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Watch_Dogs - Welcome to Chicago Trailer


I don't know if I'm just clouding my memories, but didn't this look MEGATONS better? Why is the camera so jank and why is there 15 FPS in a goddamn trailer? Are they going to ship out a game that looks piss poor in a trailer?

New Duke Nukem Forever confirmed.


if they aren't fucking everywhere after 7pm 7 days a week, they haven't nailed Wrigleyville lol

i'm guessing it'll be very tame and safe, like most ubi stuff........now I want rockstar to do chicago but it would probably be too samey for everyone but chicago residents :(

Wiseguy basically said what I was thinking. It's gonna be a Chicago/"Chicago"(Canadian city)/Derivative Open World City. One thing GTAV nails is art direction and atmosphere and I salivate at the thought of Rockstar doing a full-bodied Chicago with tucked away places like Roscoe Village or the derelict blocks of Canaryville.


Just put a beanie on the main character and people would have said


but since its watch dogs people are saying the graphics sucks, it looks on par with infamous.

Important to remember infamous is made specifically for the PS4 and Watch Dogs is pretty much on old and new, although it shouldn't really be such a problem if the worked at it, I'm sure they could make it better with more effort


Just put a beanie on the main character and people would have said


but since its watch dogs people are saying the graphics sucks, it looks on par with infamous.

Saying infamous SS looks better graphically isn't bias, it's the truth.


Gold Member
Looks fantastic. Haters gonna hate I guess.

I see no problem with the graphics being showcased in this trailer. I'm far more interested in seeing how the game plays to be honest as I can tell this will look stunning on the PC with a pinch of downsampling.
It's also important to point out that Watch_Dogs has a fully dynamic time of day cycle, whereas Infamous uses some very carefully-chosen lighting conditions to show the engine in its best...um... light.


Gold Member
It's also important to point out that Watch_Dogs has a fully dynamic time of day cycle, whereas Infamous uses some very carefully-chosen lighting conditions to show the engine in its best...um... light.

Yep. Whats even more annoying is that you dont even have any control over the TOD.


Just put a beanie on the main character and people would have said


but since its watch dogs people are saying the graphics sucks, it looks on par with infamous.

Sure man. Anything else you want to tell us about the Anti-Watch_Dogs agenda on NeoGAF?


Visuals look pretty good, for the most part. They lost me with all of the NPC AI bullshit. Those are the real promises that are never kept... I'm fully prepared for cardbord scripted inhabitants but please lay off the advanced ai nonsense. It don't exist.


This is the particular scene we are debating

To me it looks like no one has a shadow, and their are simple stencil shadows for underneath cars, that lack direction.

The other point of view is that it's a specific lighting condition with the preface of, look at other scenes.

Ok I see what you are saying now. that does look a bit odd, hopefully now the norm throughout the game.


Just put a beanie on the main character and people would have said


but since its watch dogs people are saying the graphics sucks, it looks on par with infamous.

Ways to get banned really fast: The Post.

The lighting and shadow effects aren't close to SS. I'm not sure why you're defensive, but why exactly do you think this? We were shown "next-gen" promises with Virtual Boy delivery. You can't just pull shit out of the air, say it will be in a game, and then release a game that looks vaguely similar to a last-fen game on the visual front. And to think we were being lied to almost all the way up to its initial launch date, it would've been a goddamn travesty.

They deserve all the flak they get, especially the fact that they're still being dodgy when asked ANYTHING about the game, other than what we've known since forever ago.


I have to say this trailer probably sold me on the game.

Oh and InFamous isn't a crossgen title people, comparing that to this seems a bit unfair to me.


Hipster douchebag NPC's confirmed.


While I'm disappointed how Watch Dogs now looks after it's initial reveal and also recently playing Infamous, I'm still pretty intrigued especially with this dark souls-esque invade another players world mechanic. Intrigued but worried...


Saw the main character standing on top of the building and my first thought was...

oooh, i can comet drop off this and... oh wait, wrong game :(


I'm still interested in this game and I hope Ubisoft delivers gameplay and story wise. Sure, graphics are also important and it's going to be disappointing, if they are really noticable downgraded, but as long as it looks good and plays well, it will be fine.

After watching this preview, I also think, that they should stop making videos, because they are giving too much away. It's not a good thing, that people know so much about the game, so early. Let them figure out stuff alone.

I can't stop watching the videos, please don't make new ones :(


Game looks fine. The major difference is now we have next gen games to compare this too. So its not as impressive as it was in 2012. Looks like have lots of different areas. The graphics are not hyper realistic so it hard to say how much it looks like Chicago. Looks like they changed the names of streets though which kind of sucks.

bob page

Still looks like the poor man's GTAV.

They have yet to convince me on the gameplay- still looks like a snoozefest. I'll give it a shot but my expectations are barely anything at this point.
I'm from Chicago and that oddly does not look or feel like Chicago even though all the landmarks appear right.

Everything appears too clean to well kept up.


Where the hell did this go?


Because of the behavior of lighting and reflections, a water-soaked nighttime scene tends to look more impressive than it would in other circumstances. I'd like to see those same situations in a closer-to-final version before putting my foot down either way, but I wouldn't count it out yet.


Where the hell did this go?


What we're seeing now is way more realistic and a natural evolution of what we had last generation. It has better looking assets than last gen games, higher resolution, and hopefully better performance.

The leap from last gen to what's in the above gif is not realistic at all.


Gold Member
I'm from Chicago and that oddly does not look or feel like Chicago even though all the landmarks appear right.

Everything appears too clean to well kept up.

It's not a 1:1 real life copy of Chicago, but more of an "alternate reality" sort of thing. In the game the ctOS system has drastically lowered crime rates and improved overall city environment.


I'm from Chicago and that oddly does not look or feel like Chicago even though all the landmarks appear right.

Everything appears too clean to well kept up.

A few Chicagoans (me included) have been having a side-discussion about it and basically it's like when movies or TV used to be set in "Chicago" but were actually a city in Canada, haha.


lol I though it looked pretty grimy.

What kind of dump is Chicago exactly?

Chicago was the murder capital of the United States in 2012 IIRC. Gang violence and general violent crime are still quite a problem in the poverty-stricken south side neighborhoods. A perfect example of the harmful effects of gentrification.
I was about to post "Watch Dogs graphics redeemed".

Dammit. THAT is what I want. I was going to say that the waves near the boat didn't look good enough, as well.

We can reach this quality, this gen.

The first thing that would need to happen is for AAA developers to realize that watercraft larger than tugboats can actually move outside of fixed animations.

Maybe, once they reach that point, they'll start allowing players to do things like this outside of wholly scripted pre-determined animations:


No. Infamous does actually look really good. Watch_Dogs looks like shit.

As much as I loved Infamous SS and agree that it's a beautiful game 90% of the time, it looks pretty rough in places. Like any game. Take a good long look and you'll see it too. (Not you personally, just people in general).


Where most early gameplay demos go. Remember Bioshock Infinite's first look? Final product looked nothing like it. It's always been the same. I don't know why people are treating this differently.

I was more disappointed in game play stuff from the early Bioshock Infinite videos that ended up on the cutting room floor. The graphics downgrade was nowhere this.
As much as I loved Infamous SS and agree that it's a beautiful game 90% of the time, it looks pretty rough in places. Like any game. Take a good long look and you'll see it too, (Not you personally, just people in general).
Except with Watch_Dogs 90% of the game looks rough instead of beautiful.
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