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Wii U will not have system-wide achievements

Or, you know, calm replies that nonetheless wonder why Nintendo would not include such a basic feature. But mentioning that would work against your argument.

I don't know, there's lots of hyperbole being thrown around in this thread: "Nobody will EVER buy 3rd-party games on the Wii U! Nintendo made a HORRIBLE choice that will RUIN their chances this gen! They're in the STONE AGE!"
From a company that a had a guy talking about "checking boxes" not having achievements is silly.

Especially with the social aspect they are trying to push... well.. seemingly pushing.


That wasn't part of the original argument. The argument was about a universal achievement system on a console, which the Wii U doesn't have. As far as I know, achievements have nothing to do with sales of a console. Correlated? Maybe, but I heavily doubt someone will go out to buy a machine of several hundred dollars just because it has an achievements system. Hell, I could argue that even if PS4/720 didn't have an achievements system, they'd still do well, sales-wise.

People will buy a Wii-U for Mario/zelda.. but the Multiplat games for PS3/360 or PS4/760.. one of the reasons being achievments/trophies..

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
After seven years of "what the fuck do people care about achievements" threads on GAF, seven years of constant harping from too many people about how stupid is the gamings today because of CHEEVOS and pointless boxes to tick to make you think you're having fun when you're not...

... yeah hard to feel Nintendo is a big fat stupid at this news.

Yes, some people love achievements. Nothing wrong with that.

But achievements and trophies still aren't well used in terms of how they're advertised across networks, though trophies are a little more meaningful than 360 style achievements.

Frankly, leaving it up to developers is actually better, I would argue, in conjunction with the existence of Miiverse. Miiverse can be leveraged to broadcast and track "achievements" in games. Based on what we've seen, better than anything else so far apparently.

This also means that developers aren't beholden to just make up achievements to fill requirements, and they're not limited to a certain number to stay within them. If you want to give your game 1000 achievements and broadcast those over a Miiverse timeline so everyone on a player's friends list can see when Billy did something, great. You can do that.

From a company that a had a guy talking about "checking boxes" not having achievements is silly.

Especially with the social aspect they are trying to push... well.. seemingly pushing.

Miiverse is the "achievement" system. Even their 1st party games (Mario and Nintendoland) are using Miiverse to show off what people accomplish in the game.

This is more about not requiring developers to create a single kind of so-called achievement system dictated by the platform, rather than that functionality not existing on the platform. It's there, but up to the developers to use it.

Granted, going by this thread, a lot of people are going to lose a perceptual war and stop thinking about it. But I suppose, over time, the word could get around just what Miiverse actually does and it may change the way people approach the concept.


Trophies weren't implemented when the PS3 launched. Maybe Nintendo might add accomplishments if enough fans ask for it?

Maybe. I still prefer that games have their own system, like Super Smash Bros. I will take that achievement system over the silly PS360 achievement system any day.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It won't matter because it's still optional. You won't have a collection/gamercard/trophy list, it'll just be a random unorganized mess that no one cares about or looks at like Steam's.

Man, I just cannot figure out why this matters to some people. Do you actually look at your friends profiles for fun to see what they've unlocked recently?


People will buy a Wii-U for Mario/zelda.. but the Multiplat games for PS3/360 or PS4/760.. one of the reasons being achievments/trophies..

Dear god..... I hope not.....

In any case, I doubt that's a big defining factor. Like I said before, I'm willing to bet that people will still buy if it doesn't have a system-wide achievement/trophy system.
This is just gonna be another one of those things that the other platform holders do, but Nintendon't. I can take achievements or leave 'em, but this really is an oversight.


Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I play games because I enjoy playing them and I literally do not pay attention to achievements, profiles, or gamerscores. Is it so difficult to focus on enjoying a game rather than trying to build up an arbitrary number?


Great news, now maybe at least exclusive games like Rayman Legends go for proper unlockables.

Checks Uncharted 2 - Yep there's trophies....wait what's this? Unlockables as well?! Holy shit you can have both! The excuses people are making for Nintendo are just sad.

You're not gonna meet a bigger critic of Nintendo than Spieler. I think he meant that achievements should give the gamer something in return, as in 'proper unlockables'.

You on the other hand will seek out salt when it comes to Nintendo. It's like you stalk the Wii U threads, ready to pounce.


The less numbers I have to deal with, the better my game experience

I have no problem with this - if my urge to get meaningless stats gets strong I'll just fire up Steam or the HD twins/ next gen consoles. Achievements are one of the most overrated features of this entire generation and most people don't even notice it. If perfoming stupid tasks is replay value to you, than you should think about your standards. But.. mhm, well nowadays you get them even for just starting the game or completing the first level of something :lol Sakurai on the other hand does it right in my opinion (Smash, Ikarus)

And since developers have the option to put them in, then I don't see the problem since progress is presented to your friends via Miiverse if that's important for you


Dear god..... I hope not.....

In any case, I doubt that's a big defining factor. Like I said before, I'm willing to bet that people will still buy if it doesn't have a system-wide achievement/trophy system.

For what reason? With 360/ps3 games the Wii U version will almost always be a quick and lazy port job with no benefits and at the same time will not have a basic feature that 7 year old consoles have. With 720/PS4 games not only will it still not have a basic feature that they will have you'll also likely be dealing with vastly inferior ports, if they're lucky to get it at all. What possible reason would someone have to get it on Wii U other than it's their only system?
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I play games because I enjoy playing them and I literally do not pay attention to achievements, profiles, or gamerscores. Is it so difficult to focus on enjoying a game rather than trying to build up an arbitrary number?

Perish the thought of someone actually playing a video game...for the GAME!
You're not gonna meet a bigger critic of Nintendo than Spieler. I think he meant that achievements should give the gamer something in return, as in 'proper unlockables'.

You on the other hand will seek out salt when it comes to Nintendo. It's like you stalk the Wii U threads, ready to pounce.

If you're implying I'm not a Nintendo fanboy that readily apologizes for all their stupidity, you're correct. I definitely do not hate Nintendo at all. I treat them the same way I treat every other console holder. Is the problem you have with me that you think I should hold Nintendo to a lower standard and grade them accordingly? I don't get it.


I just can't bring myself to care about this being an "issue" at all. You still get to do what I consider to be the actual "fun" part of achievements, which is actually earning them, and then sharing them/viewing other people's (via Miiverse). So I guess that the only thing missing is a consolidated Gamerscore/Trophy Level? No biggie for me... I guess that I'm a little surprised that more people aren't thinking along the same lines as I am on this one.


For what reason? With 360/ps3 games the Wii U version will almost always be a quick and lazy port job with no benefits and at the same time will not have a basic feature that 7 year old consoles have. With 720/PS4 games not only will it still not have a basic feature that they will have you'll also likely be dealing with vastly inferior ports, if they're lucky to get it at all. What possible reason would someone have to get it on Wii U other than it's their only system?

What reason did people have in getting ps3 versions of games here in europe?
Or you know anyone get anything that's not the pc version?
If you get a wii u soo would you get a multiplayer heavy game on the new hot system or the one you can play with your friends?
Seriously you're making this too big a matter it really is.
The real problem is the lack of ethernet if you ask me.


For what reason? With 360/ps3 games the Wii U version will almost always be a quick and lazy port job with no benefits and at the same time will not have a basic feature that 7 year old consoles have. With 720/PS4 games not only will it still not have a basic feature that they will have you'll also likely be dealing with vastly inferior ports, if they're lucky to get it at all. What possible reason would someone have to get it on Wii U other than it's their only system?

Maybe they don't care about achievements? If achievements really, truly mattered in regard to sales, the Wii would not have been the success it was. "Core" gamers really think highly of themselves and think that anything not catered directly to them is a failure, but they seem to never realize that Nintendo does just fine without catering to an audience that mostly doesn't care about them anyway.

Perish the thought of someone actually playing a video game...for the GAME!

brb, gonna spend 60 hours getting my plat on this game I can't stand.


Dear god..... I hope not.....

In any case, I doubt that's a big defining factor. Like I said before, I'm willing to bet that people will still buy if it doesn't have a system-wide achievement/trophy system.

a very good recent example (to show how MANY deem trophies/achievments important)

PS+ relaunch.. people were pissed because games like Saints Row 2 did not have trophies. So much that the Plus community managers had to promise people that all games added to Plus in the future will have Trophies..


I don't understand why they must be system wide? I honestly don't see a difference. I'd like someone to explain that one to me. Also, if I understand correctly, you can go to a game's "section" on Miiverse and check them if they have it. Am I mistaken here?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
With the way Nintendo has reached out to third-party devs and asked for input, isn't it a minute possibility that devs actually would rather not program these things into their games? Have we heard anything from devs about the achievement issue? Haven't followed it much.
I can't see this making much difference really. No PS360 user is going to buy/not buy a Wii U based on an achievement/trophy feature. I guess it sucks for Nintendo fans that wanted that though.

Fox Mulder

Achievements are a huge deal for me and my friends. I'll never have a console without them as my main console going forward, and they probably won't buy one at all.

Oh well, add it into the WiiU's likely third place online system, and I was probably going to flip the console anyways.


For what reason? With 360/ps3 games the Wii U version will almost always be a quick and lazy port job with no benefits and at the same time will not have a basic feature that 7 year old consoles have. With 720/PS4 games not only will it still not have a basic feature that they will have you'll also likely be dealing with vastly inferior ports, if they're lucky to get it at all. What possible reason would someone have to get it on Wii U other than it's their only system?

There is much, much more to games than getting a trophy that doesn't give anything at all to the player aside from bragging rights for watching the introduction.

What people aren't getting is that a trophy system on a console doesn't need to be a basic feature. People have, for some reason, come to acclaim the trophy system like it's something that needs to be followed by everyone in the gaming community. But for what reason? It doesn't do anything. Personally, I don't give a shit--and I'm sure there are others who will agree with me. Many games on PC don't have these. No one cares. I don't look at a game, and say, "Oh damn. It doesn't have trophies. Why else should I buy this?".

The rest of your "argument" is a straw man, like your previous post I responded to, so I won't even touch that.


I'm pretty sure most games we would expect to normally have achievements will have them. Maybe this is for barbie games and stuff like that..

But yeah, not a good move by Nintendo. There are people who will find this disappointing.


For what reason? With 360/ps3 games the Wii U version will almost always be a quick and lazy port job with no benefits and at the same time will not have a basic feature that 7 year old consoles have. With 720/PS4 games not only will it still not have a basic feature that they will have you'll also likely be dealing with vastly inferior ports, if they're lucky to get it at all. What possible reason would someone have to get it on Wii U other than it's their only system?
Not to mention whatever MS will likely add for achievements in the 720. Seems like they would be willing to at least match current consoles in order to get the attention of the core gamers. I'm curious as to exactly what they're doing with that gig of ram for the os.


Maybe they don't care about achievements? If achievements really, truly mattered in regard to sales, the Wii would not have been the success it was. "Core" gamers really think highly of themselves and think that anything not catered directly to them is a failure, but they seem to never realize that Nintendo does just fine without catering to an audience that mostly doesn't care about them anyway.

The wii and nintendo games were successful. How'd that third party support go? Where were all the big multiplat games? They weren't on the Wii that's for sure. Now sure that wasn't because of achievements but if you can't compete with the others in power then you need to at least make sure you can match their feature set that doesn't have much to do with power. Otherwise you do nothing but create a deeper hole for yourself.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I like how you ignored the part about them being stronger. When you have stronger systems with more features, especially features that were around for this gen, how can you ask someone to buy a lesser version?

Ask Sony how it went for the first year or two of this generation when they didn't have the trophy system implemented. Everyone bought 360 games instead.

I didn't ignore it. It's a viable point.

When connected with your other ludicrous proclamation, though, it gets overlooked. No company is going to ignore a system because it has no achievements. That's asinine.
Why are people downplaying this? If you don't like it, fine. But many do, and it can't be hard to implement this feature. I just see no reason why this feature is not there. And somehow I get the impression the reason for many short-comings of the Wii U is just arrogance.

Dear god..... I hope not.....

In any case, I doubt that's a big defining factor. Like I said before, I'm willing to bet that people will still buy if it doesn't have a system-wide achievement/trophy system.

It is certainly not the biggest reason, but it will be one reason. The biggest is probably graphics. Wii U versions will be inferior in many aspects to the PS4 and Xbox 3 versions. And I am not sure a tablet controller will be enough to make up for it. I think people will only buy the Wii U version when they don't have another system.


a very good recent example (to show how MANY deem trophies/achievments important)

PS+ relaunch.. people were pissed because games like Saints Row 2 did not have trophies. So much that the Plus community managers had to promise people that all games added to Plus in the future will have Trophies..

And we know how many people are paying for that dismal product?
Because you know it could be a dedicated community manager.

The wii and nintendo games were successful. How'd that third party support go? Where were all the big multiplat games? They weren't on the Wii that's for sure. Now sure that wasn't because of achievements but if you can't compete with the others in power then you need to at least make sure you can match their feature set that doesn't have much to do with power. Otherwise you do nothing but create a deeper hole for yourself.

You're delusional if you think that achievement was the only thing keeping games from appearing on Wii or that they're even a factor in the coming gen.
Seriously we would see devs jumping off the 3DS for the Vita if your theory was even close to being true.
Achievements are a huge deal for me and my friends. I'll never have a console without them as my main console going forward, and they probably won't buy one at all.

Oh well, add it into the WiiU's likely third place online system, and I was probably going to flip the console anyways.

It's more of an implication that Nintendo doesnt really care about their online system.

Quoted the wrong post. whoops


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Gemüsepizza;44250760 said:
Why are people downplaying this? If you don't like it, fine. But many do, and it can't be hard to implement this feature. I just see no reason why this feature is not there. And somehow I get the impression the reason for many short-comings of the Wii U is just arrogance.

It is certainly not the biggest reason, but it will be one reason. The biggest is probably graphics. Wii U versions will be inferior in many aspects to the PS4 and Xbox 3 versions. And I am not sure a tablet controller will be enough to make up for it. I think people will only buy the Wii U version when they don't have another system.

I don't get this argument.

How in the world is it arrogant to actually give devs a choice on whether to implement them or not?


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but Apple does not have a mandatory system-wide achievement system.


They don't require it, but they have it.

Nintendo doesn't even have one for developers to use if they want to.


Get Inside Her!
Achievements are great for systems that DON'T have gaming-focused social networks built into them at an OS level. It's not a matter of blind parity for the sake of parity guys. It's that their system allows for this kind of experience-sharing in a fundamentally different way. Miiverse-screenshot what you're proud of, your followers will get it in their feeds. It'll be far more visible than achievements ever were, and better focused by you only sharing what you care about.

Arguably a rote reimplementation of achievements would've been the LESS "next-gen" thing to do.
I don't get this argument.

How in the world is it arrogant to actually give devs a choice on whether to implement them or not?

What? They have no choice. There are no system-wide achievements. Devs can implement their own achievement systems in the game, but that's not the same.


If you're implying I'm not a Nintendo fanboy that readily apologizes for all their stupidity, you're correct. I definitely don't hate Nintendo at all. I treat them the same way I treat every other console holder. Is the problem you have with it that you think I should hold Nintendo to a lower standard and grade them accordingly? I don't get it.

No no, I don't mean hold them to a lower standard. I mean hold them to standards that actually matter. For example

1. Nintendo is releasing its next-gen console that will obviously be surpassed greatly on a technical level (teh grafix mein) by its competitors in the future. It doesn't bother me much, but I do agree that it should be more powerful in order to properly compete. Call them out on that.

2. Nintendo's online system sucks, and we don't even know how the 'account system' will be as yet. If the Wii U does suck in those regards, call them out on that.

3. SD card support is limited. Again, it doesn't bother me (got the external hard drive ready), but it is indeed a peculiar decision made by Nintendo. Call them out on that.

But don't call them out on this crap. It's optional. Developers can put it in if they want. I'm sure some fan demand for certain games will push developers to implement it, while the vast majority of gamers are going, "Who cares?".


The wii and nintendo games were successful. How'd that third party support go? Where were all the big multiplat games? They weren't on the Wii that's for sure. Now sure that wasn't because of achievements but if you can't compete with the others in power then you need to at least make sure you can match their feature set that doesn't have much to do with power. Otherwise you do nothing but create a deeper hole for yourself.

A deeper hole? Like I said, Nintendo does just fine without catering to the every need of "hardcore gamers."


After seven years of "what the fuck do people care about achievements" threads on GAF, seven years of constant harping from too many people about how stupid is the gamings today because of CHEEVOS and pointless boxes to tick to make you think you're having fun when you're not...

... yeah hard to feel Nintendo is a big fat stupid at this news.

Yes, some people love achievements. Nothing wrong with that.

But achievements and trophies still aren't well used in terms of how they're advertised across networks, though trophies are a little more meaningful than 360 style achievements.

Frankly, leaving it up to developers is actually better, I would argue, in conjunction with the existence of Miiverse. Miiverse can be leveraged to broadcast and track "achievements" in games. Based on what we've seen, better than anything else so far apparently.

This also means that developers aren't beholden to just make up achievements to fill requirements, and they're not limited to a certain number to stay within them. If you want to give your game 1000 achievements and broadcast those over a Miiverse timeline so everyone on a player's friends list can see when Billy did something, great. You can do that.

Miiverse is the "achievement" system. Even their 1st party games (Mario and Nintendoland) are using Miiverse to show off what people accomplish in the game.

This is more about not requiring developers to create a single kind of so-called achievement system dictated by the platform, rather than that functionality not existing on the platform. It's there, but up to the developers to use it.

Granted, going by this thread, a lot of people are going to lose a perceptual war and stop thinking about it. But I suppose, over time, the word could get around just what Miiverse actually does and it may change the way people approach the concept.

Man, I really respect how calmly you keep presenting your common sense among knee-jerk reactions from people who don't take two seconds to think about what they're writing. I feel you might be to rational and smart for the internet :D


Kind of a negative. I don't furiously hunt for achievements but i do like them.

Wonder if they'll have it fixed by the time I get a wiiu.
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