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Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume revealed

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She needs quads...at least some muscle and definition in her legs, like a cheerleader. Also needs arms to be more toned. In her current state she looks like a piece of spaghetti dressed up in a costume.


It looks alright. If the lasso has some kind of golden luminosity post production I think that would help. Perhaps some mild brass highlighting on the armor in a few places could have made it feel a bit closer to the source. But it worked when they made Batman's entire suit jet black, so I'm not too critical. If the movie and character are good people will forget all about the coloring differences.
That doesn't discount him being what people are saying....a control freak.

Not a control freak he just likes to analyze every possible outcome. The only time he says to not do something is when people want to rush into things. Like when he told his son to not follow. His son didn't listen and what happened to him? DEAD. JL didn't listen to him and the world was taken over by Ultraman and his buddies.
I don't know shit about wonder woman and the comic books she's in, but I'm not convinced. The pics people have posted of that wrestling lady in the more colorful costume seems soooooo much better.

I just want WW to kick ass. I imagine her more like a glorious, more womanly, sexier and goodguy version of mother Russia in Kickass 2.
Batman is so traumatized by mom and dad heating dirt that he exerts himself to achieve super human strength, spies on all his JL comrades, builds robot to fight them just in case, taps into every cell phone ( movie), creates a global corporation if batmen...and so on.

Hell, dude even has bat repellent just in case he needs to put some bitch ass shark in its place.

Outside of Batman inc. (which he put together because he needed an army to fight Talia and he was right again) he hasn't done any of those things you excuse him of in the new canon.


Outside of Batman inc. (which he put together because he needed an army to fight Talia and he was right again) he hasn't done any of those things you excuse him of in the new canon.

So, spying on Superman and Wonder Woman and building an entire suit meant to make him invisible to Superman doesn't count?


Batman has been interpreted as an authoritarian in some comics (Kingdom Come might be the most extreme example), but overall I think he's been written as one who desires order above all else, but doesn't think that the state is capable of delivering it. So without placing an emphasis on the state and ideals like corporatism he isn't a fascist, and I'm not sure if having elaborate contingency plans really qualifies him as a control freak.

But that's comics for you. Characters can transform and be presented in different ways month to month.
To exert control over what he can. That's right. His extreme discipline to enhance his skills is to control as much as possible to minimize the loss he went through. It takes control.

but there is a big difference between him and and a true control freak like Lex. Batman will listen to reason and think about the suggestions. A true control freak can't be reasoned with.

Shit DC just showed him doing that in the last two issues of Zero Year when he took Fox's advice.

Batman has been interpreted as an authoritarian in some comics (Kingdom Come might be the most extreme example), but overall I think he's been written as one who desires order above all else, but doesn't think that the state is capable of delivering it. So without placing an emphasis on the state and ideals like corporatism he isn't a fascist, and I'm not sure if having elaborate contingency plans really qualifies him as a control freak.

But that's comics for you. Characters can transform and be presented in different ways month to month.


Lex is a true control freak.


The Lasso:


No colours aloud.


There's a pretty clear filter on the photo, you guys. Brightening the image reveals it does actually have the traditional colors.

I'm curious how it'll look in the actual movie.


but there is a big difference between him and and a true control freak like Lex. Batman will listen to reason and think about the suggestions. A true control freak can't be reasoned with.

Shit DC just showed him doing that in the last two issues of Zero Year when he took Fox's advice.


Lex is a true control freak.

This becomes more apparent when comparing him Bruce Wayne the public persona to Lex Luthor. Bruce Wayne exerts control over Wayne Corp to prevent it from becoming an amoral entity (as most corporations tend to be), and leverages it for good. Luthor, on the other hand, uses his corporation(s) as a force for evil and control.


Not a control freak he just likes to analyze every possible outcome. The only time he says to not do something is when people want to rush into things. Like when he told his son to not follow. His son didn't listen and what happened to him? DEAD. JL didn't listen to him and the world was taken over by Ultraman and his buddies.

No matter the reasoning...his actions are those of a control freak.

Control freaks are often perfectionists[3] defending themselves against their own inner vulnerabilities in the belief that if they are not in total control they risk exposing themselves once more to childhood angst.[4] Such persons manipulate and pressure others to change so as to avoid having to change themselves,[5] and use power over others to escape an inner emptiness.[6] When a control freak's pattern is broken, “the Controller is left with a terrible feeling of powerlessness … But feeling their pain and fear brings them back to themselves”.[7] Paradoxically, the ultimate form of control is actually letting go.[8]

Control freaks appear to have some similarities to codependents, in the sense that the latters' fear of abandonment leads to attempts to control those they are dependent on.[9] Recovery for them entails recognising that being a control freak helped paradoxically preserve codependency itself.[10]

In terms of personality-type theory, control freaks are very much the Type A personality, driven by the need to dominate and control.[11] An obsessive need to control others is also associated with antisocial personality disorder.[12]

Is this not Batman?


Yea but a fear of loss or abandonment isn't what drives Batman, it's actual loss, a desire to deliver justice beyong what "the system" allows, and a mistrust of the system itself. He's kind of crazy, but I still disagree that he's at his core an authoritarian or control freak.
The greatest control freaks on Earth, Luthor, Supes and Batman measure their dicks by leveling Gotham (Metropolis is already leveled). Wonder Woman has to come from her island to punch some common sense into their heads.
Meh, I think Jamie Alexander sells it better but she doesn't have an athletic frame/body type either that IMO would've been ideal for Wonder Woman.

Looks damn good. She doesn't look even close to as bad as the "eat a sandwich" crowd would've had you think

And Gina Carano would've been perfect for Wonder Woman if she has no lines. She was dubbed in Haywire for a reason.

Acting ability aside, not as if Gadot has shown to all that good either, I think Carano, despite her look she has a uhhh feminine, "sweet girl" type of voice and less of a commanding one that I think should be expected from Wonder Woman.

Terrible costume, no hints of gold, red and blue color scheme. Also why her chest all covered up? Total downgrade Wonder Woman.

Because her bust size is apparently 32B, not a whole lot they can do there and no Wonderbra for Wonder Woman.
Bruce is pretty much Lex

He's nothing like Lex and you know it.

Taking the law into his own hands isn't authoritarian?

He could just use money to build the police force, run for mayor, etc.

Using his money to control the cops and run the city from the mayor's seat would be authoritative. Batman's entire goal is to clean up Gotham for the people can live in peace and joy without their freedom being taken away from them.
Looks way too skinny to be an Amazonian warrior. Like any villain out there could knock her on her skinny ass with minimum effort.

Not feeling this actress at all.


For what it's worth, Gail Simone likes the costume. So there's a bit of endorsement from someone's whose actually written the character.

The greatest control freaks on Earth, Luthor, Supes and Batman measure their dicks by leveling Gotham (Metropolis is already leveled). Wonder Woman has to come from her island to punch some common sense into their heads.

I can already hear the cries of misandry and feminist agenda. If you listen closely, you can hear an MRA meetup bursts into tears.


Shame, I was somehow hoping Antje Traue would get the part. I only remember "Gal Gadot" (didn't know her name, actually) from one of those Fast and Furious movies. It seems weird to me that they're letting Zack Snyder do all those movies, but I didn't like "Man of Steel" while plenty did, so what do I know.
Looks way too skinny to be an Amazonian warrior. Like any villain out there could knock her on her skinny ass with minimum effort.

Not feeling this actress at all.

She's a god. Artemis was said to have the body size of a young teenager. She was pretty good at holding her own. They're gods their bloodline gives them power not their features.


you're right he's got more hair and he's not obsessed with just one person.

I'm really not seeing how this is being debated. Outside of the bad guy/good guy differences between Lex and Bruce they are relatively the same character outside of minor tweaks.

If I went outside and randomly started asking people to name a popular character in DC who could be described as a "Billionaire who has control issues" Of those that could answer I'd get a 50/50 toss up between them.


Looks good..decent mix on New52 and classic. Not surprised there's no color given that Man of Steel looked the way it did.


I'm really not seeing how this is being debated. Outside of the bad guy/good guy differences between Lex and Bruce they are relatively the same character outside of minor tweaks.

If I went outside and randomly started asking people to name a popular character in DC who could be described as a "Billionaire who has control issues" Of those that could answer I'd get a 50/50 toss up between them.

Thank you


Gail is saying that the artists she knows are loving it too so hopefully it will make its way into comics asap (lol like it wasn't going to)


Eh...funny thing about the heels is that I'm sure they are going to suddenly disappear when the action starts. I remember in the old batman movie when catwoman started doing cartwheels and crap they disappear, then when she starts walking they are there again. Was it the same for catwoman in the dark knight movie? I didn't see it.


Gail is saying that the artists she knows are loving it too so hopefully it will make its way into comics asap (lol like it wasn't going to)

DC has given Wonder Woman more hoplite-esque armor dozens of times. No idea why they've never gone all the way and just made it her permanent costume.


Kind of looks pretty generic to me. Maybe it's just because of the 100% brown coloring. Hope they can give it a little bit of color


There's some sad irony in the fact that Gadot is a model and many of the posts in this thread are nit-picking her body to shreds. I half expect some Photoshops giving her bigger muscles or more curves just to bring her closer to her character's more idealized comic book proportions.

I still think Gadot looks great in that shot. I mean, hey, for all I know she'll look like the worst thing ever when we see her in motion. But for now, based only on that photo, I like her so far.


Eh...funny thing about the heels is that I'm sure they are going to suddenly disappear when the action starts. I remember in the old batman movie when catwoman started doing cartwheels and crap they disappear, then when she starts walking they are there again. Was it the same for catwoman in the dark knight movie? I didn't see it.

This happened in Sucker Punch as well so Snyder isn't against the practice.
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