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#Wrestlemania 28 |OT| WWE is having another Big Show

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TMZ filed a report on WWE wrestler David Otunga bringing a young Haiti refugee to WrestleMania Weekend events in Miami as part of a raffle. According to the report, Otunga heard about the boy's story, which is that he moved to the U.S. two years ago following the devastating Haiti earthquake and the boy's mother died two weeks ago in Haiti. TMZ reports Otunga was "so moved he decided a simple WrestleMania ticket wasn't enough so he personally set up a meet-and-greet for the kid backstage with ALL the wrestlers at the event."

It's impossible not to like this man!
I have not been less hyped for a Mania in years - although hopefully that might work out, and I will enjoy the show more because my bar is super low.
I have not been less hyped for a Mania in years - although hopefully that might work out, and I will enjoy the show more because my bar is super low.

On paper it should be a pretty good show. The matchups themselves are all pretty solid, it's just the booking that has been a problem.
No better thread for my first wrassle-GAF post. I've been lurking for long-ass while. I'm really psyched for mania this year, actually sad enough to book the next day off work so I can watch live!
I'm alive and awake and I think I will do some tweaking to the banner.

CM Punk is looking a bit too Miz'ish Orange for my liking.

Feel free to toss some names out there for a few extra guys I can shove in the back.

Johnny + Otunga + Ryder will be there.
Haven't watched wrestling in years, not since the Rock left. Will be watching this for his match alone, and HHH vs the Undetaker.

Fans who are not in the loop might want to fill themselves in with a little info so it might not be so shocking on Sunday.....Undertaker
cut off 99% of his hair


Its shockingly hard to find a recent pic of Otunga on Google.

I dont want Nexux Otunga :(

Courtesy of Something Awful:



So not worth it
So, here are my picks for WM28:

Tag Title Match: Epico and Primo (c) vs. Justin Gabriel + Tyson Kidd vs. The Uso's
The titles mean nothing. I guess Justin Gabriel gets at least some crowd response, so why not have them the titles as props to carry around NXT and Superstars. Should be a very enjoyable match though, good choice for a dark match to get the crowd riled up.

Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth and Eve.
Should by all means be the latter two women. But the celebrity face is not losing clearly.

Kane vs. Randy Orton
Kane at this point in his carreer isn't winning against people still in their prime. Besides it's Orton, he only loses like 2 matches a year.

IC Title Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Big Show
Big Show will win, seeing as the build-up had him constantly look like an idiot, there's no way the pay-off isn't Show winning. Rhodes is okay without the title, it's time to give him that final push. Hopefully Rhodes will come out looking good, although I still expect him to drop the title finally.

Team Teddy-Johnny vs Team Teddy
There can be only one winner here. Johnny Ace is entertainment, he IS mr. Excitement. Teddy Long is just that stereotypical black guy that does a silly dance, wears suits that could fit Mark Henry and spends his time having nasty sex with divas while screwing talent he doesn't like. He's probably the most unfit GM ever. go Team Johnny!

WHC Title Match: Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Sheamus
Sheamus does nothing for me, if he wins this match he'll have a forgettable Swagger-type run and drop the title in 2 months max. Bryan however has been amazing in his role and deserves a run untill Summerslam. I'm kinda hoping AJ will turn full fledged heel and drops Sheamus with a chairshot (DO THE OCTOPUS ON HIM AJ!) or something, but I doubt WWE has the balls to turn her heel. However, the team of AJ and Bryan has been amazing these past few months, while Sheamus has been weak on the mic and just not very interesting. Should be a very entertaining match though, looking forward to this one alot.

WWE Title Match: CM Punk (c) vs Chris Jericho
This fued has been okay so far and I reckon it will last a few months longer at least. Jericho should come out on top, the babyface chasing the heel champion always makes for a more enjoyable fued. I like the intensity Punk has been showing the past few weeks towards Jericho, who is always a great heel. Will no doubt be the best wrestling match on the card.

Hell in a Cell: Triple H vs. The Undertaker w/ special ref. HBK.
I reckon we'll see a similar match like last year, brutal, good use of the cell as a weapon and many near falls at the end. HBK will be calling it down the middle and of course it's clear Trips is not winning. Undertaker will retire after the match or on Raw tomorrow, esp. if the McCool Pregnancy rumors are true.

Once in a lifetime Match: The Rock vs. John Cena
Yeah, there's just no way Rock is coming out on top over Cena, he's leaving for what, 3 movies or something after this, he won't be back untill at least Survivor Series, there's really no reason to push Cena over Rock here.

Guestimates for surprise segments:
-We'll be seeing Lesnar at the event, I reckon he will go into a program with Orton for next years Wrestlemania.
-Same goes for Austin, who's going on to fued with Punk for next year.
Ok I have space for 2... maybe 3 more so please say some names.

If not I know Triple H can always take someones spot.

Edit... forgot sheamus.

How did I do that... I'm even Irish FFS.


So not worth it
He claims he's never leaving again, so he'll be around like other superstars from the past are, Bret Hart, HBK, Mick Foley and Rowdy Roddy Piper... They all show up every now and then for an appearance on Raw or a PPV.


Odd. I was always disappointed his film career never took off properly - I always thought he was a pretty talent 'B' actor, y'know? Had great charisma and could competently enough do the whole emotional range to carry an action film.

The Rock has about five films in pre-production, he is never coming back full time
Oh snap, maybe it's on the upswing.


Tag Title Match: Epico and Primo (c) vs. Justin Gabriel + Tyson Kidd vs. The Uso's
This would probably be the best match on the card. The tag match several weeks ago that had Swagger, Ziggler, R-Truth and Kofi in there instead was pretty damn entertaining. It's one of those matches that plays out wonderfully but doesn't get noticed because they never air it on TV.


This would probably be the best match on the card. The tag match several weeks ago that had Swagger, Ziggler, R-Truth and Kofi in there instead was pretty damn entertaining. It's one of those matches that plays out wonderfully but doesn't get noticed because they never air it on TV.

If Punk and Jericho weren't performing then sure.

Speaking of best matches... What is Ziggler doing?


If Punk and Jericho weren't performing then sure.

Speaking of best matches... What is Ziggler doing?
That feud disappoints me almost as much as everything else on the card. If it wasn't for Jericho bringing up the Punk dad stuff a few weeks ago, where would this storyline be?

"Hey, man, you're not the best. I am!"
"Listen, I'm the best in the world. You're not!"
*makes face, leaves*

How many weeks did Punk come out and just drop the mic, and not say anything? The whole bickering thing just wore on me and just made it flat. I'm sure it will be a good match, as will the others, but it's just been nothing as what it should have been.

The whole WM build has been utter shit, and why I'm not hyped at all. I'll probably end up sleeping through it as I work that night, and just catch the results the next morning. Really terrible.


That feud disappoints me almost as much as everything else on the card. If it wasn't for Jericho bringing up the Punk dad stuff a few weeks ago, where would this storyline be?

"Hey, man, you're not the best. I am!"
"Listen, I'm the best in the world. You're not!"
*makes face, leaves*

How many weeks did Punk come out and just drop the mic, and not say anything? The whole bickering thing just wore on me and just made it flat. I'm sure it will be a good match, as will the others, but it's just been nothing as what it should have been.

The whole WM build has been utter shit, and why I'm not hyped at all. I'll probably end up sleeping through it as I work that night, and just catch the results the next morning. Really terrible.

I'm not disputing that. The build-up for 95% of matches are terrible, but at the end of the day, it's still Jericho and it's still CM Punk. Should be a good wrestling match no?


So not worth it

Apparently The Solomonster interviews people this week on his podcast

Solomonster is on location with guests Noah Mark and Bryan Blade in Miami, the site of WRESTLEMANIA XXVIII, with a rundown of the entire card, predictions for the big event and a live account from WWE Axxess, including FCW action with a former ROH star!

As if that isn’t enough, we have an interview with one half of the WrestleMania main event, JOHN CENA! Plus, interviews with World Heavyweight Champion DANIEL BRYAN, SHAWN MICHAELS, EDGE, KOFI KINGSTON and The Horsemen, ARN ANDERSON & TULLY BLANCHARD! It’s an amazing edition of the Sound Off in Miami, so kick off your Mania weekend the right way and download now!
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