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Which Game will sell more units Gears of War or Zelda?

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European pre-madonna
Nintendo should be putting that new trailer with the awesome music up in the movie theatres and place ads on TV commercials.

Nintendo marketing FTL :(


Hunter D said:
Like gears? No. MS has been holding public events for gears the last couple of months. I don't remember nintendo doing the same thing with zelda.
They don't need to.

EDIT: Anyone have TWW LTD sales for NA/JP/EUR?


*drowns in jizz*
There is no doubt Zelda will ultimately surpass Gears in sales- by a LARGE margin. Due to the install base of the 360 though, Gears may very well have an early lead.


Hunter D said:
Like gears? No. MS has been holding public events for gears the last couple of months. I don't remember nintendo doing the same thing with zelda.

I don't think you have to hold public events to get a Zelda game noticed.
Hunter D said:
Like gears? No. MS has been holding public events for gears the last couple of months. I don't remember nintendo doing the same thing with zelda.
The game will speak for itself. Like I said before if the game turns out better then OOT word will get out.

And hasn't Nintendo been pimping Zelda, at like every damn event they have? From the GDC to the E3 to the TGS and to the Fusion tour? I think Nintendo has shown Zelda at way more public events then Gears of War.
pr0cs said:
you're mistaken.

That being said Zelda will sell more copies due to multiplatform and the fact the majority of the Wii launch titles are pretty crappy (ala "slim pickings" comment)
It's barely multiplatform... I wouldn't expect too much on Cube sales, and if there wasn't a Cube version I imagine many of the Cube sales would go to Wii.

And you're wrong about the launch titles as well.


Yoboman said:
Everybody in this threead will buy Zelda. You can't say the same for Gears

Not me, I don't like Zelda games

Shooter Game + Extreme Gore + Amazing Graphics = insta win for me
AndoCalrissian said:
It's barely multiplatform... I wouldn't expect too much on Cube sales, and if there wasn't a Cube version I imagine many of the Cube sales would go to Wii.

I expect the Cube's Zelda sells to be around 500k at most. Zelda's pretty much seen as a Wii game at this point.

Hunter D

Benadryl Hitman said:
And hasn't Nintendo been pimping Zelda, at like every damn event they have? From the GDC to the E3 to the TGS and to the Fusion tour? I think Nintendo has shown Zelda at way more public events then Gears of War.

The events you listed aren't held just for zelda, they are for games in general. MS has had events for gears alone where anyone can walk in and try the game out. More people have played GOW which has generated word of mouth for the game.

GOW is already speaking for itself.
Hunter D said:
The events you listed aren't held just for zelda, they are for games in general.
What does it matter if the events weren't strictly for Zelda? Nintendo pretty much has made Zelda the centerpiece for every event or show they have attended. And people have been trying it out for the past 2 years or more.

More people have played GOW which has generated word of mouth for the game.

GOW is already speaking for itself.
Speaking to who, people who already own the Xbox360 or keep of with games on the internet? I bet if I even mention Gears of War to my quasi-gaming friends they will have no idea what game I am referring to.


Junior Member
It's hard to say. For many people, they can see Wii selling 4-5 million units with 3 million copies of Zelda by Spring 2007. Does anybody think Gears will sell 3 million by that time? Seriously? Japan is a bust and Europe is slipping from the 360. 3 million, mostly from the US, in 3-4 months? When it took almost a year for the 360 to sell 3 million hardware units?

We should remember that GAF hype doesn't always equal hype in the whole market. Okami and LocoRoco would like to remind you of this. What else, Ultimate Ghouls and Ghosts? Nintendogs, which had anti-GAF hype.

I've seen the advertising but I'm not sure that'll push GOW up to one of the best selling games of the year in NA. Whereas Zelda could easily do 2 million here and in Japan by Spring.
skinnyrattler said:
It's hard to say. For many people, they can see Wii selling 4-5 million units with 3 million copies of Zelda by Spring 2007. Does anybody think Gears will sell 3 million by that time? Seriously? Japan is a bust and Europe is slipping from the 360. 3 million, mostly from the US, in 3-4 months? When it took almost a year for the 360 to sell 3 million hardware units?

I think GoW will sell alot in that time. But as you said its not going to have any balance in terms of sales. It's going to be very lopsided in favor of US sales while Zelda will have a decent amount of balance through all 3 territories which is why it's going to sell most.
jeremy1456 said:
Here's my prediction:

Zelda will sell about 3 million total.

So you think it'll sell worse than Wind Waker? Not going to happen.

Edit: hahaha, don't ever keep the same tab open in your browser for several DAYS.


Zelda will out sell GeOW easily. I think GeOW will sell a couple million but it only has 3 to 6 months to do so before 360 gamers will move on to other AAA titles. There won't be another game like Zelda on the Gamecube/Wii for years...


… Madden.

I’m shocked that anyone believes Gears will outsell Zelda. Japan will determine sales this holiday season, and newsflash: Gears won’t sell in Japan.


Allen said:
… Madden.

I’m shocked that anyone believes Gears will outsell Zelda. Japan will determine sales this holiday season, and newsflash: Gears won’t sell in Japan.


Although I'd be freaking hillarious if GOW outsells BD in Japan.


I'm more interested to see how the two titles compare in the USA. It's obvious Zelda will outsell it globally, but the US loves it's adult themed games and Gears has a ton of hype behind it..(and seemingly not unwarranted hype either).

Question: What is the 360's installed base in the US right now? Also how many units are Nintendo launching with? I'm betting Zelda will be a 1to1 ratio for the most part.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Leatherface said:
Question: What is the 360's installed base in the US right now? Also how many units are Nintendo launching with? I'm betting Zelda will be a 1to1 ratio for the most part.

I think Nintendo said 1 million at launch, and 4 million by the end of the year for NA. Not sure, though. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.
Nintendo is dumb for not having a massive marketing campaign for Zelda. First Zelda launch game, biggest Zelda game ever, highest productions Zelda game ever, popular-looking style -- yes, it will sell itself pretty well. But if they really want it to be a phenomenon, they should've been running crazy ads with posters everywhere and all that stuff.
Battersea Power Station said:
Nintendo is dumb for not having a massive marketing campaign for Zelda. First Zelda launch game, biggest Zelda game ever, highest productions Zelda game ever, popular-looking style -- yes, it will sell itself pretty well. But if they really want it to be a phenomenon, they should've been running crazy ads with posters everywhere and all that stuff.

It's much better to exceed hype than not live up to it.


Will drop pants for Sony.
All nintendo has to do is play the classic Zelda theme in the store during launch day and Zelda is a sure bet to be sold out and out selling gears of whatever.

I think I will buy 2 copies just to spite gears of war. Nintendo should release an ultra rare gold version of the game like they did in the past zelda games. That would probably sell more on ebay than the ps3.

As for this thread, Zelda is one of the ultimate action RPGs in video game history, is it one of nintendo's biggest franchise since Mario, this game is coming out for 2 platforms and is a launch titles ( and we all know launch titles sell anyway) and nintendo is very kid/family friendly-so soccer moms will be willing to buy zelda for their kids, so there is NO chance in hell a 2 bit newbie game like gears will beat the awesomeness (Dan Hsu's word) of Zelda.:D
Battersea Power Station said:
Nintendo is dumb for not having a massive marketing campaign for Zelda. First Zelda launch game, biggest Zelda game ever, highest productions Zelda game ever, popular-looking style -- yes, it will sell itself pretty well. But if they really want it to be a phenomenon, they should've been running crazy ads with posters everywhere and all that stuff.

Zelda's so well known that all they really need to do is let people know it exists and its going to sell alot. Especially with it being on a completely new system. I doubt it'll end up being Mario 64 levels but it'll quickly become the best selling next gen game and won't give that up for awhile.


I think that everyone with a Wii will try Zelda, because its background. Not necessarily the same to Gears of War.

So I think Zelda will be a safer choice.

GO ZELDA!!!!!!


Junior Member
Battersea Power Station said:
Nintendo is dumb for not having a massive marketing campaign for Zelda. First Zelda launch game, biggest Zelda game ever, highest productions Zelda game ever, popular-looking style -- yes, it will sell itself pretty well. But if they really want it to be a phenomenon, they should've been running crazy ads with posters everywhere and all that stuff.

Ha, most who will buy launch Wiis are considered hardcore and already know about Zelda. It is the best game in the lineup and you can depend that it will be recommended to all buyers who don't know what to get. It has turned into the defining game of the launch. It doesn't need a massive marketing campaign in TV/print. It already has word of mouth and is gonna be massive. Most games wish they had this type of hype.
skinnyrattler said:
Ha, most who will buy launch Wiis are considered hardcore and already know about Zelda. It is the best game in the lineup and you can depend that it will be recommended to all buyers who don't know what to get. It has turned into the defining game of the launch. It doesn't need a massive marketing campaign in TV/print. It already has word of mouth and is gonna be massive. Most games wish they had this type of hype.

Damn, you beat me to it :lol. A highly hyped launch system versus a game MS is toting to be Halo 3's part time replacement? No game is going to stop the launch of PS3 & Wii. That seems to be a big misconception here. As someone pointed out earlier in this thread, games released on other platforms have done nothing to stop both the sales of that game or the massive sales of a new console's #s.

Let's do some math here. 4 million Wii consoles wherein Zelda Twilight Princess is expected to have nearly a 1:1 ratio. At least HALF of new Wii buyers will get the game, at worse. That's 2 million Twilight Princesses. What about Gears of War?
One thing we can count on. Gears is going to push the sales of 360's way up this christmas, giving the system a huge head start over ps3 that will have to hope it can catch up next year. With mgs4 and ffXIII it has a good shot but with that price point i'm not so sure. Gears may be the game that wins the console wars for ms this generation in the long run. I am just speculating of course but there is that possibility.


DeathCabCute said:
One thing we can count on. Gears is going to push the sales of 360's way up this christmas, giving the system a huge head start over ps3 that will have to hope it can catch up next year. With mgs4 and ffXIII it has a good shot but with that price point i'm not so sure. Gears may be the game that wins the console wars for ms this generation in the long run. I am just speculating of course but there is that possibility.

That's right, that's a possibility...there's also a possibility that people get turned off by the boxart/visual style of this game before they see it with their own eyes, too.

Yes, that was a way to basically say: I don't find Gears of War's visual style appealing, at least for me


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Zelda will sell more. When wii is launched, zelda will be the game that just about everyone will be interested in because it is such a well known title and because its the best launch game available. Gears of wars wont be able to outsell zelda because it doesnt have the brand recognition and Zelda has a huge advantage because its a launch title.

Gears of war will sell very well, but the sales wont come close to Zelda: TP's sales.
psycho_snake said:
Zelda will sell more. When wii is launched, zelda will be the game that just about everyone will be interested in because it is such a well known title and because its the best lauch game available. Gears of wars wont be able to outsell zelda because it doesnt have the brand recognition and Zelda has a huge advantage because its a launch title.

Gears of war will sell very well, but the sales wont come close to Zelda: TP's sales.

Zelda:TP has a strong chance of what Halo did for the original Xbox. A launch game(that's not even solely for Wii) that defines the console for its entire generation that sells millions by the end.


gamergirly said:
Zelda:TP has a strong chance of what Halo did for the original Xbox. A launch game(that's not even solely for Wii) that defines the console for its entire generation that sells millions by the end.
Eh? I think Zelda won't be defining the Wii, the game that will define the Wii will need to use its unique features much more and in better, unique and extensive ways.
Tieno said:
Eh? I think Zelda won't be defining the Wii, the game that will define the Wii will need to use its unique features much more and in better, unique and extensive ways.

Better games will come along, but Zelda:TP might be the game that drives the system


gamergirly said:
Better games will come along, but Zelda:TP might be the game that drives the system
In terms of Wii control, probably (hopefully).

It'll drive sales no doubt.
Zelda has to sell more.

~24 million system install base by the end of the year (Gamecube + Wii)

vs 10 million or less Xbox 360 install base

Zelda is at least fairly popular in Japan, whereas Xbox 360 has no hope.

if Zelda was up against Halo 3, it would be a tougher fight.
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