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D4 |OT| Dark Dreams Don't Die


Party Pooper
It was cool that Conan did drop in on that stream for a few minutes, though they didn't get to see any of the real crazy stuff.
this game is so friggen good, Swery is god.

i can honestly say the kinect gestures like covering your face for time warp or putting both hands on your head for "focus" is really genius. everthing else that uses kinect like the action sequences is really fluid, honestly surprised i got a near perfect for the "Amanda" sequence. Humor is classic Swery too :)

for $15 its a must buy


Kinect is so weird. One time it works well, the other time it does not work right and I miss all the cutscene extas :/


Swery apparently engaging in the console wars.


def sim

He responds to almost everyone that sends him a thing. A courtesy laugh to a bad joke isn't really joining in on that silliness.
Swery apparently engaging in the console wars.


The saddest part is, just trying to imagine what's going on in the mind of the person who made that image.

Anyways, just grabbed an XB1 and thinking of downloading this title. What would those of you who've played it compare it to? I watched a few trailers and I really can't get a good read on it


I'm still early in the prologue and so I may be a bit premature, but:

The game is so cluttered with all sorts of options and statistics (stamina, vision, health, food, clothes, etc...). It could be user error but I keep fucking up menu navigation. Jesus Christ every time I bring up the collectibles menu my mind goes haywire trying to figure out why my up/down/left/right directions on my left stick aren't doing what I want them to do.

I just want to play a point-and-click adventure without having to deal with that stuff, like with a Telltale game. But instead of engaging in the story I am just scanning for highlight-able objects. Then I highlight that object until I get all my green checkmarks. Rinse and repeat on everything in the room.

Also exploring is sluggish. You are stuck walking around... very slowly, in an on-rails environment. I wish there was some kind of free roam. Even Monkey Island lets you free roam.

To give you guys an idea of how early I am in the game:
I just met cat lady (Amanda) and the detective buddy. We had dinner (and talked about clam chowder). They talked briefly about a strange airplane crash and someone disappearing into thin air. Now I have to go to the bathroom and perform a "dive" - don't know what that is yet.
Before I go to the bathroom I am trying to explore every nook and cranny of the apartment. And it's SLOOOOOOWWWW and BOOOOORRRING. The way you highlight objects and the lack of free roam are killing my vibe.
Anyways, just grabbed an XB1 and thinking of downloading this title. What would those of you who've played it compare it to? I watched a few trailers and I really can't get a good read on it

It's a Telltales game on acid. Even if you're not really a fan of point and clicks, it's different and quirky enough to enjoy. Plus it actually has decent Kinect controls.

Just buy the game. Well worth the $15 and we need Swery to make more episodes.
It's a Telltales game on acid. Even if you're not really a fan of point and clicks, it's different and quirky enough to enjoy. Plus it actually has decent Kinect controls.

Just buy the game. Well worth the $15 and we need Swery to make more episodes.

I don't have Kinect...it doesn't require it, does it? I didn't see anything about that on the game page in the store.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I don't have Kinect...it doesn't require it, does it? I didn't see anything about that on the game page in the store.

Nope, controller works fine. At that point it's basically a telltale style game though you don't have direct movement control.
Nope, controller works fine. At that point it's basically a telltale style game though you don't have direct movement control.

Thanks. I'll probably give it a go - I loved Telltale games and I love supporting developers who take a creative chance - regardless of the end result


I will have to agree that the Stamina bar is a little annoying if you want to fully explore an area, ending the dive, eating, diving in again takes too much time for being a substitute.
I will have to agree that the Stamina bar is a little annoying if you want to fully explore an area, ending the dive, eating, diving in again takes too much time for being a substitute.
You can double your stamina by equipping the right combination of clothing. Plus the cat shop is available pretty early on in each dive. I bought a rabbit's foot but have never used it nor seen whatever happens when your stamina hits 0.

I'm not disagreeing that stamina is mostly unnecessary, but I've never ran out nor felt like I had to go out of my way to keep from running out.
I will have to agree that the Stamina bar is a little annoying if you want to fully explore an area, ending the dive, eating, diving in again takes too much time for being a substitute.

I really think that it is an archaic and frustrating design decision which doesnt make sense. Why would walking down an aisle in an aircraft and opening a door take that much stamina? the vision counter makes sense but this doesnt.

also, if he wants to limit our involvement in the game - why not just include a timer? it is just as pointless as this.

If i knew about the stamina bar (regardless of if it can be extended) i probably would have not purchased this game. While it is a good game, the stamina thing really affects my enjoyment of it as a whole.


You can double your stamina by equipping the right combination of clothing.

I have that, but still, it's just there to be annoying - no real game mechanic is bound do it. It's not like it limits your progression or completion. Having a small inventory would solve that, but then, why even bother having it there in the first place.
Before I go to the bathroom I am trying to explore every nook and cranny of the apartment. And it's SLOOOOOOWWWW and BOOOOORRRING. The way you highlight objects and the lack of free roam are killing my vibe.

If you're finding exploring everything slow and boring, then don't do it. Keep your OCD in check, and just follow the story. Your next objective should always be noted at the top of the screen, and you can see all the objects that advance the story in the vision mode (they have a small icon).

Whenever your stamina gets really low, the game will highlight the locations of nearby food items for you (or you can just enter the menu, dive out back to the apartment, and have Forrest cook you a meal). If needed, you can replenish the vision energy by drinking or splashing your face with water at any sink, and if you get hurt, there are bandages in drawers in your apartment.

There's really not a lot of management and exploration involed unless you're trying to find everything, and you can't do that on your first go anyway.


Honestly, Stamina is probably only there so Swery could fit his obsession with different types of food in the game, lol


I didn't have a problem with the stamina, it's a good way to force the player to return to the apartment when they might not have otherwise. Plus it takes less than a minute to refill your stamina once you've seen all the food scenes in the episode.
I didn't find the stamina management annoying in the slightest. It encourages you to be smart about what you interact with, instead of just blindly clicking on everything. You can do that as well (and you likely will on your subsequent playthroughs, when you'll also have a way to extend the stamina meter), but then you'll have to pay the small price of refilling. I don't get the annoyance, it's not very taxing to make a few clicks to the nearest Amanda shop, and there is so much food everywhere, that your stamina will rarely get low. I don't think I had to forcefully refill even once on my first go.

The other function is to create a sense of tension, but not nearly as big as a timer would. I hate timers with a passion, and there are some cases on a timer here, but thankfully, they're quite generous in that regard.


Finally finished episode two since I had to delete my save due to a glitch. What a fantastic ride. One of the things I loved the most about Deadly Premonition was all the exploration and meaningful side activities in the game. While there's obviously not as much in D4, Swery did a great job with condensing it down into a more linear format. Being rewarded with useful information about the mysteries of D, Blood and David's past when completing quest lines or finding new reports, letters and magazines makes the player want to explore and find these things (though I'll admit I never read through a single sports magazine). The fantastic presentation and wonderful cast & voice acting also help.

I enjoyed the alternate approach to the cast Swery took with D4 compared to Deadly Premonition. In D4 we are playing a (mostly) average guy while we're surrounded by a neurotic nurse, an AAAAAAAVAAAAAANT GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDE fashion designer who wants to bang his mannequin partner and a lady who thinks she's a cat
or a cat who has become a lady?
among others. My personal favourite was the juiced up flight attendant Phillip with whom the player can test his knowledge of aircraft against while he's not shifting between near-fits of rage and perfect hospitality. On the other hand, with Deadly Premonition we played an oddball FBI agent who talks to his other self about old movies while surrounded by an (again mostly) average cast in the town of Greenvale. It made for an interesting distinction throughout the game.

D4 has also been the first time I've wanted to play through something using Kinect. While there were still a few spotty moments here and there, it felt great to explore the environments with the Kinect one you had the controls down and the action sequences were fantastic fun with it. I only spent some short time using a controller but I wasn't happy with it in comparison. The point and click adventure genre isn't one that benefits from controller use and is one of the few scenarios when the Kinect makes a lot of sense...if you're in an environment where it works.

By the end of episode two I was captivated by story and characters of D4 and wanted more. The hinting at a
Blood-caused super power-filled world
seemed like an exciting setting for future seasons and the potential reveal of D was a tense cliffhanger and a great stopping point to entice the audience for more. Though to be honest, there was one thing in the last few minutes that left me a little down. When I first saw
Phillip's Bane-like final form
I couldn't help but think of how great a boss battle that would be. Swery's games aren't exactly known for amazing combat but I just had such an intense desire to fight that guy and shoot his obvious weak points. Even though I enjoyed the action sequences immensely up until this point, I don't know if I would be satisfied with a similar scenario when fighting such an intimidating adversary.

For anyone who owns an Xbox One, is planning on getting an Xbox One or loves Swery's previous works, this is a definite recommendation. D4 is incredibly fresh and perfectly executes on creating an interesting new world to dive into that is inhabited by an unforgettable cast of characters. I just hope Microsoft will allow us to explore it many more times in the future.
Finished chapter 1 last night. This is an incredible game. Swery is a master of molding strong characters, an interesting story, and absolute batshit insanery. Can't wait for chapter 2.
Alright, GAF, it's time we need to talk about some serious spoiler material and unravel some of this stuff.

Major Plot Spoilers + Speculation follows:

is clearly David's cat, as scene in the flashback when you interact with the TV in the Prologue. Why does he now see her as a human?

Real Blood
the super drug, how does it tie into all this? It clearly gave Philip Cheney electrical super powers, and abuse of it seems to result in spontaneous combustion according to news articles. Is Real Blood connected to the fact that all the blood was drained from Little Peggy's corpse?

The night Little Peggy died
is a strange series of events. David claims there was an intruder that injured him and killed Little Peggy, then he passed out. He woke up in the hospital, and when he returned Peggy's foster dad, August Oldmann was there mourning her death asking if the past could be changed. David also claims August's hair turned white OVER NIGHT, which is both a Twin Peaks reference and sign that August is up to some bad shit. Did David (or August) kill Little Peggy or is there actually a third party involved?

What's with the repeated "It's like I've grown wings" line that Peggy says. Is she high on Real Blood?

What about Little Peggy's pregnancy? Did the baby die? Was the baby taken?

According to hypochondriac Deborah Anderson's notes, she was a nurse when "the giant" Roland Walken operated on David when he got the bullet to the brain the night Peggy died. Why does David see him? Is David in a coma or something?

Little Peggy's dad,
or dads, seem to be the key to this. We see her real father in the Prologue tutorial. It's implied he died as Little Peggy is then raised by her foster father, August Oldmann.

August Oldmann is clearly a future version of David Young. Literally Oldman Young. Look at this picture. Aside from appearance, there are other clues like the fact that they disguise his voice and Little Peggy remembering similarities such as the fact that August played hockey just like David. So why would David go back in time to raise his wife? Desperation to change the past and control future events? Is Kaysen loyal to Oldmann?

Why did August create the "Oldmann Medical Research Facility" taked about in Episode 2? Did they create Real Blood?

is obviously connected to Little Peggy somehow, but in what way? I'm getting an Orphan Black vibe from this. Did they take Peggy's blood to clone her or something? Is Peggy "gifted" in some way?

“The Owls Are Not What They Seem.”
Finally, what's the deal with the owl? Is is supernatural? Is is real at all? The owl in the plane cargo hold vanishes when you touch it. Why does August Oldmann wear an owl feather on his jacket? Does the owl have a connection to time travel?

Please speculate with me, this driving me crazy.


Alright, GAF, it's time we need to talk about some serious spoiler material and unravel some of this stuff.

Major Plot Spoilers + Speculation follows:

Real Blood
the super drug, how does it tie into all this? It clearly gave Philip Cheney electrical super powers, and abuse of it seems to result in spontaneous combustion according to news articles. Is Real Blood connected to the fact that all the blood was drained from Little Peggy's corpse?
The Blood series and Real Blood seem to have started off as some kind of steroid-like drug that was undetectable and had no adverse side effects. But with the later strains, there have been bizarre outcomes both good and bad. It is mentioned that people who were fine with one strain of Blood have died extreme deaths (exploding, turning inside out/into a cube of meat) after taking a different strain. I don't think there is any specific reasoning for why this happens yet but it is hinted that this might have happened to Peggy, though her autopsy came up clean. The other effect seems to be super powers. Obviously Phillip's powers come from Real Blood and I suspect that's also the cause of David's diving ability somehow.
The night Little Peggy died
is a strange series of events. David claims there was an intruder that injured him and killed Little Peggy, then he passed out. He woke up in the hospital, and when he returned Peggy's foster dad, August Oldmann was there mourning her death asking if the past could be changed. David also claims August's hair turned white OVER NIGHT, which is both a Twin Peaks reference and sign that August is up to some bad shit. Did David (or August) kill Little Peggy or is there actually a third party involved?

What about Little Peggy's pregnancy? Did the baby die? Was the baby taken?
I don't think we know much about the night yet other than that there was a third party there that took David to the hospital. My bet would be on Forrest being the one who took David to the hospital but I don't think there's any evidence of that. The final police report from Forrest does brief the night though, but most of it is censored. Regarding Little Peggy's pregnancy, I think she had a miscarriage. In the letter you get from completing the clover minigame it mentions that she had a disease that caused her to be at risk of dying and that most would abort in this situation. This letter was also in 2010, at least a couple months before the murder so I assume that's what happened.

Those are the only ones I'm fairly confident on at the moment, I still have more collectibles and quests to finish though.


Alright, GAF, it's time we need to talk about some serious spoiler material and unravel some of this stuff.

Major Plot Spoilers + Speculation follows:

is clearly David's cat, as scene in the flashback when you interact with the TV in the Prologue. Why does he now see her as a human?

Real Blood
the super drug, how does it tie into all this? It clearly gave Philip Cheney electrical super powers, and abuse of it seems to result in spontaneous combustion according to news articles. Is Real Blood connected to the fact that all the blood was drained from Little Peggy's corpse?

The night Little Peggy died
is a strange series of events. David claims there was an intruder that injured him and killed Little Peggy, then he passed out. He woke up in the hospital, and when he returned Peggy's foster dad, August Oldmann was there mourning her death asking if the past could be changed. David also claims August's hair turned white OVER NIGHT, which is both a Twin Peaks reference and sign that August is up to some bad shit. Did David (or August) kill Little Peggy or is there actually a third party involved?

What's with the repeated "It's like I've grown wings" line that Peggy says. Is she high on Real Blood?

What about Little Peggy's pregnancy? Did the baby die? Was the baby taken?

According to hypochondriac Deborah Anderson's notes, she was a nurse when "the giant" Roland Walken operated on David when he got the bullet to the brain the night Peggy died. Why does David see him? Is David in a coma or something?

Little Peggy's dad,
or dads, seem to be the key to this. We see her real father in the Prologue tutorial. It's implied he died as Little Peggy is then raised by her foster father, August Oldmann.

August Oldmann is clearly a future version of David Young. Literally Oldman Young.Look at this picture. Aside from appearance, there are other clues like the fact that they disguise his voice and Little Peggy remembering similarities such as the fact that August played hockey just like David. So why would David go back in time to raise his wife? Desperation to change the past and control future events? Is Kaysen loyal to Oldmann?

Why did August create the "Oldmann Medical Research Facility" taked about in Episode 2? Did they create Real Blood?

is obviously connected to Little Peggy somehow, but in what way? I'm getting an Orphan Black vibe from this. Did they take Peggy's blood to clone her or something? Is Peggy "gifted" in some way?

“The Owls Are Not What They Seem.”
Finally, what's the deal with the owl? Is is supernatural? Is is real at all? The owl in the plane cargo hold vanishes when you touch it. Why does August Oldmann wear an owl feather on his jacket? Does the owl have a connection to time travel?

Please speculate with me, this driving me crazy.



I can't find one observation in the Prologue still and it's driving me nuts! Sitting at 107/108 Observations and I have no idea what it could be. I've replayed this Prologue nearly 10 times already too. Where could it beeeeee?
I can't find one observation in the Prologue still and it's driving me nuts! Sitting at 107/108 Observations and I have no idea what it could be. I've replayed this Prologue nearly 10 times already too. Where could it beeeeee?

Did you get the one
on the TV when you turn it on for the second (I think, maybe it has to be after Amanda is introduced) time?


Did you get the one
on the TV when you turn it on for the second (I think, maybe it has to be after Amanda is introduced) time?

I believe so. I'm guessing it's that single observation, "Reruns". I'm hoping nothing glitched out. I recall holding "Y" at the very last moment during one of those quick observation ques and I don't quite remember if I saw all the line-items get checked off. I replayed the Prologue later and that very same "Y" trigger was already considered "checked" off. Hoping it actually registered all the items, you know what I mean?

Otherwise, it's gotta be a medal or something because it's only one observation, right? I swear I've looked up and down that apartment (and the introduction sequence)!


You only get it after beating Walken's second case in the second episode. You use it to start the clover drop mini-game.

Oh, so there's a few things you have to return to Episode 1 and the Prologue for? Ha, I've been trying to keep myself away from Episode 2 until I exhausted the prior two chapters. I really should just finish Season One (but I don't want this to end!!!).
Oh, so there's a few things you have to return to Episode 1 and the Prologue for? Ha, I've been trying to keep myself away from Episode 2 until I exhausted the prior two chapters. I really should just finish Season One (but I don't want this to end!!!).

There are things you can't do on your first go. Even within the same mission, there can be things in the first half of the mission that you can't do until you've solved some cases in the second half.

What else could we do?


Only 9000 on the leaderboards. Very disappointing to say the least....

There needs to be a campaign. Launch trailer, marketing campaign, the works.

Phil pls.

Its what happens when you just launch your game out of freaking nowhere with no marketing or any kind of push behind it.


Only 9000 on the leaderboards. Very disappointing to say the least....

There needs to be a campaign. Launch trailer, marketing campaign, the works.

Phil pls.
It is pretty sad how this game was just sent out to die with absolutely no fanfare. I want more episodes, and unless it starts selling we probably won't get any more. :(
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