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Final Fantasy XIII |OT2|


For some reason, I have the urge to try and finish this game. It's been months and my FF addiction is making me forget why I hated an FF game so much as to quit half way through...


Loves Robotech S1
Skilletor said:
For some reason, I have the urge to try and finish this game. It's been months and my FF addiction is making me forget why I hated an FF game so much as to quit half way through...

I've been waiting for that urge to come up. I bought the Japanese version on launch day, got to like, chapter 3 or 4 and shelved it. I'd really like to finish it someday but I can't seem to trick myself into wanting to play it.


Fimbulvetr said:
Sazh? But all I see is Lightning's piercing.

We've been over this already in the old topic. Lighting is hands down the best character in the game! I won't hear any of your lies!


Rebought (is that a word?) this when it was on sale on Amazon recently with the intent of finishing it soon'ish. I'm smack dab in the middle of Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (and enjoying it!) but as soon as I finish that one I'm going to be jumping back in. Seems like I had just hit Chapter 10 or so when I stopped if I remember right. I'm looking forward to seeing if my impressions of the game have changed any in the months that I've been away.


I really can't say anything positive about this game.

Oh the in game dialogue was nice. Use that more Square Enix.


I actually just picked this up second hand and now I'm about ten hours in.

Despite the excessive hand-holding I'm enjoying myself a lot. Although I have no idea how the summon system works even though I've used it a couple of times.


FFXIII was remarkable in how it made me subsequently warm up to FFXII a lot more than I ever thought was possible. Don't get me wrong, I didn't really hate FFXIII, but good God, Pulse was the biggest example of fresh air in that game after being railroaded from plot point to plot point in corridors listening to characters I don't really care too much about prattle on about the same old Power of Friendship and willpower shounen bullcrap.

But Pulse made me realize that I like Mob Hunts/Marks. I would take some kind of DLC with super-power Mob Hunts gladly. I mean, the post-game really, really takes a hit due to Turtle Grinding, but at least Pulse held my interest long enough for me to complete all of the hunts.


I'm really enjoying FFXIII. I don't mind the linearity, or the characters, or the story. It's a fun game.

I'm also not a jaded old fogey (I'm not yet thirty years old), so my opinion probably isn't valid. Still, I'm in the middle of chapter seven and I think it's lots of fun.

jax (old)

BocoDragon said:
Yup. I can trash this game in retrospect... but I wouldn't trade my experience of it for the world. There is a lot of fun to be had here (hand in hand with a certain amount of frustration). I have fond memories of that battle system!

It's just not ultimately up to par from what I expect from a full-rounded mainline FF game.

I personally hate most of it and wished I wasn't a FF fan and had to sit through this abomination of a game. 20 hours of boredom. then gran pulse and lots of running around pointless grinding and then back to hours of corridor/boredom.

Terrible terrible game. The constant swap out to 1/2 characters at the start were terrible.

HATED IT. Might be one of the worst games I've played this year.
Jexhius said:
I actually just picked this up second hand and now I'm about ten hours in.

Despite the excessive hand-holding I'm enjoying myself a lot. Although I have no idea how the summon system works even though I've used it a couple of times.

They fight on their own then you go into gestalt mode and press buttons. That's all there is to the summons.


TheChillyAcademic said:
Eh, tbh the only track I really had any feeling for was Kimi Ga Iru Kara.
Whenever I see that track name, the only thing I can think of for some reason is that it's the opening line for the chorus of the Fumoffu OP track.


No wall of shame for the first thread? :(

That OP brings back memories, back when I was sure that the game would turn out good. :(


Will Eat Your Children
Zoe said:
No, you're not in Pulse.
The one where you find Lightning's sister and the suave guy's girlfriend. That's not Pulse?

Damn I don't even understand the story then :lol
TheChillyAcademic said:
Eh, tbh the only track I really had any feeling for was Kimi Ga Iru Kara.

This might be more to the fact that songs like that have always had a presence in modern Final Fantasy titles.

Dear My Friend? No thanks.

Teetris said:
The one where you find Lightning's sister and the suave guy's girlfriend. That's not Pulse?



Fighting Fate, by far my favorite theme in this game but I like a lot of the music in this game. It's a fantastic soundtrack, unfortunate that the quality of the game didn't match the brilliance of the soundtrack.
cosmicblizzard said:
Snow is a pretty suave guy even if some of the stuff he says is stupid and idealistic. He'd be a good friend in real life.

You know one of requirements for being called suave is some degree of sophistication, right?


Will Eat Your Children
Fimbulvetr said:
Balthier is a JRPG character. :|
No doubt that guy is tight but I didn't say Snow was the most suave character in JRPG history.

Snow is more the suave kind of guy with no brains (and horrible voice acting from what I've seen). Missing that you don't got a lot of suave to work with but his appearance. And that's pretty suave.


Fimbulvetr said:
You know one of requirements for being called suave is some degree of sophistication, right?
I wasn't aware this had to be an absolute requirement to get called suave. My bad
cosmicblizzard said:
You can be smooth without being sophisticated. ChillyAcademic knows what I'm talking about.

Being suave requires both being smooth and sophisticated. You can't just have one, it's literally part of the definition.

Snow is neither.
Fimbulvetr said:
Being suave requires both being smooth and sophisticated. You can't just have one, it's literally part of the definition.

Snow is neither.

–adjective, suav·er, suav·est.
(of persons or their manner, speech, etc.) smoothly agreeable or polite; agreeably or blandly urbane.

Eh, I guess. At least he looks suave.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I wouldn't call Snow suave at all.

More like self-deluded bonehead. Even Lightning would agree.


wow it made it to a second OT awesome... Game was fucking spectacular... GAME OF THE YEAR. for me! Even above Reach, and I love Reach.


This is actually the game I'm playing through right now. Yeah I'm really late, but I just don't have time to play videogames anymore. Whenever I have free time I look at my guitar and a controller and the guitar it's like the guitar has tits and my playstation doesn't. Not that that's inherently bad I just derive more please from playing with tits than without. Anyway, because no one asked here are my impressions:

Story: fucking terrible. It's not incomplete and disappointing like FF12's, but it's pretty poorly conceptualized. Everything up to
finally getting to Hope's father
should have been condensed into the first 5 hours of the game. Either that or the complete opposite. The characters go through such "emotional stress" within 20 minute sessions of playing it makes no sense - they act as though they've been together for months. Also, the story is just poor. The concept isn't particularly great to begin with. Anyway, what they should have done was explain the whole Fal'cie/l'cie nonsense at the very beginning - in it's entirety - and then broken into the characters - and given the sense that that they've been traveling with each other for a good long while. The story is just too forced and rushed - but not rushed enough if you know what I mean.

Characters: It's a complete waste of a few good characters. Vanille, Fang, and Lightening are interesting designs and could have been written into better characters. Sazh isn't bad he's just boring as a character. Snow is a straight Zell rip-off - although he's slightly more interesting than Zell. The bickering between him and Lightning wouldn't be so bad if it was more natural. When Lightening refers to herself as "Light" it's just lame. Hope fucking sucks and is the worst character since Quinta. I hate to use this term - but he's a fucking twat - every time he opens his pussy - I mean mouth - I want to strangle him. All the other "bad guys" are just kind of bland. Speaking of which it's hard to build any tension when there aren't really any bad guys. Oh and Serah is easily the most lolitastic character of the current generation - this is a good or bad thing depending on your point of view.

Graphics and Sound: Prettiest game I've ever played. The only problem is that the NPCs stick out sometimes. I don't mind the tunneling and linearity - I totally understand from a design perspective.

Gameplay: Actually, this is far and away the redeeming factor of the game. If it wasn't for the gameplay I'd have stopped playing hours ago. It's really compelling and maybe one of the deepest gameplay experiences of any FF. It's also the only FF I've died in since FF6 (and that was when it was called FF3). It's not at all the "automatic" experience I think a lot of people think it is. It requires real strategy and experimentation. You can't just mash attack and win like in most other FFs.

Overall: For story it's tied with 12 as the worst of the modern FFs. Gameplay-wise it's tied with 10 for ingenuity and novelty and is actually pretty fun once you get it. I'm not prepared to call FF13 a failure, but it needs a lot of work to be on par with the older games in the series.

Random thoughts:

I'd really like to see SE and Atlus work on a WRPG together. Maybe make a game of Yoshitaka Amano's Hero project. I'm not sure who would do the writing though . . . maybe they could keep it ambiguous Fumito Ueda style . . . or get a sci-fi legend like Vernor Vinge to write a story for them . . .


I'm sorry for the vaguely sexist comments.


The battle system was the high point for me. Oh, and the graphics were awesome except the world never felt coherent to me. I guess they were more akin to 'levels' considering the straight path. Music was great.

Just everything else was a shame. I wouldn't say I regretted my time but it wasn't love thats for sure.

"Worst Birthday Ever." Just arg. Dammit.
genjiZERO said:
I'd really like to see SE and Atlus work on a WRPG together. Maybe make a game of Yoshitaka Amano's Hero project. I'm not sure who would do the writing though . . . maybe they could keep it ambiguous Fumito Ueda style . . . or get a sci-fi legend like Vernor Vinge to write a story for them . . .

Why bring down Atlus by teaming them up with SE?
GrumpyAlien said:
Playing it right now and just reached Gran Pulse. Its like my fourth time through and I am still digging it. Some of the eye candy in the cutscenes and the environments I will probably never get tired of. So beautiful. The Sunleth Waterscape is one of the nicest looking places in any game I have played.

I still have around 20+ marks I never bothered doing in my previous plays, so at least there will be something new to find.
You're playing this game for the fourth time?

Do you enjoy cutting your wrists as well?


I still want to play this game. A more action packed, streamlined, and cinematic role playing experience sounds great, despite others saying that's not Final Fantasy.
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