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Capcom has just registered 'Dragon's Dogma Online' trademark in Europe [and Japan]


I post this again from the other thread.

What? Dragon's Dogma Online? But i want just Dragon's Dogma 2.
Even though i have to say if they can let the combat untouched for an MMO i would be very interested.

But realistically, this can't probably be a real MMO right? I mean those things need so much development time, i don't think they would be ready to announce this already if this wouldn't be in development since long before DD:DA shipped.

Sooo, i would be really glad for a HD Remake of the first one with everything intact (including Pawns) and an really flashed out Coop Mode. That would be fantastic.

And for those thinking it is Deep Down renamed:

I would be so pissed at this. The combat in Deep Down looked nothing like Dragon's Dogma in the gameplay we saw.
Overall the game looked nothing like Dragon's Dogma other than the fantasy setting. You even play a set (male) character in Deep Down.
No thanks.


lets be real this game would be so much more fun with co-op.

Ummm, no.

I had great fun with single player just fine. Do you need someone to sit with you when you read books?

Maybe a Dark Souls summon thing at a stretch, although I find it changes the balance of things way too much. Boss fights suddenly become a lot less complicated.
Coming in this thread like

I honestly don't see the harm in having co-op in Dragon's Dogma. I even think Pawns and Co-op can live simultaneously in the games ecosystem.

But I guess when people see "online", they think MMO structure. I don't know, I don't think I can assume anything right now.

I'm sure you'll find what you need...

wait did I fuck that up, does he say "I'm sure you'll find aught you need..."?

aught aught aught aught aught aught
I'm sure you'll find what you need...

wait did I fuck that up, does he say "I'm sure you'll find aught you need..."?

Dogma is a great introduction to 12th and 13th century english. I've had a dictionary at my side while playing it before.

"Aught" is an easy one, but words like "weal" and "gainsay" had me referencing.


This game is pretty much perfect for MP. Why so anti social?

Why wouldn't you want to take down a Cyclops with your friends instead of AI?

Because I enjoyed the first game by myself and I want to enjoy the sequel by myself.

I don't mind having it be an option but this sounds like a goddam MMO...and that's not what I want out of the series.
I honestly don't see the harm in having co-op in Dragon's Dogma. I even think Pawns and Co-op can live simultaneously in the games ecosystem.

But I guess when people see "online", they think MMO structure. I don't know, I don't think I can assume anything right now.

aught aught aught aught aught aught

We also think dumbed down F2P shit. I'm going to be really really disappointed if this turns out to be F2P.
Because I enjoyed the first game by myself and I want to enjoy the sequel by myself.

I don't mind having it be an option but this sounds like a goddam MMO...and that's not what I want out of the series.

I wouldn't go that far, at least just yet. They haven't announced what the online feature will entail.


Deep Down rebranded as Dragon's Dogma Online (although i can't like the real world stuff), if succesfull DD2 becomes a thing.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
This news makes me sad. I love the DD.

Sad about gaming and the direction of he industry in general. It seems more companies are going for that MMO/F2P structure that doesn't necessarily make a good game but makes them a steady profit after the initial development and subsequent maintenance.


Cannot be said enough. Fuck. Yes.

Steet fighter 5, Dragon's Dogma Online, and inevitably Resident Evil 7 for current gen? Is Capcom coming back hard? I think so.
This news makes me sad. I love the DD.

Sad about gaming and the direction of he industry in general. It seems more companies are going for that MMO/F2P structure that doesn't necessarily make a good game but makes them a steady profit after the initial development and subsequent maintenance.
Jumping to some mighty fine conclusions there.
I don't mind F2P hooks if the core game isn't negatively affected. As long as it's still reasonably possible to do everything without paying then let other people pay to finish quicker, I don't care. But anyway this is all a lot of speculation over a single word that can mean all kinds of different things.


My imagination is getting out of control with what I want this to be. I know I am over hyping this, but I really can't help myself.
As long as it's nothing like The Elders Scrolls Online compared to Skyrim quality type of thing and I'll be alright with it.

That "online" till feels like a kick in the guts, though.
It's like somebody saved me from drowning in a lake, and as my eyes cleared to see my savior, I see he has a knife and is looking at me menacingly.

Please let it not be true. Please no Online. Just Dragon's Dogma 2.
As long as it's nothing like The Elders Scrolls Online compared to Skyrim quality type of thing and I'll be alright with it.

That "online" till feels like a kick in the guts, though.

Its Capcom. Expect micro transaction DLC mania out the ass.

I hope to god Im wrong as I've been clamoring for a sequel to Dogma since it came out but I'm expecting the absolute worst with the whole "online" component. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it


Hopefully this isn't a rebranding of Deep Down and an actual Dragon Dogma sequel that allows people to co op in your game as pawns.


What if it is the first game, remade (remastered is what I mean, I guess) for current gen with added online options. Possible?


Interesting.... I hope it is real.
I honestly think the online mode would make the game much more enjoyable to play.


After reading through this thread, I think that Deep Down isn't Dragon's Dogma 2, but only the online mp part of it. Deep Down was introduced as a F2P online, procedurally generated multiplayer game, which at the time everyone assumed was Dogma anyway. This Mp portion will be free to download and play (almost like a separate game) and will most likely release well ahead of the main game. I think ;)
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