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WikiLeaks releases video of US Apache helicopter (now with added RPGs)

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I wasn't sure what to feel when I saw the caption on the Fox website. On one hand it's good they're posting it up, but on the other...
Brinbe said:
Come on, let us shoot!

Oh, yeah, right through the windshield! HA HA!


"ka-boom" :/
GAZERK said:
Plenty of time being several minutes? Sure, to us that's a lot of time, but when you're worrying about some bad dudes blowing up friendlies you don't have "plenty of time."
How is several minutes not plenty of time? How about only firing if you're about to be fired upon? This was like an elephant vs. an ant. The US is in a much more powerful position, they should use some discretion and patience and verify that they were indeed the enemy before firing at them. The soldiers know that there are risks. If they didnt want to be in danger, then they shouldnt have joined,


holy fuck. Jesus christ.

As an American, let me extend my sincere apology for my entire country (YES I SPEAK FOR ALL OF US!).

What an embarrassment. A war we shouldn't have fought, with Americans completely embarrassing our entire country with their misbehavior. Boy I miss Bush /sarcasm
Pandaman said:
the man was not crouching behind anything. your perception of this is borne solely from your point of view from the gunners seat. the man was standing and crouching on a streetcorner in the bright light of the day with a group of his buddies. the man was an innocent civilian. he wasn't trying to hide from the helicopter he never saw. nothing he did makes him responsible for that slaughter in any sense of the word.

And that's the point of view that felt threatened/engaged fire, making it the most important pov of this situation unfortunately. Your comment on the time of day is irrelevant considering attacks/fire fights aren't regulated to the evening.

He was an innocent civilian as were his companions. This was a tragic mistake in a war zone.


Well it was obvious Fox was going to portray the story differently, at least they're reporting on the story. People who can use there brain can work out what should be of questioning.


this bullshit policy that has been passed on from bush to obama has to end.
get out of their countries now for fuck sake
mugurumakensei said:
The group never fired even when fired upon. The military had more than several minutes too considering the convoy got their a while after the group was shot.

Of course they're not going to fire back when fired upon by an apache! First off, they don't have time to do so. And IMO I think the instant you're being shot you're not thinking about returning fire to a helicopter that is miles away. The heli's weren't there just to take these people down, they were there to give back-up to a ground unit nearby. That's why they were trying to get the permission to shoot so hastily.

I totally agree that this incident was horrible, but this is war, and given such, you can't expect that these sorts of things wont happen. Cry foul all you want, but you simply can't regulate a military to the point where they have to know 100% that the dude is a bad guy before firing upon him. If that were the case, you'd cripple your army in a sense that you'd lose a lot more of your own soldiers.

The sooner this war is over, the better.
Amir0x said:
holy fuck. Jesus christ.

As an American, let me extend my sincere apology for my entire country (YES I SPEAK FOR ALL OF US!).

What an embarrassment. A war we shouldn't have fought, with Americans completely embarrassing our entire country with their misbehavior. Boy I miss Bush /sarcasm

Would it surprise you to learn that many of your fellow countrymen think this was perfectly justifiable? :(


I don't see why everyone's blaming the soldiers I'm sure if you were in their situation you'd consider firing on them too. Some of you people act like your fucking Gandhi. All those pilots saw were a bunch of men who appeared to be armed walking in the same area as friendly forces. They didn't have the benefit of being able to analyze it on youtube while sitting in a nice comfy chair. They acted and made a mistake. While I believe it was stupid of the pentagon to try and hide what happened its not right to criminalize the pilots.
GAZERK said:
Cry foul all you want, but you simply can't regulate a military to the point where they have to know 100% that the dude is a bad guy before firing upon him. If that were the case, you'd cripple your army in a sense that you'd lose a lot more of your own soldiers.

So, you're saying the military exists not for defense but for offense. I see. Here I was thinking they were to be used for defense. When every person shot ends up being a civilian, that's a glaring flaw in the "Rules of Engagement".


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
oh fuck.

To the rest of the world: I am so sorry for the actions of my country and my countrymen. D:


OriginalThinking said:
Would it surprise you to learn that many of your fellow countrymen think this was perfectly justifiable? :(

No, but then again one only needs to see a single tea party to know the type of idiots that live here.

Such a great country we have, always someone giving our values a bad name with shit like this.

Obviously there is equally bad shit from the terrorists, but this isn't about moral equivalency. We're better than them. We're supposed to be better than them, because we are. Factually. So this is shameful.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Beowulf28 said:
I don't see why everyone's blaming the soldiers I'm sure if you were in their situation you'd consider firing on them too. Some of you people act like your fucking Gandhi. All those pilots saw were a bunch of men who appeared to be armed walking in the same area as friendly forces. They didn't have the benefit of being able to analyze it on youtube while sitting in a nice comfy chair. They acted and made a mistake. While I believe it was stupid of the pentagon to try and hide what happened its not right to criminalize the pilots.

I think the main problem most of us have is with how these guys were literally acting like this was a video game.
Beowulf28 said:
I don't see why everyone's blaming the soldiers I'm sure if you were in their situation you'd consider firing on them too. Some of you people act like your fucking Gandhi. All those pilots saw were a bunch of men who appeared to be armed walking in the same area as friendly forces. They didn't have the benefit of being able to analyze it on youtube while sitting in a nice comfy chair. They acted and made a mistake. While I believe it was stupid of the pentagon to try and hide what happened its not right to criminalize the pilots.

When they're congratulating each other and laughing about running over a body, that's when your argument stops being valid for me.
Beowulf28 said:
I don't see why everyone's blaming the soldiers I'm sure if you were in their situation you'd consider firing on them too. Some of you people act like your fucking Gandhi. All those pilots saw were a bunch of men who appeared to be armed walking in the same area as friendly forces. They didn't have the benefit of being able to analyze it on youtube while sitting in a nice comfy chair. They acted and made a mistake. While I believe it was stupid of the pentagon to try and hide what happened its not right to criminalize the pilots.

As I said that could be a easy mistake to make but shooting the fucking car trying to help is fucking disgusting. He was obviously not a terrorist or anything.


Everything is moe to me
PhoenixDark said:
And that's the point of view that felt threatened/engaged fire, making it the most important pov of this situation unfortunately. Your comment on the time of day is irrelevant considering attacks/fire fights aren't regulated to the evening.

He was an innocent civilian as were his companions. This was a tragic mistake in a war zone.
it wasn't a comment on the time of day, it was a comment on the reality of the situation. the man was not hiding, he was standing in the open in broad daylight. a soldier about to kill a group of people from a mile away should be expected to consider the situation above and beyond his limited point of view. especially since his point of view from a helicopter would have easily allowed it.
Buba Big Guns said:
How is several minutes not plenty of time? How about only firing if you're about to be fired upon? This was like an elephant vs. an ant. The US is in a much more powerful position, they should use some discretion and patience and verify that they were indeed the enemy before firing at them. The soldiers know that there are risks. If they didnt want to be in danger, then they shouldnt have joined,

Ok, first of all, how do you know when you're about to be fired upon? That's a totally relative idea. Those Apache pilots thought US soldiers were going to be fired upon by those people on the ground, so by your criteria, they made the correct decision. Secondly, firing only when you're "about to be fired upon" doesn't make sense in the military. That would lead to so many more casualties on your side.

Also, if those soldiers joined knowing that they were posed to danger, then so did those war photographers. Your logic is incredibly warped.


They reported gun fire before the choppers shot the first time. I just watched the video again, half the guys are carrying "tripods."


OriginalThinking said:
If they are trained to enjoy/brag about killing people then maybe, just maybe they are doing it wrong? And people wonder why America gets a bad press?
These guys are trained to be on the front lines killing people. Of all things to be surprised and shocked about in this video, their nonchalant behavior towards eliminating people they consider to be their enemies is not really one of them.


I understand the initial firing, the whole hiding behind a building looked suspect, but the van part was a little much. It would've driven up much faster, and there would've been a higher sense of urgency if they were enemies about to retaliate.


As for the way their acting, I haven't seen even close to all of it yet, but to do what they do, you have to be desensitized as fuck. It's terrible for most just to watch that. I'm not sure why how they act is terrible surprising.


Pandaman said:
the man was not crouching behind anything. your perception of this is borne solely from your point of view from the gunners seat. the man was standing and crouching on a streetcorner in the bright light of the day with a group of his buddies. the man was an innocent civilian. he wasn't trying to hide from the helicopter he never saw. nothing he did makes him responsible for that slaughter in any sense of the word.
That's the only perception that is important!

I bet he is also thinking in the context that the gunner was in a warzone. What a freak


Trucker Sexologist
PhoenixDark said:
And that's the point of view that felt threatened/engaged fire, making it the most important pov of this situation unfortunately. Your comment on the time of day is irrelevant considering attacks/fire fights aren't regulated to the evening.

He was an innocent civilian as were his companions. This was a tragic mistake in a war zone
It was a case of mistaken identity due to bad intel and ambiguous video. But the consequences make the mistake seem that much worse.

For example, if you accidentally run a stop sign on an empty street no one is going to think anything of it. But if you run a stop sign and kill someone you're going to be demonized. The mistake is the same but the consequences are not.
mugurumakensei said:
So, you're saying the military exists not for defense but for offense. I see. Here I was thinking they were to be used for defense. When every person shot ends up being a civilian, that's a glaring flaw in the "Rules of Engagement".

Of course a military exists for defensive and offensive capabilities. Your argument and logic is continually digressing to different topics, so this is the last time I'm going to bother to respond to your illogical assumptions.

mugurumakensei said:
If these guys were terrorists, they would have no problem staying the course and attacking in a last ditch effort.

You can't predict what people will do when under fire. Not even terrorists.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Did you make that up or something, because I sure as hell didn't see that on link I visited.

Well if you look at FOX News' front page, it's still there.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Did you make that up or something, because I sure as hell didn't see that on link I visited.
front page

i'm not sure how fox exactly got "videogame killings" out of this fiasco but whatever


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Jenga said:
These guys are trained to be on the front lines killing people. Of all things to be surprised and shocked about in this video, their nonchalant behavior towards eliminating people they consider to be their enemies is not really one of them.

Yeah, I'm still curious about this. Are people really surprised to find out that military guys are aggressive assholes?

This just in. Stressful jobs tend to breed otherwise inappropriate senses of humor. Doctors also laugh at you behind closed doors. Firefighters laugh at your stupid ass setting fire to your own house.

People are really missing the point on this one. WHY WAS THIS COVERED UP! It would have been nowhere near as damaging if it hadn't been. The rest of this going over the decisions made in minutes, years removed, with the use of the internet and infinitely more time, is asinine.


Amir0x said:
No, but then again one only needs to see a single tea party to know the type of idiots that live here.

Such a great country we have, always someone giving our values a bad name with shit like this.

Obviously there is equally bad shit from the terrorists, but this isn't about moral equivalency. We're better than them. We're supposed to be better than them, because we are. Factually. So this is shameful.
If this is the worst we do, than we are far far better than them.

Jenga said:
front page

i'm not sure how fox exactly got "videogame killings" out of this fiasco but whatever
uhh.....Call of Duty 4 anyone
GAZERK said:
Ok, first of all, how do you know when you're about to be fired upon? That's a totally relative idea. Those Apache pilots thought US soldiers were going to be fired upon by those people on the ground, so by your criteria, they made the correct decision. Secondly, firing only when you're "about to be fired upon" doesn't make sense in the military. That would lead to so many more casualties on your side.

Also, if those soldiers joined knowing that they were posed to danger, then so did those war photographers. Your logic is incredibly warped.

First of all, those photographers could have been any civilian, not people who signed up for a dangerous job. Since when is walking together in a group now considered aiming and firing a weapon? Isnt the US military supposed to be the best? So why the fuck can shit like this happen? And why doesnt firing only when fired upon make sense? The american army has the best technology in the world, they should be able to know when someone is about to shoot at them. These soldiers signed up knowing they would be in danger. They have the most powerful weapons on earth. It should be their duty to make sure 100% that the people they are about to kill are enemies, taking as much time as needed.

Completely irresponsible behavior from the people in power
avatar299 said:
If this is the worst we do, than we are far far better than them.

We murder several tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians using professionally trained combatants. We torture innocents. The enemy murders a few thousand U.S civilians using amateurs and tortures innocents. Yea, we are far far better.
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