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Watch_Dogs 2 |OT| .HTML


did w_d1 have as shitty checkpointing as wd2? I don't recall it being an issue.
Yes, for instance in that mission where you have to face Iraq and his armored bodyguard. In the end I had to lower the difficulty rather than listening to that monologue over and over again.



How do I get up to this node? It's for the ATM side mission near Christ the Light.

Edit: JK. Finally found the scissor lift.
I've just started playing this on OG PS4 and the performance is genuinely awful.
Framerate when driving seems to have insane dips, pop in is intense and the screen tearing is insane.

Anyone else struggled with the game due to all this?
WD1 seemed better optimised.

Other than that the game is more fun than WD1 but I'm glad I'll be playing this on a PS4 Pro in about a weeks time.

Edit: they also did nothing to fix the crap driving controls. Every car feels like its on an ice rink and the camera not snapping back to centre view after turning it is very annoying.


I'm about 22 hours in now. I've got 4 main and 3 side missions left to go. Probably get about 30 hours out of it all together I think. It's been incredibly fun but I'm starting to feel it's getting repetitive now.

OléGunner;226163490 said:
I've just started playing this on OG PS4 and the performance is genuinely awful.
Framerate when driving seems to have insane dips, pop in is intense and the screen tearing is insane.

Anyone else struggled with the game due to all this?
WD1 seemed better optimised.

Other than that the game is more fun than WD1 but I'm glad I'll be playing this on a PS4 Pro in about a weeks time.

Edit: they also did nothing to fix the crap driving controls. Every car feels like its on an ice rink and the camera not snapping back to centre view after turning it is very annoying.

I feel the driving is so much better in this. In the first game I dreaded having to use a car so used a motorbike most of the time. In this the cars feel different from each other and are easier to handle. I find using the handbrake is better than the brakes. The normal brakes are way too sensitive and can bring you to a complete stop real quickly even if you were going at full speed. With the handbrake it's easier to take turns at a higher speed although I still feel it can lose control easily so I turn the steering wheel opposite of the direction I'm going in order to compensate and keep the car on the right track.


In the UI options I found how to disable the white line between my mobile and the target but I can't find how to disable the white blink targets do.

I mean, I don't mind this line at all, but just walking around while people just turn white for a second around you is annoying.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Man this game is boring the shit out of me right now. It's depressing how big a step back this is from Watch Dogs 1. They didn't build upon the foundation of Watch Dogs 1 at all. They ripped it down almost completely, started over and made something way less fun and way less balanced from a gameplay perspective. Most new features actually hurt the game rather than help it, and they've cut so much of what made the first game so good. Ubisoft are lucky this game came out in the same year as Zero Time Dilemma. They just missed out on the biggest disappointment of the year award from me.

leng jai

Man this game is boring the shit out of me right now. It's depressing how big a step back this is from Watch Dogs 1. They didn't build upon the foundation of Watch Dogs 1 at all. They ripped it down almost completely, started over and made something way less fun and way less balanced from a gameplay perspective. Most new features actually hurt the game rather than help it, and they've cut so much of what made the first game so good. Ubisoft are lucky this game came out in the same year as Zero Time Dilemma. They just missed out on the biggest disappointment of the year award from me.

I think the new additions to the game are pretty good actually. The problem is that they literally omitted or gimped basically everything that was good about the original.


I think the new additions to the game are pretty good actually. The problem is that they literally omitted or gimped basically everything that was good about the original.


Here are new features in w_d2! And now we nerf everything else, so the new features are the only viable way to approach gameplay with the least amount of frustration due to the lack of checkpoints and terrible AI!

ubisoft team needs to go back and play 2016 hitman, heck replay old splinter cell games.

The enemy ai in w_d2 is embarrassingly bad for a stealth game made post MGS1.


How the hell do you shake the cops at 3+ wanted level without the chopper hack? The chopper is impossible to shake no matter how far you get ahead of it. Stop to shoot it? Cop cars catch up. Hop back in and speed away? Chopper's back. Repeat ad infinitum.


How the hell do you shake the cops at 3+ wanted level without the chopper hack? The chopper is impossible to shake no matter how far you get ahead of it. Stop to shoot it? Cop cars catch up. Hop back in and speed away? Chopper's back. Repeat ad infinitum.

You can shake choppers going underneath stuff or through narrow alleyways. Once you've broken line of sight with cars and the chopper, finding an alley or parking lot to hide in your car (press /[O] when stopped in a car) will usually do the trick.


I really enjoyed the "mark enemies for hitmen" mechanic the first couple of times, but it kind of nullifies the level design in the main missions. I think it would have worked better if the hitmen were less powerful and if enemy reinforcements couldn't be worn down with attrition all the time. Every mission feels the same except the story content at this point, which is not ideal.


Finished the campaign just now.
At some point, WD2 gets really loose with the 'how' and 'what' of the story. You go from small, specific missions to these really broad operations. For as much as I enjoy the tactile elements of the gameplay loop, especially in the nonlethal and stealth ways, the loosening of the plot is a really bad direction. You could strip out all the narrative and have A Fun Thing To Do.

It feels like there is no takeaway and that's a big bummer. Marcus got some revenge, I guess. If the first game is any indication, they haven't done anything to make sure the system protects innocents. The death and destruction doesn't turn into anything other than a super-vague "wake up sheeple" monologue.

And don't get me started on the tragedy of how Horatio is handled.


I really enjoyed the "mark enemies for hitmen" mechanic the first couple of times, but it kind of nullifies the level design in the main missions. I think it would have worked better if the hitmen were less powerful and if enemy reinforcements couldn't be worn down with attrition all the time. Every mission feels the same except the story content at this point, which is not ideal.

at some point that is balanced out by the security dudes being all heavily armored dudes... which is another problem in itself :/

Although you can still melee them easily enough.


Neo Member
Finished the game.

During my entire playthrough there was something about this game just didn't click with me.

I love stealth in games when it rewards you for it. Here, there's no incentive at all to ghosting a mission in contrast to something like Deux Ex that gives you more xp for stealth runs as an incentive. This is compounded by the fact that the guards open fire immediately after seeing you and are able to drop you with just a few shots at pinpoint accuracy. It just kills the mood to constantly have the patience to try to restart to go full stealth for not benefit whatsoever outside of keeping in-line with the main character's personality.

Now, this wouldn't be a problem if the shooting mechanics were up to par which unfortunately they are not. Its clear that Ubisoft really wants you to play the game their way which is a shame given that the shooting mechanics took a huge step back from WD1. Shooting in WD1 was not only tightly tuned and responsive, but more importantly fun - especially for those escort missions. Here the aiming is too floaty and the guns themselves lack impact - shooting the semi auto shotgun at enemies feels like you are shooting thin air.

Next is the story. I was excited at the prospect of the San Francisco branch of Dedsec vs. the evil silicon valley CEO. That's how it sort of started but then goes quickly off the rails. Soon you are stealing from every tech company in the area for "reasons", going after corrupt cops, gang members, religious organizations, stealing prototype robots.. The story just jumps around with no underlying direction or stakes with the only interesting bits being the first couple of lighthearted missions when you first join the group and the short lived war with the rival hacker group.

The only thing I really loved about the game was not only the cast of characters and the writing, but the level of quality in the facial details/reactions/movements during cut scenes. I felt they did a fantastic job brining these characters to life in a physical manner in addition to spoken dialog.

For the inevitable WD3, I hope the team either incentivizes stealth or re-balances the game to sufficiently appease fans of either stealth or combat.


Why every guard knows my location instantly once one guard knows? You immediately hear them describing you over the radio even though no one has seen you, that is above ridiculousness, what the F Ubisoft? Can't you write scripts that actually make sense and don't away stealth experience in a stealth game? that completely ruins story missions for me as every one of them is infiltrating somewhere and hacking something, I'm playing on realistic, but that that doesn't make any bloody sense, is it any different on a lower difficulties?

Finished the game.

For the inevitable WD3, I hope the team either incentivizes stealth or re-balances the game to sufficiently appease fans of either stealth or combat.

Doubt there's going to be 3rd game as sales for this are very poor and I'd rather prefer Ubisoft make Splinter cell game.


Yeah, for all the hate I have for W_D1, the shooting and stealth, gameplay flow felt great. Easily the best in open world game imo.

No clue why the ruined basically all of that in w_d2.

Also yeah there is no real reason to go nonlethal besides making the game 1000x more frustrating.


This game has turned into one of my favorite games of all time. No joke. I can't stop thinking about it. I need an expansion.

Only game in my life that I've sunk over 10 hours (currently at 46 hours).

On a related note, I used a PSN code for a mission called Zodiac Killer - how do I start that mission - does anyone know?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I may actually drop the game because of the checkpoints(or lack of) in the Gallilei mission

what the fuck were they thinking?


I may actually drop the game because of the checkpoints(or lack of) in the Gallilei mission

what the fuck were they thinking?

I beat this simple enough with the drone and jumper.

Things went to shit though, but hiding + a few gang hits thinned stuff out.

Am bummed that I used gang hits so much, but its still the best option if you want to minimize risk.


This game has turned into one of my favorite games of all time. No joke. I can't stop thinking about it. I need an expansion.

Only game in my life that I've sunk over 10 hours (currently at 46 hours).

On a related note, I used a PSN code for a mission called Zodiac Killer - how do I start that mission - does anyone know?

Where did you activate the code? You need to make sure the content is downloaded on your console. Check to make sure it's downloaded and it should show up, IIRC.


Gold Member
This game has turned into one of my favorite games of all time. No joke. I can't stop thinking about it. I need an expansion.

Only game in my life that I've sunk over 10 hours (currently at 46 hours).

On a related note, I used a PSN code for a mission called Zodiac Killer - how do I start that mission - does anyone know?

It doesn't appear until you've hit a certain point in the story.


Gold Member
I finished the game so I'm just doing side missions. I redeemed code after finishing game. Am I screwed?

Not sure.

It popped up for me after I met
T-Bone. I still haven't done the actual mission but it's an orange square just like all other sidemissions.

Did you get the outfit? If you also didn't get the outfit added to your wardrobe something indeed went wrong.


Just played this for the second time, was enjoying it then I nudged a cop car and wtf at the cops again. They chased me down so hard I had to abandon my car and jump off a bridge, then they murdered the shit out of me in the water. I should really turn down the difficulty from hard right? The stealth isn't even fun with everyone shooting you on sight. And I thought GTA V was bad in that regard.

So far I just like the setting and characters more than Watch Dogs 1, everything about the gameplay including driving was much better in the first game though. Wish we could have all the good in one.
Loved the stealth, shooting and driving of the first game. I will be replaying that one after to make sure I'm not crazy and it was all better.
I may actually drop the game because of the checkpoints(or lack of) in the Gallilei mission

what the fuck were they thinking?

I just finished this mission and I found it really straightforward. Drone + jumper + scissor lift + cellphone distraction = No issues. The only reason I ever set the alarm off in that mission is because the scissor lift glitched out and exploded. I never actually came in contact with any guards.

I won't deny that stealth is a bit messy though. Enemy AI is ridiculously aggressive and really don't give you many options to get out of a jam once you get spotted (which happens super quickly). Not only does there seem to be some kind of magnetism radius around you that draws enemies to your position even if they normally shouldn't be there (really annoying during chases- it felt way more satisfying to duck into alleys during the "Searching" phase in W_D1), but their all seeing AI also funnels towards you at first sight during open combat. The stun gun is also a kind of annoying weapon in that it doesn't work like the tranq pistol from MGS (where you can put guards to sleep for a long time, and if they're woken up, you're still in the clear.)

None of this is ruining the experience for me though because the other side of this game, where the ridiculous emergent systems keep working in my favor, or a sequence of events just happen in front of me for no reason, or Bounties crash through my game for high energy bursts of madness, or some small one liner makes me chuckle (which has happened with surprising consistency ) are all a lot of fun. In some ways this does feel like a sequel that has thrown out the baby with the bath water, and I do wish they built off some of the things in W_D1 more, rather than gimping the stealth/action part of the game, but I'm more engaged by the overall experience in this than I was with W_D1. This is going to be far and away my most played game this year.


I'm really struggling to beat this game...

As a fan of the original, I feel this is a big step back. The open world is better and the graphics are good, but everything else falls short. Why is the combat so bad? The shooting is absolutely terrible in comparison to the first one and the stealth hacking is very confusing with the amount of options there are. These two points alone make encounters feel like a chore whereas in the original, everything was much smoother and easier to understand.


I'm really struggling to beat this game...

As a fan of the original, I feel this is a big step back. The open world is better and the graphics are good, but everything else falls short. Why is the combat so bad? The shooting is absolutely terrible in comparison to the first one and the stealth hacking is very confusing with the amount of options there are. These two points alone make encounters feel like a chore whereas in the original, everything was much smoother and easier to understand.

It's doubly annoying that the gunplay is so bad because if you spec a character to rely on stealth, distraction, or RCs, the couple of moments you're forced to do a lot of gunplay are way way tougher. At least with playing stealthy, most everything can be hacked with the jumper.


It's doubly annoying that the gunplay is so bad because if you spec a character to rely on stealth, distraction, or RCs, the couple of moments you're forced to do a lot of gunplay are way way tougher. At least with playing stealthy, most everything can be hacked with the jumper.

It's honestly baffling. They even took away the slow motion 'focus'.


the secret with gunplay or stealth as well is, tap L1 for the quick 'im distracted by my phone beeping' which makes enemies vulnerable in which you can run past them without alerting when stealthing.

Also means you can take out even the heavys easily. L1 + stun gun will drop them instantly.

I typically just L1 than charge over and melee.


i mean story wise it doesn't make sense for marcus and friends to be equal to aiden/batman in terms of combat abilities.

still wish stealth was improved on vs just use drones for everything.


i mean story wise it doesn't make sense for marcus and friends to be equal to aiden/batman in terms of combat abilities.

still wish stealth was improved on vs just use drones for everything.

True, but yeah I thought just stealthing around and knocking people out was better in the first one too. Here I mostly use my jumper but even then it keeps getting shot out a lot.


True, but yeah I thought just stealthing around and knocking people out was better in the first one too. Here I mostly use my jumper but even then it keeps getting shot out a lot.

if you hold O for drones marcus calls them back, and for some reason they ai completely forgets they were there.

This also eliminates the cooldown of a destroyed drone. Weird like gameplay quirk lol


This game has turned into one of my favorite games of all time. No joke. I can't stop thinking about it. I need an expansion.

Only game in my life that I've sunk over 10 hours (currently at 46 hours).

On a related note, I used a PSN code for a mission called Zodiac Killer - how do I start that mission - does anyone know?

dude. i'm the same. i fucking love this game. its giving me everything i wanted from a gta clone and then some. i absolutely adore it. i just checked and i'm at 38 hours played and about half way through the story lool. i didnt even realised id played that much. theres really not much i can find to fault it.


just finished the game today. total of 26 hours it took me. really enjoyed it. probably will buy the season pass if it has a good amount of single player story missions. other than that i can't wait for Watch Dogs 3! let's hope they do it.
I know a billion people worked on this game but i'm in awe at the amount of work that is done in such a relatively short time.
Asside from a couple of repetitive mechanics the game is a lot of fun and very entertaining. It is made with a lot of attention to detail.

Wel done!
Got my platinium A couple of minutes ago .

This game was quite fun .. i'm actually intrested in the dlc now . I think i've tried all the online co-op events and there are way too few people online as bounties.

So i guess i'll put it down and wait for more content.

I liked it.
It's a simple and effective stealth game once you understand the mecanics. it's a very forgiving game in that sense.

I've never used the "call the cops or the call the gang" perk , except for that trophy.. it doesn't feel right and it feels ..useless ?

My main problems:
-Horacio events ( especially after his main story mission )
-This game shouldn't have that many weapons and should have more hacking skills.
-Needs More stuff like the robot wars missions
-Needs More stuff like those crocked cops missions
-The line of sight from the cops should be adressed
-I want the game to remember and resume my media player playlist when i fast travel
-Main bad guy could have been a little bit better ( was still fine )
-Why can't i chase bounties with a friend ?

What i liked :
-The level design of the missions .. i loved them all
-Main bad guy
-The seamless multiplayer
-The OST and the radio playlist
-The character design
-The amount of stories in the game world

leng jai

The story in this game is so weird. Like there are a ton of cutscenes and dialogue between your crew it somehow everything feels so disjointed. As soon as the actual mission is completed it feels like nothing has changed, there's no feeling of continuity.



I have to say watching this I don't think they did enough homework

They said ubi claimed watch dogs wouldnt have as much traditional drop off because of poor word of mouth and then scoffed, despite the fact that it 80,000 both weeks meaning it didn't have the traditional drop off.
They talk a lot about steam numbers but fail to recognize that 1) ubi deeply discounts uplay versions of the game and that makes steam sells appear smaller than other games and 2) Watch dogs 1 sold over 10 million copies but only sold 800,000 copies on steam meaning that it accounted for less than 10 % of total sales so not necessarily the best barometer.
They talk about how aiden pierce has the same animations as assassins creed meanwhile Crossing eden has shown time and again they aren't the same

I'm pretty confident this game will in fact get a sequel despite selling less than it's predecessor I still think it well end up selling upwards of 5 million copies, not breaking the bank by any means but respectable, and it was also probably a lot cheaper to develop than it's predecessor as they already had the engine and the frame work and the orignial only cost 68 million. Last of all they probably already started development on Part 3


I saw someone's clip and it said, "you're being hacked by a friend."

How do you invade a friend's game? I can't figure it out.


I wish I had friends playing this game. Coop missions are fun but it's a pain in the ass to find a teammate who isn't a trigger happy guy.
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