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Titanfall: 15 maps at launch (?), perk lists, game modes, Map Photos, ahoy!


First tragedy, then farce.
Why should I care about the size of the team or budget?

In the end it's a $60 game on the shelf, the same as other games with far larger studios and far larger budgets.

Destiny, COD, Battlefield and other shooters all are going to cost the same $60 that Titanfall will. The others have better production value and more content.

I'm not giving Respawn a free pass because they are relatively small. Not with a $60 price tag.

And when you go to a movie theater a smaller budget movie costs the same thing as a big budget action movie.

Value is subjective and always will be. Trying to put an "objective" measure on what something is worth is rather a fruitless mental exercise. Clearly the game isn't worth 60 dollars to you. At this point in my life a JRPG isn't worth 60 dollars to me even if it has 100 hours worth of content. A fighter will probably never be worth 60 dollars to me again. A 7 hour action game that is super fun without multiplayer will almost always be worth 60 bucks to me.

20 years ago I would drop 60 bucks on a home port of an arcade game that had maybe 8 fighters or 2-3 racetracks, and I found value in that. Would I do that now? Probably not. I'm skipping Ground Zeroes because I think it's a complete rip off. Mostly because I know I will play through the main scenario exactly once and then move on. If I was a die-hard fan of MGS and would replay the game again and again it might have 40 dollars worth of value for me.

A game is worth whatever value you put on it, same as anything else.

For me, Titanfall is worth 60 bucks. I enjoyed the beta, 14 maps and multiple game modes will most likely keep me playing for the next 6-12 months. I mean, I payed 110 dollars for BF4 and I skipped the single player entirely (ok, to be fair, I played the first and second mission 2-3 times and then it deleted my save file every time and I gave up on it - but it wasn't particularly good).

I look at value as a proposition of how much entertainment I will derive from a thing. That could mean a long single player game, a multiplayer game with strong replayability or a short game that is super memorable. Each is taken on a case by case basis.

Trying to come up with a formula for what a game is worth seems a futile effort since you can't answer it for anyone but yourself.


18 Campaign missions
23 Spec Ops missions (2 player splitscreen)
16 multiplayer maps (2-4 player splitscreen)


14 multiplayer maps (no splitscreen)
MW2 had 3 DLC map packs and these days the norm is 5 DLC packs.
Not sure how many TitanFall will have but I am sure that EA execs can't be seen going around in last year's Lamborghini’s.


Neo Member
I don't want them to "tack on" single player. But I do expect a good chunk of multiplayer content when I buy a multiplayer-only game.

By the by, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone before who felt that MW2 was more of the same as MW1. For better or for worse, they changed/added a lot of new stuff between MW1 and MW2. Not just game components (full SP with high production values, MP and SpecOps mode), but the multiplayer itself was drastically different in just about every other way than the basic game mechanics.
I will freely admit that I didn't put enough time in to make a serious judgement. To me the formula just felt the same. I'm sure there were tons of changes that would have become apparent if I gave it a chance, but I just couldn't do it. COD4 to me had a kind of magic. It felt fresh and new. The killstreak rewards and all that stuff had never been done before. The pace was faster than other MP shooters. MW2 just didn't grab me in that way. Probably my fault more than anything for not giving it a chance. I think maybe I had been playing Bad company 2 around the same time, and I've always preferred the more open feel of battlefield. I shouldn't have even mentioned MW2 lol. I was just surprised by how much I was immediately turned off by it when I was actually looking forward to it.


Hope they allow for custom ticket servers (or at least provide for it via azure).
Felt the matches is way too short with the beta.

Hip Hop

And when you go to a movie theater a smaller budget movie costs the same thing as a big budget action movie.

Value is subjective and always will be. Trying to put an "objective" measure on what something is worth is rather a stupid mental exercise. Clearly the game isn't worth 60 dollars to you. At this point in my life a JRPG isn't worth 60 dollars to me even if it has 100 hours worth of content.

20 years ago I would drop 60 bucks on a home port of an arcade game that had maybe 8 fighters or 2-3 racetracks, and I found value in that. Would I do that now? Probably not. I'm skipping Ground Zeroes because I think it's a complete rip off. Mostly because I know I will play through the main scenario exactly once and then move on. If I was a die-hard fan of MGS and would replay the game again and again it might have 40 dollars worth of value for me.

A game is worth whatever value you put on it, same as anything else.

For me, Titanfall is worth 60 bucks. I enjoyed the beta, 14 maps and multiple game modes will most likely keep me playing for the next 6-12 months. I mean, I payed 110 dollars for BF4 and I skipped the single player entirely (ok, to be fair, I played the first and second mission 2-3 times and then it deleted my save file every time and I gave up on it - but it wasn't particularly good).

I look at value as a proposition of how much entertainment I will derive from a thing. That could mean a long single player game, a multiplayer game with strong replayability or a short game that is super memorable. Each is taken on a case by case basis.

Trying to come up with a formula for what a game is worth seems a futile effort since you can't answer it for anyone but yourself.

Very well said, couldn't have put it better myself.

This applies to pretty much every game out there.


It balanced out stopping power. 2 people using stopping power is just as balanced as 1 using stopping power and the other 1 using juggernaut.

rock paper scissors is not a balanced mechanic.
balancing an ability around the assumption that others will use such counter ability is awful.
stopping power existed in other forms in later installments when they removed the damage mechanic, where as juggernaut being pure health and martydom being just that single mechanic upon death have one way out, removal.
nerfs to marty such as detonation time etc. still didnt solve their problem, all tweaks such as that did were make it useless later on in the games cycle, just flawed.


CTF huh. Wondering how that plays out. Pilots with flags getting escorted by Titans, or Titans with massive flags? :D

I would love to see something like the old Unreal Assault mode come back. Not the crappy bomb thing but some actual objective for with the Attack/Defend element and then swap sides.


Nothing! I said nothing!
And when you go to a movie theater a smaller budget movie costs the same thing as a big budget action movie.

Value is subjective and always will be. Trying to put an "objective" measure on what something is worth is rather a fruitless mental exercise. Clearly the game isn't worth 60 dollars to you. At this point in my life a JRPG isn't worth 60 dollars to me even if it has 100 hours worth of content. A fighter will probably never be worth 60 dollars to me again. A 7 hour action game that is super fun without multiplayer will almost always be worth 60 bucks to me.

20 years ago I would drop 60 bucks on a home port of an arcade game that had maybe 8 fighters or 2-3 racetracks, and I found value in that. Would I do that now? Probably not. I'm skipping Ground Zeroes because I think it's a complete rip off. Mostly because I know I will play through the main scenario exactly once and then move on. If I was a die-hard fan of MGS and would replay the game again and again it might have 40 dollars worth of value for me.

A game is worth whatever value you put on it, same as anything else.

For me, Titanfall is worth 60 bucks. I enjoyed the beta, 14 maps and multiple game modes will most likely keep me playing for the next 6-12 months. I mean, I payed 110 dollars for BF4 and I skipped the single player entirely (ok, to be fair, I played the first and second mission 2-3 times and then it deleted my save file every time and I gave up on it - but it wasn't particularly good).

I look at value as a proposition of how much entertainment I will derive from a thing. That could mean a long single player game, a multiplayer game with strong replayability or a short game that is super memorable. Each is taken on a case by case basis.

Trying to come up with a formula for what a game is worth seems a futile effort since you can't answer it for anyone but yourself.

Well said that man. I think similar to you.
And when you go to a movie theater a smaller budget movie costs the same thing as a big budget action movie.

Value is subjective and always will be. Trying to put an "objective" measure on what something is worth is rather a fruitless mental exercise. Clearly the game isn't worth 60 dollars to you. At this point in my life a JRPG isn't worth 60 dollars to me even if it has 100 hours worth of content. A fighter will probably never be worth 60 dollars to me again. A 7 hour action game that is super fun without multiplayer will almost always be worth 60 bucks to me.

20 years ago I would drop 60 bucks on a home port of an arcade game that had maybe 8 fighters or 2-3 racetracks, and I found value in that. Would I do that now? Probably not. I'm skipping Ground Zeroes because I think it's a complete rip off. Mostly because I know I will play through the main scenario exactly once and then move on. If I was a die-hard fan of MGS and would replay the game again and again it might have 40 dollars worth of value for me.

A game is worth whatever value you put on it, same as anything else.

For me, Titanfall is worth 60 bucks. I enjoyed the beta, 14 maps and multiple game modes will most likely keep me playing for the next 6-12 months. I mean, I payed 110 dollars for BF4 and I skipped the single player entirely (ok, to be fair, I played the first and second mission 2-3 times and then it deleted my save file every time and I gave up on it - but it wasn't particularly good).

I look at value as a proposition of how much entertainment I will derive from a thing. That could mean a long single player game, a multiplayer game with strong replayability or a short game that is super memorable. Each is taken on a case by case basis.

Trying to come up with a formula for what a game is worth seems a futile effort since you can't answer it for anyone but yourself.

Truth here.

I've put more hours into the Titanfall beta in the past three days than some games I've paid $60 for. I know I'll get my moneys worth out of what is being offered, and for someone to belittle me for "rewarding bad development behavior" or "being an apologist" is slightly infuriating.


rock paper scissors is not a balanced mechanic.
balancing an ability around the assumption that others will use such counter ability is awful.

Which is why no one used anything else in the second slot. Just stopping power or juggernaut, because using shit like UAV was not so fun when getting outgunned without stopping power.

It was balanced, if you think it isn't then you should also moan about stopping power. I'm glad they removed both shit perks, but the juggernaut hate was always laughable to me.
(I never used it)


I'm loving the beta but does anyone know if the full game will have 1 player vs AI mode for thd multiplyer? It would just be strange to have a gam that requires xbox live.


First tragedy, then farce.
CTF huh. Wondering how that plays out. Pilots with flags getting escorted by Titans, or Titans with massive flags? :D

I would love to see something like the old Unreal Assault mode come back. Not the crappy bomb thing but some actual objective for with the Attack/Defend element and then swap sides.

I'm hoping guys riding titans personally. Oh man. Titans left on defend mode camping the flag while the pilots run off and do other things (like hang back and snipe from the shadows, or go try and get the flag. So much potential there especially with the traversal elements.

Assault Mode also needs to come back. Halo 2 had a couple of maps that had some elements of that (it was basic single flag CTF, but the bases had some bridges and shields that could be lowered). But yeah. Assault Mode in UT is some of the most fun I have ever had in a multiplayer game.


First tragedy, then farce.
What's the "Campaign Multiplayer" I keep hearing about? Have the shown anything on it or are Respawn keeping all the details under wraps for now? If there's some kind of story arc that's 100% co-op I would be into it.

We've seen some bits and pieces of it. There was a video at Gamescom (I think) that showed a little bit of story before a round started.

We're not 100% sure how it's going to work, but my guess is some players may not even know they are part of your campaign multiplayer match.


Which is why no one used anything else in the second slot. Just stopping power or juggernaut, because using shit like UAV was not so fun when getting outgunned without stopping power.

It was balanced, if you think it isn't then you should also moan about stopping power. I'm glad they removed both shit perks, but the juggernaut hate was always laughable to me.
(I never used it)

i played competitive 4 and mw2, i used nothing outside of stopping power and juggernaut, however you arent understanding what im saying, or replied before my edit?

stopping power could have been saved, and was in later installments as per removal of its damage mechanic along with multiple reworks.

juggernaut and marty were both solidly flawed mechanics that were removed on the account that the point of the perks, were just that.
there was no viable rework for either of them, meaning they were flawed to no end, clearly infinity ward and later treyarch felt the exact same about the subject.

further more, in pubs, perks are varied and balancing your game around competitive play, especially when it comes to perks and expecting the entire community to use stopping power to counteract juggernaut (which they sure as hell didnt) is poor to say the least.

im fine with a massive visual and audio display if marty is in titanfall, which it is to an extent in the beta, in the form of nuclear.
its pretty damn easy to avoid, even in a big ass titan with dashes.
which brings me back to my point, being that some of these perks, could make a comeback in this game and be perfectly fine due to how this game works, even if your bad at the game.

nothing like flat juggernaut for pilots or anything, i dont see any intention of that being the case, but i do see the intention of adding faster shield regen for titans, which is also not an issue i can foresee as of now.

i feel the titans can be an easy way for them to bring back some older perks without complaint, as well as to test out perks they may add in for pilots in the next installment or even title update on a much smaller scale.


I'm hoping guys riding titans personally. Oh man. Titans left on defend mode camping the flag while the pilots run off and do other things (like hang back and snipe from the shadows, or go try and get the flag. So much potential there especially with the traversal elements.

Assault Mode also needs to come back. Halo 2 had a couple of maps that had some elements of that (it was basic single flag CTF, but the bases had some bridges and shields that could be lowered). But yeah. Assault Mode in UT is some of the most fun I have ever had in a multiplayer game.

Give me Pilot only CTF on a map like Halo's The Pit and I will go crazy. I am thinking about maps and how the mobility in Titanfall would make them crazy awesome.
Yeah, I miss Unreal Assault mode. Just planting bombs does not do it for me. The Epilogue part of modes kinda feels a bit like another mode added to the standard stuff.


Truth here.

I've put more hours into the Titanfall beta in the past three days than some games I've paid $60 for. I know I'll get my moneys worth out of what is being offered, and for someone to belittle me for "rewarding bad development behavior" or "being an apologist" is slightly infuriating.

Pretty much. I'm deeply sorry if it offends people that I can pay $60 for a multiplayer game and play hundreds of hours of it when it 'only' has X number of maps and no singleplayer.

I played the sp in each cod game once (if that), and played the mp for months. At no point did I sit down and count maps or modes and wonder if I was getting enough value.

Some sort of objective count of content is pointless and stupid. It's very similar to the debate about game length. Is an 8 hour sp game worth $60? Not to me, most of the time. Maybe it is to you.

I'm excited to see the new maps because the stuff going on in the layout and backgrounds of the maps in the beta is awesome, and I'm still learning new parkour tricks to zip around the levels. I'm excited to see new perks and equipment because I'm still finding new ways to use the limited options in the beta. I'm excited for the final because I'm enjoying playing with my friends in the beta every night (a lot), and that, ultimately, is what its all about.

Now if the larger gaming community as a whole rejects titanfall mp in general, then I have a problem - there won't be as many players in multiplayer, it won't stay vibrant and healthy as long. But otherwise internet pundits crying about # of ps, # of players, # of maps are just as meaningless as people complaining about the latest recycled cod game with several hundred thousand players online at any given time, too busy playing the game to debate subjective value.


To me the OP is saying, I'm happy to pay £50/$50 for 14 maps and no single player, I'll also happily pay for extra DLC.

Sounds like not a lot of content to be for $50/£50 personally. Considering the amount of game modes/content you get in rival games.

That's a lot of assumptions about me. I'm not even a fan of Titanfall, but I do think that's plenty of content for a multiplayer-only game. Multiplayer games specifically, provided they are well designed, can literally provided hundreds of hours of competitive play. The variety even between two individual rounds of the same mode can often be wildly different depending on the challengers. Therefore, it takes much longer for a well designed competitive mode to get old than say a single player mode with collectibles to find.

That's just my view of it, though. People will assign value differently depending on what they prefer. If I liked Titanfall, I would definitely say the content provided seems perfectly adequate.

Edit: To illustrate my point, take Left 4 Dead. On Xbox 360, it had basically two campaigns to play through in competitive. Yet, only one of them was really extremely well designed for competitive play, and so 98% of all my teams playtime was in "No Mercy." We put in hundreds of hours in just that one competitive mode alone, and we were still finding new strategies and new places to hide months into the game. This is the type of flexibility a well designed competitive mode can bring, provided you enjoy it.
Give me Pilot only CTF on a map like Halo's The Pit and I will go crazy. I am thinking about maps and how the mobility in Titanfall would make them crazy awesome.

Yeah, I miss Unreal Assault mode. Just planting bombs does not do it for me. The Epilogue part of modes kinda feels a bit like another mode added to the standard stuff.
Jesus christ

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I'm buying the 250 dollar giant statue thing of high apparently there's only 35k being made. Get at me bro. Can't wait for this game.


Give me Pilot only CTF on a map like Halo's The Pit and I will go crazy. I am thinking about maps and how the mobility in Titanfall would make them crazy awesome.

Yeah, I miss Unreal Assault mode. Just planting bombs does not do it for me. The Epilogue part of modes kinda feels a bit like another mode added to the standard stuff.

That screenshot made me shed a tear for halo 3, the pit was one of the greatest maps ever :(

I think a pilot only map is a good idea, although the scale needs to be big.


Unconfirmed Member
Why should I care about the size of the team or budget?

In the end it's a $60 game on the shelf, the same as other games with far larger studios and far larger budgets.

Destiny, COD, Battlefield and other shooters all are going to cost the same $60 that Titanfall will. The others have better production value and more content.

I'm not giving Respawn a free pass because they are relatively small. Not with a $60 price tag.

So much bullshit. We as consumers do not need to play apologist for these guys. They better make up for the lack of singleplayer and split screen in other areas if they are charging full price.

Of course we don't need to play apologist for them and of course I'm not telling you how to spend your money. But from my perspective neither do I consider the number of maps or content to be the be all and end all for a quality multiplayer shooter. I consider map design to be much more important and I'm just glad the team concentrated on multiplayer and didn't bother with any single player at all.

Will the full game turn out good ? I have no idea - it could be an unbalanced mess, the maps could be terrible or a number of many other reasons.

All I can say is I've loved my time with the beta so far, had more time out of it than many full priced shooters and am happy to pay for the full thing. Obviously your mileage may vary.

And when you go to a movie theater a smaller budget movie costs the same thing as a big budget action movie.

Value is subjective and always will be. Trying to put an "objective" measure on what something is worth is rather a fruitless mental exercise. Clearly the game isn't worth 60 dollars to you. At this point in my life a JRPG isn't worth 60 dollars to me even if it has 100 hours worth of content. A fighter will probably never be worth 60 dollars to me again. A 7 hour action game that is super fun without multiplayer will almost always be worth 60 bucks to me.

20 years ago I would drop 60 bucks on a home port of an arcade game that had maybe 8 fighters or 2-3 racetracks, and I found value in that. Would I do that now? Probably not. I'm skipping Ground Zeroes because I think it's a complete rip off. Mostly because I know I will play through the main scenario exactly once and then move on. If I was a die-hard fan of MGS and would replay the game again and again it might have 40 dollars worth of value for me.

A game is worth whatever value you put on it, same as anything else.

For me, Titanfall is worth 60 bucks. I enjoyed the beta, 14 maps and multiple game modes will most likely keep me playing for the next 6-12 months. I mean, I payed 110 dollars for BF4 and I skipped the single player entirely (ok, to be fair, I played the first and second mission 2-3 times and then it deleted my save file every time and I gave up on it - but it wasn't particularly good).

I look at value as a proposition of how much entertainment I will derive from a thing. That could mean a long single player game, a multiplayer game with strong replayability or a short game that is super memorable. Each is taken on a case by case basis.

Trying to come up with a formula for what a game is worth seems a futile effort since you can't answer it for anyone but yourself.

Very well said :)

I paid £60 or so for the import of EDF4 and will buy the western version in the next week or two for another £30 - £40, for what is essentially a low budget shooter series. But boy is it worth the money to me.


Pilot, your Titan is ready, prepare for Titanbombs
Here are the Pilot and Titan ordnance:

satchel charge


Here are the Pilot and Titan ordnance:

satchel charge

i had a feeling we were going to get a bubble shield, but the heal surprises me... that would be a titan ability as pilots regen on their own.
everything else seems pretty standard or we already knew about.
i tried out the sonar burn card and if thats a sneak preview of whats to come involving that ability, i hate it and find it awful.
it literally gave me a headache, what with the multiple copies trailing every single enemy you see.
I'm buying the 250 dollar giant statue thing of high apparently there's only 35k being made. Get at me bro. Can't wait for this game.

Ditto. I don't care if the game had 8 maps, I'd do the same. I'm getting the game because of the fun game play and the extremely solid online connection quality, not because of the maps. I actually think 14 maps is quite a lot considering most games ship with 8-12 these days. I know most of those games have a campaign on top of that, but that provides what...6 hours of entertainment? Yeah, I'd honestly rather have the extra maps than a 6 hour campaign I'll play through once.

I'm just hoping they continue to support it with after launch content. 2 or 3 map packs with an extra 3+ maps in each one and I'll be a happy camper.


And when you go to a movie theater a smaller budget movie costs the same thing as a big budget action movie.

Value is subjective and always will be. Trying to put an "objective" measure on what something is worth is rather a fruitless mental exercise. Clearly the game isn't worth 60 dollars to you. At this point in my life a JRPG isn't worth 60 dollars to me even if it has 100 hours worth of content. A fighter will probably never be worth 60 dollars to me again. A 7 hour action game that is super fun without multiplayer will almost always be worth 60 bucks to me.

20 years ago I would drop 60 bucks on a home port of an arcade game that had maybe 8 fighters or 2-3 racetracks, and I found value in that. Would I do that now? Probably not. I'm skipping Ground Zeroes because I think it's a complete rip off. Mostly because I know I will play through the main scenario exactly once and then move on. If I was a die-hard fan of MGS and would replay the game again and again it might have 40 dollars worth of value for me.

A game is worth whatever value you put on it, same as anything else.

For me, Titanfall is worth 60 bucks. I enjoyed the beta, 14 maps and multiple game modes will most likely keep me playing for the next 6-12 months. I mean, I payed 110 dollars for BF4 and I skipped the single player entirely (ok, to be fair, I played the first and second mission 2-3 times and then it deleted my save file every time and I gave up on it - but it wasn't particularly good).

I look at value as a proposition of how much entertainment I will derive from a thing. That could mean a long single player game, a multiplayer game with strong replayability or a short game that is super memorable. Each is taken on a case by case basis.

Trying to come up with a formula for what a game is worth seems a futile effort since you can't answer it for anyone but yourself.

And that formula works for you. It is obviously not the same formula I use. I value single player (especially single player that is replayable) more than multiplayer, but I still think that multiplayer holds some value.

I do think that companies are competing with each other for my money. My money goes to the thing that best fulfills the formula I use to decide the value of things.

Titanfall is a multiplayer only game with relatively low production value. So for me that is half of a game. Half of a game means half of the price, minus a small amount for low production value. So for me Titanfall is a $20 game, maybe $25.

Infamous is single player game, with high production value, and no multiplayer. That should be a $50 game, but I will buy it at launch because of a personal bias towards the series.


Here are the Pilot and Titan ordnance:

satchel charge

Proxy Mine? Wooo! Facility making a comeback!


Pilot, your Titan is ready, prepare for Titanbombs
Here are the weapon class names used by pilots and titans.



I really wish they had a crazy "Everyone's a Titan forever" gamemode. Like you start in them, and can only last ten seconds outside of one.

One of the big appeals of Call of Duty was that there was a smattering of game modes, including some very crazy ones.


Here are the weapon class names used by pilots and titans.

TITAN sniper rifle!!!???? my dream come true.
also a shotgun for the titans?????

stryder+shotgun, got dang.
there doesnt seem to be much variety in terms of pilot weapons, at least judging from that list, which looks incomplete as it doesnt even list some of the weapons we know about.

Ran Ran

Cboat said 16 right? Not too far fetched to think there might be two more maps in there somewhere to make that number right.


And that formula works for you. It is obviously not the same formula I use. I value single player (especially single player that is replayable) more than multiplayer, but I still think that multiplayer holds some value.

I do think that companies are competing with each other for my money. My money goes to the thing that best fulfills the formula I use to decide the value of things.

Titanfall is a multiplayer only game with relatively low production value. So for me that is half of a game. Half of a game means half of the price, minus a small amount for low production value. So for me Titanfall is a $20 game, maybe $25.

Infamous is single player game, with high production value, and no multiplayer. That should be a $50 game, but I will buy it at launch because of a personal bias towards the series.

When I play titanfall low production value never enters my mind. It's all run run run jump jump jump melee squash someone with a Titan evil laugh ride cowboy on the back of an enemy titan emp grenade back flip off to kill the pilot that leaves the titan cloak and feel the smile on my face.

Titanfall is $60 worth of fun.


First tragedy, then farce.
And that formula works for you. It is obviously not the same formula I use. I value single player (especially single player that is replayable) more than multiplayer, but I still think that multiplayer holds some value.

I do think that companies are competing with each other for my money. My money goes to the thing that best fulfills the formula I use to decide the value of things.

Titanfall is a multiplayer only game with relatively low production value. So for me that is half of a game. Half of a game means half of the price, minus a small amount for low production value. So for me Titanfall is a $20 game, maybe $25.

Infamous is single player game, with high production value, and no multiplayer. That should be a $50 game, but I will buy it at launch because of a personal bias towards the series.

That's all well and good, but capitalism is a two-way street and it doesn't appear that Respawn feels that their effort is worth a 20 dollar price point.

Calling Titanfall "Half a Game" however is a bit disingenuous. It's a full game executing Respawns exact vision for the title. This sort of thinking is why we get shoehorned in multi or single player into every single game. I'm a huge fan of going multi (or single) player only. Very few games are truly a mixed experience (Halo and Gears are the two that come to mind) where the game is as known for it's single and multiplayer experiences. I would rather developers like Respawn be rewarded for cutting out the bullshit and making the game that they want to make. Tomb Raider didn't need multiplayer, etc, etc.

What that is worth to you is of course whatever you think it's worth.


First tragedy, then farce.

You are single handidly leaking every piece of news MS/EA and Respawn planned to dole out over the next 4 weeks :p


I hope the satchel charge can be thrown and sticks. I would love to throw sticky charges off the top of rooftops onto unsuspecting Titans.


haha, this is amazing. Thanks Razor.

So boneyard is a proper boneyard. That's a huge skeleton there. What kind of creature was that :p
I agree with the point about value being subjective.

In fact I think one of the worst things about this industry is that there are even gamers out there getting angry with some game doesn't have single player/multiplayer. We're in such a mess with so many games that was ruined because they got an added feature set added, JUST SO IT WOULD SELL MORE. But the whole product overall is worse because of it. Less cohesive design vision, split resources. It's sad.

How great could Max Payne 3 or Dead Space 3 have been without multiplayer? Mass Effect 3?
Sure they argue that they have different teams on many of these multiplayer projects, but even so, that is resources(money, time, manpower, playtesting, focus) that goes to this almost other game.

The fact that they went and tried and make a game with less is more is admirable. I don't know if this game will live up to it's hype, but I do now that the genius of games like Halo was that everything was more awesome because you had better weapons, maps and vehicles. Why? Because there were few. Few enemy types, few weapon types but they all felt great. Even the freaking Pistol in Halo 1 was a blast.

But then you see all these games that overload with value, and underperform in feel. 90% of the guns in Call of Duty feel cheap. I swear to god. They could have just had 5-10 different weapons and spend more time on animations, balancing, sound design to make sure they would be fun for 300 hours instead of 30 minutes before you beg for the next perk.
I feel the same way about maps. I don't care if you have 200 maps. I only play the maps I like, and I am very picky about the layout. If the maps in Titanfall are great, then 14 would be amazing.

There are so few good memorable FPS maps (we had a thread a while back about it) - People always mention a few from counter-strike and quake 3. A few from Halo, a few from Perfect Dark. A few from Unreal Tournament. But these are just drops in the ocean when it comes down to it in the grand scheme of things.

I haven't tried TF yet but I have a lot of respect for Respawn to sticking to their guns. They fact that they don't try and sell this as a game for everyone but are genuinely trying to combine story and AI with competitive multiplayer. I don't know if it will work, but I hope this game will deliver on quality.
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