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GAF Votes FOTY 2014 Thread: Fail Of The Year


Gamergate got on national television, front pages of news papers, and even the fucking Colbert report.

It's not even a contest.


Gamergate got on national television, front pages of news papers, and even the fucking Colbert report.

It's not even a contest.

I still remember seeing it on the front page of the NY Times. I can't remember the last time video game news made it to A1 on the Times.

It is nice to see the largest video game forum online condemning the movement though.


The vileness of Gamergate, with the increasing trend of released but unfinished games an extremely distant second.


Halo MCC. All it does it take up space. I keep thinking the next patch will be the answer, but nope, just another 1GB of wasted HDD space.
Games "journalism"



Gotta be GamerGate. It was embarassing time to be a gamer imo.

I was surprised I wasnt having to explain what was going on with my hobby to my wife, family and friends more than I did. I just cringed every time I saw it mentioned.

There were/are more constructive ways to express a concern for ethics in game journalism.


Last year was easy to choose thanks to MS. What a trainwreck.

It's either AC:U or MCC. There's really no excuse for either game to perform as horribly as they did.

I'd have to see Destiny's post-launch online numbers before saying it was a Fail. As far as I know, the online does work (unlike MCC). So it's not like the game was unplayable, just that the game was/is a massive disappointment for many.

IMO, GamerGate's affect on the industry is completely overblown. But it's not surprising many of GAF list it as their FOTY. I've kept up with it here & there, and I don't think it's reach goes much outside online communities. The death threats & such are, of course, disgusting. As far as damaging Gaming's perception to the masses? Nah, I don't see it.

Has Ubisoft had articles in the NY times? Had a victim of their deeds on Colbert? GG is much bigger "outside" of gaming than Ubisoft messing up a few games. Most people don't even know what a Ubisoft. Most people outside gaming know very little of the developers and the goings on at them and shit like patches and version differences.


IMO, GamerGate's affect on the industry is completely overblown. But it's not surprising many of GAF list it as their FOTY. I've kept up with it here & there, and I don't think it's reach goes much outside online communities. The death threats & such are, of course, disgusting. As far as damaging Gaming's perception to the masses? Nah, I don't see it.

Yeah, it's nowhere near the catastrophe people try to describe it as ("set us back 10 years!" lol). This becomes extremely clear if you unplug yourself from the internet (or maybe just twitter). Even if you point to this or that brief moment of mainstream reporting, so what? Mainstream reporting is primarily an endless stream of quickly forgotten moments to waste time over and this was just a curious story, one among the thousands that will come to surface in this decade. In reality, it doesn't matter very much to people who play games in general, let alone society in general. On the other hand, it would be very convenient as catalyst of "change", so people may want it to matter more than it does.

All that said, the same could be said for almost all "fails" NeoGAF goes crazy over, so it's a pretty good choice nevertheless.

I'll vote for it; why not? With some brain power and leadership, a "grassroots" movement to counter various aggressive ideologies taking hold could have been a decent way to rally behind your favorite developers and writers (to be fair, it has led to the establishing of some sites I guess). However, fed by the self-importance of Twitter, internet celebrity, and the desire to feel important through fighting a war, it grew into an out of control monster driven only by self-preservation (meaning no self-moderation and constant inconsistencies) which serves only to justify otherwise reaching narratives about videogames and their gamers, culminating in the elevation of their worst opponents (which has been the story from the start for individuals like Sarkeesian). The ultimate crime is that it has deeply polarized any conversation related to it, videogame discussion now looks a little more like American politics, with bitter hacks trying their hands at lazy, cynical comedy and everyone trying to sniff out the next big "conspiracy" or "outrage" to wrestle over. We are now in the age where people get accused of being a "GGer" or "SJW", like one may be accused of being "marxist" or "elitist".

They would have been better off just trying to build something rather than attempt to take down opposing values (as in, not be as reactive as their reactive opponents), although I'm sure they would find they have less in common when they don't feel threatened. That is a failure on their part, a "fail". David Jaffe did a good part taking them to task on their ethics ideals and I on the other hand, as someone who thinks game journalism is not very useful at its best, think they've just made talking about game criticism more difficult (more susceptible to bad ideas).


First thing that came to mind, and stayed in mind, is Ubisoft.
One deceptive fuck up after t'other.
What a fucking shower.


IMO, GamerGate's affect on the industry is completely overblown. But it's not surprising many of GAF list it as their FOTY. I've kept up with it here & there, and I don't think it's reach goes much outside online communities. The death threats & such are, of course, disgusting. As far as damaging Gaming's perception to the masses? Nah, I don't see it.

Are you serious? It was on the front page of several news papers across the western world, on radio shows, on national TV and on the Colbert report.

You are completely and utterly wrong. You're either terribly misinformed or have no idea what you're talking about.


I already voted, but I want to give an honourable mention to GamerGate denying all these broken-arse games FotY. The gaming community managing to fail harder and overshadow that shit is truly an amazing feat.


The term 'gamer' isn't dead because of Leigh Alexander, but because of Gamergate.
It's pretty amazing how many fails are in there when you look. I mean "Leigh Alexander says that many gamers are horrible people, is immediately proven right" wouldn't WIN FotY but it'd surely get a few votes on it's own.
IMO, GamerGate's affect on the industry is completely overblown. But it's not surprising many of GAF list it as their FOTY. I've kept up with it here & there, and I don't think it's reach goes much outside online communities. The death threats & such are, of course, disgusting. As far as damaging Gaming's perception to the masses? Nah, I don't see it.
I doubt the movement has radically changed peoples opinions of 'gamers' on any significant scale.


Are you serious? It was on the front page of several news papers across the western world, on radio shows, on national TV and on the Colbert report.

You are completely and utterly wrong. You're either terribly misinformed or have no idea what you're talking about.

Maybe even with all that, it won't matter nearly as much people think in the end? Which wouldn't be all that surprising given all sorts of incidents that fulfill all what you've said, and to a much, much greater degree (their topics being of much more significance to the everyday man), which ultimately fell into the ether when it came time to put new, more interesting things in their place.

What do you propose will be the lasting effect (namely, damage) of GamerGate on the videogame industry?

EDIT: Also ever think that maybe we on GAF are too close to this kind of story?


I doubt the movement has radically changed peoples opinions of 'gamers' on any significant scale.

Well, it did contribute to more additions to the "TheOnesWeLost" folder, I.e. People choosing not to work in games culture because of the harassment/terrorism.

It also performatively confirmed the articles critical of gamer culture.
Well, it did contribute to more additions to the "TheOnesWeLost" folder, I.e. People choosing not to work in games culture because of the harassment/terrorism.

It also performatively confirmed the articles critical of gamer culture.
That's really unfortunate, but that's not really matching up with the 'setting us back years' commentary in this thread, that's why I think it's terribly overblown.
Halo: The Master Chief Collection gets my vote, representing the classic numbered games in the series that severely tarnishes the legacy Bungie built while at Microsoft and disappointing fans of a pivotal franchise. Just as the Xbox One seems to be making some inroads and even winning November's NPD matchup handily, The Master Chief Collection continues to hang over the Xbox One like a lingering fart, one delivered noisily and profusely. Worse, like a neglectful parent, many gaming journalists were too busy piling onto Ubisoft's overloaded diaper that is Assassin's Creed: Unity to bother mentioning the failure of this highly anticipated and embarrassing bowel movement of a release by Microsoft and 343 Studios.

The continued issues that plague the release are an embarrassment to 343 Studios competence, Microsoft's ability to address the ongoing issues effectively, and gaming journalism in general continuing to stand behind glowing reviews of a deficient product. IIn addition to all of this, it casts serious doubt on 343's ability to provide a quality product in next year's Halo 5: Guardians title. My 2014 Fail Of The Year by a landslide.


So much fail this year, but I'll put my vote towards Unity. Never seen my opinion of a franchise fall so hard in one year.
Gamergate is really nothing to do with games.

Well, given that it drove double digits of well-established devs and writers out of the industry and basically ensured that all mainstream news coverage of gaming this year was in the context of showing off a gang of sociopathic teenage shitheads, I would disagree.

The fail was strong this year. Gamergate for me. It's almost too bad that Ubisoft won't win for their truly garbage output this year but GG was so huge and it broke into mainstream.

I'm okay with giving the year to Ubisoft if we bump GG up to Fail of the Decade.

What do you propose will be the lasting effect (namely, damage) of GamerGate on the videogame industry?

A measurable and statistically significant reduction in how many women enter and stay in the gaming industry, mostly.



Can't vote morally for Ubisoft or MCC as I thoroughly loved the broken games that came out. I would feel bad knocking them considering I would put those in my top GOTY picks.
Far and away, it was Gamergate. There's no game or company out there that has done as much damage to gamers that GG has caused.

But outside of GG, it would have to be Ubisoft.


It has to be gamergate. Games can be fixed or new ones made to redeem devs who disappoint or release broken content. There's no bringing back actual developers and writers who leave the industry from abuse or intimidated from even pursing it.


provides useful feedback
I think almost all of us can see what has, by far, been the biggest setback to videogames perception in the public since... well, ever. Just thinking about anything GamerGate-related now makes my blood boil. Explaining it to a non-gaming friend of mine the other day, she was absolutely appalled that people would react so horribly to women in games. On the other hand, she didn't realise that women actually had such a big part in games in the first place, so I suppose in the wake of the purest, most concentrated, most hostile form of entitled nerdrage, we do get to finally realise some home truths about gaming as a whole. Still, I wish it didn't have to involve such disgusting displays of human nature to get us there.

The runner up, of course, has to be Ubisoft, whose QA department seems to have been lost in the fucking Bermuda Triangle for all the good they've done. But the problems don't end there with the company, considering the absolutely ludicrous, abhorrent amount of microtransations Unity is laden with, AND the asinine Watch_Dogs spreadsheet of collector's editions with some of the worst merchandise thrown in ("Aiden Pearce's iconic cap!") They are more transparent than ever about their greedy, callous treatment of games, on a level that even EA has to be stunned over. Actually, they really are worse than EA: at least EA's Tetris bloody works!

An honorable third place mention goes to the combined efforts of Sega and Big Red Button, for finally gracing the world with this generation's version of Sonic 2006. I'd like to think Sega was the innocent victim in all this, having been lead astray with the promises of ex-Naughty Dog talents cooking their most beloved/lucrative franchise up into a sauteed platter of shit, but then again this is the same company that only the year before allowed Aliens: Colonial Marines out the door, so really they should know better by now.

Caaaaare to elaborate on that one?
Such as...?

The fact that the actual game industry in general is far above raising a stink about who game developers sleep with or what critics point out about portrayals of women in games.

They also pointed out the fact that most "true gamers" are white privileged men ranging from teenagers to college students that can't into Sociology.

You know what? We should do more of this:


The fact that the actual game industry in general is far above raising a stink about who game developers sleep with or what critics point out about portrayals of women in games.

They also pointed out the fact that most "true gamers" are white privileged men ranging from teenagers to college students that can't into Sociology.

You know what? We should do more of this:

Oh I definitely agree it's a good thing that the industry has risen above Gamergate's cesspool of hostility, the post I quoted seemed to state that the situation had revealed "bad" things about the industry. If that wasn't the poster's intention, then that's my mistake.

Given how GamerGate supporters constantly keep trying to sneak those sort of things in nonchalantly, I guess I'm jumping at shadows a little.


Fucking Gamergate.

I wish it hadn't happened for many reasons, and barring the fact that it was a harmful and embarassing shitshow it means that The Master Chief Collection can't win. That game is all kinds of awful and it stills pales in comparison to Gamergate.


#Quinnspiracy / 5 Guys Burgers & Fries / #GamerGate by a fucking mile.

The #NotYourShield campaign, which literally started on 4chan as a shielding campaign, takes a close second but may be argued as being part of my main vote.
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