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Empire Magazine's Greatest 100 games of all time [Reader Voted]


Dude, I started with RACE on the VIC-20 back in '83. I've owned every mainstream (and most niche) systems and played literally thousands of games over the last 30 years. I've seen plenty of milestones come and go, but none felt as 'complete' as TLoU. It made me feel like games had hit their version 1.0, and it was time for the next stage.

What I'm gathering from your post is that you don't actually like video games.


This list alone is worth it just to see all the complaining that has resulted in TLoU coming out on top. The game would only just about make it in my top 20 personally, but it's hard to deny that it's a worthy number 1 choice. It's a joy to play, to look at and to listen to, it's obviously struck a chord with the masses and they love it... so suck it up!


Empire is a shit Famitsu-tier rag so it's pretty easy not to take the GameFAQs poll they held seriously.


This list alone is worth it just to see all the complaining that has resulted in TLoU coming out on top. The game would only just about make it in my top 20 personally, but it's hard to deny that it's a worthy number 1 choice. It's a joy to play, to look at and to listen to, it's obviously struck a chord with the masses and they love it... so suck it up!


I mean, this is a gaming forum, people are going to react and discuss its place in the industry. This thread obviously struck a cord with people that don't think its the greatest game of all time.


Readers voted for the games on the list, not the editors.

And you didn't argue your points well, you're listing game features without any elaboration.

Well then that is indeed better, readers knows their shit.

And I named what makes the game the best, what should I do? explain why I think that?

Lol, for that one should play it to understand it.


What I'm gathering from your post is that you don't actually like video games.
I can't be held responsible for your utter lack of comprehension I'm afraid. I can't even begin to fathom where you've got that from.

I mean, this is a gaming forum, people are going to react and discuss its place in the industry. This thread obviously struck a cord with people that don't think its the greatest game of all time.
This is a forum that voted the game GoTY last year, will probably do so again this year, and will probably also vote it Game of the Generation.


Can someone explain to me why TLOU is IMPORTANT? I love it but it doesn't really have any innovation in game design or storytelling. The story is just really good.

Explain to me why innovation is a necessary component of importance? Some of the best movies are just really good at what they do and you don't have to invent new words to write a great book. For me, TLoU was an experience that felt more real than any other before it. Despite the sense of impending doom the game world presented, I still grew attached to the characters in it, to the point that I could often times experience sadness and laughter in relatively quick succession. That all this manged to occur in between and during some of the most intense encounters (especially on Grounded) I've ever had in a game says something about its importance and I can imagine how anyone having a similar experience would feel the same way.

What I'm gathering from your post is that you don't actually like video games.

What I'm gathering from this is that you enjoy being condescending even though you lack the ability or will to put together a counter argument.
Dude, I started with RACE on the VIC-20 back in '83. I've owned every mainstream (and most niche) systems and played literally thousands of games over the last 30 years. I've seen plenty of milestones come and go, but none felt as 'complete' as TLoU. It made me feel like games had hit their version 1.0, and it was time for the next stage.

Just checking you never know.

The way I see TLOU is an achievement in writing for a story in a game, which I really don't view as a video game specific trait. All the storytelling mechanics and gameplay is just a refinement of what has come before.

Fantastic game though, one of the greatest of all time.


The list is heavily slanted towards recent releases, which is what always happens when you let people vote. Not necessarily anything wrong with that, but it should be taken with a grain of salt.


Not a single indie title in the top 100.

No Binding of Isaac, no Super Meat Boy, no Rogue Legacy, no Minecraft, no Torchlight, no Cave Story, no Spelunky, no Hotline Miami, no Limbo...


Seems more like the Greatest 100 Triple A Games of The Last Little While


Dude, I started with RACE on the VIC-20 back in '83. I've owned every mainstream (and most niche) systems and played literally thousands of games over the last 30 years. I've seen plenty of milestones come and go, but none felt as 'complete' as TLoU. It made me feel like games had hit their version 1.0, and it was time for the next stage.

You didn't think the transition from 2D to 3D was 'the next level up'?


Just checking you never know.

The way I see TLOU is an achievement in writing for a story in a game, which I really don't view as a video game specific trait. All the storytelling mechanics and gameplay is just a refinement of what has come before.

Fantastic game though, one of the greatest of all time.

You simply value innovation more than the average gamer.


Well then that is indeed better, readers knows their shit.

And I named what makes the game the best, what should I do? explain why I think that?

Lol, for that one should play it to understand it.

Well, strengthening your own argument through words is usually one of the best methods of diplomacy.


For me the combat and gameplay was the main crux of the game. The narrative, character exposition etc just the glue that held it all together, offered me a breather in pacing solace, gave my actions more meaning, and gave the entire game and all it's scenario's more purpose.
I can appreciate this, but it doesn't change the fact that the cinematic portions clash with the gameplay portions. If this is a terrifying urban apocalypse, you shouldn't be mowing down enemies. There's no reason for Joel or Ellie to put themselves in the way of 20+ enemies. In fact it's actively against the idea of Joel trying to protect Ellie!


So their readers have weird to awful taste.

Has there ever been a top list "of all time" in GAF? I know we have games of the year but I'm not sure about overall.


This is a forum that voted the game GoTY last year, will probably do so again this year, and will probably also vote it Game of the Generation.

I stopped giving significant credence to GOTY on Gaf when learning that MGS4 won GOTY twice, and that Little Big Planet was voted the 2nd best game of 2008.


Not a single indie title in the top 100.

No Binding of Isaac, no Super Meat Boy, no Rogue Legacy, no Minecraft, no Torchlight, no Cave Story, no Spelunky, no Hotline Miami, no Limbo...
You wanna tell me Minecraft had a significant economical and creative impact on the game industry? COME ON!


You didn't think the transition from 2D to 3D was 'the next level up'?
Funnily enough, Virtua Racing and Starfox were the first two games to pop into my head when I said milestones. Definitely important games, but not the full package like TLoU is. That's not their fault in any way though, the tech just wasn't there back then.


So their readers have weird to awful taste.

Has there ever been a top list "of all time" in GAF? I know we have games of the year but I'm not sure about overall.

I'm pretty sure TLOU would win a GAF GOAT popularity poll handily, if it hasn't already.


Not a determining factor, but certainly an important and possibly even major factor. Empire simply stated that Last of Us's story is what really set it apart, but that doesn't mean it's gameplay was anything less than stellar either.

You are implying that The Last of Us doesn't have great gameplay. I disagree. The Last of Us is one of my favorite games not just because it has a good story, but because it has excellent gameplay. I didn't beat it 4 times to watch cutscenes, I played it 4 times because it's fun as hell.

So I think it's fine that you think it's not a good game, but your opinion is no more valid than mine, and I think this poll shows that a lot of people agree with me.

I didn't say anything about the quality of the gameplay; I said that in this particular list TLoU is placed at #1 because of something else. Try comparing how many times gameplay is mentioned by the voters on the page for OoT vs TLoU's.

And for the record I don't think OoT should be at the top either but at least it would be a lot more justified for a list of games.


I can appreciate this, but it doesn't change the fact that the cinematic portions clash with the gameplay portions. If this is a terrifying urban apocalypse, you shouldn't be mowing down enemies. There's no reason for Joel or Ellie to put themselves in the way of 20+ enemies. In fact it's actively against the idea of Joel trying to protect Ellie!

Depending on the difficulty you're playing, you may not be. In Grounded for example where supplies are extremely scarce, the game actually feels closer to how you imagine it would be in the real situation. Instead of taking enemies on, however few, you usually opt for immense nerve racking patience and stealth, to outright avoid direct combat, and to avoid having to use the one or two bullets you've managed to collect in so long.
Explain to me why innovation is a necessary component of importance? Some of the best movies are just really good at what they do and you don't have to invent new words to write a great book. For me, TLoU was an experience that felt more real than any other before it. Despite the sense of impending doom the game world presented, I still grew attached to the characters in it, to the point that I could often times experience sadness and laughter in relatively quick succession. That all this manged to occur in between and during some of the most intense encounters (especially on Grounded) I've ever had in a game says something about its importance and I can imagine how anyone having a similar experience would feel the same way.

I have experienced all those emotions in many games before, games I feel were even better designed than this one.

Anyway to me saying "important" is asking if it evolved the creation of gaming moving forward, is it something that shaped games for years to come. TLOU is greatness I don't see it as important. Super Mario bros. was important, Doom was important, TLOU is just great.

I guess another way to look at importance is if it changed society or left a major cultural impact on the world and there is no way you can argue that TLOU did either of those things.

Maybe your definition of important is different, that is how I view it.


Maturity, bitches.
Time for test:

Edit -> Find: Rhythm Tengoku 0/0
Edit -> Find: Elite Beat Agents 0/0
Edit -> Find: Llamatron 0/0

I was again shed a tear for humanity.


Guys, can we all just agree that more people in the UK everywhere need to play Super Metroid and Metroid Prime? :-(


I came to the conclusion that TLOU was the best game ever made as soon as the credits rolled. Nothing has come even close to it.


Well, strengthening your own argument through words is usually one of the best methods of diplomacy.

Thing is I have lots of work to do right now :(

Maybe some other poster has the time to actually explain in detail why this game is the greatest of all time.



I have experienced all those emotions in many games before, games I feel were even better designed than this one.

Anyway to me saying "important" is asking if it evolved the creation of gaming forward, is it something that shaped games for years to come. TLOU is greatness I don't see it as important. Super Mario bros. was important, Doom was important, TLOU is just great.

I guess another way to look at importance is if it changed society or left a major cultural impact on the world and there is no way you can argue that TLOU did either of those things.

Maybe your definition of important is different, that is how I view it.

"Limited" cultural impact is what the TLOU has at the moment. If the movie gets rolling we will likely see that change. But on the basis of the game alone, there are many more important and influential games. Many more.


I can appreciate this, but it doesn't change the fact that the cinematic portions clash with the gameplay portions. If this is a terrifying urban apocalypse, you shouldn't be mowing down enemies. There's no reason for Joel or Ellie to put themselves in the way of 20+ enemies. In fact it's actively against the idea of Joel trying to protect Ellie!

It doesn't even sound like you played the game. The whole point is to sneak your way past these encounters. And even on lower difficulties, there's never a time in which you're "mowing down enemies" in large numbers, unless you count a couple encounters with infected, that are also explained by the story. Try again with your assertion, I'll be waiting patiently.


Anyway to me saying "important" is asking if it evolved the creation of gaming forward, is it something that shaped games for years to come. TLOU is greatness I don't see it as important. Super Mario bros. was important, Doom was important, TLOU is just great.
I just feel I have a different definition of important.
This is a list of the 100 Greatest Games of All-Time, not the 100 Most Important Games of All-Time.
This is a list of the 100 Greatest Games of All-Time, not the 100 Most Important Games of All-Time.

Right, I was responding to someone who said TLOU is the most important game of all time.

TLOU as greatest game of all time is fine by me, not my choice but a damn good one.


Depending on the difficulty you're playing, you may not be. In Grounded for example where supplies are extremely scarce, the game actually feels closer to how you imagine it would be in the real situation. Instead of taking enemies on, however few, you usually opt for immense nerve racking patience and stealth, to outright avoid direct combat, and to avoid having to use the one or two bullets you've managed to collect in so long.
And this isn't a difficulty most people will ever experience, and it still clashes with the main idea since simply leaving the area would be the most reasonable choice by far. The portions where Joel is helping Ellie because she can't swim are where I see far more direct connections of a person helping someone as a result of caring for them and making sure they are safe. Bringing them into a giant square death yard does not strike me as a reasonable decision - either from a pre-Joel not giving a shit or post-Joel who does care for Ellie. You would still logically choose to not engage unless you have to, to disengage to areas where combat is less likely. But the game's built around its combat, combat is intentional and necessary.

This is just becoming another dumb The Last of Us thread. *sigh* Double-binds everywhere.


It's a good thing those words can't be close in meaning or context or anything!

Well, they would be two different lists.

Right, I was responding to someone who said TLOU is the most important game of all time.

TLOU as greatest game of all time is fine by me, not my choice but a damn good one.
True, true. Got a bit lost on the context, myself. I certainly don't think TLoU is the most important game of all time. It's obviously far too early to make such a declaration.


Honestly, if you list TLOU as the best or most important game, you really owe it to yourself to play more games


TLoU wasn't even the best game last year.

It's a good game, but it's vastly overrated*

*On GAF anyway


I have experienced all those emotions in many games before, games I feel were even better designed than this one.

Anyway to me saying "important" is asking if it evolved the creation of gaming forward, is it something that shaped games for years to come. TLOU is greatness I don't see it as important. Super Mario bros. was important, Doom was important, TLOU is just great.

I guess another way to look at importance is if it changed society or left a major cultural impact on the world and there is no way you can argue that TLOU did either of those things.

Maybe your definition of important is different, that is how I view it.

You're expecting a modern game to have the same effect on pop culture as those that existed at a time when the medium was niche? You're stacking the odds in a way that makes it easier for you to win an argument you've set up in your own favor. I could say that TLoU has won more GOTY awards than DOOM or Super Mario and that would probably be true, but only because the popularity of this hobby has led to there being more publications in existence to give out such accolades. Like yours, it's an unfair comparison, just not as hyperbolic.
And again, the entire notion of what's important is subjective to you. You say many games gave you similar feelings. That's fine, but I never had that. Even as a kid, I thought the story of MGS was overly dramatic, childish trash. It's one of my favorites of all time, but the story, like most others was passable, at best. But that's just my experience and I don't claim that MGS wasn't important just because I didn't share the more popular view. The importance of TLoU is predicated upon the fact that many people seem to have had a similar experience to the one I had in that they felt it was the first time the medium really came together and used traditional and interactive techniques to tell a great story in a way that (for us) had never been done before.


And this isn't a difficulty most people will ever experience, and it still clashes with the main idea since simply leaving the area would be the most reasonable choice by far. The portions where Joel is helping Ellie because she can't swim are where I see far more direct connections of a person helping someone as a result of caring for them and making sure they are safe. Bringing them into a giant square death yard does not strike me as a reasonable decision - either from a pre-Joel not giving a shit or post-Joel who does care for Ellie. You would still logically choose to not engage unless you have to, to disengage to areas where combat is less likely. But the game's built around its combat, combat is intentional and necessary.

This is just becoming another dumb The Last of Us thread. *sigh* Double-binds everywhere.

Wait, why would they just leave? The whole point is that he's trying to get Ellie from A to B, with the knowledge that obstacles and dangers will be met along the way. The point isn't to give up the mission just because they come across some of them, the mission means more than that, and it's not like it's Joel's only rodeo with dangerous situations and tasks. He's been there, done it and lived it already.


I can't be held responsible for your utter lack of comprehension I'm afraid. I can't even begin to fathom where you've got that from.

I'm generally being coy, but I do have to wonder what you actually think of everything that's come before if something like TLOU is considered your "Games V1.0." Your perspective is curious, is all.

I mean, the moment I realized that video games were the pinnacle of entertainment was when I played Super Mario Bros and other contemporary titles for the first time, and everything from that point was just building off that foundation. I was never looking for the "next level" or anything like that, for me video games already reached that point decades ago. TLOU, Uncharted, LoL, NSMBU, Halo, COD4, Ocarina of Time, Doom, Half-Life, Super Metroid, FFVII, Ultima, Baldur's Gate, etc. etc. are all titles or franchises that are beloved by a lot of people, some also hated or otherwise uncared for by other groups of people. They all fall in the same pile for me and I evaluate them as they are. Game design is the great equalizer, and it's why a game like Ocarina of Time or the original Metroid can deservedly be held in as high or ever higher esteem than any of the critically acclaimed titles that come out today. To say nothing of games that fall outside the scope of what we call "video games" like chess or Basketball or Hearts or whatnot. It's also why I can look at a game like TLOU, which is revered for its story, character designs, graphics, sound design etc etc and say with absolute confidence "eh, it's pretty good but x, y, and z are clearly better."
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