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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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A bad quality GIF but the stream isn't really high quality to begin with =/


Graphics looked impressive to me but the quality of the stream makes it difficult to judge definitively. Nowhere near enough gameplay to be able to judge anything on that front at the moment. Looking forward to finding out more about the game but that video doesn't really offer anything of worth.

Should add that even in that video the atmosphere was really impressive.


Looks absolutely amazing. Wish I had a PS4 for this.

Only thing I'm worried a bit about is the aiming. It seems to be far from precise. I know these weapons shouldn't be pinpoint accurate, but poor guy in the gameplay just struggles with the pistol.


Look great, weapon feel great, I want that laser!
Voice acting not at TLOU level but nice, they need to work that sound mixing, vocal sound too "studio".
Uhhh...no. It's the opinion itself that's ridiculous. Not the act of having one.

So because some people don't share the same opinion as you, their opinion (like mine) is ridiculous? #logic

The game is obviously the prettiest out there and I'm still gonna be buying it day one. The sequence they showed still looked boring, get over it
Not bad at all. Really wished it had co op. This game begs to be played with three of my buddies. It's a shame really.

This alone makes it worse than Gears of War. On top of that it looks like gameplay is sacrificed for narrative. The devs are so wedded to the story that gameplay seems to be that thing you do when not watching a cutscene or heavily scripted event.


Seriously calm your tits, everyone got an opinion from a couple of minitus of gameplay.
How can you know its boring ? you havent played the game and almost seen nothing of it ?
I really dont get some people who are so quik to judge.
I have seen all the footage they have released so far. RAD better blow me away at e3 or I am writing this game off.

They have a whole team dedicated to impressing you....Not!
They would better do nothing, man, there is a large world outside of your head...

Watched the streaming : Horrible, horrible quality...
Some tearing problems, I reckon, but hard to judge the visual fidelity with such a lame video. The only negative is the lack of smoothness of the whole rescue segment. Feels a bit awkward...
Hope to see more at E3.
What the Fuck was the design decision was when making that level at Ready at Dawn? The A.I. just come out firing without taking cover. That looked stupid as hell, as well as the NPC just standing by watching the guys picking up the guy fire their weapons. It should have been suppression fire to provide the rescuer an opportunity to pick up the injured guy. DAT WAS STOOOPID!!!!
Yeah, it looks like the game is just going through the motions of your typical third person shooter. I hope the story redeems it because that clip looked really dull.
Don't you want something new from the new IPs? We've had so many studios recycling the GoW template for 8 years now and many of the IPs that come out around launch will be made in franchises. I just don't want graphics to evolve, I want new gameplay ideas in AAA games.

I want the game to be good , something new does not mean that all sudden it going to be good .
This whole idea that a game has try something new is nonsense , I expect a TPS that going to have a twist on certain gameplay elements nothing more .
I don't get people say this looks just like another TPS and are raving for Sunset Overdrive...

Sunset Overdrive looks on par to be as good as most Insomniac Games are. It's just getting attention from the Xbox crowd which is hailing it as the second coming because it's exclusive to their system. If it was a ps4 exclusive, you would of heard the standard "lolz it's just another shooter".
btw the soft body physics are still in. When they are shooting at those guys on the second floor, you can see one of their bodies interacts with the hanging cloth. Very nice dynamic cloth movement
I'm most intruiged by the weaponry so far.

Guns look badass and it looks like they have many types with various different types of specialties.

Loved how he fired normal rounds that then exploded on their own. Not sure what caused that massive explosion, but we need a GIF of it.

Its like RAD has been studying up on Insomniac and Naughty Dog for inspiration.
it was silly to stream it, and i expected it to be a short snippet of the game and that's what i got

I love the setting, the effects and graphics look great. Gameplay wise it looks GoW/Uncharted based but what's been shown looks solid. I don't think the market is oversaturated with TPS like some in this thread think and I look forward to seeing more.
Game looks amazing but they've got to show better gameplay than the "pinned down in a corner shooting gallery" kind of stuff, something more dynamic and open would be better.

He was purposefully aiming the thermite above the enemies' heads and then igniting it so that the fire would rain down on them. He wasn't missing.

Although the stream was so choppy and terrible it's understandable that some missed that.


Not gonna lie, I thought that the cutscene before the "Chapter 3" text appeared was a CG movie.

Whoever says this game doesn't look amazing has visual issues.


It's hard to tell which posts in here generalizing the entire game based on 3~ minutes of footage are being serious and which are just trolling.

People have said the game is boring based on the ~4 seconds of gameplay footage we had before this. Because apparently all cover-based shooters (like Uncharted and TLoU) are boring! thisisneogaf.gif
Notes from this thread:

-omg its a tps. we wanted something thats a tps but isn't a tps.
-screen tearing and low fps are not a result of twitch, instead its RAD's fault.
-gameplay is generic... Because reasons.


I cannot even understand what is going on with the frame rate.

Looks like it just loaded the level and started up before everything was completely ready.

As the player started out things were really, really laggy.

All that tearing was horrible, too :(

Looks beautiful and interesting (and the sound of that one gun.. man!!) but that was a poor thing to try and show. You want to show your game running without issues.


Ugh.... It looks like The Order will squeeze in with Killzone and Infamous as very pretty games with shallow-as-fuck gameplay. Sony's first party needs to get it together.

Gameplay still looks like balls, but the game sure is pretty.

Fuck those colors, should have made it as colorful as uncharted or last of us.

Are these joke posts, how are these thoughts from real people.
Lol, after reading the comments in here my expectations were pretty low especially after the stuff we got earlier but that was pretty awesome... The graphics and environment really stood out to me.

I do get a little but of a ryse vibe (not a bad thing) though, probably thanks to the the amazing graphics combined with the generic way it shows the objective (nothing to do with the gameplay).
lmbo at some reactions.

The gameplay is gorgeous and you saw a literal snippet of the same scene they've always shown, and you guys are acting like you know the entire game.
Nothing in that stream looked boring at all. Everything about is was so satisfying. This is my number one game Im looking forward to. If Uncharted can top that I will be in heaven.


Seriously calm your tits, everyone got an opinion from a couple of minitus of gameplay.
How can you know its boring ? you havent played the game and almost seen nothing of it ?
I really dont get some people who are so quik to judge.
I don't get these responses.

What do you think people are going to do when they're shown something they consider boring? Should they just presume the footage is misleading and not saying anything about it? This is what Sony has chosen to show, and this is the second time they've shown the game, and both times I think it hasn't looked fun at all.

It is certainly the best looking game I've ever seen, and yes, including anything on PC, but that's only part of what someone can take from the stream. They'd just show cutscenes if all they wanted to do was show the graphics.
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