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Rumor/confirmed - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is 1080p on PS4, and 900p on XB1.

Amen to that.
"Oh okay, I'm going to buy the Xbox One version anyway because I like the controller more and because my friends, I don't care about the resolution difference anyway...so yeah!"

It's fine that you're doing what suits you best but do we really need to know which version you're gonna buy and why? Why should we care at all? It adds nothing meaningful to the topic about a games resolution on two platforms.
It's no crime to buy it on the Xbox One you know.

It's the tolerated version of thread wining. Annoying but what can you do.


Generous Member
Everytime I read through a resolution thread I can't help but imagine there is some sort of email notification list that alerts any and all Xbox faithful to come to the defense of their lesser performing console by shit posting, thread whining and generally obfuscating. Perhaps it's something like this:

This message brought to you by the letter S as in SARCASM since we all know this done completely free of charge and encouragement which makes it even more depressing
Lol 😂 excellent post
Ok what are we saying?

You know, YOU don't HAVE to say anything....NOBODY does, but some want to discuss reasons why their may be differences, the effects resolution could have on gameplay, whether this rumor is true our false, some people chime in on whether they care our not, some wonder out loud what the generate will be, you chime in with why are we even talking about this.....There are lots of things being said...


What do we actually say? Shouldn't thus thread just be the ops comment and then maybe one person stating that the Xbox One version is running at a lower res. Then what can actually be said?

I don't know, we could talk some more about how you cancelled your PS+? Or maybe some more about that confidence in XBL?
Last year, the there was a sizeable gap between the X1 and the PS4's version of COD, but it was launch software.
Fastforward a year, and the devs have gotten a lot more comfortable with the hardware, there have been hardware unlocks and updated SKU's, but the gap is still sizeable. I think there is more then enough material to talk about. Will you please permit us to talk about it some more ?

Devs have also got a lot more comfortable on ps4 hardware too. It doesn't just stop from launch.


I figured the XBone would be the base for the game and that would benefit that version. Guess it's not the case.

It only "benefits" that version in that it holds the PS4 version back a bit by not taking advantage of PS4's extra compute power. Though to be fair it's mostly just first party studios that will be taking advantage of it regardless. Other than that, both systems are so similar in architecture that it doesn't really matter. The PS4 will always have the same advantage (much like running a game on a Radeon 7770 and then "optimizing" it (ie turning up resolution and settings in the config file) to run on a 7850).That said, I would be surprised if any multiplatform dev is using the Bone as the lead platform just because they have some kind of marketing deal in place. Why would a dev choose to focus first on the weaker, more difficult system that has sold half as many units? People are forgetting that due to PS4's sales advantage, it's in a dev's best interest to make the PS4 version as good as it can be, rather than be lazy or pander to poor widdle persecuted Microsoft.


What do we actually say? Shouldn't thus thread just be the ops comment and then maybe one person stating that the Xbox One version is running at a lower res. Then what can actually be said?
I don't know, that's up to the posters, not me. But do you honestly think people justifying their Xbox One version purchase adds something meaningful to this thread?
I just assume games are 900p on the Xbox and 1080p on the PS4 unless I read otherwise.

Those seem to be the sweet spots for each set of hardware.


I really like that COD multi always targets 60FPS.

Although if I get into a COD game it is difficult to mix in other games.. as my eyes/brain are adjusted to and expecting 60FPS.


I don't know, that's up to the posters, not me. But do you honestly think people justifying their Xbox One version purchase adds something meaningful to this thread?

When people feel they need to justify something it's usually because they're upset about the choice they made. They don't need to be unless it's important to them.

The fact that they're sharing suggests that it was important to them.
Someone once told me call of duty was sold on the ps3. There was a few of them and it sold millions. It was supposed a lower res than the other available versions but it still sold loads and people shot other people a lot over the Internet and guess what? They were sometimes at the other end of a map... And no one complained... Can you believe it? It was like 540p,s or less. Deffo less o's than the competition.

Can I dig up those individual resolution threads for cod last gen? I want to do research?

Is there threads like "black ops 2 600p on xbox 360 and 500p confirmed on ps3"?

Um yeah, there are....lol, you could just Google a bit...

DF faceoff thread

The OT was about as awful as any thread you will find....
Hey I love the Xbox One. Anyone who thinks there's some magical juice there is delirious tho. Ms and their fans have to live with this gen and Expect the Xbox One versions of games to come up short compared to the ps4 version. If they think ms can fix it through software then I don't know what to say to them. The ps4 is a well designed beast of a console. Xbox one is very good but a pain and no where near as well designed on the hardware front. That's the simple fact of all this. I expect resolution differences now. I'm sure we all do. Luckily good games aren't defined by a resolution. I'm sure it can add to a game. A turd is a turd no matter it's res. :)


I have come to accept the system for what it is. MS needs to just stop trying to convince people that they can harness some mystical untapped power (the Cloud, the Kinect power) and accept the system is somewhat inferior to PS4.


I don't know, that's up to the posters, not me. But do you honestly think people justifying their Xbox One version purchase adds something meaningful to this thread?

I dont think many are "justifying" anything by pointing out reasons why they are choosing the Xbone version. I own both consoes since launch, and have purchased many more games on ps4 over xb1, and spend alot more time on my ps4. Pointing out controller preference, preferring Xbox Live, or having more friends that play COD on Xbox is hardly "justifying". Its simply pointng out there are other factors other than resolution alone in making that decision (for those of us fortunate enough to own both consoles).

"360 is 880x720
PS3 is 864x720"

PS3 vs. 360 was funny. Comparison threads were already a big deal last gen even though the differences were usually much smaller than now.

Just reading the first 5 posts you get these gems....

First Post right here

The PS3 images are horrifying, thank god I didn't spend money on it.

Second Post

Woah at that PS3 version

Fifth Post

I've never seen a PS3 game look that blurry. It's ridiculous.

So JAYSIMPLE's argument that resolution arguments just started this gen is rather ridiculous.....And this was a game that had a 16p difference.


I dont think many are "justifying" anything by pointing out reasons why they are choosing the Xbone version. I own both consoes since launch, and have purchased many more games on ps4 over xb1, and spend alot more time on my ps4. Pointing out controller preference, preferring Xbox Live, or having more friends that play COD on Xbox is hardly "justifying". Its simply pointng out there are other factors other than resolution alone in making that decision (for those of us fortunate enough to own both consoles).

Which still adds absolutely nothing to an resolution topic.
If you're and others are so eager to talk about it, the OT works pretty great.

These answers just don't bring anything into the discussion, they just blow it up and people will provoke each other and we know the circle...

It's fine to choose whatever platform you prefer, but it comes across as justifying or a more harmless version of thread whining.
The size of NeoGaf has gotten so big over the years, topics like these easily get blown out of proportion.

Plus the actual discussion wouldn't even be constantly on page 1, if people didn't bring it up over and over again.


On the other hand when PS4 was brand new hardware for developers (1+ year ago) DICE could not (did not) get Battlefield 4 running at native 1080p60 on PS4. It was 900p and more like a 48 ~ 60 fps range in framerate (with dips below that in heavy MP action + Levolution), certainly not a locked 60fps.

But then, the Frostbite 3 engine was well more advanced than what IW had for Ghosts.
The game looks like a minor upgrade from Black Ops 2, graphically. I played that on PC and it looked pretty much like this.

Maybe single player will be more impressive?
The consensus hasn't changed, there are more bone owners who prefer their controller.

I prefer how the PS4 controller feels when holding it, the buttons, the triggers, and the dpad, but the concave analog sticks are better than the PS4. I actually like the feeling of the PS4 sticks but its just a bit slippery. The concave hard plastic rings on the XB1 is better.


Hmm could get it on PC for 1080p goodness but ehhhhh I'll just get it on XB1 later when it gets cheaper. Controller just feels too good in my hands!


I dont think many are "justifying" anything by pointing out reasons why they are choosing the Xbone version. I own both consoes since launch, and have purchased many more games on ps4 over xb1, and spend alot more time on my ps4. Pointing out controller preference, preferring Xbox Live, or having more friends that play COD on Xbox is hardly "justifying". Its simply pointng out there are other factors other than resolution alone in making that decision (for those of us fortunate enough to own both consoles).

Sure there are reasons to buy this on the xb1. And I bet the main reason is, that most ppl don't have both consoles.

But do we need a post from everyone in here like that?


Minimal? You can't seriously believe tat even if you've been able to analyse footage of each version side-by-side (which you haven't).
For the most part it is pretty minimal. I don't need to analyze the footage side-by-side to know that yes, the PS4 version will (likely) be pushing more pixels than the Xbox One version, but will (likely) offer the exact same experience with a slightly cleaner image on my 32" 1080p TV. I preordered the Xbox One version because I prefer the better battery life in the controller, I prefer Xbox live, and it gets the DLC first. That's the great thing about having options. None of my friends that I play COD with have jumped to current gen yet so friends list isn't much of a factor for me. I got Ghosts on my PS4, and as I mentioned before if it was 720p vs 1080p I'd probably get the ps4 version again.
Why do people feel the need to bitch about threads? There are some who these types of threads are helpful for. I personally want to know what resolution each game is running at because I own both systems and we all know that 900p won't be written on the back of the Xbox One box. The worst are people who come in here and say who cares about resolution it's all about fun, well fine if it's all about fun for you then why are you posting in a thread that's clearly about resolution?
It is still mind blowing to me that this happened.

Surely somebody, somewhere at Microsoft would have sat down with Activision and checked the planned new console could play COD at 1080p?

Did they just assume it would be ok? Did they check and decide it wasn't important? I get different priorities, but this is COD. For better or worse, why would you even risk not having the best version?


Why do people feel the need to bitch about threads? There are some who these types of threads are helpful for. I personally want to know what resolution each game is running at because I own both systems and we all know that 900p won't be written on the back of the Xbox One box. The worst are people who come in here and say who cares about resolution it's all about fun, well fine if it's all about fun for you then why are you posting in a thread that's clearly about resolution?

Like I said in my previous post I like to pretend it's due to some sort of secret Xbox email listserv. The reality (which we all honestly know the answer to) is just too sad to think about.


If I had both systems and all else are equal, Id def get the PS4 version. Who wouldn't?

of course if you had only either console then choice is easier.


It is still mind blowing to me that this happened.

Surely somebody, somewhere at Microsoft would have sat down with Activision and checked the planned new console could play COD at 1080p?

Did they just assume it would be ok? Did they check and decide it wasn't important? I get different priorities, but this is COD. For better or worse, why would you even risk not having the best version?

Don't understand your point. The game is going to sell very well regardless. It's also possible that the system can't handle 1080p while keeping the frame rate stable.

The COD XB1 bundle alone is doing much better than many (including me) thought it would. People are getting it because it's new COD on a console with much better graphics than last gen.


Sometimes I'm so hesitant buying games on my Xbox 1 versus PS4 especially when i know the other one is better, but all my fam and friends have the 1, so thats the one i have to go with.

As for the resolution I think it was expected.
Still not sure if I want to jump in on PC or Xbox.. PC I can have fun with everything maxed, but I'll be stuck with a pretty much dead community.


you don't think said engineers have been slaving to get it to run absolutely best ? I'm sure they fought tooth and nail to reach that 900P.

Don't know about "tooth and nail" -- there was information many months ago that suggested the game would at least be 900p on the system. 1080p would probably be a better fit for your post/point.


Sometimes I'm so hesitant buying games on my Xbox 1 versus PS4 especially when i know the other one is better, but all my fam and friends have the 1, so thats the one i have to go with.

As for the resolution I think it was expected.

Why do you even own a PS4? Just buy for the system you want if the resolution is that important to you.

I think people are making a mountain out of a mole hill. I get that the same thing happened last gen where people scoffed at the PS3 but it was stupid then too (granted I wasn't around GAF at the time so I was almost totally unaware of the issue). There is literally nothing to discuss. It is a statement of fact followed by pages and pages of people either saying "HA PS4 MOAR POWER" or people saying "resolution doesn't matter" or the most ridiculous, "Xbox is holding PS4 back." They are stupid comments (even though I myself have put forth the resolution doesn't matter, because to me it doesn't. I make stupid comments from time to time... a lot of the time)

If it were not for these comments posts like this would fall off the first page and never be seen again. Then how would we ever know what the resolution is! We might have to count the pixels ourselves!


Don't understand your point. The game is going to sell very well regardless. It's also possible that the system can't handle 1080p while keeping the frame rate stable.

The COD XB1 bundle alone is doing much better than many (including me) thought it would. People are getting it because it's new COD on a console with much better graphics than last gen.

By what metric is the bundle doing "better" than what is expected and how you attributing that to graphics when the thing just got a price cut?


For the most part it is pretty minimal. I don't need to analyze the footage side-by-side to know that yes, the PS4 version will (likely) be pushing more pixels than the Xbox One version, but will (likely) offer the exact same experience with a slightly cleaner image on my 32" 1080p TV. I preordered the Xbox One version because I prefer the better battery life in the controller, I prefer Xbox live, and it gets the DLC first. That's the great thing about having options. None of my friends that I play COD with have jumped to current gen yet so friends list isn't much of a factor for me. I got Ghosts on my PS4, and as I mentioned before if it was 720p vs 1080p I'd probably get the ps4 version again.

I'm with your point about the difference being trivial. People are just using this as an excuse to engage in covert console wars. I would be getting it on the ps4 as that's my console but I don't think that 900p versus 1080p is a big deal. A lot of people can't tell the difference and to those that can it isn't a huge deal,and it's not a big differentiator compared to more important things like controller preference, services or content. It's just an easy point to argue since it's a hard number. It also does outline the obsession with graphics etc over playing the game; I've played mario galaxy and it was a better game than this will be and that is a million times more important than graphics. These conversations take away from tue oneswe need to have about game design.

"360 is 880x720
PS3 is 864x720"

PS3 vs. 360 was funny. Comparison threads were already a big deal last gen even though the differences were usually much smaller than now.

Actually I'd say the overall differences (resolution + framerate + visual quality + geometric detail) were usually greater on most multiplats last gen when compared to X1 and PS4.
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