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Visceral's Star Wars game['s dev process is similar to Uncharted], new concept art


I played the first Uncharted and got bored real quick, despite the series being sold as a "thrilling action movie in game form". If Uncharted is what I should expect from this Star Wars game, then it probably just isn't for me.

It's not gonna play the FIRST Uncharted, c'mon now. It goes without saying they mean "play like the latest Uncharted."


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
This is gonna be GAF's 2018 GOTY

I will accept a horrible tag if I am wrong, but I won't be wrong.
But you don't watch cool shit in Uncharted. You play them. Of course one wouldn't know this by merely watching videos on youtube because those action sequences are cutscenes in other games.

I've played Uncharted 4 and a bit of 2. There's so much stuff where the interaction felt basically meaningless, especially the incredibly dull climbing sections which they insist on using to pad out the game.

The actual mechanics are goddamn paper thin and that's why they rely on so many things to force a certain pace on the game.


Man people are so black and white with everything. And last I checked, Uncharted was a pretty great series. At least this will likely have decent level design which I can't point at too many Star Wars games actually having. They're either RPG's, shooters, etc. How many actual great Star Wars adventure games are there out there?

There's Dark Forces, Jedi Knight and Jedi Knight 2, which work both as great FPSs and as great adventures, and sadly that's how it'll remain for a long time. Uncharted is not 'great', and even less so as an adventure.
I've played Uncharted 4 and a bit of 2. There's so much stuff where the interaction felt basically meaningless, especially the incredibly dull climbing sections which they insist on using to pad out the game.

The actual mechanics are goddamn paper thin and that's why they rely on so many things to force a certain pace on the game.

the uncharted series was highly criticized for too much action/shooting and was basically the poster child for ludonarrative dissonance. They toned down the shooting for that reason alone.


There's Dark Forces, Jedi Knight and Jedi Knight 2, which work both as great FPSs and as great adventures, and sadly that's how it'll remain for a long time. Uncharted is not 'great', and even less so as an adventure.

Dark Forces is an adventure game. Uh-huh.

What in the world am I reading in this thread.


I hope it's more about gameplay with RPG elements than Uncharted games are. Uncharted is pretty much just point-and-shoot with cover and that's not enough if you ask me.


I think a big number of people are tired of that style of game infecting the AAA space. Way too many big games focused on making you watch cool things happen either with unskippable in game cutscenes or qte's over actually giving a single fuck about mechanical depth in their games.

Yep, these kinds of games are getting a bit stale to me. Just feels like the "safe" approach to designing AAA games nowadays.


Did I miss this GAF trend where Uncharted is a bad series now?

It feels to me that a lot of people came to their senses once the novelty of cinematic set pieces wore off (now far from novel because so many fell over themselves to implement them during last gen). What's left, after the amazing production values, is a rather underwhelming and forgettable formula both in terms of mechanics and story. The big change in direction for UC4 also led to some major reappraisals.

the uncharted series was highly criticized for too much action/shooting and was basically the poster child for ludonarrative dissonance. They toned down the shooting for that reason alone.

Not to mention that Drake's moral motivations for killing (and not killing) are super flip-floppy, cliché and contradictory.
the uncharted series was highly criticized for too much action/shooting and was basically the poster child for ludonarrative dissonance. They toned down the shooting for that reason alone.

I kinda already addressed a big part of why people get fatigued with those kinds of games more easily when I said the mechanics are paper thin. It's the same repetitive shit over and over and the only way to pace that out is add in forced sections that have nothing to do with the core gameplay.

There are plenty of shooters with a lot more variety in terms of enemy design and how combat sections play out and shockingly they did not need a lot of unskippable ingame cut scenes and climbing sections that drag on way too damn long. Rather than just tone down the shooting they could try to actually craft a game with some depth, something where it could naturally pace itself out a bit without forcing the player through their own idea of pacing which absolutely mars the experience on repeat playthroughs.


Expected, but I hope there's more meat to it. Some skills, crafting, and other systems from games like ROTTR, TW3, and TLOU would be nice.
She never said it DOESN'T play like Pokemon GO either.

Because 1313 totally like it could be Pokemon GO as much as Uncharted, right?

It feels to me that a lot of people came to their senses once the novelty of cinematic set pieces wore off (now far from novel because so many fell over themselves to implement them during last gen). What's left, after the amazing production values, is a rather underwhelming and forgettable formula both in terms of mechanics and story. The big change in direction for UC4 also led to some major reappraisals.

Keep dreaming, buddy.
There's Dark Forces, Jedi Knight and Jedi Knight 2, which work both as great FPSs and as great adventures, and sadly that's how it'll remain for a long time. Uncharted is not 'great', and even less so as an adventure.

I wouldn't call those great adventure games. Again people are looking at this too strictly and it's not even what Hennig said.

Your opinion of Uncharted is noted, but not everyone agrees, clearly, going by the reception and hype across the franchise thus far.

Now when a new SW game is likened to it by any agree, it sucks.


There's been a significant and palpable backlash against Uncharted of late.

Serious question, do you think any of that backlash matters? Because just as many people, if not more still love it, especially 4.

I mean we've heard people complain about the series overall, especially the dislike for the last one. I don't think people expect everybody to love this franchise and of course the aspects that were changed in U4.

To me seems like lately people are trying to push this narrative that the uncharted series is completely crap and other games shouldn't want to be like it, but clearly it's popular and people appreciate other games taking from naughty dog.

Not saying you have to like it, but is there really a need to make seem more then what it is? Not trying to start an argument, just wanted to get that off my mind.

Mr Git

Hennig's brilliant so definitely keen to see how this pans out. I wonder if she migrated any of her original Uncharted 4 ideas to this project.
Honestly, Star Wars + Visceral is all I needed. Everything else is gravy. I've never played Uncharted but a Star Wars game in that style sounds excellent.


Sincere, non-dismissive question: What were you hoping for?

Out of this game? I don't know. We literally only saw five (six?) seconds of footage, which in no way dictates how the game will play (unless there's some other footage that proves me wrong, in which case please send it my way). The game could be a Gears of War clone for all I know, but there's nothing about the existing footage that dictates whether it does or doesn't.

All I know is, based on previous experiences, Uncharted isn't a keyword that would instantly make me want to pre-order the game right this second like I assume the rest of this thread is about to do.


Yup. I'm in. Would rather have an Uncharted-esque Star Wars game than another fucking online first person shooter. How many of those do we have now? Bring on the Uncharted clones!
I'm interested in this although I hope they try something a little different with the cinematic experience maybe have it were you can effect the cinematic scene by taking another route, maybe choosing to rescue someone earlier in the game then he/she helps you later on, or even talking your way out of it. I think Uncharted 4 had alternate paths to take during certain cinematic moments so it could work.

The only problem I have with cinematic linear games like Uncharted is that I usually don't want to replay them once I finish the story, having interactive cinematic moments might get me to play through them again.
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