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Warhammer Online Open Beta IS GO. Unless you're European. GOA says LOLOL

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Mallika said:
Not only that, but if we did get pissed off, there is something wrong with us! Woo. I really feel like giving them my money now!

Seriously, wtf dude. Even if WAR's the best game ever, treating customers like shit isn't going to make me want to have anything to do with you.
Indeed. I just want GOA out of here now, they have proven themselves time and again to be totally inept at running a coherent online service.

Also, reading between the line here, notice how GOA still cannot bring themselves to admit that the last minute set up was a bad idea. They said that the account creation system had a problem that only came to light WHEN it was used, yet somehow opening it earlier wouldn't have enabled them to fix it before the beta launched?

GOA - Fail, end of.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Turns out he meant people making threats, or realized it was an incredibly stupid thing to say and so made an excuse.

Yes, to clarify, before people take things out of context the 'there is something wrong with you' comment was indeed aimed at the particularly vile minority who posted all kinds of really inappropriate stuff here and elsewhere. Most of you expressed your concerns without resorting to racial slurs, threats of violence and other totally unnecessary language. Sadly however a vocal percentage didn't.

It wasn't my intent to insult the vast majority of you who were disappointed and said so but kept their criticism within reasonable bounds, if you felt that I was then I am sorry for that.


UPDATE 11:30

Since very early this morning there have been recurring problems with the open beta servers. This is an issue that affects all servers equally and so we have been working with Mythic to resolve this. Currently all of our servers are down with the exception of Athel Loren while our team works on a solution. We expect to have an update on this situation within two hours.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

So, that gives me an extra 2 hours to register and download the patch :S


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
It really does boggle the mind how different US/Europe support is.

Anyways, still can't register my key in Europe here, 26 hours since open beta went live.


I have zero confidence that I will be able to enter my code tonight and play. I dont have any time to play on Tuesday so I will consider myself lucky if its working on Wednesday. Wouldnt be too surprised if it isnt.

Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you:

Atrophis crystal ball timeline of how GOA will ruin the launch of WAR in Europe

Before open beta launch:

Every fan forum filled to brim with posts of players pleading GOA to put up their code activation page. GOA says not to worry, it will definately be up before the open beta starts and that they are not worried there will be any problems.

6th September

Incorrectly told that everyone who isn't in closed beta needs to make a new account.

7th September - open beta launch:

8.30 am - Account centre goes up on time.
8.31 am - Account centre dies.
9.30 am - Advised that there is no problem with the amount of traffic, just a small problem with the captcha.
5.00 pm - Servers go online 1.5 hours after the US servers, only closed beta testers able to access.
6.00 pm - After hours of no communication, we are advised that there are problems but that GOA have fulfilled their promises of launching open beta and the account page. No ETA given for any problems.
Late evening - Mark Jacobs starts spamming WHA to damage control.
Midnight - GOA has meeting with Mythic reps in Paris. A few hours later CEO of GOA sends out a short note saying how sorry they are but offering no new information.

8th September

10.00 am - update of account server and database software.
1.00 pm - account creation and code activation reenabled.
6.00 pm- account creation disabled as system collapses again. Another 24 hour period of maintenence ensues.

9th September

Decent amount of open beta testers now able to patch, albeit extremely slowly, and login.
Huge login queues on all servers.
Decent portion of paid for CE open beta codes still not used due to persistent activation problems.

10th - 13th September

Preorder customers beg GOA to let them enter their head start codes, GOA says we will be able to enter our codes soon and not to worry.

14th September - CE preorder headstart

Account centre crumbles under deluge of players trying to enter their head start codes. Servers are brought online but barely anyone able to play.

15th September - SE preorder headstart

Combination of CE and SE preorder customers cause further problems with the account pages. Most CE customer still not able to access the game. No compensation offered by GOA.

18th September - Official full game launch

Account centre predictably dies again. GOA support swamped by complaints. People unable to patch and play on launch day. Servers consists of mostly head start customers who were lucky enough to get their codes entered.

19th September

GOA and Mythic release statements saying how happy they are with the launch and that they are working hard on fixing the small amount of problems that some customers have experienced. No compensation offered to anyone who did not get the services they paid for by preordering.


First major patch released to US servers. GOA announce that due to translation issues, patch will be delayed until November.

There you have it folks. A blow by blow account of the downfall of WAR in Europe :lol Please prove me wrong GOA :p


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO

I'd like to hope Mythic has in the contract that patches must be released the same week, they've got to, right? =(


They edited the 11:30 newspost:

Since very early this morning there have been recurring problems with the open beta servers. This is an issue that affects all servers equally and so we have been working with Mythic to resolve this.

Now we are happy to say that the situation has been resolved and all servers are back online.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.​


I'd imagine that's pretty much how it will go. I thought this would happen when i heard the name GOA associated with EU warhammer online for the first time.

I learnt my lesson with DAoC, (EDITED: whoops my mistake that was Game-Network) never again.


The register button also works again, logging in doesn't... weird priority list...

EDIT: and they killed the register button again


Ikuu said:

I'd like to hope Mythic has in the contract that patches must be released the same week, they've got to, right? =(

What could Mythic possible do, if GOA don't release on time? Send hate mails?^^
Xavien said:
I'd imagine that's pretty much how it will go. I thought this would happen when i heard the name GOA associated with EU warhammer online for the first time.

I learnt my lesson with DAoC and Legend of Mir (old old isometric 2d mmo), never again.

LoM was awesome although it was a glorified chat room by the end ;)

but yes this will now be my 3rd run with GoA *deep sigh*

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Atrophis said:
I have zero confidence that I will be able to enter my code tonight and play. I dont have any time to play on Tuesday so I will consider myself lucky if its working on Wednesday. Wouldnt be too surprised if it isnt.

Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you:

Atrophis crystal ball timeline of how GOA will ruin the launch of WAR in Europe
I'd rather this happen

Tuesday 9th Sept 9am: After emergency meetings overnight, EA/Mythic jointly annouce the termination of GOAs contract to run WAR in Europe.

Tuesday 9th Sept 9:30am: Contingiency plans allow for EU OB players to join an expanded US server set until EU servers are provided directly by EA, ETA for the new EU servers: 24 hours.

Wednesday 10th Sept: EA operated EU servers come online with capacity to spare, EA Mythic announce that headstart players, upon receipt of their codes, will receive an extra 7 days of subscription FOC, while also assuring that that the sign up process will not encounter the same problems that GOA did for the OB.


Hooker said:
The register button also works again, logging in doesn't... weird priority list...

EDIT: and they killed the register button again
we just can't fucking punch in our beta keys can we? holy shit


Most horrible website in the history of MMO's.

I just hope once all this shit is behind us, the game will at least be enjoyable. Otherwise it's going to be 2 days (prolly 3) of getting myself worked up over nothing.


I have to say that, reflecting on these experiences with GOA and reading about their track record, I find myself again considering the whole 'let's go to the NA servers' option. I am rather reluctant to do so, however, mostly because:

a) I found a lovely EU Order guild for older players (if anyone's interested, link)
b) The time difference

It's mostly the time difference that's the problem, especially in a game that's into RvR and whatnot. It would suck to not be able to take part in major events, battles, etc. with a guild because they all occur at 3:30am for me.

So yeah, all I can really do now is hope that GOA is able to not shove even more shit in our faces and somehow can get things together. It would be a shame to give up on a game with a lot of potential and go back to WoW or something, just because the provider sucks.


If a lot of folks go from the EU Servers to the US ones (and they will if this keeps up, just like DAoC), large RvR battles "should" happen round the clock, so the time difference wont do much damage to that aspect.

Ofcourse it all depends, there's quite a few i know who played DAoC that are going to the U.S servers instead.


Ok, my constant spamming every button seems to have worked for a bit. I just received an email with 'Welcome to WAR' for one of my accounts (the one I've tried logging in with the most)

Now it's a matter of trying to input the beta codes

EDIT: Logged in, pressed the 'enter product key' button and it hangs :S


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
As we told you in previous news, the account validation system has been taken offline while our technical teams work on it. A lot of work has been done and some of the hardware on the database server has been changed as well as a lot of software improvements and our teams are still working hard to prepare the systems.

As a result, we will launch a new code registration page today at 16:00 CET. This new page will feature a delay between registration and account validation but you will still receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of creating your account.

If you had already created an account yesterday and have a validation email then you will still be able to follow the link from that email after 16:00 today to validate your account, if you do not have an email then you should create a new account as described above.

Thank you for your patience.
From WAR-Europe.

Edit: Either way I should be playing tonight, my US Beta (which has been downloading at such a poor speed) should be done in a few hours. One thing GOA did right was the client, took me like 90mins to grab that.
Ikuu said:
As we told you in previous news, the account validation system has been taken offline while our technical teams work on it. A lot of work has been done and some of the hardware on the database server has been changed as well as a lot of software improvements and our teams are still working hard to prepare the systems.

As a result, we will launch a new code registration page today at 16:00 CET. This new page will feature a delay between registration and account validation but you will still receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of creating your account.

If you had already created an account yesterday and have a validation email then you will still be able to follow the link from that email after 16:00 today to validate your account, if you do not have an email then you should create a new account as described above.

Thank you for your patience.
From WAR-Europe.

I am not sure if I want to trust these announcements anymore, but hey, if this is true, I'll be able to play tonight.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Ikuu said:
As we told you in previous news, the account validation system has been taken offline while our technical teams work on it. A lot of work has been done and some of the hardware on the database server has been changed as well as a lot of software improvements and our teams are still working hard to prepare the systems.

As a result, we will launch a new code registration page today at 16:00 CET. This new page will feature a delay between registration and account validation but you will still receive a confirmation email within a few minutes of creating your account.

If you had already created an account yesterday and have a validation email then you will still be able to follow the link from that email after 16:00 today to validate your account, if you do not have an email then you should create a new account as described above.

Thank you for your patience.
From WAR-Europe.

Edit: Either way I should be playing tonight, my US Beta (which has been downloading at such a poor speed) should be done in a few hours. One thing GOA did right was the client, took me like 90mins to grab that.

Well, I am at work until 17:30 today, so as long as the new auth system doesn't fall over like the last one, I may be able to log in today (My account is actually fully activated, scarily enough, I just need to be able to add my beta key).

Don't fail again GOA.


You're lucky, i won't be home till 7pm :( *crosses fingers*

EDIT: Forgot the damn patch. If its as slow as it was yesterday (most likely with even more people logging in) i wont be able to play tonight either :/


I'm dreading the download of the patch... :(

Hmm, is there someone who is able to play/login lend me their login credentials so I can download the patch in advance? Please :).
Wow uh... I hope you guys at least like the game. I would have given up long ago.

Anyways, more in the PQs are so shitty column: Not only are they impossible to do off peak server time, triggering them kills questing in the area for however long.


Yeah still not sure were I stand with PQs. Did the PQ with the dragon in the dark elf area three times yesterday.

1. Was OK.
2. People realize that he 2 shots everything and DE have no tanks, so everyone was just standing around the dragon......
3. Was on a different server. I consider the amount of players I saw something you will see a few weeks, maybe even days after launch. No chance to finish this quest. Not enough people around in the area.

Oh and I heard a WHA admin deleted Iainc's insult post. :lol

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Atrophis said:
You're lucky, i won't be home till 7pm :( *crosses fingers*

EDIT: Forgot the damn patch. If its as slow as it was yesterday (most likely with even more people logging in) i wont be able to play tonight either :/
Yeah the patch is also a concern, but then I think that has been one of the only things GOA have done right, so I don't see it as a problem.

I would start asking for server suggestions etc for when we do get on, but that would be very, very silly of me. I hope that later on, we can be in a position to organise a WAR meeting.


Got a guild going on Ekrund with some clan members. (for Open beta, when launch hits name will be different etc..). If anyone wants in just send a mail, or msg Trax, Denali, Xero, or tacklebox. If you decide to join you will get vent details etc..


Actually the patch downloaded pretty fast for me -- about ... oh, 15-20 minutes or so. Definitely less than half an hour. Then again, I might have patched at a time when there were 2 other people downloading while the rest were still fighting with the website.

Hooker said:
Haha, a guild for older players. Need to be 25+ to apply :lol :lol :lol
Heh, well 25+ is older than being in your teens, anyway. :D

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Mallika said:
Actually the patch downloaded pretty fast for me -- about ... oh, 15-20 minutes or so. Definitely less than half an hour. Then again, I might have patched at a time when there were 2 other people downloading while the rest were still fighting with the website.

Heh, well 25+ is older than being in your teens, anyway. :D
You got registered? YOU BASTARD!


Anyway, I'm 24, not old enough for a "mature" guild, too old for the vast majority of them, I'm stuck in limbo :(


evlcookie said:
Fuck the graphics are terrible thats my first complaint about the game. Currently running it at 1920x1200 everything high and it runs fine, but christ on a stick, am i playing a game from the mid 90s?!

Currently cruising with a level 5 witch hunter on icecrown (oceanic) order - name is evlcookie.

Not sure why level 11's were killing me in the "battlegrounds". I wasnt expecting that since WoW has a 10 level difference cap.

The one thing i love and its the best thing ever, is the fact it shows you on your map where you should be going for any of the quests you have. That is just bloody awesome.

Here are 2 images, both 2mb each due to resolution size, no im not going to shrink them just yet :lol . Will try find a faster host and resize them + more later on.

Starting area
Public Quest

Anyway back to it!

If you force AA and texture filtering with your graphic card, it is by far the second best looking MMO on the market.

Those are the major things they are missing.


Stop It said:
You got registered? YOU BASTARD!

:lol Yeah I did. See this post for my lovely adventures and a workaround for the stupid errors on the website. Might help you if you haven't gotten through enough to put in your key or whatever.

Anyway, I'm 24, not old enough for a "mature" guild, too old for the vast majority of them, I'm stuck in limbo :(
Well, you know ... you could always be 25. Don't think there's a difference, maybe your birthday is next week? :p


Trax416 said:
If you force AA and texture filtering with your graphic card, it is by far the second best looking MMO on the market.
What's the best-looking? AoC?


Mallika said:
:lol Yeah I did. See this post for my lovely adventures and a workaround for the stupid errors on the website. Might help you if you haven't gotten through enough to put in your key or whatever.

Well, you know ... you could always be 25. Don't think there's a difference, maybe your birthday is next week? :p


What's the best-looking? AoC?

I would say AOC overall.

I am running WAR at 1080p, with 16XQ AA, and 16XAF, with a 9800GTX, which you can pick up for like $130, and I get no framedrops outside of gigantic RVR.

However AA and AF is not something you should have to force with your graphic card. It should be native, period. It's fucking 2008, not 1997.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Mallika said:
:lol Yeah I did. See this post for my lovely adventures and a workaround for the stupid errors on the website. Might help you if you haven't gotten through enough to put in your key or whatever.

Well, you know ... you could always be 25. Don't think there's a difference, maybe your birthday is next week? :p
Ah, thanks for the post, I hope however that by the time I get home to finalise my account, that it will not be needed.

As for my age, I wont be 25 until next April :(


Most guilds would still consider you i'm sure, even if they advertise an age limit. As long as they get the impression you are mature enough and would fit into the guild that is :p


Atrophis said:
Most guilds would still consider you i'm sure, even if they advertise an age limit. As long as they get the impression you are mature enough and would fit into the guild that is :p
Yeah, that was what I was going to say, but I made a stupid joke instead. :lol

And hope the servers are good in a few hours. At the very least, hopefully it'll be less of a frustrating experience for everyone today.


I think age limits are pretty stupid overall. I was on one of the top guilds on my server for a long time in Wow, and though we had a lot of older members, we also had many younger ones. We had a Warlock who, IMO, was the top Warlock on the server, and he was all of 12 years old. Though, probably some type of videogame savant. Outside of his voice he did not seem 12.


but ever so delicious
Trax416 said:
If you force AA and texture filtering with your graphic card, it is by far the second best looking MMO on the market.

Those are the major things they are missing.

I tried adding AA but havent checked out texture filtering. No idea if its even in the ati control panel, something to look into tomorrow morning.


Trax416 said:
I think age limits are pretty stupid overall. I was on one of the top guilds on my server for a long time in Wow, and though we had a lot of older members, we also had many younger ones. We had a Warlock who, IMO, was the top Warlock on the server, and he was all of 12 years old. Though, probably some type of videogame savant. Outside of his voice he did not seem 12.
Yeah I understand your point. I don't think I'd put an age limit myself if I were to create a guild, but I can see the benefit in having one. It acts as a first, albeit crude, line of screening (immaturity knows no age limits, but at least it's something :D). Anyway, I think it's more the fact that, most of the people in the guild are in their mid-30s to 40s, and they'd most probably would rather be with people closer to their own age than, say, someone who could be their kid.

I'm 27 and I'm one of the youngest there. :lol

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Mallika said:
Yeah, that was what I was going to say, but I made a stupid joke instead. :lol

And hope the servers are good in a few hours. At the very least, hopefully it'll be less of a frustrating experience for everyone today.
I hope so too, I just want to play, instead I have spent the last day and a half plotting how to re-ignite the hundred years war.

Anyway, I hope to find a guild pretty quickly, I am a very social gamer and enjoy playing with people. One of the reasons I stopped playing WoW is because the guild I was in disbanded and I got lost in the mire that was Frostwhisper (Which was n exceptionally elitest server, it turns out).


Mallika said:
Yeah I understand your point. I don't think I'd put an age limit myself if I were to create a guild, but I can see the benefit in having one. It acts as a first, albeit crude, line of screening (immaturity knows no age limits, but at least it's something :D). Anyway, I think it's more the fact that, most of the people in the guild are in their mid-30s to 40s, and they'd most probably would rather be with people closer to their own age than, say, someone who could be their kid.

I'm 27 and I'm one of the youngest there. :lol


I have helped run a clan for 4 years now(that has been around since DC days). Many of the members I have the most fun playing with were 16 or so when they first joined.

I don't really let age limit decide who we are going to recruit. I just kick the person if they are a fucking idiot. Funny enough I seem to kick 24 year old basement dwellers more often then the 18 year olds.


I love it when people whine about not getting what they paid for. It's a beta. Whether you paid for beta access or not is not interesting. They have promised you nothing other than access, and if you worry about the time they might extend it or something else.

That being said, this is a major fuckup on GOA's behalf.
Thing is though GOA were pulling this kinda crap for over a decade.

You'd think they'd learn that their web engineers are useless by now. FLASH WILL PREVAIL!


venison crêpe


People should be happy the problems are being fixed now, instead of launch, like most MMO's.

Then again, an entire new set of problems could happen at launch. :lol
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