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RUMOR: Project Beast (From Software/Sony Japan Studio, PS4) [Port begging = ban]

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bitch I'm taking calls.
"I sure hope this comes out on-"



i simply cannot view this (Project Beast) as anything more than reactionary to "whats hot with the kids right now". they revitalized an increasingly formulaic genre (action RPGs) with a lot of new ideas (asynchronous MP) and some old ones that fell out of favor (roguelikes) and have essentially created their own market in which they are the top provider. i just don't want to see 'Souls' style games become the next Dynasty Warriors in which every release is marginally iterative on the last one, and people just keep buying them "because it's hard and there's fucked up enemies and stuff".

i realize that i'm being exceedingly hyperbolic AND reductive here. i'd just like to see a little more innovation and novelty in their games going forward. just stop basing everything off the same core template of "shit's dark, everything hates you, and it looks vaguely like medieval Europe".

Then again, a lot of developers go under if their games aren't huge hits...and From Software has found something that people like, so they make more of it. You don't always have to play their games if they become stale to you.
I say let them do what they want to do. And if they want to keep making Souls games, then that's cool.


Crystal Bearer
All right, getting a lot of complaints on this so next person whining about a PC version is getting banned. So quit it.


i simply cannot view this (Project Beast) as anything more than reactionary to "whats hot with the kids right now". they revitalized an increasingly formulaic genre (action RPGs) with a lot of new ideas (asynchronous MP) and some old ones that fell out of favor (roguelikes) and have essentially created their own market in which they are the top provider. i just don't want to see 'Souls' style games become the next Dynasty Warriors in which every release is marginally iterative on the last one, and people just keep buying them "because it's hard and there's fucked up enemies and stuff".

i realize that i'm being exceedingly hyperbolic AND reductive here. i'd just like to see a little more innovation and novelty in their games going forward. just stop basing everything off the same core template of "shit's dark, everything hates you, and it looks vaguely like medieval Europe".
We haven't seen any gameplay yet...


People refuse to read the title before port begging.

Seriously, how many people aren't reading the Japan Studio part of the thread title?

PC only players probably don't

Do people not know what Japan Studio means?

I personally wasn't aware of Japan Studio's affiliation with Sony previously.

The smart thing to do would be make it clear that the leaker specified the inclusion of Sony Japan Studio's logo in the preview video.

And a link to Demonknite's post hinting at the Project Beast name back in January, including that he is also an employee of Sony.

This would go a long way to clear up all of the confusion. I always try to put all of the relevant information in the OP so people are up to speed. You can't always guarantee people will read through the thread, especially one of this size, but you can chastise those who refuse to read the OP.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
This thread is faster than light.. my god.

Also wow at the PC crowd up in here. Having a gaming PC does not make you entitled to anything that comes out on consoles. At one point the two hardly shared anything at all.

I wouldn't be mad if we went back to that, but then the most popular genre for PC (MMOs, MOBAs, and if you wanna go further back FPSes) aren't exactly my favorite. Still, I can see why they'd want to have their favorite game on their platform of choice.
I hope they do a straight up Demon's Souls II or Dark Souls III after this. Whatever they're working on looks amazing, and I'm sure I'll love it, but I want one more dark medieval RPG from Miyazaki for the new generation. It's a large part of what drew me into Demon's Souls in the first place.

All dat armor.


Why is it so hard to understand?

This is the same partnership they had with Demon Souls.

But dude! They got the "shitty" versions!! They never got the one with Sony's talent involved! So they feel ripped off and demand that this game gets ported to XB1/PC else From can kiss their butt and so can Sony.

They want inFAMOUS/DRIVECLUB/The order and all Sony's 1st party games to be on Xbone and PC as well. Its not fair I tell you!!! Screw exclus1v3s!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!

Edit: just saw the mod notice, not gonna derail the thread anymore if I did, sorry.


I hope they do a straight up Demon's Souls II or Dark Souls III after this. Whatever they're working on looks amazing, and I'm sure I'll love it, but I want one more dark medieval RPG from Miyazaki for the new generation. It's a large part of what drew me into Demon's Souls in the first place.

All dat armor.
That seems very unlikely, because by the time this ships, DS2's team will be well into their next game, presumably DS3, so the DS1 team will be Beast Souls 2 presumably.
Well considering the character is wielding a shotgun, I'd say you have nothing to worry about concerning treading old grounds.
King's Field > Demon's Souls/Dark Souls > this game
This won't be just another Souls sequel, it will be something unique.

Demon's Souls was an iteration of their work on the King's Field series. They've been making these games for twenty years now. There's nothing 'hot right now' about why they make these games.

let's be perfectly clear that King's Field (or Shadow Tower) has never been "hot with the kids right now", at least not to levels that the Souls games have been.

secondly, pointing out how much Demon's (and by association, Dark) owes to their older releases only supports my view, i think. i understand that From would be making 'Project Beast' regardless of their sales figures on Demon's and Dark 1/2 (unless they were so bad as to financially threaten their existence), but...i just want to see something else from this company. something that isn't mechs or bone dragons living inside the dank armpit of the world. i'd take a Ninja Blade or Otogi sequel at this point.

Hold onto you Pony. All we really have is a blurry view of FS art style and confirmation it's a 3rd person FS crawler.

FS innovated a shit ton between DeS and DkS. Nothing revealed says they won't innovate a ton, while still being spiritual successors. All we know is they're not changing their art direction to happy go luck rave colors oh. We literaly no nothing about this game yet, except it exists.
like i said i know i'm over-reacting, but something about this announcement just has me all riled up. however you can't tell me that from the few screens we have, that this doesn't look like it's going to continue the same style of mechanics we've already seen in the Souls series.


My god this thread blew up. Must be a lot of pent up need for a next gen Souls. Can't disagree. I bought Dark Souls 2 and it sits on the shelf cuz it looks like crap. I'm walking through FF14 and thinking how awesome a Souls game would be.


Don't worry everybody. FROM will just make another Souls game called Werewolf Souls or some shit and it'll be multiplatform.
Do these screens scream werewolves to anyone else? I'll flip my shit if we get a wrewolf form.

Another poster (now buried in this thread) linked to unused enemies from the unused 6th Archstone from Demon's Souls.

You guessed it. The enemies are werewolves/beasts. :p

Whether that has any relevance to this or not- who knows? It was a nice pick-up, though, and worth speculation.


I can understand people being upset its not coming out on other systems but it is what it is and without Sony we might not even be here talking about any Souls game period.


Man, you guys talk about platforms and all that uninteresting shit

when the protagonist is holding a shotgun

what does it mean


Junior Member
Ahh, finally now we can real talk. No more pc port begging!

Ermm..... lol I think I saw a shotgun (maybe it's a cane). gun as weapons?


Well considering the character is wielding a shotgun, I'd say you have nothing to worry about concerning treading old grounds.
King's Field > Shadow Tower > Demon's Souls/Dark Souls > this game
This won't be just another Souls sequel, it will be something unique.
Fixed that for you. Shadow Tower is where the King's Field concept was transforming into what we know as the Souls series today. The missing link that makes the lineage make sense.
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