't take ten bullets to kill someone. The enemies were also quicker than you, taking cover faster than you, ducking while firing, it made me feel sluggish and at an automatic disadvantage especially just after completing some huge acrobatic platforming.

I said most of what i liked already, good voice acting/presetation/setting/characters, i liked the platforming parts overall especially the roman numeral part which was especially fun. I'd definitely buy the sequel given they fine-tune the shooting/cover which they most likely will...even if they didn't i'd still play the game just to see what they do next. A solid 8.5ish game for me, not the wowmazing experience other people have had, but still good.


sillymonkey321 said:
Finished the game...mixed impressions of it overall. The jet ski levels were poorly done, they should have had her do the shooting automatically and made the jet skiing more involving with more things going on in that regard. I stlll dislike the cover system, far too often i'd die because cover wasn't doing what i wanted, or it would stick and then the camera would get pinned the wrong way and another easy death. Same complaint as before, the enemies taking bullet after bullet after bullet just to fall down seemed silly when you died so easily. Sure some weapons got quicker kills, but an M4 shouldn't take ten bullets to kill someone. The enemies were also quicker than you, taking cover faster than you, ducking while firing, it made me feel sluggish and at an automatic disadvantage especially just after completing some huge acrobatic platforming.

I said most of what i liked already, good voice acting/presetation/setting/characters, i liked the platforming parts overall especially the roman numeral part which was especially fun. I'd definitely buy the sequel given they fine-tune the shooting/cover which they most likely will...even if they didn't i'd still play the game just to see what they do next. A solid 8.5ish game for me, not the wowmazing experience other people have had, but still good.
You can auto shoot in the third jetski level :)


I've really been wanting to go through the game again on hard, but other things have come in the way. I hope I can do that over the last week of December and into the first week of January.


womfalcs3 said:
I've really been wanting to go through the game again on hard, but other things have come in the way. I hope I can do that over the last week of December and into the first week of January.

Do it. Hard is where teh fun is.
womfalcs3 said:
I've really been wanting to go through the game again on hard, but other things have come in the way. I hope I can do that over the last week of December and into the first week of January.

Hard plays so much better than Normal. Crushing is insane but very fun in cuss at your TV kind of way. I finished it on Hard and Crushing. When I go back to Normal, it is just way to easy! I can go through a whole level getting nothing but head shots.
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