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Weird shit you do when nobody is around.

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Run around the apartment pretending like I'm in an action movie or something. Or, along with that, act out scenes / recite lines from movies I've worked out in my head that I'd like to make someday.

Walk around explaining (out loud) something to myself that I already understand, as if I was explaining it to somebody else.

Occasionally wear pajama bottoms around the house instead of getting fully dressed. Hey, it's weird for me - I cannot stand having anybody, even my own wife, see me not fully (and properly) dressed.

Also, put me on the other side of the line from anybody who uses the restroom with the door open when they're home alone. Not only do I always close the door, even when alone, sometimes I'll even still lock it.
BocoDragon said:
I whistle... and I don't just whistle some simple Andy Griffith shit... I whistle complex and emotional symphonic scores that could be turned into broadway shows or maybe the next soundtrack to an FF game.

Right?! I do this as well, but also in public, with my friends. They say I am a fantastic whistler, I can also whistle improvised stuff on Jazz.

And I sing, loudly.

EDIT: What I also do, just like a poster above me, is explain things to an imaginary someone (who I also voice), that I already know. Sometimes I also announce songs that I am going to sing. Most of the time in English as well, and I'm Dutch.


I sometimes role play in the bathroom when I'm taking a shit. Here's how it goes:

I've been recruited by NASA to pilot a missile into a large asteroid on a collision course with Earth. They've picked me because I have no family, or I have bad family relations (it's not always the same, sometimes I have a disease that will kill me anyway). The missile's insides are made to look like my house and I'm in the bathroom section (obviously).

So anyway the role play always starts like 5 minutes before I am to explode alonside the missile thus saving the world. I talk to the commander in chief who always asks me why I decided to undertake such a dangerous and selfless mission. I do a brave speech (which also changes) and then tell him I must go and to always remember me for my selfless act of pure righteousness.

At the moment of impact, I launch the first shit into the pot. And save humanity.

The end.


- Touching myself downstairs when I surf the Internet or watch TV, gently stroking my balls
- Have childish positions when I watch TV on the coach
- Sprinting when I have to go from A to B
- Sing with a very childish voice
- Picking in my nose a lot


Will Eat Your Children
Use my phone to capture my dick on camera

I don't even know why since I remove the evidence right after anyway


Spoo said:
I sometimes role play in the bathroom when I'm taking a shit. Here's how it goes:

I've been recruited by NASA to pilot a missile into a large asteroid on a collision course with Earth. They've picked me because I have no family, or I have bad family relations (it's not always the same, sometimes I have a disease that will kill me anyway). The missile's insides are made to look like my house and I'm in the bathroom section (obviously).

So anyway the role play always starts like 5 minutes before I am to explode alonside the missile thus saving the world. I talk to the commander in chief who always asks me why I decided to undertake such a dangerous and selfless mission. I do a brave speech (which also changes) and then tell him I must go and to always remember me for my selfless act of pure righteousness.

At the moment of impact, I launch the first shit into the pot. And save humanity.

The end.



salva said:
Rehearse future conversations i think i'm going to have. Most of the time they don't happen.
I do this as well. I like to try out jokes that may work in my normal day to day conversation. They never, ever do.

I also like to pretend I'm the main character in shows I watch. My life is pretty freaking boring.


Spoo said:
I sometimes role play in the bathroom when I'm taking a shit. Here's how it goes:

I've been recruited by NASA to pilot a missile into a large asteroid on a collision course with Earth. They've picked me because I have no family, or I have bad family relations (it's not always the same, sometimes I have a disease that will kill me anyway). The missile's insides are made to look like my house and I'm in the bathroom section (obviously).

So anyway the role play always starts like 5 minutes before I am to explode alonside the missile thus saving the world. I talk to the commander in chief who always asks me why I decided to undertake such a dangerous and selfless mission. I do a brave speech (which also changes) and then tell him I must go and to always remember me for my selfless act of pure righteousness.

At the moment of impact, I launch the first shit into the pot. And save humanity.

The end.
:lol :lol :lol :lol


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I do the accent thing too, recently it's been italian thanks to Assassins Creed 2. "Ezioooo I need you to suck mai peenis!" Just random insane comments in a very bad italian accent.


Deep into his 30th decade
I used to go to work really early when no one else was there. I would sometimes find mself walking down the corridors like Ulala from Space Channel 5. Then once while doing that I turned a corner and walked right into my boss.
Medalion said:
I talk to myself.

Pretty much the same for me. Though I don't think it's weird. ^_^

Lately I've been constantly raising my left eyebrow similar to how The Rock does it, but I tend to do it to a rhythm. Kinda weird I guess.
Hilbert said:
I used to go to work really early when no one else was there. I would sometimes find mself walking down the corridors like Ulala from Space Channel 5. Then once while doing that I turned a corner and walked right into my boss.

:D I did this too, but thankfully not at work


I whistle a lot, and get pretty intricate with the tunes.

I also sing out loud with gusto. I'm an awful singer, but I don't hear it over the music and it's kind of a stress reliever.

I also play some hand beats on my desk, which I've gotten pretty good at. Pro-Tip: If you wear a ring you can get some pretty varied sounds.


Not an asshole.
I hate it because my roomates room is right next to mine and we have a door connecting our rooms and he's always in there so I never feel truly alone these days. Need to move out! fuck this shit.

But yeah I usually just browse the web and always end up fapping. Like I'm about to fap right now.


Spoo said:
I sometimes role play in the bathroom when I'm taking a shit. Here's how it goes:

I've been recruited by NASA to pilot a missile into a large asteroid on a collision course with Earth. They've picked me because I have no family, or I have bad family relations (it's not always the same, sometimes I have a disease that will kill me anyway). The missile's insides are made to look like my house and I'm in the bathroom section (obviously).

So anyway the role play always starts like 5 minutes before I am to explode alonside the missile thus saving the world. I talk to the commander in chief who always asks me why I decided to undertake such a dangerous and selfless mission. I do a brave speech (which also changes) and then tell him I must go and to always remember me for my selfless act of pure righteousness.

At the moment of impact, I launch the first shit into the pot. And save humanity.

The end.
:lol :lol :lol


Pretend I'm a huge filmaker who's made this film that involves plot lines from Killzone, Halo, Avatar, MW2, Naruto, Bleach,Transformers, Mass Effect, Kingdom Hearts, real life and more and they all blend together seemingly and the third film in the trilogy somehow makes over 5 billion worldwide. :D

Yep, weird ass shit.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I still sometimes will randomly talk to myself. Like "I need to go to the grocery", not crazy conversations with myself.

It started back when I was in high school. My AP History class had weekly quizes on people/places/events. 4-5 would be randomly chosen from a provided list of 30-40 things, and I used verbal memorization to do it. That's when it started.


Masturbation isn't weird guys. Wrong answers!

I have this weird anxious habit I've done since I was a kid and, oddly, it's strangely difficult for me to break even into adulthood. I don't do it around others, because it's kind of bizarre and probably rude in the wrong context, but whenever I'm alone I find myself doing this.

Basically, if there's like any bread or soft food... anything that can be molded... I'll rip a little piece off during my meal and just proceed to roll it into as round a ball as possible, for the entire meal, and sometimes even a little after I'll just walk around rolling it nervously until I find a garbage can.

Oh I know, GAF, you're all so superior and do nothing weird or nervous so make sure you notepad this post and save it so you can paste it in some other thread about how crazy I am!


look at futa (dick girl) hentai, porn involving women peeing. not to masturbate, but purely for interest

none porn things: trying to touch my blanket the right way (kinda ocd-ish), listen to j-pop, do 3D modeling (for some reason, I don't like to do it when people are watching)


Cheer when I have a fart that stinks.

Actually squeal when I get excited, it upsets me though cos I realise what a complete spenk I look about 5 seconds later :lol . I can control it when people are around but if I'm alone and something awesome happens, I squeal like a pig. I hate it.

A good example is when I go to a match and SAFC win, I'm happy and cheer/clap/sing etcs like you do, but when I get home I just can't stop myself from giggling and squealing about it, fist pumps etc. It's weird. If anybody saw me do it I'd be incredibly embarrassed.

And yeah I think aloud, I find if I think of something but don't actually say it even to myself I'm much less likely to do it.


shidoshi said:
Run around the apartment pretending like I'm in an action movie or something. Or, along with that, act out scenes / recite lines from movies I've worked out in my head that I'd like to make someday.

Walk around explaining (out loud) something to myself that I already understand, as if I was explaining it to somebody else.

Occasionally wear pajama bottoms around the house instead of getting fully dressed. Hey, it's weird for me - I cannot stand having anybody, even my own wife, see me not fully (and properly) dressed.

Also, put me on the other side of the line from anybody who uses the restroom with the door open when they're home alone. Not only do I always close the door, even when alone, sometimes I'll even still lock it.

I always lock the door. Always.


After jacking off (twice) I walk around the house and make pneumatic sound effects like I'm robocop.

Insanely rewarding and a hit with the ladies.

Also, I shit with the bathroom door open no matter who is in the house.

qcf x2

Spoo said:
I sometimes role play in the bathroom when I'm taking a shit. Here's how it goes:

I've been recruited by NASA to pilot a missile into a large asteroid on a collision course with Earth. They've picked me because I have no family, or I have bad family relations (it's not always the same, sometimes I have a disease that will kill me anyway). The missile's insides are made to look like my house and I'm in the bathroom section (obviously).

So anyway the role play always starts like 5 minutes before I am to explode alonside the missile thus saving the world. I talk to the commander in chief who always asks me why I decided to undertake such a dangerous and selfless mission. I do a brave speech (which also changes) and then tell him I must go and to always remember me for my selfless act of pure righteousness.

At the moment of impact, I launch the first shit into the pot. And save humanity.

The end.


When I have a big yawn I say "powaaaa punch!" and finish the stretch with a slow punch.

And I correct my thoughts out loud sometimes. That's about it.
When I'm home alone, I'll sometimes sit down and just stair at a wall for about 30 minutes while not thinking about anything.


shidoshi said:
Also, put me on the other side of the line from anybody who uses the restroom with the door open when they're home alone. Not only do I always close the door, even when alone, sometimes I'll even still lock it.

What if you had a heart attack or something and needed to get to the phone? You'd be too much of a panic to undo a lock. At least with the door open, you can collapse into the hallway so someone could find you.
I listen to my ipod and pace around my apartment thinking up movie scenes that would work good with the music. Not quite as weird perhaps as you're looking for, but it always makes me feel odd after all is said and done :lol


When I was about 12 years old I used to climb the stairs to go to my house (live in an apartment,) on all four, and it was fairly faster than doing it with just the legs. Only thing is sometimes I would speed up so fast my arms would fail on me and I'd hit the next step with my forehead :'(
Now I never do it, but I might give it a try some day.. :lol

As for now, I sometimes act like I'm on a movie or a camera is looking at me and I try to act the best I can, or doing weird things or whatever floats my boat at that very moment :lol
Snuggler said:
Yeah, honestly that was the first thing I thought of.

I guess singing loudly and passionately is my other answer.

Yup. There really is no place i canthink of for doing that, unless it's an empty classroom you know for SURE no one will visit

And I like to think out loud AKA talking to yourself, which I know looks weird cause when i see ppl talk to themselves on the street I usually feel the same :lol


I'll talk to myself (though I do that when anyones around anyways)
I randomly start yelling out lines from movies.
I'll randomly start singing j-pop/j-rock/beatles songs.
I'll talk to the pictures of girls/women I have, casually.

It's not weird though, so sorta contradicts this thread, sorry.
Alfarif said:
I wear my wife's
panties. Did you think something clever was gonna be in this spoiler?
Wait, doesn't your wife post here too?
I figure she is very supportive of you. ;)
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