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Microsoft Studios (& Partners) Current and Future Landscape


Imagine just how shite PSN would be if Live didn't exist? We'd all probably be stuck with Home.

We probably would never have got the in-game XMB. Pressing the Playstation button would probably still just result in a prompt to ask if you want to quit the game.
Maybe Forza goes F2P or something. That would fit with feeling 'disenfranchised'.

Do you even care? You don't seem to have ever been particularly fond of MS. I'm guessing that's why the other fella asked why you'd bothered contributing here.

Forza is already F2P on PC.
so what does ms actually have in terms of exclusives now ? im not asking you specifics,only if they have nothing up their sleeve right now since that seems to be what youre implying here
At this point I genuinely do not know. Being transparent here. I heard about Scalebound's cancellation last week, and since then I've talked to a few people. One's a first party developer and mentioned they haven't heard anything internally about 'new' first party stuff, when they usually have in the past, and slowly realizing that, perhaps that's because there barely is any.

Again, there's E3 coming, so there's bound to be at least one surprise. Always is. As of right now (January), I haven't heard anything. I will closer to E3.


At this point I genuinely do not know. Being transparent here. I heard about Scalebound's cancellation last week, and since then I've talked to a few people. One's a first party developer and mentioned they haven't heard anything internally about 'new' first party stuff, and slowly realizing that, perhaps that's because there barely is any.

Again, there's E3 coming, so there's bound to be at least one surprise. Always is. As of right now (January), I haven't heard anything. I will closer to E3.

is there any possible way they might keep their cards close to their chest after their whole conference got leaked last year ? it just sounds unbelievable that they have nothing coming while the competition is churning out game after game even getting third party exclusives


I think Microsoft probably has a game or two in the pipeline that they haven't shown yet. Sony has a decent stable of exclusives right now, but most of them don't even have a release date.

The immediate future for Ms exclusives doesn't look overly great, but if they announce a few games due out within the next few years at E3 it would look a whole lot better. They did however come with a really solid games lineup the first 3 years of this gen, while Sony had a lack of meaningful exclusives. By many accounts, including many here on GAF, MS has been beating Sony in exclusives so far this gen. Even the Kinda Funny guys talked about it in one of their pocasts late last year.

We since got a flurry of titles announced by Sony like Detroit, Days Gone, God of War and Spiderman. However, correct me if I'm wrong, none of those even have a release date. Again we don't know what Microsoft has in their pipeline. You would think now would be a good time to show it with the scalebound cancellation, but they are probably waiting for the Scorpio E3 announcement to do that.

My point stands that I've been happier with Microsoft's exclusives so far this gen. One cancelled game doesn't change that. We'll see what the future holds.

Thats subjective. And not to get into a list wars with anybody here but...of all the ips released by Microsoft and sony how many of them are new and nonremasters. Im pretty sure we'd be on our 3rd killzone this gen if horizon didn't exist... its comparing apples to oranges to me.


At this point I genuinely do not know. Being transparent here. I heard about Scalebound's cancellation last week, and since then I've talked to a few people. One's a first party developer and mentioned they haven't heard anything internally about 'new' first party stuff, when they usually have in the past, and slowly realizing that, perhaps that's because there barely is any.

Again, there's E3 coming, so there's bound to be at least one surprise. Always is. As of right now (January), I haven't heard anything. I will closer to E3.

Thanks for not dragging people around and stuff. Honest this one is.


is there any possible way they might keep their cards close to their chest after their whole conference got leaked last year ? it just sounds unbelievable that they have nothing coming while the competition is churning out game after game even getting third party exclusives

Oculus Rift partnership could give them some console exclusives. I can't wait for the feel good moment when Palmer Lucky announces it on stage.


Junior Member
At this point I genuinely do not know. Being transparent here. I heard about Scalebound's cancellation last week, and since then I've talked to a few people. One's a first party developer and mentioned they haven't heard anything internally about 'new' first party stuff, when they usually have in the past, and slowly realizing that, perhaps that's because there barely is any.

Again, there's E3 coming, so there's bound to be at least one surprise. Always is. As of right now (January), I haven't heard anything. I will closer to E3.

Interesting, but if I remember correctly Sony will have marketing rights for pretty much all the big 3rd party titles launching this year?

So what can Microsoft do this year to boost sales and promote the new console?
is there any possible way they might keep their cards close to their chest after their whole conference got leaked last year ? it just sounds unbelievable that they have nothing coming while the competition is churning out game after game even getting third party exclusives

Shinobi is very clearly telling you that he just doesn't know at this point and he's yet to hear anything. Obviously MS at E3 will have a couple of surprises.

At the same time, it's not confidential what studios MS owns and which third party studios they are contracting with right now. So you can kinda deduce on your own what's really available by looking at:

1) Studios that don't have anything announced atm; and
2) Studios that have a large enough size where a team could branch off and make something that was being kept under wraps.

Remember, for a company as big and public as Microsoft, there's literally no way for them to have founded or bought some secret studio without it being public.


Come on, let's not turn this thread into a Live v PSN one.

Now back to Scalebound......

But there isn't a Live v PSN discussion going on...

The broader point is that Microsoft and Sony have done a good job keeping each other honest, any complacency or over-stepping of bounds being seized upon immediately.


I hope they fund some smaller games like recore.
Halo and Gears are great (well minus the robots in both games -.-), but they need titles that arent focused on pure multiplayer. (or arent shooter/racing games)

I loved recore, and that the "dlc" isnt canceled gives me a bit hope.
Hope this tweets about they only wanting games as a service stuff, isnt true.
Right now, I think they lack "soul" and have the feeling they just want to make stuff with multiplayer and microtransactions.


So what can Microsoft do this year to boost sales and promote the new console?

Was thinking about this aswell and i wonder if they would delay scorpio until early next year to get crackdown (Assuming it doesn't make 2017, seems like the perfect game to demonstrate the extra power) as a launch title?


is there any possible way they might keep their cards close to their chest after their whole conference got leaked last year ? it just sounds unbelievable that they have nothing coming while the competition is churning out game after game even getting third party exclusives

I'm no shinobi, but based in his words and by what I've been observing, everything points out that they may have (almost) nothing special in the sleeve. I think that if there were surprising stuff in development there would be some hints here and there, but apparently there isn't.

I'm sure at E3 they're gonna show some new games, but I'm not sure if anything surprising and / or more than a couple new titles (that may even not end up that well).

Would love to be wrong, but I'm not really seeing much movement regarding MS gaming development. I don't think they would care that much with some leaks (if they can ever hide it that well).

It's january though... so maybe it's just not the right time to expect anything.


Interesting, but if I remember correctly Sony will have marketing rights for pretty much all the big 3rd party titles launching this year?

So what can Microsoft do this year to boost sales and promote the new console?

MS will have marekting rights to Elder Scrolls if they release it this year.
is there any possible way they might keep their cards close to their chest after their whole conference got leaked last year ? it just sounds unbelievable that they have nothing coming while the competition is churning out game after game even getting third party exclusives
Sony is announcing and releasing so much stuff because they have the best third party relations and they have a myriad of first party studios.

I think the difference there makes it better to just compare MS to MS. It isn't as if MS has the same circumstances as Sony and just aren't releasing a similar volume of games.
is there any possible way they might keep their cards close to their chest after their whole conference got leaked last year ? it just sounds unbelievable that they have nothing coming while the competition is churning out game after game even getting third party exclusives
Could they? Sure, but like I've said, unless they have entire first party studios secretly hidden away somewhere, I personally can not deduce who might be working on a surprise. 343 is working on Halo, that's their bread and butter. The Coalition is on Gears, Turn 10 is on Forza, Rare is on Sea of Thieves and other prototypes (that aren't anywhere near ready to be shown), Lionhead's gone...

This first party source noted to me that this time last year they had clear knowledge about what's coming in pipeline but right now it's radio silent, which to them says not much is on the horizon, software wise.

Phil's been adamant (now) that throwing money towards third party exclusives "doesn't grow" their brand, and they likely won't go that route.

Big new IPs need significant resources and capital and I can't see where that'd come from.
disenfranchise .. hmmmmm

halo f2p - mp can gather income through req system i suppose
forza f2p - i haven't played enough of this game to see how that can happen. idk how the


disenfranchise .. hmmmmm

halo f2p - mp can gather income through req system i suppose
forza f2p - i haven't played enough of this game to see how that can happen. idk how the

Forza would be pretty easy given how the series has gone. Car passes, tokens, slot machines, new area expansions, etc.

Actually now that I see it, all of their franchises are set up for this model. Only thing really holding them back are the large campaigns


Could they? Sure, but like I've said, unless they have entire first party studios secretly hidden away somewhere, I personally can not deduce who might be working on a surprise. 343 is working on Halo, that's their bread and butter. The Coalition is on Gears, Turn 10 is on Forza, Rare is on Sea of Thieves and other prototypes (that aren't anywhere near ready to be shown), Lionhead's gone...

Phil's been adamant (now) that throwing money towards third party exclusives "doesn't grow" their brand, and they likely won't go that route.

Big new IPs need significant resources and capital and I can't see where that'd come from.

I've had this worry as a fan for a long time now. I know it seems like they're trying to turn everything into a service, but what does that mean concretely? Have they seen that much success with that? I know Halo and its REQ packs and post-launch support are seen as a success, and Minecraft seemingly continues to print money, but is that a viable future for the brand as a whole and as it exists now? Can it really support their ecosystem? I don't see where the additional live game support is coming from either. They might be "writing off" this gen and waiting for their next big round of investments to start again... but that seems super risky.


PSN on PS4 is much better than the PS3 era.
Not if you like free online, then it's not even working. I used to pay for both Live and PSN but since I started playing multiplats on PC it wasn't worth the money for the few and frequently delayed console exclusives imo.
Interesting, but if I remember correctly Sony will have marketing rights for pretty much all the big 3rd party titles launching this year?

So what can Microsoft do this year to boost sales and promote the new console?
Not that this fits into a MS Studio topic, but I would assume the new Assassins Creed that will launch this year would be a prime candidate. Maybe the new Wolfenstein too


Could they? Sure, but like I've said, unless they have entire first party studios secretly hidden away somewhere, I personally can not deduce who might be working on a surprise. 343 is working on Halo, that's their bread and butter. The Coalition is on Gears, Turn 10 is on Forza, Rare is on Sea of Thieves and other prototypes (that aren't anywhere near ready to be shown), Lionhead's gone...

Phil's been adamant (now) that throwing money towards third party exclusives "doesn't grow" their brand, and they likely won't go that route.

Big new IPs need significant resources and capital and I can't see where that'd come from.

343 is a huge studio. Are there any chances they might also be working on multiple halo titles? Perhaps a spinoff/Halo 3 Anniversary or is it all hands on deck for Halo 6?
Free but shite. I'll gladly take the £30~ hit a year for a good service that also showers me with more free games than I can play in a lifetime.

Thanks for your prediction over how the service would have been in an alternate universe of yours where Xbl didn't exist.

Smh. Do you guys read the things you type in these silly fanboy arguments?

343 is a huge studio. Are there any chances they might also be working on multiple halo titles? Perhaps a spinoff/Halo 3 Anniversary or is it all hands on deck for Halo 6?

Hoping for a 3 anniversary myself. I'd be set.


I've had this worry as a fan for a long time now. I know it seems like they're trying to turn everything into a service, but what does that mean concretely? Have they seen that much success with that? I know Halo and its REQ packs and post-launch support are seen as a success, and Minecraft seemingly continues to print money, but is that a viable future for the brand as a whole and as it exists now? Can it really support their ecosystem? I don't see where the additional live game support is coming from either. They might be "writing off" this gen and waiting for their next big round of investments to start again... but that seems super risky.
You have to look at t from a mainstream perspective not a message board perspective. Most people right now are playing NBA 2k, battlefield, gta etc. this people buy virtual coins, battle packs etc. halo req packs make money. It's been a year plus and the game is still hovering around the top 20. People are still playing forza. Car packs bring in money. That's what they have deemed as viable. YOu hook people into your online ecosystem and offer them services. Whether it be games, ea access, live groove Netflix etc

From a business perspective I can understand it. You put out something like dead rising or tomb raider. It'll get initial sales but then that stops and you have to hope it broke even etc.
343 is a huge studio. Are there any chances they might also be working on multiple halo titles? Perhaps a spinoff/Halo 3 Anniversary or is it all hands on deck for Halo 6?
Certainly possible but then again, that's still the problem. It's just more Halo and doesn't help growth.


Could they? Sure, but like I've said, unless they have entire first party studios secretly hidden away somewhere, I personally can not deduce who might be working on a surprise. 343 is working on Halo, that's their bread and butter. The Coalition is on Gears, Turn 10 is on Forza, Rare is on Sea of Thieves and other prototypes (that aren't anywhere near ready to be shown), Lionhead's gone...

This first party source noted to me that this time last year they had clear knowledge about what's coming in pipeline but right now it's radio silent, which to them says not much is on the horizon, software wise.

Phil's been adamant (now) that throwing money towards third party exclusives "doesn't grow" their brand, and they likely won't go that route.

Big new IPs need significant resources and capital and I can't see where that'd come from.
They always seem to get studios from somewhere to work for them though. But honestly I don't know who that could be especially since they don't have Remedy, Insomniac etc any more.

Maybe they'll just focus on smaller games like Recore and Ori and focus on the big blockbusters in Halo/Gears/Forza? That'd be depressing if so (nothing against those games but I need some big AAA aswell)


I've had this worry as a fan for a long time now. I know it seems like they're trying to turn everything into a service, but what does that mean concretely? Have they seen that much success with that? I know Halo and its REQ packs and post-launch support are seen as a success, and Minecraft seemingly continues to print money, but is that a viable future for the brand as a whole and as it exists now? Can it really support their ecosystem? I don't see where the additional live game support is coming from either. They might be "writing off" this gen and waiting for their next big round of investments to start again... but that seems super risky.

Is it viable for the future and the brand? Yes it is. Thought you may not like the answer. Xbox service + Windows Store + a couple of exclusives = Future of Xbox.

Otherwise known as how Steam came to be. They are trying to be Steam in the console space and move it to the PC and have Xbox overarching both. Make a highly powered device that core gamers want to play games on. Knowing that 3rd party sells the most units, making the box is imperative to this part of their plan. Build out the platform features, and make it easy to use. Have Xbox Play Anywhere, which is really no different than what Steam has but instead of different PCs, it's console and Windows 10 PCs. Have the Store. Have some mainstay games. Have a platform for indie developers. Have an Early Access program. It's all there.

We'll see what happens though.


They always seem to get studios from somewhere to work for them though. But honestly I don't know who that could be especially since they don't have Remedy, Insomniac etc any more.

Maybe they'll just focus on smaller games like Recore and Ori and focus on the big blockbusters? That'd be depressing if so (nothing against those games but I need some big AAA aswell)
That's how I see it. You'll get stuff like Ashen, cup head recore Tacoma that will try and fill the void but there gonna put the most money into the service games


At this point I genuinely do not know. Being transparent here. I heard about Scalebound's cancellation last week, and since then I've talked to a few people. One's a first party developer and mentioned they haven't heard anything internally about 'new' first party stuff, when they usually have in the past, and slowly realizing that, perhaps that's because there barely is any.

Again, there's E3 coming, so there's bound to be at least one surprise. Always is. As of right now (January), I haven't heard anything. I will closer to E3.

I can't see past Halo 6 and maybe a Killer Instinct sequel for all they've got in 2018. Unless they have been hiding studios all this time. Maybe a token CGI trailer for long away titles to fill the gaps but nothing concrete because they don't have anything.

I think when we see their new games, they'll be set up to build on for many years with no follow ups.


I can't see past Halo 6 and maybe a Killer Instinct sequel for all they've got in 2018. Unless they have been hiding studios all this time. Maybe a token CGI trailer for long away titles to fill the gaps but nothing concrete because they don't have anything.

I think when we see their new games, they'll be set up to build on for many years with no follow ups.

The insider on here who leaked Rare working on a pirates game said battletoads was in development aswell but he didn't know who was making it, could be a 2018 game... if that's not cancelled too lol


is there any possible way they might keep their cards close to their chest after their whole conference got leaked last year ? it just sounds unbelievable that they have nothing coming while the competition is churning out game after game even getting third party exclusives

It's only January and look at this list for PS4

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star
Valkyria Revolution
Gravity Rush 2
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Tales of Berseria
Yakuza 0
Digimon World: Next Order

Then February

Ys Origin
Horizon Zero Dawn

Nier: Automata
Danganronpa 1•2 Reload
Kingdom Hearts Collection

Those are all Big PS4 exclusives for the most part.....That's insane for the first 3 months of the year.

Microsofts list comprises of

Halo Wars 2
Rise & Shine

I included every XBO/PC combo exclusive.......2!!!!! Just 2!!!!!

Till fall or E3 when they announce dates for the likes of Forza and stuff. It's insane how hugely flopped it is. Xbox One launched with an amazing lineup imo compared to the PS4, they also had an amazing following year! but fumbled due to the controversies. Since then....there list has been getting smaller, and smaller and smaller.


Could they? Sure, but like I've said, unless they have entire first party studios secretly hidden away somewhere, I personally can not deduce who might be working on a surprise. 343 is working on Halo, that's their bread and butter. The Coalition is on Gears, Turn 10 is on Forza, Rare is on Sea of Thieves and other prototypes (that aren't anywhere near ready to be shown), Lionhead's gone...

This first party source noted to me that this time last year they had clear knowledge about what's coming in pipeline but right now it's radio silent, which to them says not much is on the horizon, software wise.

Phil's been adamant (now) that throwing money towards third party exclusives "doesn't grow" their brand, and they likely won't go that route.

Big new IPs need significant resources and capital and I can't see where that'd come from.

Yeah, first party is all set and I cant even think which big third party developers could be working with them in a first party exclusive game atm.

I cant see many surprises coming, only if they are from smaller studios. Nobody could see stuff like ReCore happening so projects like that are the only ones I see coming as surprises...


343 is a huge studio. Are there any chances they might also be working on multiple halo titles? Perhaps a spinoff/Halo 3 Anniversary or is it all hands on deck for Halo 6?

I dunno, they can't get a feature rich Halo out day one even after all these years. Seems like all hands on deck for them and still come up short. I don't think their development has been reasonably smooth sailing yet so doubt they've been making a big second game. H3A maybe.


It's only January and look at this list for PS4

Then February


Those are all Big PS4 exclusives for the most part.....That's insane for the first 3 months of the year.

Microsofts list comprises of

I included every XBO/PC combo exclusive.......2!!!!! Just 2!!!!!

Till fall or E3 when they announce dates for the likes of Forza and stuff. It's insane how hugely flopped it is. Xbox One launched with an amazing lineup imo compared to the PS4, they also had an amazing following year! but fumbled due to the controversies. Since then....there list has been getting smaller, and smaller and smaller.
Your use of the word big is cute
It's only January and look at this list for PS4

Then February


Those are all Big PS4 exclusives for the most part.....That's insane for the first 3 months of the year.

Microsofts list comprises of

I included every XBO/PC combo exclusive.......2!!!!! Just 2!!!!!

Till fall or E3 when they announce dates for the likes of Forza and stuff. It's insane how hugely flopped it is. Xbox One launched with an amazing lineup imo compared to the PS4, they also had an amazing following year! but fumbled due to the controversies. Since then....there list has been getting smaller, and smaller and smaller.
I get what you're saying but can we try and not muddy up this topic with games and information from other companies that aren't MS first party and partners. Like, Rise & Shine doesn't even have anything to do with MS. That's Adult Swim publishing it. The fact that it's console exclusive (for the moment) really doesn't matter in this topic, let alone the Sony games :p

Nothing against you personally I just don't want this thread going down a slippery slope


Is it viable for the future and the brand? Yes it is. Thought you may not like the answer. Xbox service + Windows Store + a couple of exclusives = Future of Xbox.

Otherwise known as how Steam came to be. They are trying to be Steam in the console space and move it to the PC and have Xbox overarching both. Make a highly powered device that core gamers want to play games on. Knowing that 3rd party sells the most units, making the box is imperative to this part of their plan. Build out the platform features, and make it easy to use. Have Xbox Play Anywhere, which is really no different than what Steam has but instead of different PCs, it's console and Windows 10 PCs. Have the Store. Have some mainstay games. Have a platform for indie developers. Have an Early Access program. It's all there.

We'll see what happens though.

I once believed in what you're saying, but again, what are their recent efforts to accomplish such a thing? (other than Scorpio annoucement)

Cause if they want to progressively unify Xbox and Windows 10 they're not doing much for it lately. Windows 10 store is still quite messy, prices are not atractive, UWP doesn't allow nearly the same freedom Steam, Origin, GoG, or any other PC platform may offer to edit the game files / configurations.

If they want to make Xbox a "steam machine"-like product they're gonna need to create stronger appeal for it. They are not gathering PC players attention with their releases in the digital store, they're scaring people away from Xbox closing so many studios, canceling so many projects and not showing new IP's.

Maybe they're gonna soon announce something big, something that means a complete change in the way they're trying to achieve things, like a new project or something. But the way things have lately been directed is only deviating people from their projects.


At this point I genuinely do not know. Being transparent here. I heard about Scalebound's cancellation last week, and since then I've talked to a few people. One's a first party developer and mentioned they haven't heard anything internally about 'new' first party stuff, when they usually have in the past, and slowly realizing that, perhaps that's because there barely is any.

Again, there's E3 coming, so there's bound to be at least one surprise. Always is. As of right now (January), I haven't heard anything. I will closer to E3.


They would not have this problem if they unshackled their most talented developers and let them form new teams, new IPs, and new ideas. Instead, all of their best talent is locked behind fading franchises, while all of their external development efforts either fail miserably or get canceled.

As a fan, it's incredibly frustrating.
Is it viable for the future and the brand? Yes it is. Thought you may not like the answer. Xbox service + Windows Store + a couple of exclusives = Future of Xbox.

Otherwise known as how Steam came to be. They are trying to be Steam in the console space and move it to the PC and have Xbox overarching both. Make a highly powered device that core gamers want to play games on. Knowing that 3rd party sells the most units, making the box is imperative to this part of their plan. Build out the platform features, and make it easy to use. Have Xbox Play Anywhere, which is really no different than what Steam has but instead of different PCs, it's console and Windows 10 PCs. Have the Store. Have some mainstay games. Have a platform for indie developers. Have an Early Access program. It's all there.

We'll see what happens though.

I used to work at MS and this seemed the direction things have been going in for a while. I think you are on the money. Xbox has been more than just a console for a while. What I am curious about is where Xbox live fits into this as a paid service. I can't see that flying in the PC space. Interesting times ahead!


Gold Member
All of MS' 3rd party AAA offerings focusing on SP experiences have flopped financially this gen thus far, so there's really no reason to believe MS is going to continue to pursue those deals if they aren't seeing returns on them. The real question within the Xbox division becomes - why fund those branches of content in the games we are making when that's not why people are playing our 1st party games? Don't be surprised if you start hearing of scaling back of SP campaign features in Halo or Gears going forward, or rolling them as MP campaigns.

So, the Xbox will increasingly become a console focused on online multiplayer gaming, because that's where MS makes the money (and that's where the "games as services" model works). So, fewer and fewer singleplayer games. You're right, all of them have flopped for them. The move away from them has been evident for years (e.g., I think of how Fable 4 was morphed into a free-for-play game under their management, eventually killing it).

It makes sense, financially, that they'd be avoiding SP experiences and focusing on multiplayer mayhem and "games as services." MS knows where the money is, and I can't blame them for going after it.

As a SP-gamer, though, that's very discouraging. I remember that some of my best SP gaming experiences were on the original Xbox and early 360.

Ah well.

Could they? Sure, but like I've said, unless they have entire first party studios secretly hidden away somewhere, I personally can not deduce who might be working on a surprise. 343 is working on Halo, that's their bread and butter. The Coalition is on Gears, Turn 10 is on Forza, Rare is on Sea of Thieves and other prototypes (that aren't anywhere near ready to be shown), Lionhead's gone...

This first party source noted to me that this time last year they had clear knowledge about what's coming in pipeline but right now it's radio silent, which to them says not much is on the horizon, software wise.

Phil's been adamant (now) that throwing money towards third party exclusives "doesn't grow" their brand, and they likely won't go that route.

Big new IPs need significant resources and capital and I can't see where that'd come from.

Appreciate your input, Shinobi. You're one of the people whose opinion I know I can trust on this site.
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