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[MS-Conf] 2012 Microsoft E3 Conference Thread (Browser segment has a Prometheus clip)


The smartglass feature was a surprise. No one seems to give a shit abut it but I didn't see it coming. Curious to see how it's used. If it flops hey it's free. It's just an app for your device.


eh.... darksiders (zeldaesque)? deadspace(metroidesque)?

nowadays there are a lot of games that are similar or even better than nintendos originals

Yes, one other series like Zelda is out there. It will have a single sequel.

That is nowhere near equivalent to 3 shooters Microsoft is pushing at their conferences at near yearly basis.

Do you see the problem here? Nintendo trots out its old franchises, yes, but the genres are less explored and the rehashing not nearly as frequent.
Okay conference at best, it was either super 'hardcore' (COD, Halo, shooters galore) or super 'casual' (kinect, kinect), would have preferred some more subtle and 'mature' games.


Here's my guess: you'll be able to watch every ESPN show except for sporting events that are blacked out. He made it sound like a 24-hour station.

If it works out that way, then that's pretty sweet. I didn't love the conference as a gamer, but from an average man who likes sports, I actually think the ESPN app is pretty awesome.


For people who think there's too much QTE scripted stuff in RE6/Tomb Raider/whatever they're going to show in the next couple of days: QTEs / cinematic sequences make for nice looking trailers.

Almost no-one shows much core gameplay in trailers anymore, it's not flashy enough.

Just wait until you see an actual gameplay demo.


listen to the mad man
GAF hit 26k users+guests at the end of the MS conference.

I have no idea why anyone presents non-gaming content at E3. We have CES. There are plenty of outlets for good uses of technology to deliver media content. E3 is dedicated to gaming. It's not about movies. It's not about browsers.

Halo 4
16:20 stump Halo 4 looked visually quite nice but again a poor demo chosen
(I think the Forerunner stuff would really appeal to Halo fans so I get that, but to me as a sort of casual person who plays through each Halo game a year later, the demo didn't do much for me)

Xbox Live Glass Fart What
15:37 stump I actually think they fundamentally misunderstood Nintendo's point
15:37 quincognito stump: what is nintendo's point
15:37 stump quincognito: Nintendo said it's a bad thing when everyone is "alone together", and so devices should drive people together
15:37 stump quincognito: Microsoft is encouraging people to multitask in a tech loop bubble, reinforcing that.
15:38 stump It's not a good thing when someone sits in a chair with a smart phone in their hand, a tablet next to them, a laptop on their lap, and a tv on with a game playing
15:38 stump That's a bad thing
15:38 stump and it's a bad thing when a game gives you an alert to go waste time on your tablet
15:38 stump It caters to this kind of attention deficit, constant multitasking, never accomplishing anything

Reactions to the gaming stuff:

16:17 stump RE6 looked pretty bad imho.
16:17 stump Lots of screen tearing, really dumb scenario, terrible writing
Also I'd add awful QTEs and the graphics being kind of ugly

Tomb Raider
16:19 stump Tomb Raider looked worse than before and the demo showed a really dumb sequence
16:19 stump But I still think it could be a good game (never liked a previous TR)

Fable Kinect
16:21 stump Fable Kinect looked marginally less dumb than last year, but by far the least interesting Fable game ever

Gears of War Judgment
16:21 stump Gears of War Judgment had a nicely cut trailer but nothing happened

Forza Horizon
16:21 stump Forza Horizon looked great across the board IMHO, will definitely check it out
Never played a Forza game before but I like the open world-ish concept

Nike Kinect Fitness
16:22 stump Nike Kinect Fitness looked to be the best fitness game I've seen since EA Sports Active, but still more of the same

Black Ops 2
16:20 stump Black Ops 2 looked so boring. You know, Hugh Laurie (I think it was Hugh Laurie?) gave an interview where he said the moment he realized he was depressed was when he was driving a racecar, going 210km/h, putting himself in great danger, and didn't feel a thing
16:20 stump So I guess I'm depressed or something, because Black Ops 2 was just a constant wall of crazy shit happening and I didn't care at all.

Arcade stuff
16:22 stump MS buying the Max and the Magic Marker studio is neat
16:22 stump Twisted Pixel teasing a comedy tron lightcycle something who knows game seemed neat
16:22 stump Matter could be neat
16:22 stump Wreckateer's presentation was bad but game looks like it could be random fun
Ascend: New Gods looked pretty rough, but could be fun. I'm getting shades of Bloodforge, which MS just released and wasn't very good. What a stupid name.

Black Ops 2
16:22 stump Kabouter: i like the us president asking for a sitrep as shit blew up all around her
16:22 stump Sitrep: Shit is blowing up all around you.
16:23 stump Your vice president? is bleeding to death in front of you
16:23 Kabouter "Have you tried taking a look outside ma'am?"

Splinter Cell
16:23 stump Splinter Cell looked shitty, although saying "hey you" to kinect and attracting attention made me chuckle

South Park
16:24 stump south park looked as inspired as something based on the license could
16:24 Hyoushi stump: agreed
16:24 Hyoushi stump: also I think matt and trey were by far the most dignified presenters

Dance Central 3
Usher's performance was terrible. He danced poorly. He sung poorly, and sometimes not at all. The game video didn't play behind him half the time as far as I can tell. Total nonsense.

Overall, I'd say the pace was fairly brisk except for the unbelievably shitty Black Ops 2 demo. The content wasn't really compelling to me. The summer of arcade press release was more interesting to me than the whole press conference.



That's what we are getting from Nintendo.

you mean Nintendo who is forcing you to buy a tablet that I read only works with Nintendo games, while MS is basically doing the same thing but let you use any device you already own and could work with any game?

MS 1, Nintendo 0
Where the Hell is GTAV? such epic fail from Rockstar unless they show up at Sony. Arrogant pricks think there to big for E3

Lol epic fail for Rockstar?

They could show GTAIV a month before release and it would still sell millions upon millions. They don't need E3.

If you want to hope for the best, maybe Nintendo conference


Banstick Emeritus
agree that this conference was shit, but people are exaggerating the Prometheus spoilers. On par with the commercials
No. It was stupid.

Black Ops 2
16:22 stump Kabouter: i like the us president asking for a sitrep as shit blew up all around her
16:22 stump Sitrep: Shit is blowing up all around you.
16:23 stump Your vice president? is bleeding to death in front of you
16:23 Kabouter "Have you tried taking a look outside ma'am?"
Oh man.
Resident Evil 6 looked awesome IMO.
Tomb Raider looked great, really spectacular looking game.
South Park looked brilliant. Trey and Matt on stage a personal highlight.

Rest of the conference was pretty lame.


Apart for Halo and female drake conference sucked and was bored 80% of it.

I agree with the sum up of what was great, but those two games took it up to at least 8/10 for me. And I don't even like first person shooters. Halo 4 had a super nice Metroid Prime vibe going and Tomb Raider managed to look even better than Uncharted, Totally unexpected!


I don't see devs taking the time/money to code all that fancy auxiliary stuff into the smart glass.

yeah, nintendo's way is far simpler, intergrated and more fun

no one on xbox is going to bother with the smart glass outside thier favourite games 2-5


The only things I felt were really worth seeing were Tomb Raider and the South Park reveal. Everything else was very safe. They showed their usual heavy hitters, which is great for hardcore fans of those titles, but I found the presser overall to be a bit too predictable. Also, I think I'm over the annual COD stage demo. I turned off the stream probably 3 minutes into it.
you mean Nintendo who is forcing you to buy a tablet that I read only works with Nintendo games, while MS is basically doing the same thing but let you use any device you already own and could work with any game?

MS 1, Nintendo 0
The posts in this thread are making up for the conference.


Halo 4
16:20 stump Halo 4 looked visually quite nice but again a poor demo chosen
(I think the Forerunner stuff would really appeal to Halo fans so I get that, but to me as a sort of casual person who plays through each Halo game a year later, the demo didn't do much for me)

The only thing I wanted to see were actual Forerunners. What was shown was just Forerunner security AI with their own weaponry.

I'm still hopeful that actual Forerunners will be there though. Also the guy at the end asking about the Reclaimer i'm hoping is Chakas.

There was enough story teasing in there for me that I at least liked it.

The Lamp

yeah but it's plain boring from the #1 video game selling console of 2011

Well, in that case I find the #1 video game selling console of 2011 to be just plain boring, so I guess it fits. Microsoft has rarely given me a reason in the past 2-3 years to care about anything that isn't Gears, Halo, Fable, or Forza (and none of those games particularly appeal to me). There was Alan Wake and Splinter Cell Conviction (thank goodness SC and AW are getting sequels) but that's about it...and although I played but never bought them, now I can get them on PC anyway.

I always trust Sony & Nintendo to deliver the interesting announcements/conferences for me.


Unconfirmed Member
The only thing I wanted to see were actual Forerunners. What was shown was just Forerunner security AI with their own weaponry.

I'm still hopeful that actual Forerunners will be there though. Also the guy at the end asking about the Reclaimer i'm hoping is Chakas.

There was enough story teasing in there for me that I at least liked it.

It is the Didact I think.
As a gamer I'd like to see how smartGlass turns out. I mean I can't shake the feeling its going to be a half-assed attempt at the WiiU, but at least it won't cost me extra to use on my ipad
I do too, I was fairly up on it. But it's the way they presented it "more immersive" when watching a movie. It's just hyperbole. If i'm engaged in a movie, show I want to watch the screen. Not read about the actors and tweet my progress through the series. It's a very sad prospect if content creators see this as the way things should be enjoyed.


Halo 4 blew my mind.
My housemate and I watched the conference through my 360 and we both couldn't believe that Halo 4 was a 360 game.

South Park game looks amazing.

Tomb Raider and Splinter Cell looked cool too.

Other than that I didn't really care for the rest.
The Nike+ thing looked like it could be really popular too - Like a better Wii Fit.

Rather then finishing with BLOPS2 They should have had a UE4 demo as a 'coming soon' feature.


X-Box has made their name on services, but most of the services people care about are in place, and the competition is catching up. They now face a different challenge: A lack of compelling exclusive content. This weakness has poisoned their last two E3 presentations, and could- in the very long run- be their overall undoing if not addressed in a serious way.

The risk here is that those services want to be in front of everybody. 360 is merely another channel for those companies to get in front of your eyeballs. So MS will find it difficult to maintain any meaningful exclusivity with 3rd party digital services


you mean Nintendo who is forcing you to buy a tablet that I read only works with Nintendo games, while MS is basically doing the same thing but let you use any device you already own and could work with any game?

MS 1, Nintendo 0

I think you have a fundemental misunderstanding of both devices.


you mean Nintendo who is forcing you to buy a tablet that I read only works with Nintendo games, while MS is basically doing the same thing but let you use any device you already own and could work with any game?

MS 1, Nintendo 0

Well the WiiU is built for games not to replace my Ipad so yeah what's the point of the smartglass?

The "Nintendo is my Saviour" card is being played again I see. This should be entertaining.
Are people really dumb enough to think Nintendo will not focus on games at their conference?


Gears of Uncharted Duty. This is what the industry has become. A shame, a fucking shame. I still believe that the Tomb Raider reboot will have its cool, quiet moments, but everything that was shown was produced with a person in mind whose favourite movie is Transformers or Battleship or whatever shit is in the theaters right now. It's a day to be embarassed to be a gamer.
And then all of that smartglass idiocy, which feels like MS trying to jump on board of a train that is full of "apples" already (to keep up the spirit of the "ushering" joke). I'm not sure who they make these conferences for, clearly it is not me. Southpark was the only game that looked distinct and I'll play that on my PC.
Gamers really should not feel satisfied with this. The same things being made over and over again, each time more simplified so that there is no way in hell you don't get it. Hell yeah, "I'm on fire"...

Totally agreed. The problem is games journalism giving nines to MW3, whereas a movie like Transformers 3 is bashed into the ground.
I have no idea why anyone presents non-gaming content at E3. We have CES. There are plenty of outlets for good uses of technology to deliver media content. E3 is dedicated to gaming. It's not about movies. It's not about browsers.
Clearly not anymore. It's all about appeasing shareholders now. Based on the number of folks in here defending this conference or not understanding why people thought this sucked - we got quite a few MS shareholders here on GAF! :p


bish gets all the credit :)
The Usher thing blew my mind. Was Dance Central 3 supposed to be behind him the whole time? That's what I and my viewing party thought.
that is good, wasn't the greatest conference, they did a huge upside down bell curve

anything beats Ubisoft conference

They started strong with Halo, but ended weak with a non-exclusive shooter. I would call it more of a downward slope with a high peak in the middle thanks to the South Park game
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