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YESSSS x2! AVATAR trailer #2 is NOW LIVE!!!! (mark ALL spoilers)

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Yeah, this looks ok. I'm sure it'll be a fine flick, but THIS is supposed to be a revolutionary leap in CG?


I can excuse the beasties and creatures looking otherworldly, that's kind of the point. The blue Aliens, however, are humanoid. They, like most other CG reditions of humanoid characters animate too smoothly. Real human motion is twitchy and jerky, especially where facial expressions are concerned. The moment in the trailer where the guy wakes up as an alien, the mere flexing of the muscles in his foot are simply too smooth. It's the tell-tale sign of CG for me.

Also, they appear...floaty. They don't seem to be carrying their weight properly.


those aliens just look...wrong.

its hard to say just from the trailer but they are almost distractingly bad. It just doesn't work.


can you imagine all the people surrounding Cameron having to reassure him that he had indeed produced a revolutionary step forward in computer graphics? "Oh wow, look at the wrinkles on that foot their! This is amazing! Just amazing!" :-X


civilstrife said:
Yeah, this looks ok. I'm sure it'll be a fine flick, but THIS is supposed to be a revolutionary leap in CG?


I can excuse the beasties and creatures looking otherworldly, that's kind of the point. The blue Aliens, however, are humanoid. They, like most other CG reditions of humanoid characters animate too smoothly. Real human motion is twitchy and jerky, especially where facial expressions are concerned. The moment in the trailer where the guy wakes up as an alien, the mere flexing of the muscles in his foot are simply too smooth. It's the tell-tale sign of CG for me.

Also, they appear...floaty. They don't seem to be carrying their weight properly.

Can I see your degree in Na'vi physiology please?
I will reserve my final judgment of the trailer until I see the 15-minute preview tomorrow on proper equipment and in the right venue. Many things bother me about the trailer:

1.) The font used in the title. I never liked the tribal-ish font from the first time I saw it. I still don't.
2.) The tall blue creatures do look like a combination of characters from various video games and jar jar binks.
3.) The feel and look of "real objects" is gone from past Cameron films. There is little weight to the helicopters or even the aliens. There is a very artificial sheen to everything in the film.

Until tomorrow.
The trailer honestly blew me away. Had high expectations and was worried about the CGI when I heard how heavily CG it was, but I thought all the CG shots looked beautiful and are probably the most convincing CG to date. I was totally immersed and for what little I know of the plot, I really felt the weight of the characters' emotions. CGI has really come to a new level; and to think that there are still four months of post production left. Fuck yeah, bring on Avatar!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
So I'm guessing Davy Jones is pretty much the best we're going to get for a while? These aliens look really nice on some of the screens I've seen, though.
Probably true: This movie will do well at the box office.

Sad realization: The trailer disappointed in that there seems to be little setting the film apart from other big budget CGI flicks. Also, the aliens' design is bizarre and almost unsatisfying.

Playing fair: I cannot judge the film, which is still in production, by this trailer alone. Therefore, I will wait patiently and hope that the film is much better than my now-lowered expectations.


Am I the only one who thinks it looks shitty?

I'm a fan of Cameron's, a huge fan of the Terminator movies(1&2 of course), I fucking love Aliens, and I think Titanic was a great movie(Fuck the haters). But my god, the minute those creatures I appeared I cringed. I mean what the fuck? How will this change movies forever? Looks like a dreamworks animated movie done Roger Rabbit style. I hate that design, looks too freaky and a little too furry.

Sorry Sculli but I'm not liking what I see.




kaching said:
Here we go with the pedantic again. I'm not really two people? Really? That's a relief.

Try to understand that my post was a way of describing a process, the layers of reaction involved for ANY random person, whether average or something else. I watch the footage, I react to it in it's final form first based on how convincing it is to me, how immersive it is, regardless of what battery of techniques was employed to generate it's various component parts.

Bottom line is, I react just like the "average person" first on a visceral level, then analysis sets in to whatever degree my technical knowledge allows me deconstruct accurately.

This is no different for movies without a heavy CG component.

Look, you've seen tons of CGI, been exposed to it in various video games, movies, etc, and the average person hasn't necessarily had this experience. You can't somehow divorce yourself from the so-called "techie" in you by simply claiming to have first seen it and gauged it based on a "visceral reaction". You were always looking at it via the "techie" in you. The "average person" doesn't have a techie in them at all. That's why they're the average person.

You very likely initially judged the trailer in comparison to other CGI that you've seen. The "average person" who I keep talking about won't do that at all, because they don't give a fuck what CGI is or what it stands for, and they're not going to compare and contrast Avatar's CG work with anything else. They'll judge it for what it is they're currently looking at - their reaction is always visceral, never analytical.

None of us here can pretend to know what it would be like for a typical person to view this footage, because we're all too familiar with CGI in one way or another, and most of us have also been following the film. You'd have to show the trailer to your parents or co-workers or someone of that effect to get that reaction. A neutral party who's completely detached from both the film and CGI tech in general.


Jesus, geeks give it up. The fucking hype is painfully crushing. 500 errors on GAF, iTunes downloads keep being corrupt and won't play (Apple has really fucked this up).

Tribes vs. technology! It's just another Return of the Jedi, Phantom Menace, Delgo, District 9, Kaena, Atlantis, (or Strings for you ingrates that never saw that film) ripoff.

It's sad this is Cameron, a man who has shown originality numerous times in the past.


It looks like it will be a cool movie, but just going by that trailer, doesn't look like it really deserved years of secrecy and hype to be honest.

Also, "next-gen Delgo" lol.


I'm sure the 3d experience will be pretty cool, but I can't watch 3d on my tv at home. For lasting power, this film needs an engaging story, and from the descriptions and images so far, it looks utterly derivative. Again, the clash of civilizations and the realization that we must work together has been done to death. Still, it might be executed well. Wait and see, I guess...
KingGondo said:
How can people properly judge this movie based on a few snippets of action on their computer screen, when it's meant to be viewed on the biggest screen possible in 3D?

Don't know how much this can effect the liking of the trailer, but I can vouch that I viewed it from an HD projector on a 130 inch screen with surround sound and I thought it was fucking awesome, so it's an interesting theory...

...couldn't watch it in 3D though unfortunately. Hoping it's not shitty because I haven't been too impressed with 3D in the past.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lord Error said:
So I'm guessing Davy Jones is pretty much the best we're going to get for a while? These aliens look really nice on some of the screens I've seen, though.
Nothing wrong with that.


how many people actually watch in 3d? there arent that many cinemas here that can show it, none of my family likes it and personally after about 45 mins or so it gives me splitting headaches.


Cheebs said:
How the hell does District 9 have way better cgi than this. wtf?

The goal of CGI isn't supposed to be physically impressive: it's supposed to make you scratch your head and go "that's CGI, it looks like a model!".

D9 = realism.
Avatar = Naboo.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
dalin80 said:
how many people actually watch in 3d? there arent that many cinemas here that can show it, none of my family likes it and personally after about 45 mins or so it gives me splitting headaches.
B-b-but this 3D technology is revolutionary.


dalin80 said:
how many people actually watch in 3d? there arent that many cinemas here that can show it, none of my family likes it and personally after about 45 mins or so it gives me splitting headaches.
I always liked going to IMAX, mainly because of the huge screen.

But, I watched UP in reald 3D recently and wasn't impressed.


DieNgamers said:
Wow, that guy talks a bunch of evil nonsense.
"For some of it, it, it feels like Lord of the Rings never happened"...Whoah. :lol
"the VFX in the Avatar trailer don't look very good". Man! I could just quote the whole article.
Assholes have opinions too, you know ..
man I'm glad I don't have a stick shoved up my ass when it comes to movies like all of you people. trailer looks great, should be a lot of fun come december.


Watched the trailer again. I've warmed up to it a bit, but it is still overhyped to high heaven. At least the CG looks better than Alice in Wonderland's.


Weta did the CG for both this and District 9, right? What the fuck happened? The purely CG scenes look like Dreamworks crap. The mixed CG/real life scenes don't manage to pull it off any better than Phantom Menace did.


lacks enthusiasm.
Valion said:
Weta did the CG for both this and District 9, right? What the fuck happened? The purely CG scenes look like Dreamworks crap. The mixed CG/real life scenes don't manage to pull it off any better than Phantom Menace did.
They didn't do most of District 9 AFAIK, a studio in Vancouver did.
Valion said:
Weta did the CG for both this and District 9, right? What the fuck happened? The purely CG scenes look like Dreamworks crap. The mixed CG/real life scenes don't manage to pull it off any better than Phantom Menace did.

Quantity always flies in the face of quality. See: Phantom Menace


xS1TH L0RDx said:
man I'm glad I don't have a stick shoved up my ass when it comes to movies like all of you people. trailer looks great, should be a lot of fun come december.
I have a stick up my ass because after 14 years... I find the most important thing (alien char design) fugly?
Cheebs said:
How the hell does District 9 have way better cgi than this. wtf?

not better, but much more realistic obviously. and for some people (including me) I'd rather have realistic than the best CG in the world. For this kind of movie it fits though.


Neo Member

Read this:


This is just a fucking trailer, you'll be able to judge once you HAVE SEEN the 15 minutes, you have to see the scenes and not just shots of 4, 5 seconds. This is exactly what is said in this link:

"I get that they're trying to follow up on the promises that Avatar looks like nothing ever has, and would rather show off as many flashy scenes as possible rather than ease you into this world. But the Quicktime format is so limiting, especially for a 3D movie, that the impact of all the CGI wizardry is muted anyway. Already people are complaining that Sam Worthington's Avatar doesn't look realistic, that the blue skin looks fake, because they haven't had enough time to see it move like a human, hear it talk, or see it respond to its world. Having seen it in Hall H, I promise it works. It just needs time to settle in, and just by showing one complete scene at Comic Con, they sold the effect entirely. Cutting together all the random scenes in the trailer just makes you more disoriented."

Watch it in HD, pause on shots like when Jake stands up and sees his feet moving, when he says "it's great", or even on Neytiri, it really is realistic, watch for all the subtle things.

And you all say that it doesn't look realistic because of the colours, very colourful, if it was darker, it would look more realistic (but it already looks realistic)


bengraven said:
The goal of CGI isn't supposed to be physically impressive: it's supposed to make you scratch your head and go "that's CGI, it looks like a model!".

D9 = realism.
Avatar = Naboo.
I agree, D9 used CG in the exact way I want CG to be used, to enhance the actors and sets, not replace them.


Junior Member
To be truly revolutionary as hyped, this film would have to be all from the first person, with an unusual 'avatar' view of the World such as a Tron or Predator viewed - and only watchable on Imax cinemas.

As it is, it's just some really basic Star Wars film or something....there's not even originality in the design of the characters or human technology.
These threads are always fun. People saying this looks like videogame CG... :lol

I think its fairly obvious that had this movie not been so hyped, people would probably be saying a lot more positive things. I personally got basically what I expected which was "blown away."

But this was just a taste of the entire experience. Watching this on a big screen in 3D, surround sound, etc... It's going to be one incredible ride and definitely is the most visually interesting movie I have seen in the past decade (can any of you guys name something thats coming out this year that looks this visually stunning?).


Blasphemer who refuses to accept bagged milk as his personal savior
Someone please gif 1:21 to 1:22. The hovercraft landing and blowing away all the leaves on the trees is animation perfection achieved.
Resettito said:

Read this:


This is just a fucking trailer, you'll be able to judge once you HAVE SEEN the 15 minutes, you have to see the scenes and not just shots of 4, 5 seconds. This is exactly what is said in this link:

"I get that they're trying to follow up on the promises that Avatar looks like nothing ever has, and would rather show off as many flashy scenes as possible rather than ease you into this world. But the Quicktime format is so limiting, especially for a 3D movie, that the impact of all the CGI wizardry is muted anyway. Already people are complaining that Sam Worthington's Avatar doesn't look realistic, that the blue skin looks fake, because they haven't had enough time to see it move like a human, hear it talk, or see it respond to its world. Having seen it in Hall H, I promise it works. It just needs time to settle in, and just by showing one complete scene at Comic Con, they sold the effect entirely. Cutting together all the random scenes in the trailer just makes you more disoriented."

Watch it in HD, pause on shots like when Jake stands up and sees his feet moving, when he says "it's great", or even on Neytiri, it really is realistic, watch for all the subtle things.

And you all say that it doesn't look realistic because of the colours, very colourful, if it was darker, it would look more realistic (but it already looks realistic)

Jesus Mary and Jesus. If I wanted to feign interest in shallow specs and tech enhancements that don't amount to anything, I'd go play a video game.


I still say "shit" until I see the 15 minutes. I have faith in Cameron, I really do, but if I wanted to see a CGI version of Zulu, I would just go to the several that have come out in the last few years.


to be honest after reading about Ridley Scott is going to direct a prequel to ALIEN i lost my faith to all other sci fi movies


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Resettito said:
Watch it in HD, pause on shots like when Jake stands up and sees his feet moving, when he says "it's great", it really is realistic, watch for all the subtle things.
Those were the least realistic parts of that trailer.


District 9's CG was stunning but it had an easier time of it with the washed out hues. Compare the color palette in Avatar to the one in D9. Night and day.

D9's look was specifically meant to conjure up a sense of realism and to essentially bring the prawns into our world, while Avatar is pure escapist fantasy and doesn't pretend to be anything else. Most of it is spent on an alien planet that is very obviously alien and entirely computer-generated.

D9 takes place on Earth, and we don't actually get to see that many of those aliens (there were 1.5 million aliens in District 9 but we didn't exactly get that sense). When seen in groups, which only happens a couple of times, the CGI becomes quite obvious.

Resettito said:

This is just a fucking trailer, you'll be able to judge once you HAVE SEEN the 15 minutes, you have to see the scenes and not just shots of 4, 5 seconds. This is exactly what is said in this link:

"I get that they're trying to follow up on the promises that Avatar looks like nothing ever has, and would rather show off as many flashy scenes as possible rather than ease you into this world. But the Quicktime format is so limiting, especially for a 3D movie, that the impact of all the CGI wizardry is muted anyway. Already people are complaining that Sam Worthington's Avatar doesn't look realistic, that the blue skin looks fake, because they haven't had enough time to see it move like a human, hear it talk, or see it respond to its world. Having seen it in Hall H, I promise it works. It just needs time to settle in, and just by showing one complete scene at Comic Con, they sold the effect entirely. Cutting together all the random scenes in the trailer just makes you more disoriented."

That's a very good point. We've barely seen the Avatar or the aliens actually reacting to anything in context. Just various short shots of them smiling, crying, growling, screaming, etc. But there's no context to any of it since it's just a teaser, and you don't see any of the lead-up to those emotions.
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