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Metal Gear canon will ruin The Phantom Pain

So this might be a long one, but it's something I feel needs to be said.

The Set Up

Metal Gear seems to be in a major tonal shift with Ground Zeros and The Phantom Pain. From everything we have seen it is taking itself extremely seriously, tackling contemporary issues from indefinite detainment in Gitmo to the torture of US prisoners in the early 2000's with the detainee program. Ground Zeros established this, it was very open about it.

We know the story of Big Boss, or at least where it's going to go. If Kojima keeps the course and limits retcons to a minimum, we will be recruiting child soldiers and using them to flame wars, creating a process of instability and further recruitment to bread into warriors, just to send them back into the slaughter for war profiteering.

Now, this isn't the first time a Metal Gear has tackled complex societal issues, in fact all the games have an over-arching story that dealt with contemporary issues(Peace Walker being absent from this list because I don't know what the fuck that thing was about). Metal Gear Solid was about Nuclear Proliferation. Metal Gear Solid 2 was about the impact of the internet and governments attempt to control it, although at the time the vast majority of people didn't know because the internet we know of today didn't exist in 2001 and Kojima is a time-traveler who forgot us mortals don't have the ability to look six years into the future. MGS3 was about how your enemies of today won't be your enemies of tomorrow, and cultures ability to shape things. MGS4 was about "War changing" with PMC's and global superpowers fighting it out via military proxy and cyber/economic warfare.

That was just a broad summary of the themes, from a story perspective. The thing is from my point of view, and many others, Kojima injects his own meta-narrative in his games, MGS2 and MGS4 being the most apparent. To keep it short at this time, if MGS2 was Kojima wanting to send the message of passing on a legacy, and leaving it to the next generation (IE no longer being the head of MGS, leaving it to the next person and accepting what ever comes of it), MGS4 was about his failure of that dream/hope, which is largely reflected in Snake. But we will get to that shortly and the implications that the cannonization of MGS2 had on the story as a whole.

The Mark

Metal Gear Solid 2 is probably one of the best games ever made, but it's the game that damned Metal Gear to canonical hell. It's themes with information control coupled with his extreme meta-narrative were so tightly interwoven to the games story line, that it was hard for the vast majority of people to really get the story when it first came out. The Colonel's final speech went over everyone's head because it was 2001 and nobody at the time had any idea of the future of the internet and how powerful it was going to be. The ending was just the game going crazy, and people took everything at face value that these events actually took place.

If we actually look over the game and break it down it's very difficult to believe that these events actually transpired. At the very best the player is dealing with an unreliable narrator who is unable to distinguish reality from VR.

Just a few examples of things that are never explained. How was Rose able to talk to the Colonel during the mission if the Colonel was in part thought up by Raiden? She was at the crash site of Arsenal Gear, she knew about everything. How did she get there? How did Snake get to the Arsenal Gear crash site after swimming after Ray? Why did none of the civilians freak the fuck out after having a giant ship crash into Manhattan, with their former President dead at the feet of the Washington statue? Why do characters in the end of the game manifest themselves out of nowhere, specifically Olga on Arsenal Gear and Snake at the end, where he actually vanishes right in front of Raiden turning into a bird? Why does the platform of the Ray fight perfectly match a VR mission from MGS1?

Snake tells Raiden, "Don't obsess over words so much. Find the meaning behind the words, then decide." This is Kojima talking to the player about the game. He's saying you don't need to take it at face value, that we as players should find the meaning behind the story we just witnessed. The whole ending with Snake is simply a mouthpiece for Kojima to explain to the player what he just went through, to tell them that while the game went bonkers at the end and the player is begging for answers, they won't get the answer and that getting one was never the point.

That's the thing. We are told that this all happened by the game, while we are being thrown things that are completely contrary to that belief. It fits with the message of passing on what you believe. Did this event actually happen? Was this whole thing just VR? Was it a combination of the two? How does Vamp continue to return to life? How did Fortune deflect those rockets? We were never given answers to those things, we were forced to come to our own conclusions and pass down what we believed.This is why this story was never meant to be continued. Not just because Kojima said it would be his last, he set up the story and the ending to be completely inconclusive and impossible to continue. His final nail in the coffin was literally killing the Patriots at the end, telling "Snake" or rather the player that they have been dead for over a hundred years effectively killing off the only possible lead Liquid and Otocon had on the Patriots. That's it, the story is a dead end. It was meant to tell anyone who had a glimmer of hope of there being a sequel to this madness that it wasn't going to happen, there are no more leads and the story ended here.

Until it didn't end there, and the madness continued.

Kojima failed in delivering his message. It was a combination of being too ahead of his time and creating a game was had too much mindfuckery for the average human to comprehend. I think everyone can a attest that they didn't "get it" on their first playthrough back when it originally came out. It took years for people to break everything down and get to the true themes of what Kojima was going for. It was just too much, and people were naturally begging for answers to something they just didn't understand.

But it's worse than that. It's not that people understood that they didn't understand it, they lashed out and shitted on MGS2. They completely rejected the meta-narrative and the reason for Raiden to be the main character. They were duped, we were all duped, but that was integral for the story. The player needed to see Raiden as a pathetic character and look up to the glorious Solid Snake we came to love in MGS. The vast majority of people didn't get it and were pissed. They demanded answers, and answers we got.

If Solid Snake of MGS2 is the hopeful and inspired Kojima of 2000, Solid Snake of MGS4 is the worn out, tired and bitter Kojima of 2005. He's tired of making MGS. Maybe he thought "This time it will be my last!", and just gave the people what they asked (Or threatened). He gave us the answers, oh did he ever. Horrible, mangled, stupid answers to questions he specifically created to never have answers. Canonizing all of MGS2 turned the whole of Metal Gear cannon into a hell hole. No longer could stories just be separate stories, everything now must be connected by everlasting questions and retcons. This is most apparent by making Major Zero into the main villain of the series and completely ruining the whole cast of MGS3 by retconning them into places they shouldn't be. "Hmm, Signet is black, let's make him the DARPA dude from MGS". "Well the doctor lady was a doctor, so lets make her the monster who experimented on Gray Fox". "Ehhh, let's just make Zero the bad guy and head of the Patriots, even though we have no logical reason to do so".

It was the eleventh hour twists that retconed everyone into place to give things meaning that didn't need to have meaning. It forced ridiculous explanations which forced technologies to be created to justify a story that was never meant to be. Even though MGS4 takes place far into the future, it's techno babel is clearly going to leak into The Phantom Pain. It's already leaked into games that take place in the past. Peace Walker featured sentient AI in the year 1975, a time where computers were the size of my room. It featured Mother Base R&D with fantastical like equipment that are clearly far ahead of it's time, all while the rest of the world is in keeping with it's own time period. Now I understand that Metal Gear has always had technology that has been ahead of it's proper time period, and I'm perfectly fine with that. It has it's own version of history, but it no longer holds the suspension of disbelief it once had.

Peace Walker is the epitome of what went wrong with MGS4 and it's ever lasting impact with the games cannon. It's Patriot AI bullshit will forever fester, starting with Peace Walker and having all the bosses be AI, with the final boss literally be a mapping of The Boss who then commits suicide because of things. Cipher is always watching, always in the background forever retconning things into place to explain things with the new revelation that the Patriots were always influencing things.

All theses completely out of place elements and baggage of past stories and canon will culminate with The Phantom Pain.

The Execution

If we compare the fantastical elements of MGS and it's serious nature of it's story, it's really not all that bad. MGS established a universe that was grounded in reality with supernatural elements, but it played it pretty straight. That's why it was fun. It was kinda campy, but was still able to hit some powerful moments and have a real message. MGS2 was meant to take those elements of disbelief and stretch them till they fucking snapped right in half. It took itself completely straight in the face of unreal things that even in it's own cannon would be considered impossible. MGS3 was a return to form with MGS, putting a spin on historical events but with the MGS universe's own twist, and it worked. MGS4 went off the deep-end, with nanomachines controlling and suppressing emotion, turning soldiers into zombie like beings. AI's controlling the whole planet Liquid performing hypnosis on himself to trick said AI. Characters being created out of pure fanservice by combining bosses from past games, the apparent return of Psycho Mantis who forgot his own revelations when he died. It took the things of MGS2 that were meant to be heavily scrutinized and just said "Oh yea, those are real, that happened". From Peace Walker we had AI's who were mapped from the Boss to a female secret agent who posed as an underage teen which hijacked a Metal Gear with a Rail gun (In 1975) in her bikini to the beat of catchy J-Pop. In between all this we fought monsters in side ops, had a date with Paz, took pictures of her, fucked in a box and even had a little action with Miller on the side.

Out of all the Metal Gears to date, Peace Walker was the least serious in tone, which is why Ground Zeros and The Phantom Pain is going to suffer heavily from that.

Spoilers for Ground Zeros

So we take Paz, who was a double agent for Zero, who we screwed on side ops and fought with J-Pop blasting, taken hostage and tortured. Not only that, but it's later revealed that not only was she raped and molested by the evil Skull Face, they forced Chico into raping Paz as well to break him. Now we all know how fucked this is, it's actually surprising it got past the ratings board. The issue is the huge 180 tonal shift from Peace Walker to Ground Zeros, and the characters that we dealt with then in this setting.

It just doesn't work. I will forever know Paz as that J-Pop singing chick who Snake fucked in a box on the beach, who was then raped by a dude named Skull Face and put a bomb up her vagina. Forever we will be reminded that Cipher is watching, that these actions will have something to do with the future games in the series, that everything is connected. The characters we met in Peace Walker, the least serious game in the series are now getting maimed and tortured in the most serious game yet. Kojima wanted me to take Peace Walker serious, and now he wants me to take Ground Zeros and The Phantom Pain just as serious? He wants me to take the story as a serious revenge story, with Big Boss killing and recruiting kids all while a dude named Skull Face hunts him down, with the Illuminati watching and setting things into place?


I always wanted an MGS to be extremely serious in nature, specifically when it came to Big Boss's fall from grace. To have it be almost devoid of it's silly shenanigans and fourth wall breaking things. To be a true, down to earth gritty story of the implications of Child Soldiers and the horrors that Big Boss will commit. But the story is too far gone, they have established to many ridiculous things as cannon to take this universe serious anymore, especially with the themes and acts they will commit in The Phantom Pain. Kojima should have truly finished off Metal Gear when he had the chance, instead of turning it into the current joke it is with it's cannon and over-arching plot. At the very worst Ground Zeros should have been a reboot, at the best it should have simply been a new IP that left the baggage of Metal Gear cannon behind to start new.


It's threads like these that make me want to get into the Metal Gear series. But I don't like stealth gameplay :S


Kojima tells dumb stories that he thinks are smart. It's best to just accept it and enjoy the series for what it is.

And this is why I'm glad that I don't know and don't care for all the twists and turns of the series. The in-the-moment reality of the game is epic, fourth-wall breaking nonsense and I love it.


I get what you're saying, but I found myself easily getting involved with Phantom Pain and embracing the darker elements despite the fact Peace Walker had such a lighter tone.

So I don't think it'll be such a big deal, for some there may be a transitional period but in time I think we'll all just get used to the more serious tone and roll with it.

And hey, at least it'll be entertaining, especially since Phantom Pain seems to bee going the more emotional, focused storyline route of MGS1 + 2 rather than the existential, meta commentary of 3 and 4.
It's threads like these that make me want to get into the Metal Gear series. But I don't like stealth gameplay :S

Playing this series only for the story is a mistake.

The stealth gameplay is fantastic (in the ones I've played), so you might warm up to it. Otherwise, run


I would think Metal Gear's nuclear bomb has more potential to destroy them its puny cannon.

When has canon ever got in the way of Kojimas retcons.


Great post, and I agree wholeheartedly. Some might argue that the wacky stuff is a part of Metal Gear's fabric--and I wouldn't entirely disagree--but as you pointed out, the series is growing up, the fans who have grown up with it are older now, and it's incredibly problematic that the wacky baggage that comes with the franchise will ultimately get in the way of Kojima telling a serious story.

I guess it's a lot like trying to raise a family, hold a real job, and live a grown-up life, but having thousands of pictures of you being a stupid teenager on Facebook, haunting you everywhere you go.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I'll just buy it for the gameplay. I really don't have that much confidence in anything other than the cinematography when it comes to the story scenes.


It's threads like these that make me want to get into the Metal Gear series. But I don't like stealth gameplay :S
I like the gameplay, but don't care for how it feels fragmented in flow and pacing because of cutscenes that trend more toward "holy shit get this guy an editor." :p

The MGS storyline is fascinating in its thematic complexity, on paper -- I remember the amazing essay at the end of the Piggyback guide for MGS4 being a riveting read -- but in practice, the cutscenes can be painfully awkward.

Maybe the storytelling has improved in MGSV?


I think you are trying to look way too much into this stuff.
I feel like a lot of MGS fans just try to hard to make all the game stuff seem meaninfull and with a really clear meaning that transcends the mere mortals like Kojima is tis incredible writer and if you don't understand is because Kojima is way too good and ahead of his time.I mean, nanomachines son.


It's threads like these that make me want to get into the Metal Gear series. But I don't like stealth gameplay :S

Don't worry, they're not really stealth games. They're quirky auteur games with a twisty storyline inspired by real history, lots of easter eggs / metafictional jokes, with an overall stealth espionage theme. You can play stealth yeah, but if you want most of the time you are free to shotgun and melee your way through rooms of enemies and not give a flying fuck about that weird alert countdown at the top of the screen.

Well I only played MGS3 (and a little bit of MGS4) but that's how it felt to me. I enjoyed it in a weird way, though it was a bit long sometimes.

I always wanted an MGS to be extremely serious in nature. To have it be almost devoid of it's silly shenanigans and fourth wall breaking things. To be a true, down to earth gritty story of the implications of Child Soldiers and the horrors that Big Boss will commit

Well so the problem comes from you right ? I mean MGS was never really devoid of diarrhea jokes and cleavage close-ups and weird bosses, or was it at the beginning ?

I mean I feel like your OP is more outlining what you think is a wasted opportunity within the MGS franchise, rather than really about the previous cannon ruining Phantom Pain as a game. From the title I was more expecting a thread about how an open world MGS wouldn't work or something like that.


Maybe the storytelling has improved in MGSV?

Well it sure seems like Kojima found himself an editor or just got more harsh with his edits because there's far fewer cutscenes in Ground Zeroes and the codec is so less intrusive now.

He also said he wanted to have less cutscenes in MGSV and tell the story more through gameplay.

- J - D -

Read the whole post. It was a very insightful one, given that I've stopped trying to follow the series' narrative about 2/3 into MGS4. I've never even played Peace Walker, so perhaps I'm better off. Willful ignorance might go a long way in helping me enjoy Phantom Pain.


Post MGS3 timeline (fuck Peace Walker) story will kill Phantom Pain. I just don't give a shit about those characters.
This is just my humble opinion but you oversimplified Paz way too much as just the chick who had the vagina bomb planted by Skull Face.

On the other hand, your concern does make sense because if you didn't enjoy the characters from PW, then I doubt the game after it would change your mind regarding these characters.


Well the whole reason the Chico Paz thing got past the ratings board was because it was audio only. If it was a cutscene I'm sure they'd have threatened an AO rating.
Kojima wears is influences on his sleeve but does not have a clue how to knit them into a cohesive narrative and ends up muddying his message or overstating it.

Shame, because there's so much potential in the series.


Kojima has always struggled with tonal shifts and excessive information. It's his weakest points when it comes to the storytelling and character writing. It's never consistent.

I agree with many of the things that you say about the prequels, but I'm not so sure that it will hurt The Phantom Pain so much. In the end I think most people will just go with the new changes and make up a new mindset.


The story to Metal Gear is honestly not as clever and well thought out as people give it credit for.
Their's no huge, long narrative that was mapped out long ago, each with their own special theme and Kojima using Snake as a vessel for his state of mind and crap like that. That's just stuff dreamed up by the fans who are trying to make this excuse for a storyline make actual sense, and justify it by saying "not everyone gets Kojima's genius".

It's made up as it goes along. That's why major plot points are retconned every single god damn game just to make the current narrative fit, and it's so messy and twisted and convoluted.
The games are great fun, but don't play Metal Gear expecting a deep and well thought out story. That's a lesson in futility.

Edit: oh my god, remove the goofy shit as well. Jesus Christ. Their's a soldier in an elite squad with chronic diarrhea who shits himself constantly? Wtf is that.

Edited again also.


I feel like a lot of MGS fans just try to hard to make all the game stuff seem meaninfull and with a really clear meaning that transcends the mere mortals like Kojima is tis incredible writer and if you don't understand is because Kojima is way too good and ahead of his time.I mean, nanomachines son.

Yeah I mean, people are free to enjoy things any way they want, and overanalyzing is as good as any, so I respect that.

But I don't really see how one can say that the quirky stuff "gets in the way of Kojima telling a serious story", when he is clearly the one putting it in it. I mean poop jokes guys, poop jokes everywhere, that's gotta be a sign people take the whole thing way more seriously than Kojima himself does :D


The games are great fun, but don't play Metal Gear expecting a deep and well thought out story. That's a lesson in futility.

But the stories in some of them are well thought out and, as many have shown, have degrees of surprising depth to them. Sure, overall the whole saga was never planned out day 1, but the individual plots of each game do have a fair amount of thought put into them.
The story to Metal Gear is honestly not as clever and well thought out as people give it credit for.
Their's no huge, long narrative that was mapped out long ago, each with their own special theme and Kojima using Snake as a vessel for his state of mind and crap like that.

It's made up as it goes along. That's why major plot points are retconned every single god damn game just to make the current narrative fit, and it's so messy and twisted and convoluted.
The games are great fun, but don't play Metal Gear expecting a deep and well thought out story. That's a lesson in futility.

I would agree with this sentiment if it wasn't for the first three games.

He was able to create two sequels, one being a prequel that were able to hold up on their own. Like I said, it was everything passed MGS3 that forced everything to be connected with the Patriots and all that garbage, it wasn't like that before.


I think talking Kojima up to be some kind of elevated being is ridiculous as hell, despite mostly agreeing with what you said about MGS2 and MGS4.

I don't think Phantom Pain is going to be a "culmination" of all the tonal shifts the series has underwent, though. I'd actually say it's better off than MGS4 ever could have been.

The problem lies with making a game set after the events of MGS2. It's easy to create a self-contained plot when you can ignore half the games in the series - that's precisely why MGS3's story is so good.


Junior Member
I read a bit of your post OP but honestly it was too long :p

I'm not worried about TPP ruining canon (or vice versa). I have fun with all MG games and though I'm really invested in the story, I don't really care about the discrepancies in the story to be honest. I still have a ton of fun with the craziness.


I don't think Kojima will care that much. He will make the game with the tone that he wants it to have and when it connects with the rest of the series, well that's great, but when it doesn't, oh well.


I don't care about the canon. The issue is the hamfisted-as-hell tonal shift. Kojima isn't Kat Bigelow, but he seems to think he is and I'm worried that's going to make MGSV incredibly gross and detestable.

That's what GZ has set up.


But the stories in some of them are well thought out and, as many have shown, have degrees of surprising depth to them. Sure, overall the whole saga was never planned out day 1, but the individual plots of each game do have a fair amount of thought put into them.

I can get on board with this to an extent I suppose.
The series should definitely have been left at MGS3 though.

I really enjoyed MGS2. The ending did 'happen' and it wasn't a VR or anything like that. Magical storyline weaving Kojima did not want to make us question our existence or anything like that.
Dude, retcons are the rule and not the exception in this series. If the creator doesn't treat the canon as absolute I don't think we should either.



And this is why I'm glad that I don't know and don't care for all the twists and turns of the series. The in-the-moment reality of the game is epic, fourth-wall breaking nonsense and I love it.

Yup, to me it's become part of its charm. I've never taken, nor should anyone ever have taken, Metal Gear Solid's canon into high accord.
I don't care about the canon. The issue is the hamfisted-as-hell tonal shift. Kojima isn't Kat Bigelow, but he seems to think he is and I'm worried that's going to make MGSV incredibly gross and detestable.

That's what GZ has set up.

I'm so glad I'm not alone on this feeling though.


Kojima wears is influences on his sleeve but does not have a clue how to knit them into a cohesive narrative and ends up muddying his message or overstating it.

But maybe he doesn't even care and has fun delivering a muddy or overstated "message".
Just like I enjoy the cheesiness of it.

Maybe it's on purpose. Just like the stupid overdone voice acting of Snake (or was it even Snake I'm not sure anymore) in MGS3.


I can get on board with this to an extent I suppose.
The series should definitely have been left at MGS3 though.

I really enjoyed MGS2. The ending did 'happen' and it wasn't a VR or anything like that. Magical storyline weaving Kojima did not want to make us question our existence or anything like that.

Sure, though it was pretty amazing when the craziness ramps up at the end of that game. It's commentary on digital censorship and how people will retreat into online forums and spout whatever truth that serves them has held true though.

So I guess I should make myself more clear.

It's not the fact that the retcons exist, I'm fine with that. It's that with this new game, we're setting up Big Boss's fall from grace and all the horrible shit that he does. Connecting this new tone that was set in Ground Zeros to the overall story of MGS4 and tone of Peace Walker is my issue, because I feel it's not going to work.

Too much stupid garbage for such a serious part of the story which if done well could be amazing. That's my overall message.

It'll still be impactful. Paz became a bit of a joke at the end of PW but that didn't stop me from feeling sorry for her in GZ and in turn helped in treating her in a more serious light.
So I guess I should make myself more clear.

It's not the fact that the retcons exist, I'm fine with that. It's that with this new game, we're setting up Big Boss's fall from grace and all the horrible shit that he does. Connecting this new tone that was set in Ground Zeros to the overall story of MGS4 and tone of Peace Walker is my issue, because I feel it's not going to work.

Too much stupid garbage for such a serious part of the story which if done well could be amazing. That's my overall message.


If you saw the ridiculousness of the "stealth" cardboard box video earlier this week, you'd know this game isn't going to be completely serious.
Maybe a reboot is needed. Just start over. Hell, they should do it Days of Future Past style, combining the Big Boss and Solid eras in one game. At any rate, the canon is so confusing at this point, I can't say I care too much anymore.
But maybe he doesn't even care and has fun delivering a muddy or overstated "message".
Just like I enjoy the cheesiness of it.

Maybe it's on purpose. Just like the stupid overdone voice acting of Snake (or was it even Snake I'm not sure anymore) in MGS3.

No truly talented chef would shit in their own trifle for fun.


Neo Member
Am I the only one that doesn't care and just wants a new MGS game? It's nothing like COD where I play and go "pfft there'll be another one in 9 months or so". I get the points though and I agree with a lot, if not all of it.

I like this thread so much I can't really think of anything else other than; "I LOVE MGS AND I SHALL PLAY TPP WITH LOVE AND TEARS OF PLOT TWISTS"
I loved reading that post OP. Great stuff. I have kind of a mental compartmentalization when it comes to the MGS series so I truly enjoy all of them for what they are but I completely see where your coming from.

The Paz revelation for me in Phantom really shocked me as well


In my mind, the actual story of the Metal Gear franchise ended with MGS2. Everything that came after is more like crazy fan-fiction, and I don't take it too seriously. That way I can keep enjoying the games' narrative, even if the story gets more stupid with each new installement.

It works for me.
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