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YESSSS x2! AVATAR trailer #2 is NOW LIVE!!!! (mark ALL spoilers)

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Scullibundo said:
Zeliard, haters gonna hate. You'll be here all day if you try to defend this film from everybody on GAF. You even have people saying the Na'vi could have been done with humans. There is no reasoning, its an incredible looking movie that has had huge hype and the backlash was inevitable. That a teaser trailer for the film didn't change their lives is always going to be enough room for hate on this board. I'm just happy that I'm blown away by it, because I've wanted an epic (in scale, not just in story) sci-fi for so long and this looks to finally deliver one.

People can have their opinions, and that's certainly okay. What's fairly bothersome is the crazy overanalysis on what is a 2-minute teaser (which I'm guilty of to some degree).

Can you guys think of any teaser ever that has been analyzed and criticized (good or bad) this much? And it's a teaser, not even an actual trailer, since it's basically a collection of very short, random scenes. A trailer is usually longer and tries to give more context to what's going on. Think of how often a trailer or teaser has looked absolutely awesome, and the movie itself disappointed, or vice versa. Happens a lot. Teasers/trailers never tell the full story, and how can they?

Personally, while I've been doing a lot of defending here, I haven't really given my opinion on the teaser. I loved the visuals, particularly Pandora, and I certainly look forward to the movie... but I'm not going to come to some grand conclusion on the entire film based on a short teaser that features virtually no dialogue. And that's positive or negative. For all I know, the movie could still disappoint if the story doesn't hold up or whatnot, and instead just be a visual showcase.

Tomorrow night (and closer to tonight for some) should be far more indicative of how the movie really is, since the whole Avatar Day showing offers far lengthier scenes with some actual context. It wouldn't surprise me if there's a whiplash-inducing 180 in the reactions after the Internet has laid eyes on the full 15-minute footage, in an IMAX theater rather than on a computer monitor, and in 3D to boot.

Zenith said:
All I see is rationalisations and excuses. It's standard defense by any long-time followers when a product fails to live up to its hype. This is no different.

Actually, I haven't been following it for very long at all. I've certainly known about it for a long time, as many did, since Cameron first announced it back in 1998. But as far as following the production to some degree and getting hyped for film, that only happened a couple months ago, if not less.


Neo Member
I think there's no use trying to understand the haters, I enjoy it, it looks amazing to me, fuck the haters. The problem is, it's hard to see the others bashing the trailer when we liked the trailer, it's just that we can"t understand and get on a common ground, it's just the way it is, I like some movies that others don"t like and I don't understand why. Guess this is a good thing that each has its own opinion........ :lol
Rethinking some things, if this were meant to be considered a stylized, "clean-looking" world (and I don't think it is), then the CGI would be acceptable.

But if they are pushing for groundbreaking CGI realism then, sorry, I'm not moved. Looks like The Phantom Menace or Final Fantasy X.


unimpressed by hte cg in this trailer. still want to see the movie of course, but my mind wasn't blown.

i don't get why people are complaining about human-ish aliens. if you zap a dude into an alien with 26 legs and 1000 eyes and a tongue with teeth on it, don't you think his brain would shit itself? this makes the ridiculous story (lol @ can't cure paralysis but can swap brains) a bit easier to swallow.


Clevinger said:
Does anyone know why humans have the technology to clone an alien race and transfer a human's consciousness into it but can't heal a man's paralysis (or give him new legs, if that's why he can't walk)?

I could buy it if they said Worthington's character's main problems were psychological issues with walking rather than physical disabilities. Then again, wouldn't he have problems walking as the Avatar due to disuse of his legs, especially in the first few moments?


Neo Member
I also think that tomorrow, we will see a lot more positive reaction on the net, we only see glimpses without any context, seeing Jake when he enters the Avatar is gonna be on an all other level, just hope that some smart guy catches the 15 minutes on camera (but with the lens behind the 3d glasses otherwise it's gonna look weird) for the ones that won't go.


cms382 said:

Rewatching this, I think this is Michelle Rodriguez's character. It has resemblances to her and there are definitely at least two females in this trailer.


You know, I was right in there in the thick of it when it came to the cinematic release of Serenity. I was a Browncoat.

Before that film came out I was making the threads online, constantly hyping it up and making it out to be the worlds greatest thing because that's what I thought and hoped it would be. It turned out to be a great movie but not life changing, and in retrospect I can see why people thought I was fucking stupid for hyping it up so much. In that same year I saw a bunch of other films that I liked just as much like Oldboy, Sin City, Crash, Walk the Line, and King Kong. And it was a pretty average/below-average year for films, particularly dramas.

Come December, these Avatar lunatics who are going crazy over this stuff are gonna feel the same way. Because the problem is this: sure it's gonna be a good movie, and it'll probably have a good rewatchability factor. But it will be eclipsed by about 5 other films coming out in the months before or after it which will completely blew people away. You can tell from the trailer that this film ain't no Terminator 2.

At least we had a REASON to hype up Serenity because of the fact that if the movie was a success, a sequel would be made, and potentially a series renewal for Firefly. These Avatar fans have no reason to hype it up because it's a JAMES CAMERON movie with at least one A-List star and was ridiculously expensive and will be marketed like crazy during the Christmas run-up.
crazy monkey said:
aliens are suppose to look like alien not human. Navi look too much like human thus people don't seem to like it.

I think Cameron held himself back a bit by sticking with the humanoid-wider audience friendly-easier to relate to alien instead of going with something more...alien.
You are using CGI, you have a completely blank canvas to do with anything you can think of...and this is what he came up with.

I will say though that I am not hating on them quite so much, it is just the fact that they seem like they have no "weight" to them that bothers me...other than that I can work with them I guess.
It is the cgi on the soldiers and ships and whatnot that comes off as half assed to me and distracts.
Tonay said:
You know, I was right in there in the thick of it when it came to the cinematic release of Serenity. I was a Browncoat.

Before that film came out I was making the threads online, constantly hyping it up and making it out to be the worlds greatest thing because that's what I thought and hoped it would be. It turned out to be a great movie but not life changing, and in retrospect I can see why people thought I was fucking stupid for hyping it up so much. In that same year I saw a bunch of other films that I liked just as much like Oldboy, Sin City, Crash, Walk the Line, and King Kong. And it was a pretty average/below-average year for films, particularly dramas.

Come December, these Avatar lunatics who are going crazy over this stuff are gonna feel the same way. Because the problem is this: sure it's gonna be a good movie, and it'll probably have a good rewatchability factor. But it will be eclipsed by about 5 other films coming out in the months before or after it which will completely blew people away. You can tell from the trailer that this film ain't no Terminator 2.

At least we had a REASON to hype up Serenity because of the fact that if the movie was a success, a sequel would be made, and potentially a series renewal for Firefly. These Avatar fans have no reason to hype it up because it's a JAMES CAMERON movie with at least one A-List star and was ridiculously expensive and will be marketed like crazy during the Christmas run-up.

You can tell from the teaser very little...

ANYONE talking about anything other then just the visuals in the shots we have seen, are talking about something they know NOTHING about. So stop.

Tomorrow when people see 15 minutes of this, then we can get some more specific statements such as the one above.

Until then, just STFU about whether this movie will be good or bad... cause none of us know shit.


Karma Kramer said:
It's only a ridiculous defense if you are of the mindset that "your opinion" is the correct opinion.

Yes, we could play that game all day. I happen to be of the opinion that people stating "you'll never be convinced with how the aliens look because you've never seen any aliens in real life!!" are being intentionally obtuse in order to defend visuals that fall short of their hype.
Chipopo said:
Yes, we could play that game all day. I happen to be of the opinion that people stating "you'll never be convinced with how the aliens look because we've never seen any aliens in real life!!" are being intentionally obtuse in order to defend visuals that fall short of their hype.

They don't fall short of the hype for me.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Looks…ok. I’ve been skeptical from the beginning, and to be honest, I’m impressed with the CGI work. It’s very good. I do think it was still overhyped by Cameron and co, as some stuff still looks obvious CGI, but I think it’s just natural for super geeks to pick the shit out of everything.

I really think I’ve had the wrong expectations all this time for what kind of film it would be. The PG-13 (America) should have given it away. I was kinda expected a gritty sci-fi in vein of Aliens (not as gritty), but from this teaser and the rating it really looks like this is going for high fantasy more than anything.

Sure it’s set in space and deals with ‘sci-fi’ themes like extra terrestrials, but the overall colour tones, themes, and style really suit high fantasy more. It’s like…a Lord of the Rings style in space. No grounding in reality, and instead something very escapist.

I think it will look quite spectacular on a big screen, and the beautifully striking colour tones will make for a very awesome HD release. As a film? I’m not sold yet. The story doesn’t take me, I’m still not convinced by Cameron tech hype, and some design choices are questionable for my taste.

Fingers crossed, I guess.


Karma Kramer said:
You can tell from the teaser very little...

ANYONE talking about anything other then just the visuals in the shots we have seen, are talking about something they know NOTHING about. So stop.

Tomorrow when people see 15 minutes of this, then we can get some more specific statements such as the one above.

Until then, just STFU about whether this movie will be good or bad... cause none of us know shit.

Wait, are you saying that you don't think it's possible to get an idea of the quality of a film based on its teaser trailer?

Sure, there are exceptions - Benjamin Button had an incredible teaser and it was a clunker, and there's been plenty of films that did the opposite - but generally, you can tell whether it'll be any cop. This looks like it's a live action remake of a cartoon/video-game.


Napoleonthechimp said:
I thought it looked pretty amazing. Sure some of the CGI was a little bit suspect but seeing a fantastical alien world is very cool.

Dude, the fantastical alien world looks exactly like an FMV from a computer game. I'm sure I've seen those kinda flying bits of land in a bunch of computer games before. Sonic Adventure had them, right?
Tonay said:
Wait, are you saying that you don't think it's possible to get an idea of the quality of a film based on its teaser trailer?

Sure, there are exceptions - Benjamin Button had an incredible teaser and it was a clunker, and there's been plenty of films that did the opposite - but generally, you can tell whether it'll be any cop. This looks like it's a live action remake of a cartoon/video-game.

I'm saying I could take any movie and edit 40 different teasers that all give off different feelings, impressions, etc... It's not part of the film, its a montage of clips... and therefore the pacing and story are missing.

This is just a visual tease of some of the scenes in the movie.


It certainly looks better then any previous CG effort like this (beowulf, polar express, final fantasy ) but these movies are never that successfull and by making the aliens look like they do it's just to obvious that they aren't real. Not to mention that despite all the expensive imagry this film has some serious boredom potential - I mean atleast 1/4 to 1/3 of the movie will be spent floating through space and explaining pointless crap, then you'll get another 1/2 of the movie where if you're lucky the protagonist will frolick in the wilderness, making friends and enemies ultimatly leading the last 20 or 30 minutes of film with perhaps a big battle. That means you'll be watching 2 hours of setup for a 20 minute payoff.

Hell, I guess there's a chance it could still turn out alright, it's got me interested somewhat and 3d glasses will certainly add some oomph but right now it looks like a very expensive kids movie.
Kaijima said:
Watching the trailer a few more times, I think this is what causes the biggest problem with the Na'vi: giant anime eyes. This makes it seem at a glance like a cuddly, exaggerated CG kids movie whenever the Na'Vi are on the screen.

The really old concept art, with more creepy, eel-like Na'Vi with slitted eyes and angular faces might have worked better.

Of course, based on the idea that we have not /seen/ real live aliens so don't know what to expect in real life, if aliens showed up with giant anime eyes then hell, everyone might suffer massive cognitive dissonance at what they saw with their own two eyes in reality.

But in the context of a movie like this, it's the eyes doing a lot of the damage.

I really doubt it. If the CGI was photo-realistic (as was once claimed), no design would be too difficult for us to take in. Giant anime eyes have been used with make-up and they didn't make our brains explode and think we were all the sudden looking at a cartoon. I'm immediately reminded of the doctor in the opening scene of the new Star Trek movie or the kid from the System of a Down video.

Furret said:
Why couldn't they have been done with humans? All you need is blue paint, a mask and a reverse of whatever process made the hobbits shrink in Lord of the Rings. They must be the least imaginative alien designs since the bad old days of Star Trek: The Next Generation's wrinkle-headed budget savers.

I was thinking the same thing.
Ok, this is weird. The more I look at the trailer, the more impressed I am by the Na'vi.

Once the initial impression of how they look wears off, it grows on you, and I am well impressed by the finer details.


So I checked on youtube and I cant find it. Is there a place to see this thing without QT? I'm at work on quite possibly the shittiest computers ever built. Thanks.
just going to throw this out there. i was kinda left with this feeling after watching it "eh? thats it?" and the reason why is this. all the talk of this movie, i never got the idea "oh wow this is going to be an amazing movie with some mind blowing story that will melt my brain. nope didnt get that once instead i got "this movie is so visually advanced when you see this its going to melt your brain" and thats why i can look at a trailer/teaser that doesnt explain a bit of what the movie is about and feel :eh? thats it?: thats what was suppose to melt my mind?!?!
Pachinko said:
It certainly looks better then any previous CG effort like this (beowulf, polar express, final fantasy ) but these movies are never that successfull and by making the aliens look like they do it's just to obvious that they aren't real. Not to mention that despite all the expensive imagry this film has some serious boredom potential - I mean atleast 1/4 to 1/3 of the movie will be spent floating through space and explaining pointless crap, then you'll get another 1/2 of the movie where if you're lucky the protagonist will frolick in the wilderness, making friends and enemies ultimatly leading the last 20 or 30 minutes of film with perhaps a big battle. That means you'll be watching 2 hours of setup for a 20 minute payoff.

Hell, I guess there's a chance it could still turn out alright, it's got me interested somewhat and 3d glasses will certainly add some oomph but right now it looks like a very expensive kids movie.
summary: less character and story development, more explosions. SMH
Really, people, this movie looks really good; I think that it'll probably be one of the year's best. If you don't think the visuals are that good looking that's one thing, but you absolutely cannot claim to know ANYTHING of the movie's quality from that trailer. I think that the movie looks quite special, actually.
I think some of you set yourself up for a huge let down. If you go in saying that its not going to meet your expectations then of course it won't. I can't believe I'm reading a bunch of people nit pick at what looks to be a phenomenal looking movie. To the group who says they were let down due to Cameron's comments, I can understand. But I don't understand how some can say that they are actually unimpressed by this, as if it looks like TV special effects. I definitely think some of it is so amazing that it looks photo real, but some of it is also (hardly)obvious CG. BUT you can't deny that no matter what, its super good looking CG.

Edit: I'm fucking blown away. Something about this movie and that trailer just floors me. I have never seen anything like this.


Went to pick up the invitations, they gave me the neytiri one sheet along with them. First free movie poster I get, and it's this ugly crap. :/ Also got two extra tickets for another movie theater chain, lulz.


NightBlade88 said:
Wow I feel slightly underwhelmed. Till the trailers prove otherwise. TF2=Best CGI.

:lol At first I thought you meant Team Fortress 2. I'm guessing you mean Transformers 2?


Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
If you don't think the visuals are that good looking that's one thing, but you absolutely cannot claim to know ANYTHING of the movie's quality from that trailer.

Snowman Prophet of Doom said:
Really, people, this movie looks really good; I think that it'll probably be one of the year's best.



I haven't read this thread, but I wonder if I am a handful of people not feeling the least bit excited even after seeing the trailer in 1080p?


do we have more information on the preview tomorrow? do we need to get to the theater early to get seats or are we guaranteed seats?
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