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Wii U will not have system-wide achievements

I just want to be able to proudly display my "Collect all 100 Gold Skulltulas" badge from Zelda Wii U for the entire world to see. The dream is dead. Yet to see to what degree Miiverse allows you to compare accomplishments in various games for those that choose to support it. I'm hoping it somehow can fill in for an achievement system to some degree.

I might have missed something in regard to Miiverse but from what I got I think you can simply make a screenshot of your inventory-screen showing Gold Skulltula: 100/100 and post it on Miiverse!


Personally I don't care about achievements. They could be fun or whatever, but not really important.

But - they do seem to be something Nintendo's competitors have established as a standard, so it would be silly if Nintendo doesn't have their own system for them. And by system, I mean console-wide and not game-to-game.

Nintendo should have a universal 'achievement' system that is equivalent in function to the XBL and PSN stuff that developers can just choose to use or not. If Nintendo really has left it up to a game-by-game basis and doesn't have that universal system for developers to plug into, then that's a big mistake that will essentially cripple the achievement stuff on WiiU.

Some people seem to be saying that MiiVerse will operate something like that. It should be interesting to see at least.


Anyway developer can can add challenges in their games and post it in Miiverse when it's done. I hope Being optional will make less stupid achievement like "You fall 30 feet" youhou!!!


This decision guarantees I won't be playing any multi-platform games on the WiiU.

Won't be much different than the Wii really. Will enjoy first-party Nintendo titles and WiiU exclusives.
And the multi-platform titles will be a downgrade when the Durango and Orbis hit eventually, so this is hardly a big loss.
I'll still be there on Day 1 for the eventual Zeldas, Fire Emblems and Monolith Soft titles.
The only thing achievements do for me is prod me toward challenges or alternative play styles, which should work just fine under the Wii U's approach. That said, I can appreciate that this is a bummer for players who like showing their trophies to their online peeps. I don't share that impulse, but I can see how it would have been an easy thing for Nintendo to satisfy.


Anyway developer can can add challenges in their games and post it in Miiverse when it's done. I hope Being optional will make less stupid achievement like "You fall 30 feet" youhou!!!
That's all good and all, but from what I've seen so far Miiverse seems to have a lot in common with, say, Twitter. So you post it, people can see it and reply, but we don't know if there is some way to view all of your consolidated accomplishments. That, as well as compare what you have done against friends in an intuiive way.

This, I believe, Is what people would really want out of such a system.

If it's just a twitter-type thing it's going to be more of a gimmick than a useful tool IMO.


Developers can still put achievements in their games. If they've made the achievements in a multiplatform game, it's very likely that they'll be in the Wii U version as well since they've already created them.

It won't matter because it's still optional. You won't have a collection/gamercard/trophy list, it'll just be a random unorganized mess that no one cares about or looks at like Steam's.
I guess I'm still confused as to if any of these accomplishments are viewable outside of the game on a system level? Or are they strictly only able to be seen inside the game, built into the game? I'd be okay if they weren't mandatory but were still built into the OS as a way to view them later, but if they consider challenges built into the game as the same thing; that has been done for years.


Need a hug?

No? PS4 and 720 are guaranteed to have them and this combined with them likely being a lot stronger they will secure all of the multiplatform games and sales like this gen. So I don't want to hear any crying from Nintendo fans about bad third party support. Blame no one but Nintendo.


That's all good and all, but from what I've seen so far Miiverse seems to have a lot in common with, say, Twitter. So you post it, people can see it and reply, but we don't know if there is some way to view all of your consolidated accomplishments. That, as well as compare what you have done against friends in an intuiive way.

This, I believe, Is what people would really want out of such a system.

If it's just a twitter-type thing it's going to be more of a gimmick than a useful tool IMO.

You can see in Twitter all the tweet posted by someone you know...


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
No? PS4 and 720 are guaranteed to have them and this combined with them likely being a lot stronger they will secure all of the multiplatform games and sales like this gen. So I don't want to hear any crying from Nintendo fans about bad third party support. Blame no one but Nintendo.

So you're arguing that because the other systems will have achievements, they'll secure all multiplatform games and sales.

Not enough LOLs in the world.


No? PS4 and 720 are guaranteed to have them and this combined with them likely being a lot stronger they will secure all of the multiplatform games and sales like this gen. So I don't want to hear any crying from Nintendo fans about bad third party support. Blame no one but Nintendo.

Will you enjoy the crying of Nintendo fans about third party support as much as I enjoy the crying of "hardcore" gamers in regard to achievements, microphone support, teh next gen grafix, etc.? Because I enjoy that an awful lot.



big disapointment to me, im not a troph/archv whore, but i like to have a game record of every game i play...

nintendo being nintendo


No? PS4 and 720 are guaranteed to have them and this combined with them likely being a lot stronger they will secure all of the multiplatform games and sales like this gen. So I don't want to hear any crying from Nintendo fans about bad third party support. Blame no one but Nintendo.
I'm excited about the Wii U but I agree, it's going to be a repeat of the Wii/PS3/360, assuming both MS and Sony actually release new consoles. Everything is still in motion. Nintendo just doesn't give the western core gamers and game developers all that is needed to achieve cross-platform parity so Nintendo will simply be left behind for cross-platform games.

Apologists can believe what they want, but if they think people are going to be playing the next battlefield or modern warfare or *any* multi-platform online game on the Wii U to the same degree as other platforms, it simply is not going to happen. Nintendo had a chance to be a leader, examining what works best in the west and implementing it, and simply chose not to. And for that they will basically get what they paid for (or, as the case is chose not to pay for)

I will still love having my Wii U to play Nintendo first-party games and the odd exclusive here and there. There may even be a handful of ports or cross-platform games that actually ARE better for the Wii U, but I feel those will definitely be in the minority.
Disappointing, but hardly surprising, that Nintendo continues to suffer from Not Invented Here Syndrome when it comes to online functionality. They're still not even allowing DLC bundling, as far as I can tell.
I'm excited about the Wii U but I agree, it's going to be a repeat of the Wii/PS3/360, assuming both MS and Sony actually release new consoles. Everything is still in motion. Nintendo just doesn't give the western core gamers and game developers all that is needed to achieve cross-platform parity so Nintendo will simply be left behind for cross-platform games.

I will still love having my Wii U to play Nintendo first-party games and the odd exclusive here and there. There may even be a handful of ports or cross-platform games that actually ARE better for the Wii U, but I feel those will definitely be in the minority.

At least Nintendo have plenty of room to change their 'OS' this time, if they're wrong on how important features like this are. that 1 gig of ram reserved is going to make adding something like system wide achievements pretty easy, if indeed anyone really cares.


So you're arguing that because the other systems will have achievements, they'll secure all multiplatform games and sales.

Not enough LOLs in the world.

I like how you ignored the part about them being stronger. When you have stronger systems with more features, especially features that were around for this gen, how can you ask someone to buy a lesser version?

Ask Sony how it went for the first year or two of this generation when they didn't have the trophy system implemented. Everyone bought 360 games instead.

BHZ Mayor

I'd figure that optional achievements would have a more positive response due the general "achievements ruined gaming/made me OCD" sentiment around here.


The more I read about the U... man fuck. The games will be the only saving grace.

Nintendo, thanks for blazing those trails behind the curve.

The M.O.B

Would be awesome if these achievement systems Steam/XBLA/PSN gave you points you could spend on the shop.

If Nintendo did this it would finally give me reasonable incentive to 100% every game beyond "cause I like it". 100 eShop pts for fully conpleting NSMBWU! Heck if sony did this I might care about slogging through
LBP and Infamous.
Lame. But I didn't expect much from Nintendo in this regard anyway. They include some lame app that shows you how much you've played each game, but can't be bothered to give gamers a system-wide achievement system.
These replies fall into two categories:


2. Sheer indifference "Who gives a damn."

^ I think the prevalence of this second option indicates that the majority of gamers won't really care about this. If many people on GAF are apathetic towards it, how do you think regular people would react to it?


No? PS4 and 720 are guaranteed to have them and this combined with them likely being a lot stronger they will secure all of the multiplatform games and sales like this gen. So I don't want to hear any crying from Nintendo fans about bad third party support. Blame no one but Nintendo.

Haha, wow.


Ask Sony how it went for the first year or two of this generation when they didn't have the trophy system implemented. Everyone bought 360 games instead.

You think that achievements are the reason that the Playstation 3 struggled initially and not it's $600 price tag? lol


I hate the way achievements affect the way I, and others, play games, so I consider this to be good news personally, but I think it's a mistake in general. Very few people were going to buy multiplatform multiplayer games on the WiiU already because of friendlists, now they're not going to buy single player games either.
So that means that every single Mii in the Miiverse'll be equal without any distinction of badges or levels?....... Communist system confirmed!!!!
I think this sort of sucks because I like having a centralized record of game progress for all games but I'm not going to lose sleep over it or cancel my preorder.


Probably not. Then again, only Nintendo has the Activity Log, an at least equally important feature that should definitely be standard as well. There simply is no "one size fits all".
Except that Steam has it of course. And a unified, optional achievement system.

These replies fall into two categories:


2. Sheer indifference "Who gives a damn."
Or, you know, calm replies that nonetheless wonder why Nintendo would not include such a basic feature. But mentioning that would work against your argument.


It's hard to act that a feature missing is a positive thing, but the lack of achievements doesn't really bother me.

Still it's not hard for game developers to put in game-specific achievements. Of course you don't have one collective e-penis number, but seriously what's the point? Also many devs don't seem to have any idea for what to do with achievements and I rather not see any contribution from these devs. On the other hand we have some very clever use of them and I'm sure we'll continue to see them from those developers.


You think that achievements are the reason that the Playstation 3 struggled initially and not it's $600 price tag? lol

Sure that played a role too but I was mostly talking about people who had both systems. Why would someone buy a PS3 multiplat when they had several years of achievements built up already? The answer is they wouldn't. Their friends and achievements were all on 360.

Blades64 said:
Third party support is based on achievements now?

Purchases are. Who's going to buy the Wii U version of a multiplatform game, assuming that the system will even be able to have 720/ps4 ports? Hell even if we just talk about ps3/360 ports, what reason would they have to buy a Wii U version?


Good. I never rented or impulse bought games because I hated having a game tied to my profile that I don't own or like.

I think this is the best way to do it. Optional achievements for developers who wish to add them, and you can still brag about your crazy accomplishments on Miiverse if you want. There's just no arbitrary scoring system.
I don't care myself, options I guess yadda yadda...

So you're arguing that because the other systems will have achievements, they'll secure all multiplatform games and sales.

Not enough LOLs in the world.

Well saying, or appearing to say, achievements alone will determine next-gen's 3rd party winner is indeed laugh worthy, but the argument could be made that it is indicative of other Nintendo online efforts. Online efforts clearly will play a huge role in determining next-gen's 3rd party winner. I'm not saying it is necessarily a good argument since Nintendo seems to have made some pretty big strides and even improved above the other 2 in a few areas, but it isn't laughworthy at least.

EDIT: Given further posts Derrick01's argument seems to be the former not the latter so LOL away.


I like how you ignored the part about them being stronger. When you have stronger systems with more features, especially features that were around for this gen, how can you ask someone to buy a lesser version?

Ask Sony how it went for the first year or two of this generation when they didn't have the trophy system implemented. Everyone bought 360 games instead.

That wasn't part of the original argument. The argument was about a universal achievement system on a console, which the Wii U doesn't have. As far as I know, achievements have nothing to do with sales of a console. Correlated? Maybe, but I heavily doubt someone will go out to buy a machine of several hundred dollars just because it has an achievements system. Hell, I could argue that even if PS4/720 didn't have an achievements system, they'd still do well, sales-wise.

EDIT: I see you were talking about the multiplatform games themselves. In this regard, it still shouldn't matter. Why? Because generally, people won't buy X version because they'll get a worthless system trophy or achievement. They'll get it for other reasons: features, graphics, fun, etc. Not because of some silly "I played this" badge.


What does Achievements have to do with Hardcore gaming >.>

Everything! But secretly nobody actually cares upon reflection but it's become conventional to act like achievements are super-important and a standard everybody should adhere to from now on.
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