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Is "Wii HiFi" Nintendo's next console?


Twig said:
The, excuse my French, "casuals" would not care. At all. It is only us, the minority, the, ahem hem, "hardcore" who actually care. Only us who actually follow the industry closely enough to explode with joy (or anger) at the mere announcement of the existence of a console to be released in over one year.

Okay. Then tell me... What does this do in any way that is significantly beneficial to Nintendo? 18 months out, a new console, not gonna say anything more. Is this helpful at all?


Gold Member
That's a really stupid name if true. I mean, "Wii" works since it doesn't mean anything, but "hi-fi" actually has a meaning - it has to do with high-quality audio. Is that supposed to be the main innovation of the Wii's successor; higher audio quality? Makes no sense to name a console like that. "Wii HD", "Super Wii", or even "Wii 2" would have been better.

Well, this probably isn't true anyway.


FLEABttn said:
Sony announced the PS3...

...at a time when they were outselling the competition...

18 months before it was released.

At a time when their competition was already on their last legs. Slight difference.

When Nintendo announce a new Wii... it'll be announced 3DS style.


Vinci said:
Okay. Then tell me...

All I'm saying is "GAF and the gaming press" is the least of their concerns, if they want to continue going after the new audience.

Nothing more, nothing less. If you try to get anything else out of my post, you are an idiot.


Vinci said:
Of course they pester them about it, but that would heighten considerably if Nintendo put any sort of information out specifically about what their next console is going to be and when it is projected to be released. As long as they say, "We are always working on hardware; we will release a new console eventually," it dilutes a great deal of the nonsense. These are understood things; they are accepted, they fade easily into the background since there's no way to know how much they have firmly set in place for the console. Once there's a date, they know exactly what it's going to be, what it can do, how it works, etc.

All I can say is that I really think you're overplaying the significance of the media speculation that would ensue.

The speculation would be immense. And there's no reason whatsoever to do that, drawing any attention whatsoever from the 3DS, when it buys them nothing for the Wii's successor.

Except, of course, to try and potentially draw attention away from Microsoft and Sony.


gerg said:
All I can say is that I really think you're overplaying the significance of the media speculation that would ensue.

If it draws any speculation from the media in the lead-up to the 3DS's launch, it's too much.

Except, of course, to try and potentially draw attention away from Microsoft and Sony.

The 3DS is going to do that anyway.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hi-Fi is obviously a name targeted at the "expanded audience," but I find it strange they just wouldn't go with HD. Everyone knows what HD is by now.


Taker666 said:
At a time when their competition was already on their last legs. Slight difference.

There will always be a difference if you change the criteria.

Has anyone ever announced a console while being #1 18 months before it was to be released?


Anything else you feel the need to add to that is inconsequential to the fact it's been done.


Vinci said:
If it draws any speculation from the media in the lead-up to the 3DS's launch, it's too much.

I don't think there'll be any "speculation" to be had about the 3DS - I'm pretty sure that almost all the most important details will be confirmed, and, of course, the device should be playable on the showroom floor.

I really don't understand what the consequences are going to be. Journalists aren't going to forget about the 3DS - in six months time when the device is finally released, they're not going to look at it and think "Boy, this was that weird little handheld thing that was announced alongside the fact that OMG NEW NINTENDO CONSOLE!" Some vague details about Nintendo's plans for the future shouldn't overshadow something physical and playable.


gerg said:
I don't think there'll be any "speculation" to be had about the 3DS - I'm pretty sure that almost all the most important details will be confirmed, and, of course, the device should be playable on the showroom floor.

I meant speculation about the next console. It would be useless to encourage it when the 3DS should be front and center in everyone's mind.


Y2Kev said:
Hi-Fi is obviously a name targeted at the "expanded audience," but I find it strange they just wouldn't go with HD. Everyone knows what HD is by now.

Because they don't want to give Pachter the satisfaction.

(and Super Wii, bless its heart, is way too nerdy)


ICallItFutile said:
lol online-oriented

HiFi is an awful subname

Through a stockholder press release?

After the holidays..at a time which won't cause massive damage to their systems sales. I predict the next Wii will be announced and released in the same year (unless Wii sales fall through the floor with no chance of revival).

IF there is a Wii HiFi announced this year..IMO it'll be an add-on as opposed to a whole new machine.


Y2Kev said:
Hi-Fi is obviously a name targeted at the "expanded audience," but I find it strange they just wouldn't go with HD. Everyone knows what HD is by now.
Except in Japan, where they don't use the "HD" term at all, but Hi-Vision instead :s


Vinci said:
I meant speculation about the next console. It would be useless to encourage it when the 3DS should be front and center in everyone's mind.

See above.

In any case, the only way I think we can settle the discussion is with experience. So I think it's best to wait until next week to see what actually pans out.


gerg said:
See above.

In any case, the only way I think we can settle the discussion is with experience. So I think it's best to wait until next week to see what actually pans out.

All I'm saying is that Nintendo is considered the most unpredictable company in gaming. For them to invite rampant speculation on their next console, following one of the most 'WTF' console wins of all time, during a period in which they want to hype their new handheld to high heaven would be unnecessary and benefit them in no conceivable fashion.

If they do it, that's fine - but it would be a stupid move.


Taker666 said:
IF there is a Wii HiFi announced this year..IMO it'll be an add-on as opposed to a whole new machine.

I really don't think the architecture of the Wii is capable of supporting such a thing.

Perhaps someone far geekier than I can say otherwise, but I don't expect someone to.


Vinci said:
All I'm saying is that Nintendo is considered the most unpredictable company in gaming.
Then why waste time trying to predict whether or not Nintendo will show ANYTHING AT ALL this E3?


Twig said:
Then why waste time trying to predict whether or not Nintendo will show ANYTHING AT ALL this E3?

Yes, that's precisely what that comment meant. It's not an all or nothing proposition.


Twig said:
Then why waste time trying to predict whether or not Nintendo will show ANYTHING AT ALL this E3?

Oh, c'mon, that's a really worthless position to take.

Vinci said:
If they do it, that's fine - but it would be a stupid move.

Because suddenly their imminent handheld launch wouldn't be the hot new thing?

In any case, let's agree to disagree.


gerg said:
Because suddenly their imminent handheld launch wouldn't be the hot new thing?

Precisely. If you're supposing that this announcement would be done to steal thunder from the PS3 and 360, how on earth could you imagine it wouldn't impact the 3DS as well? Again: Any attention going to something other than their handheld during its launch window is a bad thing.

In any case, let's agree to disagree.

Fair enough.


I'm calling fake on this one. I think, if Nintendo surprises us at all, it will be their software push for wii. Retro, Sakurai, HAL, NST, Intelligent Systems have all been working on something for the past 2-3 years.


gerg said:
Oh, c'mon, that's a really worthless position to take.
Exactly my point.

You can't go on and on about how unpredictable something is and then say "THEY'LL NEVER DO THIS (OR THAT)"

Especially when you don't actually know what you're talking about.
Vinci said:
If it draws any speculation from the media in the lead-up to the 3DS's launch, it's too much.

Not if they announce Wii HiFi and 3DS being two parts of the same experience - i.e. Nintendo's new social network. "Connectivity" was ahead of its time.


paid requisite penance
Guys, trust this French GAFfer who listens to Gameblog's podcast every now and then: they're full of shit on this one.

They're not the worst French gaming website out there, far from it, but they go a bit too much by the "we're enthusiasts first and foremost" mantra, meaning that anything relating to business — let alone Nintendo — flies well above their heads. They like to speculate and stuff, they're happy to get exclusives, and they've got interesting guests from time to time, but that's it really.

At least they don't have a French Daemon Hatfield (or whatever his name is) or Matt Casamassina in their staff, which automatically places them a few notches above IGN.


Twig said:
You can't go on and on about how unpredictable something is and then say "THEY'LL NEVER DO THIS (OR THAT)"

Unpredictable in terms of hardware design and philosophy, absolutely. Nintendo is that and a lot more. But they're not stupid when it comes to business and marketing. And there's nothing beneficial to this sort of action. Nothing. It earns them nothing.

That's all I'm saying.

Especially when you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Then all of GAF should shut the hell up, 'cause the vast majority of us don't know what we're talking about.
hatchx said:
I'm calling fake on this one. I think, if Nintendo surprises us at all, it will be their software push for wii. Retro, Sakurai, HAL, NST, Intelligent Systems have all been working on something for the past 2-3 years.

HAL just made Picross3D, no? And then there's the Kirby game, which is probably vaporware now, but must have taken up resources for a while, even so.

I'm expecting big things from Sakurai's project.

Retro could be working on a Wii game, but an original FPS to launch with 3DS would also be a great use of their talent.

What about Dragon Quest X? Is that still going down on Wii?

I was thinking that Nintendo would try and ride Wii into September 2012. The first half of this year has been pretty solid as far as third and first party titles go, and the lack of anything too far beyond may just be publishers saving the announcements for E3.


Interesting but seems fake

Kilrogg said:
Guys, trust this French GAFfer who listens to Gameblog's podcast every now and then: they're full of shit on this one.

They're not the worst French gaming website out there, far from it, but they go a bit too much by the "we're enthusiasts first and foremost" mantra, meaning that anything relating to business — let alone Nintendo — flies well above their heads. They like to speculate and stuff, they're happy to get exclusives, and they've got interesting guests from time to time, but that's it really.

At least they don't have a French Daemon Hatfield (or whatever his name is) or Matt Casamassina in their staff, which automatically places them a few notches above IGN.
How can we trust someone who didn't even read the GAF Wii Homebrew Wiki site?
Not buying it . . . if only because I don't think they will go all " . . .Oh, add he have a Wii 2 coming out next Nov! KTBY!" at the end of their show.
Zek said:
So the 360's graphics are embarassing? What? The point is to offer a super low price point(and/or a super high profit margin) at launch like the Wii did. I would hope that the next-gen Wii can beat this gen's graphics by at least a little bit but it honestly isn't that big a deal and we all know it.

They're embarassing for a system released in 2011, absolutely. Nintendo could absolutely trump the 360's output while still delivering a very low BOM. 1GB RAM alone would make a huge difference and its cheap enough to include these days, high end PCs are packing 10GB+ of RAM between their GPU and system RAM these days, asking for a tenth of that isn't exactly begging.

Personally I'd go with something like a Fusion chip with ~15MB of eDRAM + 1GB of GDDR5, should be cheap as chips, have no trouble emulating the Wii, be the simplest console to develop for on the market, have 2xmsaa @ 720p for free and absolutely decimate the 360's output.


Vinci said:
Then all of GAF should shut the hell up, 'cause the vast majority of us don't know what we're talking about.
That's also my point. You're talking in absolutes. Absolutes don't work, especially when speculating.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches (that is, presenting only 3DS vs. 3DS and Wii HD at the same time). There are potential benefits. I'm not going to list them, because others already have, and you keep shitting all over them because apparently you think you're more knowledgeable in the art of speculating.

For the record, I think that while there is a chance of something like this happening, it is a very slim chance. But only because the Wii is still hot shit and is younger than the DS.


paid requisite penance
Linkhero1 said:
How can we trust someone who didn't even read the GAF Wii Homebrew Wiki site?

Dude, that's low :(.

How about that: they (Gameblog) give VIP blogs to some developers. For instance, they gave David Cage (who else? He's French!) his own VIP blog on Gameblog, and then reviewed Heavy Rain (and gave it a perfect score, obviously). They have real credibility issues.


This sounds like something he pulled out of his ass.

If this doesn't happen I am for putting this website on the ban list.
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