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Uncharted 4 Gameplay Demo [Up: Sony - Was running at 30 fps]


I wonder if you can stealth through that entire section? Some platforms in the middle seems like it didn't have much hiding space but seems pretty possible overall. (i haven't kept up with the last 30 pages so apologies if already discussed)

The AIs seem good enough to allow that from that video.


I wonder if you can stealth through that entire section? Some platforms in the middle seems like it didn't have much hiding space but seems pretty possible. (i haven't kept up with the last 30 pages so apologies if already discussed)
I'd assume so. It's been possible in other Uncharted sequences and ND looks to be expanding on that.


Game is very early. I was impressed with gameplay and level design. Visual they are obviously not done. In case of what was shown, i think that tweaking the lighting a bit would make already a big difference.
It is early alpha and already looks really good. Wait and see people. Also, the The Order looks bad now? lol
Looks pretty good. It seems to have the same mechanics as TLoU. Which is a good thing BTW. I feel like TLOU had some of the best 3rd person mechanics in a game. Looks pretty good.
I'm just not seeing what's so impressive about The Order.

Here's a direct-feed of the area from today's showing:

Take a normal game, keep pressing blur until all detail is lost, and boom, The Order-look.

1) compression

2) pic is 1500x600, game is 1920x800

3) most likely in motion, given the sequence and the moment it was captured, so camera-based motion blur in effect?

still, this is the proper-sized image and yes it's a jpg so obviously there's compression. i've already seen uncompressed footage of the order and that blood splatter on the camera lens at the top left looks crazy real in motion and uncompressed. it's like you are literally looking through a glass/lens.

sorry, don't wanna derail the thread with the order talk.


I know there is, and I was exaggerating certainly, but the end result isn't very pleasing to me. I don't know which game is a greater technical achievement, I'm not going to pretend I do, but UC4 looks really pretty, and The Order looks like a washy mess.

No StuBurns. I usually agree with you and I agree UC4 so far is way beyond Order in terms of gameplay BUT UC4 looks nowhere close to how good Order looks. Look at this 720p IGN video and tell me UC4 looks at par as it stands. Order looks beyond any game ever made from a visual perspective. It looks CG like no other game.

The best part of this footage is that it gave me Uncharted 2 vibes with the encounter design feeling less like the complete mess that was Uncharted 3's arenas, and things like enemy hit reactions feeling immediate and having a noticeable impact on the cadence of gunplay. There's a bit more low end to the gun audio as well which is great, though I do feel like The Last of Us still has more powerful and satisfying sounds (UC4 could do with a bit more exaggerated echo/reverb to give a sense of space to the environment. It sounds like they're shooting in a hallway). Speaking of TLOU, I like the cues taken from that game like the dynamic cat & mouse gameplay that allows you to shift in and out of stealth reliably, how you can get out of an encounter without totally clearing the area, and the heavier more detailed melee combat. The rope and climbing pick should also be great additions, and the rope takedown --> grab rifle from midair --> reload --> aim + shoot sequence looked incredibly slick. The reloads in general look good, I especially like how Drake does a full check on the pistol after the first stealth takedown.

I'll let everyone else do the graphics talk. I trust ND in that area and I know I'll be satisfied come release. The most important part of this sequel is nailing the design and pacing again. This was only a single area but I'm excited.


I actually feel sorry for some of you. This looks amazing to me. Some of you are so hard to impress. After watching that video i can't wait for this game.
Indeed. What really surprised me was that it was live gameplay running on a PS4 and not on PC with some target graphics. That means it'll only get better from here, whether ND will go for higher framerate or better graphics


I'd assume so. It's been possible in other Uncharted sequences and ND looks to be expanding on that.

They seem to have improved the AIs much more in this one, similar to and a big step up from uc2, looks really good. Good to see that they expanded on stealth.

The best part of this footage is that it gave me Uncharted 2 vibes with the encounter design feeling less like the complete mess that was Uncharted 3's arenas, and things like enemy hit reactions feeling immediate and having a noticeable impact on the cadence of gunplay. There's a bit more low end to the gun audio as well which is great, though I do feel like The Last of Us still has more powerful and satisfying sounds (UC4 could do with a bit more exaggerated echo/reverb to give a sense of space to the environment. It sounds like they're shooting in a hallway). Speaking of TLOU, I like the cues taken from that game like the dynamic cat & mouse gameplay that allows you to shift in and out of stealth reliably, how you can get out of an encounter without totally clearing the area, and the heavier more detailed melee combat. The rope and climbing pick should also be great additions, and the rope takedown --> grab rifle from midair --> reload --> aim + shoot sequence looked incredibly slick. The reloads in general look good, I especially like how Drake does a full check on the pistol after the first stealth takedown.

I'll let everyone else do the graphics talk. I trust ND in that area and I know I'll be satisfied come release. The most important part of this sequel is nailing the design and pacing again. This was only a single area but I'm excited.

Yea, really is giving me the uc2 vibe with the more open and expanded areas, AI designs are similar too, no aimbots or things tracking you behind walls.


The jungle shootout made me think "this level is going to be crazy for multiplayer". Such a good use of vertical design.


The best part of this footage is that it gave me Uncharted 2 vibes with the encounter design feeling less like the complete mess that was Uncharted 3's arenas, and things like enemy hit reactions feeling immediate and having a noticeable impact on the cadence of gunplay. There's a bit more low end to the gun audio as well which is great, though I do feel like The Last of Us still has more powerful and satisfying sounds (UC4 could do with a bit more exaggerated echo/reverb to give a sense of space to the environment. It sounds like they're shooting in a hallway). Speaking of TLOU, I like the cues taken from that game like the dynamic cat & mouse gameplay that allows you to shift in and out of stealth reliably, how you can get out of an encounter without totally clearing the area, and the heavier more detailed melee combat. The rope and climbing pick should also be great additions, and the rope takedown --> grab rifle from midair --> reload --> aim + shoot sequence looked incredibly slick. The reloads in general look good, I especially like how Drake does a full check on the pistol after the first stealth takedown.

I'll let everyone else do the graphics talk. I trust ND in that area and I know I'll be satisfied come release. The most important part of this sequel is nailing the design and pacing again. This was only a single area but I'm excited.

Yup. Gameplay was soo good. One thing regarding the gun sounds I really think ND tones down the gun sounds simply because they are too afraid that the light heartedness Indiana Jones like atmosphere of the game will be ruined if the guns sounds powerful.TLOU gun shots sound brutal. I am not sure it would go well with Uncharted.


If anyone is still interested, here is the full Gamersyde version of the demo with the corrected Full RGB levels - complete with audio this time.

Take 2 - H.264 35 mb/s 3.81 GB


Fake Edit:

I have the whole video done. I had to reupload it due to forgetting the audio the first time.

Thank you.. the ND logo background is now black on my pioneer kuro instead of a grey colour... the whole video looks better.


No StuBurns. I usually agree with you and I agree UC4 so far is way beyond Order in terms of gameplay BUT UC4 looks nowhere close to how good Order looks. Look at this 720p IGN video and tell me UC4 looks at par as it stands. Order looks beyond any game ever made from a visual perspective. It looks CG like no other game.

The outside stuff does look pretty amazing, I hadn't seen it. reminds me of Blur's BioShock Infinite trailer. The kitchen looks like ass though, it's a blurry mess. Need to see more.


Gold Member
I thought the environment upon opening reminded of the same sort of look TR2013 went for. I actually thought the SE environment looked slightly better and had more atmosphere to it.

However, the animations of Drake climbing were absolutely superb. Blew me away. Interesting to see they are using the mechanic of tools for climbing as well (the climbing spike for soft rock). The rappel mechanic also seemed quite interesting. They've certainly added a lot more traversal options into the mix.

The vegetation Drake was hiding in seemed realistic enough. Thick enough to surprise people from, but thin enough that if someone peers over, you will be discovered. Seemed to a be a 'lot' of enemies as well.

The aiming reticule seemed to be a lot more free flowing and not as stuttery so hopefully they've fine tuned that. I also liked the environment pointers and PoI presentation.
The Order's only pushing about 75% of Uncharted 4's resolution due to the black bars, at half the framerate, and is probably a year further along in development, so it stands to reason that it looks better. Naughty Dog might employ wizards, but nobody's that good :p
is it just me who couldn't help but do some digging into the story/plot, or at least the motivation of going to madagascar?

just read up some stuff and frankly i think i already spoiled things for myself.

this is what i hate the most.

oh and that flag picture on his journal was straight up from wikipedia.


The outside stuff does look pretty amazing, I hadn't seen it. reminds me of Blur's BioShock Infinite trailer. The kitchen looks like ass though, it's a blurry mess. Need to see more.

Given that they're using 4xMSAA and the res is 1:1 pixel mapping to 1080p, the bluriness is unfortunately due to whatever post process stuff they've implemented, maybe film grain + CA or something similar
No StuBurns. I usually agree with you and I agree UC4 so far is way beyond Order in terms of gameplay BUT UC4 looks nowhere close to how good Order looks. Look at this 720p IGN video and tell me UC4 looks at par as it stands. Order looks beyond any game ever made from a visual perspective. It looks CG like no other game.


I think you are going the other way though. How does it not look close to that exactly? Sure there is more post-processing going on there and cinematic effects making it look more cinematic. U4 has a more realistic look.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
To those still using VLC...


VLC defaults to 16-235 colour standard on Nvidia (or all?) cards, and can be changed to full 0-255 in the Nvidia control panel for stronger blacks and whites.


Just saw the HD footage in the OP for the first time and wow that looks much better. Gorgeous. Love how it's basically U:DF + TLOU.




Neo Member
To all complaining about the graphics downgrade (for a game still 1 year till release) go and do yourself a favour and watch the Gamersyde video on you ps4 + TV before shouting downgrade.
The opening shot matches the teaser trailer and there's so many other smaller details that might have slipped by most people.


I'm just not seeing what's so impressive about The Order.

Here's a direct-feed of the area from today's showing:


Take a normal game, keep pressing blur until all detail is lost, and boom, The Order-look.

Looks pretty great to me.


Character models/render in 1886 looks just as good if not better than the U4 Drake close-up imo.

The demo felt like it was Uncharted 1 (samey setting to the first few chapters of that game) with nothing new to structure and formula we already got from Uncharted in the past (Drake walk while talking to himself , climb stuff then shoot guys for 5 mins) They don't try to do anything new here at all. I'm not sure why, maybe because this was based on what U3 team original did and the other team don't have the time to undo that or add new ideas because they need to release it in 2015 but yeah.

with no changes this might be another AC Unity situation where critic destroy it because lack of new gameplay or ideas.for me it's just sad see ND taking step backward after all the new stuff they did with TLoU.

Also the graphics were pretty average. with awful water effect and bad animations. it looked like an upscaled PS3 game with no "next gen graphics feel and effect" but I guess ND will improve the graphics before the release.



It looks fantastic and I don't see a downgrade but I understand what bugged me in this demo : the angular rocks. I don't know how madagascar should look like, but the way they are designed here seems...low poly and flat. Which is contrasting with very detailed foliage, water and characters...well it might be just me, but adding some details to rocks would improve the look of that environement in my eyes.

I like what I saw gameplay-wise and I can't wait to play it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Am I the only one who thought it was the strongest Uncharted gameplay reveal of the series yet. Both the U2 and U3 demo was centered around a big setpiece, the falling building and sinking ship. This one was purely to show how much the firefights have evolved, a part of the game that has been critiqued alot in the previous installments. Hopefully they have put as much effort in evolving the puzzles and exploration and I am sure it will be my favourie game of the series by far!

Two thing I realy don't worry about are the writing/ story and graphics. You guys are crazy to think that U4 have problems delivering in either of those.


Naughty Dog: "Hey guys, we just reached the summit of K2!"
Gamers: "You said you were going to climb Everest"
Naughty Dog: "Yea, we'll still aim to climb to the top of Everest next year, but we might not make it because that's super hard. For now though, we just reached the summit of K2, which is pretty awesome right?"
Gamers: "It's not Everest"
Naughty Dog: "Well no, but considering most other console devs have barely reached the peak of Mount Buller, we think K2 is pretty damn impressive"
Gamers: "Also a water canteen clipped into a rock wall"
Naughty Dog:

You know what's funny about your post? K2 is the probably the hardest mountain to summit, compared to Everest which has become a clogged tourist spot for anyone who is willing to pay. :p
Looks pretty great to me.


Character models/render in 1886 looks just as good if not better than the U4 Drake close-up imo.

Impressive gifs

Yeah, I would say it looks close at least. Currently I wouldnt say one looks better than the other. I do think the lighting sometimes makes the Order characters look a bit cartoony, well mainly the main guy for some reason, or washes out some of the detail.
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