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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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IsntChrisL said:
I don't think Zelda will be ported over to Wii2. It's not the same situation as last time. This new system is a much bigger leap in power and it doesn't release until the end of next year.

Besides isn't the game basically almost done? Are they really gonna waste time and assets on one of the Wii's few exclusives and extend its release a full year, continuing the Wii's first party drought? I find it hard to believe myself. It was kind of a shock when they did it with TP, but these circumstances are more extreme, IMO.

If anything, I think they will bring a new Mario out at launch and hopefully a new IP.

hyduK said:
The Wii is barely different from the GC hardware wise, and based off these reports Wii2 is significantly more powerful than the Wii. Nintendo delaying SS for a year to port it to Wii2 and not taking FULL (ie. a new engine, making it 1080p is nowhere near enough, that's something you do with an HD collection [ie. one that would include WW, TP, OoT, MM]) advantage of the hardware would be insulting, to say the least.

It's about the money and recouping all that development cost and recapturing the hardcore. Putting SS on WIi2 and making it THE definitive version with balls to the walls enhanced audio and visual with extra new features is the way to open up their new platform. And don't think it couldn't be done.

edit: the game was probably "done" 5 months ago.

It's one thing to release an awesome game as a swan song when the system still has some steam left in it, but its a completely different thing to release an awesome game as a swan song when sales, mind-share and interest are at an all time low. It's the equivalent of sending a good game to die.

Releasing Pokemon Black and White on the DS is the perfect example of how to do a swan song on a platform that is being put to pasture.

Releasing SS as a Wii exclusive is the perfect example of how NOT to do a swan song on a platform that is being put to pasture.
Doc Holliday said:
Again, touchscreen controls make no sense because you have too look at the gamepad to use them. There must be something else are the rumors or wrong. What's the point if it's just a touchscreen?

Apparently the controller has classic buttons, plus triggers. The touch screen could simply be used as a HUD or a way to manage/use inventory items, for example, without having to pause the game and go into a menu. It's a hypothetical situation, but it would be downright cool. Imagine if a Fallout game did it, and the touch screen was your Pip-Boy.


Zeal said:
i don't want to hold a freakin' stick again for a controller. i want something more traditional.

sure, throw all the motion control and sensor bells and whistles in if you want, but give me a controller shape at least similar to 360/ps3's. i hated turning that Wiimote stick sideways.

My issue with the Wiimote wasn't the controller itself, more so Nintendo's insistence on using motion in every game, even if it made little sense and was less intuitive than a traditional control set.


Maxwell House said:
Nintendo will never capture the hardcore market if the new Nintendo console is only slightly more powerful than the 360. That is ridiculous considering that 360 will be 7 year old technology by the time the new Nintendo system releases. And it sure as hell will look absolutely primitive come 2013 when the next Microsoft and Sony systems release.

But people will buy it because it is the next new cool thing to own. And then people will keep buying them for the classic Nintendo games they bring out.


What if its more a Touchpad like the ngp rather than a touchscreen. Or is it pretty much 100% confirmed its a touchSCREEN?


slopeslider said:
In an alternate Universe:
In Nov. 2004 an anonymous source leaks microsoft's new console has graphics 'a notch' above xbox graphics. it is later revealed said source saw Need For Speed: Most Wanted

ANOTHER source says the upcoming console will be 'SIGNIFICANTLY' better than xbox.

An anonymous source is saying Wii2 is ' a notch' above, another 'significantly'
I know those pgr shots were probably 'photo mode', especially that last one, but still...

I think this brings up a good point. Another blogger at Wii HD Rumors brought up the point that Ubisoft (who hasn't exactly pushed the 3ds) is french and the site that said the wii hd is a notch above the 360 is french.


Woffls said:
Most of the core market just yaps on about how their Wii's are collecting dust and how much they'd rather play iPhone games than Zelda. I honestly think a big proportion of core gamers have no interest in Nintendo beyond a scapegoat for when bad things happen in the industry that can't be blamed on Activision or Michael Pachter. They need 3rd parties now, because Nintendo isn't relevant to a lot of 'enthusiasts'.

[edit] Sorry, that turned into a rant >_< I don't think Nintendo are as popular with the core gaming demographic as you seem to be implying.

That's definitely true. My Wii has collected a lot of dust over this generation. That being said, I still bought the Wii, and I still bought 5 or so Nintendo games...so they still made money off me. And I'd bet that's true with most core gamers.

Having worthwhile third-party exclusives would definitely help their profits, but not if it's at the expense of the casual market they currently have.


Doc Holliday said:
Again, touchscreen controls make no sense because you have too look at the gamepad to use them. There must be something else are the rumors or wrong. What's the point if it's just a touchscreen?
I have the area to touch is big enough, you won't have to look at the controller. It would be like having a really big button that's not really there. Like someone said, the touchscreen could be used for hotkeys. Just make the space to touch big enough to prevent an accidental input and you'll never have to look down.

Sort of like how Super Street Fighter IV 3D handles the touchscreen on the 3DS.


Death Prophet
idwl said:
What if its more a Touchpad like the ngp rather than a touchscreen. Or is it pretty much 100% confirmed its a touchSCREEN?
Nothing is 100% confirmed yet, but I doubt it will be a touchpad if a screen is present on the device.
hyduK said:
My issue with the Wiimote wasn't the controller itself, more so Nintendo's insistence on using motion in every game, even if it made little sense and was less intuitive than a traditional control set.
This. If classic controller support wad optional in next to everygame I'd be happy , sometimes motion controls just isn't needed.


BroHuffman said:
But people will buy it because it is the next new cool thing to own. And then people will keep buying them for the classic Nintendo games they bring out.
he was talking about the hardcore crowd not the casuals
hardcore people will only buy the highest spec that is not a pc
hyduK said:
That's definitely true. My Wii has collected a lot of dust over this generation. That being said, I still bought the Wii, and I still bought 5 or so Nintendo games...so they still made money off me. And I'd bet that's true with most core gamers.

Having worthwhile exclusives would definitely help their profits, but not if it's at the expense of the casual market they currently have.
funny thing is that some people in this forums claim that hardcore gamers are the most reliable source of income for nitnendo when most of the hardcore gamers just ignored the wii
wwm0nkey said:
If the Trinity rumor is true then it will be a generation leap above 360/PS3
A lot depends on the core configuration. Am I reading it right that most modern GPUs are extremely multicore so that the same basic design can be scaled across a whole range of price points depending on how much silicon and what TPD they're aiming for?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Refreshment.01 said:
Don´t know how much the cuarrent iteration of Kinect holds up. But the technology bathes space with infrared ligt, so lighting conditions don´t present much of a problem.

The IR camera on Kinect is too low resolution for facial recognition, it relies on the normal camera and decent lighting. The IR camera is there for body tracking which doesn't need to be as precise.

And so far that`s what it is, a good sounding marketing mantra. We have been talking about it and we just have come up with tangencial and superficial uses for it. Yes, it totaly can end up in the console, but just that alone cant be the only thing Nintendo is counting on.

As a side note and slightly OT, remember that Ubisoft demostrated a bio sensor for gameplay before Nintendo. Well Ubi did bad there :)

Ubisoft, really?

We're talking a few ideas off the top of our heads, Nintendo will have been working for years on this. And companion technology like thumb-print recognition would add to the whole picture. Nintendo are like Apple, it's how they put the technology together and support it through software that explains it's reason for being there.

Also, assuming Valve would be all over this that's a pretty heavyweight backer to have and that would automatically change what people expect from those types of games for example.

It's certainly a far more interesting area than everything else which is spilling out of these rumours which we are all totally already familiar with, and do nothing to justify the very obvious downsides from putting any of those rumours into practice.
So, looking over the rumoured features of the controller an obvious omission is an analogue stick. As the 6" screen apparently isn't multi-touch, it might suggest it is a replacement for the analogue. A digital nunchuck, if you will.
BroHuffman said:
But people will buy it because it is the next new cool thing to own. And then people will keep buying them for the classic Nintendo games they bring out.

And let's not forget that, if Nintendo forces their hand in regards to the next console wave, it will have an entire year's leap on Sony and Microsoft's offerings. That's a lot of time for developers to get accustomed to the Super Wii, complete with faithful multiplatform releases and general developer interest.
hyduK said:
The majority of the 'hardcore' market owns a Wii, and will buy a Wii2 simply because of the 4-5 Nintendo games that they feel are must-plays.
I think the market Nintendo wants to capture when talking about the "hardcore" are the millions of Halo / Call of Duty shooter fans who only own a 360 or PS3 and scoff at the Wii. That market is pretty sizeable and aren't currently interested in the Wii in large part due to its inferior power.

If the next Nintendo console really is so underpowered that it is only a bit more powerful than the 360, than that segment of the market will continue to show zero interest in Nintendo.


Opus Angelorum said:
So, looking over the rumoured features of the controller an obvious omission is an analogue stick. As the 6" screen apparently isn't multi-touch, it might suggest it is a replacement for the analogue. A digital nunchuck, if you will.
Noooo, Id hate that. Plus long gaming sessions using a touch screen as an analogue stick is gonna make for one dirty/sweaty screen

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
disappeared said:
Apparently the controller has classic buttons, plus triggers. The touch screen could simply be used as a HUD or a way to manage/use inventory items, for example, without having to pause the game and go into a menu. It's a hypothetical situation, but it would be downright cool. Imagine if a Fallout game did it, and the touch screen was your Pip-Boy.

You still have to break the gameflow by looking down. IMO same as pressing start or whatever to switch items.


Maxwell House said:
I think the market Nintendo wants to capture when talking about the "hardcore" are the millions of Halo / Call of Duty shooter fans who only own a 360 or PS3 and scoff at the Wii. That market is pretty sizeable and aren't currently interested in the Wii in large part due to its inferior power.

If the next Nintendo console really is so underpowered that it is only a bit more powerful than the 360, than that segment of the market will continue to show zero interest in Nintendo.
As long as they continue to be a decade (it's probably more than a decade now) behind with their online support, they will NEVER have that market. Maybe they should swallow their pride and admit that their online solution is absolutely pathetic.

People buy CoD and Halo to play with their friends, online. Nintendo can make their system as powerful as they want, but if their online isn't on par with XBL/PSN they can keep dreaming about that market.


Opus Angelorum said:
So, looking over the rumoured features of the controller an obvious omission is an analogue stick. As the 6" screen apparently isn't multi-touch, it might suggest it is a replacement for the analogue. A digital nunchuck, if you will.

Dual analogs is a rumored feature. Its a bit further down in the OP.


Opus Angelorum said:
So, looking over the rumoured features of the controller an obvious omission is an analogue stick. As the 6" screen apparently isn't multi-touch, it might suggest it is a replacement for the analogue. A digital nunchuck, if you will.
That stuff is obnoxious on iDevices and I've yet to experience haptic feedback so I have no idea if that would make up for it. I hope this is not the case.


farnham said:
he was talking about the hardcore crowd not the casuals
hardcore people will only buy the highest spec that is not a pc

This is impossible to prove. This is no way to figure out a graph of "casuals" vs "hardcore" and which group supported the wii more.

I don't agree with your definition of hardcore, of only buying the highest spec. Most hardcores probably own a wii. And they own it for the games. That isn't going to change.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Maxwell House said:
I think the market Nintendo wants to capture when talking about the "hardcore" are the millions of Halo / Call of Duty shooter fans who only own a 360 or PS3 and scoff at the Wii. That market is pretty sizeable and aren't currently interested in the Wii in large part due to its inferior power.

If the next Nintendo console really is so underpowered that it is only a bit more powerful than the 360, than that segment of the market will continue to show zero interest in Nintendo.

There is, I think, a fairly large overlap between Wii ownership and ownership of a PS3 or 360 (or PC), but Nintendo doesn't get a look in on a lot of the software activity of these owners, and I think maybe Nintendo does want a slice of that, because it's perhaps more dependable than the 'blue ocean' market that.

If they do want a share of that software market, to 'recapture' the hardcore in that sense, capture more of their activity on their platform rather than on a Sony or MS one, then that's where having enough power to support big third party games for the coming generation becomes important. Yes, a lot of hardcore people will buy one anyway just for Nintendo's stuff, but if Nintendo wants more than that they'll have to support more than that in their platform's capability.


How about this?



Neiteio said:
How about this?

Eh, not a fan of all the attachments.

Oh, and if Nintendo could make it so you don't need the Wiimote for EVERYTHING, that would be nice. I shouldn't have to plug my classic controller in to the Wiimote to use it.
Kjellson said:
Love the gif, but where is it from? I've seen that guy several times here on GAF.

Mortal Kombat movie

hyduK said:
Oh, and if Nintendo could make it so you don't need the Wiimote for EVERYTHING, that would be nice. I shouldn't have to plug my classic controller in to the Wiimote to use it.

I second this..I was never a nunchuk fan and I always hated plugging in classic controller and hate the dropping it or it moving when you move the controller to far


Opus Angelorum said:
A digital nunchuck, if you will.
*shudder* I know there are people who will disagree - maybe not here, but certainly elsewhere - but on screen buttons and sticks are utterly terrible. They're unreliable, uncomfortable and generally not suitable for most genres. Some stuff works, like, uhh stroking kittens, but it just wouldn't cut it for a Mario game. Unless they have some magical resistive touch screen or something. I dunno.

As for looking down at the screen for HUD information, obviously it won't work in all games, but a lot of slower ones could benefit from it. Zelda, for example, as it's a very slow game most of the time. Looking down at your controller to check your boost in F-Zero? Nope, you'd be retired before your eyes left the TV!
DECK'ARD said:
Also, assuming Valve would be all over this that's a pretty heavyweight backer to have and that would automatically change what people expect from those types of games for example.
If Valve´s get in bed with Nintendo with this console it would be for other reasons, not just only because they might know your blood pressure (a valve pun). Now, Valve fully backing a Nintendo console, that´s the most out there thing i´ve heard since the rumor avalanche started :D


The Amiga Brotherhood


idwl said:
when did Miyamoto start talking about him swimming? Could he have been referring to steel diver.
That's exactly what I was thinking too. Or maybe the N6 has some virtual reality headset crap and Nintendo is making their own Endless Ocean-type game!


Neiteio said:
How about this?

Updated it with a bit more notation. Nintendo's not afraid of attachments (nunchuk, classic, MotionPlus, Wheel, Zapper, etc), and at most this is only one more attachment than before. Most of the time you'd only be using one of the attachments. These attachments would also be rounded to form grips, making it more comfortable for your index finger to hit the rear triggers or shoulder bumpers. And in theory, you could still attach a nunchuck to either the core controller or the core controller + attachment #2 -- allowing you to have touch control AND pointer control for, say, Pikmin 3.


DECK'ARD said:
He's been teasing us for years with our Pikmins the bastard.

I'd want my Pikmins in HD now anyway, not sent to die on the Wii. They deserve better than that for all their faithful service in powering Nintendo's hardware.
Yeah, at this point just make it a launch title for the next system. That's my main gripe with the SS on Wii2 idea. Wii has been out for nearly 5 years and it still hasn't had a Zelda game designed for the platform, I feel like if SS comes out for Wii2 it will be the same situation (and it will be a much bigger travesty considering a Zelda that meets current gen standards is orgasmic to think about).
Doc Holliday said:
You still have to break the gameflow by looking down. IMO same as pressing start or whatever to switch items.

I'll post what I mentioned regarding the Dreamcast version of Resident Evil 2 again.

Last weekend I booted up RE2 with a VMU in the DC's controller. It shows your health and how much ammo you've got left in your clip. Very basic function, granted, but by no means did it break the game's flow. It was a half-second glance at the controller, and I used it several times even when zombies were approaching. It wasn't an interference in the slightest, and was actually kind of helpful. Admittedly, you still have to go into the menu to use a herb to heal, or to reload your gun, but it's always baby steps. Now imagine a modernized system like that, with ability to use a herb or reload the gun without a menu transition. That kind of stuff may seem small-time, but in regards to efficiency, it's a very neat idea.


I wonder if Vitality Sensor would be able to tell if you're holding your breath? Might cause a few lawsuits, though.

[edit] Managing a Resident Evil inventory would be soooo much better on a touch screen. Pretty much a Tetris mini game.


The Amiga Brotherhood
hyduK said:
Yeah, at this point just make it a launch title for the next system. That's my main gripe with the SS on Wii2 idea. Wii has been out for nearly 5 years and it still hasn't had a Zelda game designed for the platform, I feel like if SS comes out for Wii2 it will be the same situation (and it will be a much bigger travesty considering a Zelda that meets current gen standards is orgasmic to think about).

Pikmin is the one Nintendo game that would blatantly show off HD and increased power well. Perfect fit, and would benefit greatly from being a launch game.

As long as they aren't throwing pointer control out the window for the sake of a 6" touchscreen.

In which case Pikmins am cry :(
BroHuffman said:
This is impossible to prove. This is no way to figure out a graph of "casuals" vs "hardcore" and which group supported the wii more.

I don't agree with your definition of hardcore, of only buying the highest spec. Most hardcores probably own a wii. And they own it for the games. That isn't going to change.
The problem is that there is NO ACTUAL DEFINITION OF CORE OR CASUAL.

If people can't understand this we're never going to get anywhere.


You guys are over thinking it, just like everyone did with the DS and Wii. Nintendo is not a forward thinking company...this controller and the graphics hardware will probably use some pretty standard and outdated tech with some major flaws.

So a year or two in the generation, we could have those "Nintendo should've done this and that" threads.


hyduK said:
My issue with the Wiimote wasn't the controller itself, more so Nintendo's insistence on using motion in every game, even if it made little sense and was less intuitive than a traditional control set.

Where was this ever said and pushed by Nintendo? Especailly since Nintendo never did this themselves. I recall many games early one using motion for everything. Yet that crap was never done in Nintendo developed games from what I can recall. The Wii <name> series is one thing since used motion a lot in that but those controls were for specific things to basically mimic actual movements in those games but what about Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Paper Mario, etc? When the used the remote for pointer controls, or to slash a sword, etc it made sense. So the idea that they got their cue from Nintendo to do these crazy and un-useful use of the controls confuses me. 3rd partiers took it upon themselves to "Wii-make" their control schemes in stupid ways because it was on the Wii. Perhaps I'm wrong but I can't think of any Nintendo game that told them or showed them how to do that. In fact Nintendo games showed how to properly use the motion controls.


My theory is that the 6" screen "controller"/tablet is separate from the nunchuck/wiimote style motion controllers. And that each tablet will be one per system. Anyway, it'll probably look something like this (dimensions are off):


The triggers and bumper would be on the underside where the index and middle fingers are.

Probably way off, though. Dammit.


The Amiga Brotherhood
PounchEnvy said:
That stuff is obnoxious on iDevices and I've yet to experience haptic feedback so I have no idea if that would make up for it. I hope this is not the case.

Haptic feedback is in general just vibration according to location, it's no substitute for buttons.

There's deforming touchscreens which provide a physical difference according to location, but this isn't even close to going mainstream let alone end up in a Nintendo controller.


Game-Biz said:
My theory is that the 6" screen "controller"/tablet is separate from the nunchuck/wiimote style motion controllers. And that each tablet will be one per system. Anyway, it'll probably look something like this (dimensions are off):


The triggers and bumper would be on the underside where the index and middle fingers are.

Probably way off, though. Dammit.
This layout remains me the upcoming PlayStation certified tablets.
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