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Uncharted |OT|


Wow. Rock Band put this game on hold for a bit but I finally managed to beat it today. Holy mother fucker is this thing amazing. I don't know why people complain about the characters, their supposed to act that way. This game made me feel like I was in an adventure movie with the amazing visuals and writing.

The end is what did it for me though. More people need to play this game.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Pewp said:
Wow. Rock Band put this game on hold for a bit but I finally managed to beat it today. Holy mother fucker is this thing amazing. I don't know why people complain about the characters, their supposed to act that way. This game made me feel like I was in an adventure movie with the amazing visuals and writing.

The end is what did it for me though. More people need to play this game.

Hopefully they will and this game will have a build up like Motorstorm so that we can see a sequel we need the Temple of Doom!


I love the little waves of enemies. I mean bloody hell you can see them repel down, or jump down from places. Makes the game a hell more immersive, because you don't get that cod4 1000 enemies spawn behind one box moment. Usually when some more guys come down, you have to move around more, because they come from all over the shop. It makes the game better since your not just poping out of cover killing people. You have to move, find cover, try and take some out, run for your life and punch a few guys. It's great.

On hard mode right now,
just got in the library last night.
Fun times ahead.
Those damn cursed spanish guys are gonna be hell :(

I like the 1 hit punches that you can do to the pirates too. I was shooting a couple of guys across some ruins, killed a few of them, then ran around to pick up their gun off them. Turned the corner saw one guy was still standing, hit square straight away and bam, Drake dived into the guy's face with his legs. It was awesome.


Brief interview with Evan Wells, if anyone is interested.

Me: Hi Evan. Uncharted uses an ‘achievement-style rewards points’ scheme, which enables the player to unlock extra features - is this something you see happening on future titles, and would you have liked Sony to have done something similar to the 360's Gamerscore?

Wells: Since our game is about treasure hunting and heroic exploits, it’s a perfect fit for the personalization, content-sharing and “trophies” features of the PS3 Home community. We’ve spent the whole course of development quietly creating a ton of cool bonus materials that players can win. We’ve actually filled the Blu-ray disc with Making Of featurettes, production art galleries, unlockable costumes, screen-filter effects, selectable weapons, and a bunch of other fun stuff to keep you happy for hours and hours after your first play-through. Rather than each individual treasure, the Medals in Uncharted are more likely going to turn into Home trophies. We modelled the detail into the treasures just to increase the satisfaction in finding them.

Me: Speaking of treasures, where's Nathan off to next?

Wells: We developed Uncharted as a franchise, so this game is just the first in an ongoing series of adventures. We’ve already started having meetings to see what worked best in production and finding the areas that need improvement. We’ve also only just started brainstorming on ideas for our next project. Nothing has been solidified yet.

Me: What were the technical challenges your team faced with Uncharted, with particular reference to the PS3's architecture? Is there anything you had to leave out of the game for launch?

Wells: The PlayStation 3 is a complex yet powerful system. We could not pull off the rich, seamless world of Uncharted on any other console. Because the system is so powerful, it means that tapping into that power requires great engineering efforts. We’re lucky that Naughty Dog has some of the best programmers in the industry. I can also tell you that as we’re finishing Uncharted, we’ve found new ways of optimizing our engine to take advantage of the hardware. All of which means that, as beautiful as our game is, there is a lot more in store for the PlayStation 3.

We can still do a lot more with the hardware. We are only using about 1/3 of the processing power of the SPU’s. This means that we can move a lot more of our systems over to the cell which will free up precious cycles on the PPU. Over the course of Uncharted’s development we were continually finding ways to optimize and get even more out of the machine. I honestly believe that we will see a bigger gap between the quality of the first round of games on the PS3 and the last round of games than we did on the PS2.

Video game projects are so huge and complex you could literally work on them forever and still find ways to optimize or add more polish. But at Naughty Dog, we take our schedule very seriously and have always shipped on time (knock on wood). So we make sure that we are checking ourselves all along the way so that we don’t end up making a “turkey”, slipping the schedule, or going over budget.

Me: So in the meantime, do you have any plans for future downloads for Uncharted, or will you be saving any new features for the sequels?

Wells: Absolutely – we created Uncharted with the old cliffhanger serials in mind, so this game is just the first in an ongoing series of adventures.

Me: The lighting and animation is amazing in Uncharted, can you tell us a little bit about how it was done, and what makes it so special?

Wells: We tried to make the all the environments in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune as realistic & plausible as possible, but we also needed to push the art in a more stylized & creative direction than simply recreating a photo would've allowed.

For example the Amazon jungle Drake & Sully visit at the beginning of the game has a rounded "friendly" shape to the rocks & plants, and the colors are warm & inviting because it's Nathan's (and the player's) first adventure. This required us to take certain liberties with the style of art in the environments, but they also had to pass through the "plausibility filter." The layout and style of plant life used isn't like any Amazon jungle photo I've seen, but it has enough attention to the details of reality to sell it as "some reality." We hope this has created a style that's distinctively.

A major focus in bringing “Uncharted’s” characters to life was trying to determine what it is that really allows the subtleties in human behavior to be conveyed as actual emotion and not just a series of moving muscles. Our main focus was on creating a system that gave us complete control over creating the exact facial expressions we wanted. We spent a lot of time looking at video footage of human beings and really studying what the face did when conveying certain emotions. A large amount of emotion is described in the eye area, so we focused on really establishing a solid relationship between the brows, eyelids and eyeballs and essentially trying to keep that area as “alive” as possible.

After creating these expressions there was still something missing, the lack of wrinkles and strain lines in the face made it seem very stiff and “dead”. Adding wrinkles through the use of a second group of normal map textures that are driven by the different muscle groups in the face really helped solve this problem. As much as it seems sort of arbitrary, the effect of light also played a significant role. In certain cases if the skin does not react properly to the light you lose a lot of the detail and it makes it harder to register that skin is actually moving. The animators also really worked hard at taking their traditional background in animation and applying these principles to a more realistic paradigm that allowed for a really solid balance between something that is anatomically correct and aesthetically pleasing.


Septimus said:
Took a shot of the credits with that part, a little hard to read since it's from YouTube, but you should be able to.



Cataferal said:
Dammit! I love this game (just beat it), but throughout my experience with it i've had 7+ major graphical glitches. These manifest themselves as full-screen greys and blacks, as if the GPU missed out some crucial command. It comes without warning, completely obscures play, and wont go away until i quit to the PS3 home menu. Is this common?

By the way, im running on a Pal 60GB at 1080p (although it happens at 720p too). This doesn't happen with any other game.
Never happened once to me, your the first to have this problem as far as I have seen on here.
I can also tell you that as we’re finishing Uncharted, we’ve found new ways of optimizing our engine to take advantage of the hardware. All of which means that, as beautiful as our game is, there is a lot more in store for the PlayStation 3.

We can still do a lot more with the hardware. We are only using about 1/3 of the processing power of the SPU’s. This means that we can move a lot more of our systems over to the cell which will free up precious cycles on the PPU. Over the course of Uncharted’s development we were continually finding ways to optimize and get even more out of the machine. I honestly believe that we will see a bigger gap between the quality of the first round of games on the PS3 and the last round of games than we did on the PS2.

Bodes well for us graphics whores.
diddlyD said:
i was hyped up for this game from all the talk in this thread, but now that i'm finally playing it, i think i hate it.

the gun play feels weak to me. the ai is annoying. this "go into a room and fight an endless stream of bad guys from all angles, repeat 10x, go to next chapter" gameplay is getting old. the cover system seems very glitchy (half the time i can't cover behind certain objects, other times im in some awkward position sticking out from where i want to be). the platforming is kind of fun but limited and too easy/obvious.

the visuals can be very nice, but other times they seem dull. the animation and control over drake does come off as 'floaty' and inaccurate as others have stated.

i was rooting for this game and getting annoyed at the posters badmouthing it in this thread, but now after playing about halfway through, i'm kind of agreeing with them and understanding why this isn't a million seller hit. seems like a decent 7 or 8 on the ratings scale. of course, i disliked Gears of War too and that sold 4 billion copies so what do i know.

also i'm just posting this after dying for the 10th time in the same spot after killing only 4900 out of and apparent 5000 guys and having to replay it over and over and over..... fun times.... so i'm a bit bitter. maybe after i finish it i'll get all lovey dovey over the game.

On doorways you have to get cover on the edge...It takes some adjusting, but once you get it down, it's great...What part are you stuck at??

I myself feel like the pacing is perfect in this game...I haven't finished a game since Shenmue 2 PAL like 5 years ago...I get bored with a lot of games, game design now is very repetitive...but I will be finishing this one...Something about this game is very special.
I honestly believe that we will see a bigger gap between the quality of the first round of games on the PS3 and the last round of games than we did on the PS2.


diddlyD said:
Of course, i disliked Gears of War too and that sold 4 billion copies so what do i know.

also i'm just posting this after dying for the 10th time in the same spot after killing only 4900 out of and apparent 5000 guys and having to replay it over and over and over..... fun times.... so i'm a bit bitter. maybe after i finish it i'll get all lovey dovey over the game.

Well if you didnt like gears I highly doubt you will like this game. When everyone was saying things like I love GEARS and Uncharted finally seems like a game that takes all the best aspects of gears and makes it better..........That should have been your first clue you might not like this game.
BruceLeeRoy said:
Well if you didnt like gears I highly doubt you will like this game.

I disagree completely. I wasn't a fan of Gears but I loved Uncharted. In contrast to Gears, the AI is smarter (both enemy and companion, which leads to much better combat), there's some exploration and puzzle solving, and the story is interesting. Not that Gears is a bad game (i'd personally give it something in the 7 range), but Uncharted is easily a more enjoyable experience.


I just beat the game last night and all I have to say is that it was FANFUCKINGTASTIC!!!!!

THis game is easily the best PS3 game out. I enjoyed this game from the 1st mission all the way to the last...

I did have one minor concern, but the game did a nice job to explain my concern.

My concern was when you started fighting those creatures down in the crypts... I was becoming concerned that the game was taking a supernatural turn, and then I was glad when they explained that El Dorado was cursed and those were the Spaniards that never left.

This is now my #3 GOTY.

Zack & Wiki


aparisi2274 said:
I did have one minor concern, but the game did a nice job to explain my concern.

My concern was when you started fighting those creatures down in the crypts... I was becoming concerned that the game was taking a supernatural turn, and then I was glad when they explained that El Dorado was cursed and those were the Spaniards that never left.

I love that about the game. The whole "modern twist on classic genre" thing. All the main characters could fit into any time period, but in the end Navarro's goal is about biological warfare, terrorism ("I'm the only one who really knows what he's doing!"). I wish Amy Henning and Co found a way to make the modern more apparent throughout the game without spoiling the impact of the conclusion.

I can't wait for the sequel. As good as Drake's Fortune is, there's a lot more they can do with it.
_leech_ said:
I disagree completely. I wasn't a fan of Gears but I loved Uncharted. In contrast to Gears, the AI is smarter (both enemy and companion, which leads to much better combat), there's some exploration and puzzle solving, and the story is interesting. Not that Gears is a bad game (i'd personally give it something in the 7 range), but Uncharted is easily a more enjoyable experience.

I stand corrected.


_leech_ said:
I disagree completely. I wasn't a fan of Gears but I loved Uncharted. In contrast to Gears, the AI is smarter (both enemy and companion, which leads to much better combat), there's some exploration and puzzle solving, and the story is interesting. Not that Gears is a bad game (i'd personally give it something in the 7 range), but Uncharted is easily a more enjoyable experience.

Not surprising from a raving Sony fanboy :p

Gears is much better than you give it credit, but for adventure fans, going back to Gears after Uncharted is like wearing cement shoes. Uncharted is so much more vertical.
theBishop said:
Not surprising from a raving Sony fanboy :p

Gears is much better than you give it credit, but for adventure fans, going back to Gears after Uncharted is like wearing cement shoes. Uncharted is so much more vertical.

Damn that is so so true. If a guy rushes me in Gears and he is sufficiently covered and I cant blind fire him man I am F'ed. Its so fantastic in Uncharted to be able to handle pretty much anything you have such a wide array of moves at your disposal. I think the people who are disappointed with the combat generally are having a hard time adapting to situations. They probably just run to cover and stay there and when they start getting flushed out have no idea what to do.

These are all your friends:

1.Blind Fire: Grenade and Shotty work particularly well and at close range even your 9m will pwn the suckas.
2.Run and Gun: People complain that this leaves you to wide open but not if done correctly: Two taps of the gun followed by the punch button = canvas of dead pirates.
3.Rushing while shooting from the hip: When a guy goes to reload if you rush him and at the same time fire off a couple rounds at anybody shooting you they will hide behind cover giving you time to break his head against a wall or to do the shoot, shoot, punch.


An blind dancing ho
Septimus said:
Took a shot of the credits with that part, a little hard to read since it's from YouTube, but you should be able to.

bu bu but RAD hate Sony now , Kotaku told me there is blood and human sacrifices and stuff between the two

nice they mentioned Jason" da handsome" Rubin <3 , umm how i never noticed this when i finished the game i guess i need new glasses .
_leech_ said:
I disagree completely. I wasn't a fan of Gears but I loved Uncharted. In contrast to Gears, the AI is smarter (both enemy and companion, which leads to much better combat), there's some exploration and puzzle solving, and the story is interesting. Not that Gears is a bad game (i'd personally give it something in the 7 range), but Uncharted is easily a more enjoyable experience.

I agree...I could never really get into Gears of war...It was repetitive for me...The gunplay in Uncharted has a hold on me.


Oh man Uncharted 2 could be a reality. I'm glad they are going on with it. The whole game is so kick ass and more of the charters would be a great thing.

Wonder where it will take place though. I quite liked the jungle since there were some really dark bits underground, but then nice colourful bits above ground.

It would be awesome to have a day night cycle or something too and weather effects like rain storms. Maybe make the enviroments bigger, whilst letting the player know where they need to go, so we're not wandering for hours (although that may be fun).

Off to go play it again, need those treasures! Glad that they have thought about HOME to, since when thats is released Uncharted should be set already.


Dibbz said:
Oh man Uncharted 2 could be a reality. I'm glad they are going on with it. The whole game is so kick ass and more of the charters would be a great thing.

Wonder where it will take place though. I quite liked the jungle since there were some really dark bits underground, but then nice colourful bits above ground.

It would be awesome to have a day night cycle or something too and weather effects like rain storms. Maybe make the enviroments bigger, whilst letting the player know where they need to go, so we're not wandering for hours (although that may be fun).

Off to go play it again, need those treasures! Glad that they have thought about HOME to, since when thats is released Uncharted should be set already.

It could be in Egypt or something... or somewhere in China...maybe Mexico again...


The Amiga Brotherhood
aparisi2274 said:
It could be in Egypt or something... or somewhere in China...maybe Mexico again...

I think Egypt has been done to death.

I'd like to see some London underground levels, old sewers and tunnels, with some great gunfights in the museum, and a climax in the Scottish highlands. (No sheep plzkthxbai.)

Maybe a trip to the Arctic, too.

And maybe a pony.


sleeping_dragon said:
so we finally beat the post counst of the Super Mario Galaxy thread considering that we gave them 13 days headstart, this prove that this game is no bomba. congrat GAF and ND.

Woot, awesome job folks. :D


Arkham said:
I think Egypt has been done to death.


Not a fucking chance. Egypt is invincibly awesome, has been criminally neglected and will pump brilliance when this generation's developers wake up to how killer games set there can be.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Salazar said:

Not a fucking chance. Egypt is invincibly awesome, has been criminally neglected and will pump brilliance when this generation's developers wake up to how killer games set there can be.

As long as I have huge underground ****s and related environments, I'm in.

Actually, now that I think about it I think the last game set in Egypt that I played was that Elvira game... ;)


Dibbz said:
Oh man Uncharted 2 could be a reality. I'm glad they are going on with it. The whole game is so kick ass and more of the charters would be a great thing.

Wonder where it will take place though. I quite liked the jungle since there were some really dark bits underground, but then nice colourful bits above ground.

It would be awesome to have a day night cycle or something too and weather effects like rain storms. Maybe make the enviroments bigger, whilst letting the player know where they need to go, so we're not wandering for hours (although that may be fun).

Off to go play it again, need those treasures! Glad that they have thought about HOME to, since when thats is released Uncharted should be set already.

I wanna see VAMPIRE RUINZ, transylvannia rawr.
I really love the game and expressed so through several posts in this thread. However has anyone experienced any freezing?

I have a EU PS3 with a PAL version of the game and it froze on me 2-3 times playing through it. It's not a major issue but has NaughtyDog said anything about it, or has anyone experienced similar problems?


Paranoid_Robot said:
I really love the game and expressed so through several posts in this thread. However has anyone experienced any freezing?

I have a EU PS3 with a PAL version of the game and it froze on me 2-3 times playing through it. It's not a major issue but has NaughtyDog said anything about it, or has anyone experienced similar problems?

I haven't experienced any freezing.


Well, isn't this a surprise? Uncharted: Drake's Fortune just won IGN's PS3 Game of the Year Award.

Interesting indeed, since IGN gave Game of the Month to Call of Duty 4, which so happens to be the 360's Game of the Year. Interesting indeed. :D Quite confusing actually. Oh, well. Let's celebrate! Yeah for Uncharted.

Our victory dance! Join in. :D

Want to hear more awesome stuff? It actually garnered the most awards, winning five of the twenty-three awards, including: Best Action Game, Best Graphics Technology, Best Original Score, Best Story, and, obviously, Game of the Year. The only other two games that came close are Call of Duty 4 and Rock Band with three each. What a shocking win! ND take it in. This is your time for making such an amazing game. Congratulations! Oh yeah, I'm sure there are others around here who will also give you the Game of the Year nods. Well done.

In yet another shocking turn of events, Insomniac was named Best Developer: another win for the big three. Good job everyone.

Darkman M

Quick question guys ill ask here because it seems to be the most active PS3 thread. Anyways will any HDMI cables do for the PS3? or are there special hdmi cables i would need?


Darkman M said:
Quick question guys ill ask here because it seems to be the most active PS3 thread. Anyways will any HDMI cables do for the PS3? or are there special hdmi cables i would need?

I use the cord that came with my brother's 360 Elite. So I would say, probably yes. Also, some people just recommend getting one from a certain site. I'll try to find it. They come cheap; $1 even. Steal. :D

Darkman M

Basch said:
I use the cord that came with my brother's 360 Elite. So I would say, probably yes. Also, some people just recommend getting one from a certain site. I'll try to find it. They come cheap; $1 even. Steal. :D

Thanks hopefully any hdmi cables will do i don't mind going to walmart paying $10-$20 for the cables, ive just seen some outlandish prices like $80. I want to be able to walk in a store and buy some cause i got a hunch i might be getting my ps3 earlier then i thought as an Xmas gift.:D


Found it. Lucky guess; didn't think I would find it so fast (first entry I typed in). Monoprice.com is the site I was looking for. The cords there are extremely cheap. Hope this helps. Unless you already have a cord. Then I guess it is free advertising. :lol


Darkman M said:
Thanks hopefully any hdmi cables will do i don't mind going to walmart paying $10-$20 for the cables, ive just seen some outlandish prices like $80. I want to be able to walk in a store and buy some cause i got a hunch i might be getting my ps3 earlier then i thought as an Xmas gift.:D

Good for you. :D I also saw the price tag on the HDMI cable Sony's been trying to sell. Well, let's just say, I don't think I will ever own one. Who could charge $90 for a cable?!? :lol
haven't kept up with this thread but i just wanted to say: Uncharted is probably the most underrated, under the radar, and imo best game of 2007

Makes me sick how it's missing from half the "best of 2007" everywhere

I rented it, but i'm debating picking it up used somewhere. I want to beat it again :(


Darkman M said:
Thanks hopefully any hdmi cables will do i don't mind going to walmart paying $10-$20 for the cables, ive just seen some outlandish prices like $80. I want to be able to walk in a store and buy some cause i got a hunch i might be getting my ps3 earlier then i thought as an Xmas gift.:D
A local computer shop may have some cheap off-brand HDMI cables.

Mine had some for ~$20. The brand doesn't matter.


Anakinsella said:
haven't kept up with this thread but i just wanted to say: Uncharted is probably the most underrated, under the radar, and imo best game of 2007

Makes me sick how it's missing from half the "best of 2007" everywhere

I rented it, but i'm debating picking it up used somewhere. I want to beat it again :(

Pick it up new. Support the developer. Plus you will be able to register the product in case something happens.

Uncharted is already winning awards. We can hope for some more, but let's celebrate about the ones they did win.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Just bought the game two days ago and popped it in yesterday... wow, Naughty Dog are insanely good developers (they got great programmers, great artists, great level designers, great writers, and by great I mean REALLY great! ;)) :D.
Actually Tibet would be a GREAT setting, or the middle east, in the fertile crescent. wait a minute...What about India...? There is a MASSIVE amount of cultural relics there and so much diversity... Def India I would say

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
deepbrown said:
And I have other good news about sales...
Post it (with the source)
I hope this game gets the good sales it deserves :\ Sony should at the very least bundle it with PS3s if it doesn't end up selling that well.


sleeping_dragon said:
not happy ppl, the damm mario galaxy thread are catching up to the post count of this thread. come on ppl, im sure u have plenty to say about this great game.

GAF is not a contest.


I think Uncharted is selling extremely well in Ireland. I noticed there was not a single copy of it in two stores I was in today.

Offtopic, but I also noted multiple stores had Wiis in stock today. HMV were doing their usual profiterring by only selling them in bundles with 3 games and a memory card but other places just seemed to be selling them.
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